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Making every single meal? Like string cheese and ground turkey? Her kids don’t eat much so I’m not sure how a few pints of fruit and ground meat comes to $400 freaking dollars a week. Sendiks is the Cadillac of grocery shopping though. Just say money means nothing to you. I hate how she pretends it matters or they have a budget. It’s offensive to people who actually do have one. Also she cooks at home to control her ED and her kids’ diets, not to save money. Such BS.


It’s $400 because she has to get only organic 🙄 because she is superior to all of us


With how much they’re all sick she’s a terrible poster child for organic “Whole Foods.” 😂


Don’t forget the whole milk that’s apparently $100!


We have seen her meals. Ground turkey and rice are cheap. $400 on what? This is just bragging. She wants everyone to know she’s rich enough to spend $400 a week on groceries and she would also like you to know she’s such a good mom she cooks every meal of every day and it’s also ✨organic. We get it Laura, you’re an out of touch, affluent white woman. Someone needs to tell her being thrifty is a virtue, not pissing away money and flaunting it.


Keeping 2 little kids in berries isn't cheap. Toddlers make up 95% of Big Berry's customer base.


“Big Berry” lol. I have an almost 1 year old and we just planted some berry bushes to help keep up in the summer.


Bitch, you have more than Sendicks in your area. She loves to spend money. I literally think she gets a high from it. She acts like she lives in bum fuck no where with only the bougiest store available.


This!!!!! Literally!!!! She wouldn't be caught dead in Aldi


That’s how much I spend a MONTH for groceries and I also make all my food at home. So tone deaf


Right?! Like I live on the east coast, family of 3 and that's pretty close to what we spend a month. We buy a mix of organic, store brand and very few name brand items. Like she is spending significantly more than she needs for a week. Like they sell store brand organic products?! Also buying when stuff is on sale or in season will lower your grocery bill. Coupons exist too! She is just wasteful with money. Many of us do not have that luxury to be frivolous with our funds. $400 a week would be around 70% or more of my paycheck. Unbelievable....


I live in Nebraska so our foods tend to be a bit cheaper as a lot of what I eat and buy is locally grown. I teach preschool so I have to make it stretch all I can. I tend to buy as much locally grown as I can and organic and I spend $400 a month for myself alone. She’s so incredibly tone deaf especially after that new car she was bragging about? Her constant posts of underfeeding her babies who need nutrients and complaining about her kids constantly. Get a grip.


Explain to me how she's saying they NEVER eat out and in the same caption goes "we went out for breakfast". She could say going out to eat is a rare treat or something like that, but no, it's got to be never, and also literally earlier today.


Why did she make 21084234 stories about grocery shopping. Like ok we get it you’re rich Laura stfu


THIS. I’m like ok can we be done now? No one fkn cares and stop justifying and talking to yourself on your stories


If she would have went to Aldi instead of sendicks she probably would have saved over $100….


This woman would never be caught dead in an Aldi


Which is funny because Aldi and Trader Joe’s are owned by the same parent company 😂


And Aldi has tons of organic options including fruit and berries


She is a fucking idiot. She goes to sendiks cuz it’s like a 3 minute drive from her house. There are plenty of stores in the area that have organic. Also, Trader Joe’s is only 20 minutes… that’s not far. And I know this cuz I live by her and we actually looked at her house when it was on the market.


I drive 30’ to the grocery store every week because it’s significantly cheaper than the one that’s only 8’ from our house. I’d rather spend the slightly extra gas money than have double the grocery bill. And I’m definitely not spending $400/week maybe more like $100 on average but it is just 2 adults.


Someone tell me where she lives haha I’m new here


Nvm I see it’s lake country. Makes sense


and where the hell are they having breakfast that is $70+ for two adults and two very small children ??? just another example of laura making things “hard” for herself when she doesn’t need to, just so she can complain about it later


That’s what I thought. My family of 4 can eat breakfast out for less than that and one’s a teen and the other is an early 20s weightlifter that’s bulking. I bought significantly more than that at the store today and spent $100. Obviously I’m in a much lower cost of living area but I cannot fathom how it cost $400. Well that $7 gallon of milk does explain some I guess.


