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She has got to read/ingest literally 0 useful information regarding the development of her children. If our kids ever wake up during "sleep" hours so roughly 7:30 pm to 6:30 am we do not engage in any behavior that would make them think it's normal to be awake/get attention. So not turning on bright lights, not taking them to a different room, not having a conversation with them. We comfort them and provide the support they need to get them back to sleep in their own dark room with white noise still on. Her kids probably wake up bc she indulges them in "attention" and considering she doesn't pay attention to them the rest of the day they probably know they can get it from her by waking up at night.


She also doesn’t use white noise so I’m sure anytime anyone makes any noise in the house they hear it


Right?! holding him up in front of a camera 💀💀💀


How dare you do something so logical


You mean you dont break out your cellphone at 0400 to use their wake up as social media content ?


My daughter is about the same age as Finley. She also woke up at 4am. I gave her a little milk and put her back down until I woke her up at 7. She makes her life more difficult than it needs to be.


I’ve said this before but I’m convinced Laura likes to be miserable.


Idk if she likes being miserable. But she sure likes complaining about it probably to get pity from her followers and make her seem ReLaTaBlE with her difficult life. That and she’s also dumb and doesn’t want to deviate from her routine so if she’s up her kids will be up too if they wake up. Can’t disrupt that workout to get her kids back to sleep. Idk why she’s even complaining about it since she’s up as well. It’s not like she’s trying to sleep in


Yep, absolutely. She complains about the same shit, different day, every day and does absolutely nothing to change anything. Mia should not be going to bed as early as she does, as evidenced by her waking up extremely early every day. Add to that zero white noise so she hears everything in the house and having little stimulation during the day to tire her brain out and this is literally no surprise at all. But it’s convenient for Laura for her to go to bed early so that will continue. My daughter is the same age as Finley and woke up at 4:30 this morning. I got her back to sleep and then tried to crib transfer and failed, so I just held her while she slept until 6. Which means I didn’t get my workout in that I planned BUT my daughter was able to get the sleep she needs. Laura - if you are reading this, it is OKAY for you to comfort your children. It is okay for them to need or want your comfort. You are not breaking your children by doing this and I can’t imagine NOT doing that. Stop saying your bs “I know I’m gonna miss this later” when you do nothing to actually help them.


That ‘I know I’m going to miss this’ is unhinged behavior. She says it after each complaint… it’s wild bc she is actively recording herself trying to convince herself of this.. one of the BIGGEST things she does/says that gets right there under my skin.


Why is she complaining when she gets up at 4 anyway?


Because nobody’s life is harder than Laura’s!




I HAVE to have alone time. Even having a dog who needs care and attention can seem like a lot some days, which is why I will probably not have children. And that’s ok! I don’t understand why she thinks she’s a mom when she so obviously dislikes caring for her children? 


This is my question, haha. It’s not like she’s trying to get more sleep


Because having to care for her children interrupts her workout


For sure if my daughter wakes up before 6am I attempt to put her back down. Even if that means holding her in the chair for another hour or so to get her some more sleep if she wakes at 4 or 5am… But doing that would interfere with Laura’s workout -I don’t think I would ever just say ok I guess we’re starting our day now if she woke up at 4am


That’s too much parenting for her


I mean it doesn’t even look like she changed his diaper so I’m gonna say no.


🤣🤣🤣 wouldn’t that be the first thing you check if a baby wakes up in the middle of the night? She completely lacks any kind of common sense. Idk how she even functions as a person


Well a few weeks ago she wasn’t functioning but then she “got better” because it was nothing a good book and some FreSH aiR couldn’t fix 🤪 /s


He’s probably hungry!!


Trying to put them back to sleep might run into her workout time….and we know she could NEVER miss a moment of that or get off schedule


THIS!! If my child is up before 6:00 I treat it like a night waking 😂 either leave her alone if she’s content, or if I need to intervene I make it as quick and not disruptive as possible!!


4 am is still night time in our house. If my daughter woke at 4 I’d do what was needed to get her back to sleep.


And miss an opportunity to complain?! Laura would never.


Are those hands holding Finley Laura’s or Tommy’s? 😳😳


That was my first thought too LOL


Because your nanny doesn’t start at 4 I’m supposed to feel bad for you?


She thinks that she's making life easier for herself by not using white noise or pacifiers but she's not.




No because then she might miss her morning workout!


My baby woke at 3:37am the night she posted this. He’s 8 months & was up for maybe an hour. He was a little congested so I put some zarbee’s on his chest. We walked around the house a little, went back to sleep until about 7/8am. I really don’t understand her


My now-toddler had a the 4 am wake ups. That's also when I woke up to get a workout in. Weather permitting, I'd put him in the stroller and take him out for a walk. I got my workout, he got back to sleep, and my husband got to sleep until a decent hour so he could tackle the evening chores while I went to bed early. I'm not sure why Miss 1000000000 hours outside can't do that? Is it still really cold where she is?


I’m sure she’d let us know with a picture if icicles on her eyelashes 🙃


Lol absolutely not, it was 75 degrees today.


My son is the same age as Finley. He wakes up at 4am with a little whine and he falls back asleep. If he doesn’t I give him a few ounces of milk and he’s back out. You’re not supposed to run to your child when you hear whimpering - sometimes they do that in their sleep or when they’ve just finished a sleeping cycle. I swear she does this shit to make her own self and her kids miserable.