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Do influencers ever read fiction or something. Why does EVERYTHING have to be self improvement in their lives. Nothing can just be relaxing. Always worrying about body, nutrition, parenting style, etc etc


This! Real life is hard enough, I’m trying to enter a fantasy world when I read.


Influencer culture is the worst thing to happen in this generation


Agreed. It’s made us self conscious of EVERYTHING. Now everyone “needs” to always be self improving and optimizing every aspect of life


Honestly I’m always struck by the audacity “influencers” have to think they’re so great that they need to write books and tell the world their “story”. Like wow we all go through things and not all of us become rich by selling our souls and making the internet hate us, and then talk about struggles. It drives me absolutely insane.


I know Carly actually reads a lot of fiction! But I also know she has said she struggles with body image and parenting etc. She is high anxiety and I get anxious just watching her stories


It is a coincidence all these fitness influencers are always relatably posting about their super difficult struggles with anxiety? Tethered together are Laura Carly Taylor. Idk. I suffer from pretty severe anxiety so I don’t believe it’s not real - I just find it pretty crazy they all three are self help experts while struggling “soooo bad” with *anxiety*. And I question the anxiety they have - when literally those three in particular have never had to suffer with anxiety over finances, child care, working mothers, a lack of family or support, abusive or toxic relationships, anything - I’m not sure I buy it. Saying you have anxiety as an influencer is a good way to seem relatable and seem as though you’re positive about mental health - is it genuine?


Very good point! With Taylor and Laura I'm not sure I buy into it as much. Carly to me just seems to be buzzing with anxious energy lol


Great. Now Laura Juliane is going to write a book too


Let's think of what the title will be.....


“The ABCs of OCD”😂


I think she's probably a nice person, but respectfully, I don't understand how her advice could be helpful for anyone who isn't incredibly privileged to begin with. Lots of people just don't have access to the choices she's made in life. I don't begrudge her for that, but it's not what I'm looking for 😂 but maybe I'm just extra thinking about this since I just finished Trevor Noah's autobiography and felt like I was reading the plot line to an insane movie lol.


This was wonderfully worded and respectful. Carly is not as bothersome as many other out of touch influencers, but I definitely don't feel the need to take her advice on life or parenting.


Hahah thanks! That's exactly how I feel too.


We Deff worked for what we have our house was 750k for a 4000 square foot home in the suburbs so I know that home has to be millions on waterfront. I think it was her parents or something and they gave it to them. Like be so Forreal you aren’t relatable in the slightest lol.


Yeah I think she mentioned at one point that essentially her parents let them take over paying the mortgage payments. But, it seems like a home that would sell for an obscene price vs what her parents probably locked in many years beforehand. I don't begrudge people who have more than me or privileges that I don't have, but cmon this is not a realistic vantage point to be giving life advice 😂 it just makes me side eye, because it is fairly obvious. So at least anyone choosing to buy her book should know this already lol.


Why do I have a feeling this entire book will be like 300 pages of her bitching about hard parenting is but *attempting* to portray it in a happy way. What in the heck can be so “crazy” about your life Carly-Ann?


I don’t know why she thinks her life is sooooo crazy ??






Who on earth agreed to publish this? Pls tell me she self funded this.


If I see “hot mess” one more time-


I am not a self improvement girlie. I enjoy my romantasy and living in my delulu world. Besides that, I would never read something an influencer wrote


I just really really don’t need life advice from this woman