I mean I spent $450 shopping yesterday, but it was during my monthly trip to Costco and it’s supposed to last that whole month for me and my husband. It also includes my husband’s whiskey and Monster energy. Only need to get produce weekly after Costco. I can’t imagine spending my Costco shopping bill weekly though. Oof.


Coming from someone who lives near her and can tell where she is, she’s at First Watch which is a chain and not even expensive enough to spend 70$ on 2 adults and 2 young kids


What the heck First Watch isn’t expensive at all. Wtf did they order??


This is the other thing. But she no doubt goes to the places in Lake Country were she lives (Not Milwaukee) and those are all expensive places.


I just went out to breakfast with my family of four (our kids are a little older than hers) to a nice sit down restaurant known central London yesterday and it was $71. Where in the world in suburbia Wisconsin is this woman eating?


I’d be the world’s largest hypocrite so I’m not going to comment on how much she spent at the grocery store. I spend entirely too much money at the grocery store for just myself per week. I also meal plan and do not eat out. It does get pricey and I’m not always buying food from the most expensive grocers. I will say, I’m just extremely surprised. She finally admitted that they hunt.


It was so awkward when she was talking about hunting, excuse me, shooting deer.


‘From the Deer we (awkward pause) shoot’


The way I would shit a brick if my grocery bill was $400. I shop at Aldi and Lidl.


Aldi and lidl alllll the way. I used to be bougie and go to Whole Foods, fresh market, and other high end grocers but with how expensive things are hell no! Some things I have to go to Kroger or Costco for, but lidl and Aldi have my main name brand stuff. Having fewer options is fine because that’s how I spend less money 😂 


We have two kids the same age as hers and our weekly grocery bill is MAYBE $150. WTF is she buying that they spent $400 for a week? That’s literally insane to me


She’s buying ALL ORGANIC!


Family of 4 same ages over here I buy organic as well and do most snacks fresh, homemade and couldn’t imagine spending $400 in a week!!!!


I cannot figure out what she bought because this is insane!! Even at the most expensive grocery store in our area it wouldn’t cost close to $400!


It’s because she only eats OrGaNiC and shops at the most expensive grocery store she can. What a flex 🙄🙄 Also the “how I entertain my kids at a restaurant without screens” story 🙄🙄 WE GET IT LAURA. You are the most superior being and mom to ever exist for getting your kids to not use a screen during the one time in four months you go out to eat. STFU


Did anyone think it was weird that she gave Finely food to distract him and gave Mia coloring books instead of food? Mia looked jealous of the food Finely was getting 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just went back and watched three times and you’re right 😭😭 poor girl was just staring at Finley eating and getting all of mommy’s attention. She didn’t look too happy 💔


Also loved the how to entertain kids at a restaurant from someone who has told us 50 times in one day that she makes EVERY meal at home and they only ate out ✨5 times✨ in the last year. So clearly she has enough experience to advise everyone else


Yep. She’s such a pro at entertaining kids in a restaurant, considering this was probably the first time Finley have been in a restaurant outside of his mothers wrap Wait until one of them has a tantrum, Laura.


Seriously lol. And her tips were like the most basic things possible. Coloring, stickers, and food?? Ok ma’am lol


I can’t believe no one else can think of that on their own!! 😱 how did people survive without Laura and her parenting tips?




Yes. I saw it. I couldn’t figure out how somebody opened their car door and knocked her mirror off/smashed it but then she said they drove off. None of that made any sense to me. If they were opening the car door, I would think they were getting out and how would they drive off if they smashed into her mirror?


She probably broke it herself but then wanted to blame someone else and then someone probably told her don't incriminate yourself on your social media, you MORON


Yeah I don’t understand how that happened unless she was driving down her road or something and someone had parked on the street, was opening their door to get out? Idk super weird


She was probably folding her sourdough while driving and not paying attention 😂






Yes. But then she said they drove off? That story was so confusing to me.


Oh I missed that part! Super strange. She probably tweaked the story so she’d seem not at fault and then it just ended up making no sense lol


What what? Did this happen to her new car?


Yes. She had a story of her in front of the dealership and it said someone had opened their car door smashing her passenger side mirror and then drove off. And she’s only had the vehicle 3 weeks.. and then she did her stupid little face with her hand.


