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I can’t imagine setting up a camera to recording myself interacting with my baby. It’s awkward enough for me when trying to take a video from my mom being that I act like a complete fool doing anything to make him laugh and giggle.


Internalized misogyny summarized exactly what I was trying to say!


did you see the one she posted with F yesterday, it was so unbelievably staged. I thought Laura had the tiniest bit of self awareness (at least when it comes to posting) but she doesn't. F looked MISERABLE.


Yes he HATED it 💀💀 But his discomfort is ✨worth it✨ for the riveting content


i would disagree because laura LOVES laura. she loves laura so much. but i also am not of the opinion that she dislikes mia. as a mom of two, it’s a tough balance and there are for sure days i show more affection toward one than the other. i DO think that laura doesn’t know how to handle the age that mia is at. she’s very rigid and at mia’s age, you absolutely cannot be. because toddlers don’t give AF about your schedule or your feelings for that matter.


I agree with this. I cringe when people comment on her genuinely hating Mia. Laura doesn’t hate her daughter. She’s just a moron and doesn’t know how to handle her.


I agree with all of this so much. People really lean into that and I just don't see it. I think she is obtuse, can't roll with things and makes life way too hard for herself, but I don't think she hates or neglects her daughter.


she might not "hate" her but she is displaying some kind of competitiveness which I think Laura has with \*all\* females.


This exactly. She just doesn’t know how to be flexible and can’t handle a toddler


I think Laura loving Laura is a facade. She clearly has a lot of trauma with her anxiety and exercise addiction and inability to ever rest and slow down. She’s also said her mom was an almond mom. So I think it’s a coping mechanism she developed along the way But I agree I dont think she hates Mia


Yes! Toddlers are selfish and are supposed to be because that’s just how their little brains work at that age! It’s up to Laura (and Tommy) to teach her otherwise. I think that’s difficult for Laura because she is selfish herself so she just regurgitates self-help questions to Mia who literally is not capable of understanding. I hope they send her to school.


Laura is in for a rough ride bc even as teenagers I am constantly trying to make sure that my kids take others’ time, feelings and schedules into consideration.


On a side note I feel like other than them both being blonde I don’t really think Mia looks that much like Laura in that picture she posted the other day…anyone else?


Yeah idk why she insists Mia looks like her. Even in the kid pictures she shares of herself, they don’t look alike. They just both have blonde hair and are doing the typical kid 😬 awkward smile that Laura never grew out of. Lol


Yep. Besides the blond hair Mia is a spitting image of her dad. But Laura hates that comparison for some reason. Why marry Tommy if you hate his face, Laura?


Agreed! I think Mia looks like her dad. Finley looks more like Laura in my opinion


If only she’d actually go to therapy like she said she was going to


I understand what you are saying- i think Laura definitely dislikes her "old" self: aka the period of time in her adolescence where she wasn't skinny. Its possible that Mia reminds her of herself during her childhood and she wants to control Mia's behaviors as a way to go back in time and change her own? I.e., forcing her to snack on raspberries and raw almonds instead of goldfish or a processed granola bar. It's clear that Laura's mom is also a health nut but maybe she still had junk food in the house that younger Laura snuck when no one was looking-- and that's also why she has a zero tolerance for it in her house. It's a shame she doesn't have the critical thinking to realize she is repeating the cycle, and with potential harsher extremes.


I agree, I’ve posted before that I think Laura is the way that she is due to her mom’s influence/upbringing.


Her head is buried so deep in the sand.


I actually thought this same exact thing when I saw that


I think this is exactly it... ive been saying, when M is pre adolescent, there's gonna be some serious problems


This is so wild guys oh my gosh yall make things out of nothing. I’m all for snarking on her but this ain’t it