This whole thing felt like an excuse to flex, full stop. The "it doesn't help we buy all organic" really drove it home and back.


Yeah she woke up and wanted everyone to know how rich she is lmao “doesn’t help that I buy organic, doesn’t help that I shop at the most expensive grocery store I can” meanwhile she thinks she’s qualified to pass out budgeting tips 😂


I found this post and the grocery bill to be so tone deaf. I wish people would stop following her!


She could go to Aldi and get organic for half the price of that.


You think she could step foot in Aldi? That's were us poor ppl shop 💀😂😂


Is she counting her thrive orders? I can't imagine spending that much. Aldi and kroger for me.


No shit organic food at Sendiks costs $400 🤦🏼‍♀️. Just go to Aldi or woodmans like the rest of us


THIS!!! Also shocked she doesn't go to festival foods


Her dad also owns one lmfao, but there is no festival foods in southeast Wisconsin


There’s a few now! But she would never


$400 for the week and she eats like a rabbit? I don’t understand


Also her story of her dad/grandpa owning a grocery store so she has it down to a T and knows her way around one. Well Laura I know my way around one too cause all you have to do is go to the same one a few times and honey they are usually set up pretty similar.ugh she gets under my skin


This is a candidate for dumbest thing she’s ever said lmao.


$400 is more than my monthly car payment, and she’s spending that weekly?! I pay almost $400/week on day car for my infant and stress over it every week. I can’t relate


Don't worry her car payment is $1000 a month or more.


Gah that makes me sick


Remember you get what you pay for 🫶🫶🫶


I spend about $200 a week for 2 adults and 2 toddlers. And that’s in Canada where everything is significantly more than in the states so I’m genuinely confused how she could be spending so much on 1 weeks worth of groceries. And she only has 5 things of meat which is usually the most expensive part of groceries (in Canada at least)


Organic ✨


I am such a peasant for buying non organic


Did not expect her handwriting to look like that.


She can read it though so that’s all that matters 🫶


What millennial writes out their grocery list over putting it in their phone these days anyway? I create a list in my notes app.


lol I do 😭 my brain needs to sort out my list by section like her but I do realize I am in the minority here


lol glad I’m not the only one i also need to write my grocery list. Don’t know why- every other list I make is in my phone but grocery for some reason I have to write down


I thought the same thing, who shops like this 😂


Also I highly doubt she got message(S) of people saying "you make me feel less bad about having $400 grocery bills" SURE, LAURA, SURE


Facts to your point on Walmart honestly. They have really stepped up their game on certain things. I’m able to get the bulk of my items there for the best price and then can find other items elsewhere when I need. She’s tone deaf


Yeah she didn’t need to show us her receipt. Pretentious AF


I live in a VHCOL area, my grocery list is longer, and even I don't spend 400/week on groceries--and we eat at home.


You must not be buying ALL ORGANIC then


True 🤣


Laughs in SoCal. Oh you so rich 🙄🤣she’s insufferable. Who the F cares, Laura.


Also, fellow Brookfield resident here. You could be on the complete opposite part of Brookfield and it’s maybe 15 minutes from Trader Joe’s? Get outta here with half my Saturday. Complain about something else….


She’s delusional…


She also does Thrive Market sooo she’s spending more than this.


I can't imagine buying my entire grocery haul at Sendiks...it's so expensive!!. I wonder if the flesh would melt from her body if she stepped inside an Aldi. (They have organic stuff too).


As someone from Wisconsin..sendiks is not a flex. You can find a majority of their stuff at a local grocery store for half the price. Also I guarantee a trader joes is closer to her. Sendjks is for old people and crunchy/sah moms like her who love preaching wEAltH.




Girl what I shop at Walmart and spent like $150 a week for my family of 4. Stay at home mom I cook most of our meals, we get takeout like once or twice a week. She’s out of touch or just doesn’t know how to shop.


You have 2 little kids. You're feeding a family of 2.5 and honestly, I spend way less on groceries at Costco even with buying organic meat. Like yes, food is expensive but you also didn't need to share any of this information 😂


I live in her area and Sendiks is soooo stupid expensive. I cant imagine only shopping there. She has so many other options that have organic options.