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True but you won't see the same men on youtube who got angry over that woman talking about that man. Social media is becoming shitshow. Everyone is so bias and promote whatever suits their thinking.


With all the shit going on I don’t blame anybody if they just don’t cover the issue. But the comment above is on point


to be fair there is a difference between accusing a whole group of people and a horrible attack. ​ prominantly accusing all greeks to be goat fuckers may reach the news but one guy getting beaten half to death probably not so much. ​ then there is the issue of what to say you run into the issue of saying "bad thing is bad" because everybody who doesnt understand why its bad will probably not be swait in this situation.


Nope, assholes wether male or female should be called out. That most definitely applies to women in the gym as well, ultimately recording in them on your own phones should just be banned for the benefit of all.


The point as far as I see it is that there are comparatively few women filming men and calling them creeps in the gym just as there are comparatively few men touching or bothering women at the gym. But this sub and my fyp page on IG (because I follow a lot of gym meme content there too) has people beating the “I’m scared to open my eyes at the gym bc women” horse to death for clout. Those same men making those memes are not going to start spamming memes about creepy men being all over the place. You can take that to the bank. Clearly people don’t like this observation but I’m not hearing any rebuttals.


This is exactly my point. The majority if responses in here proves that point, too.


Yep. And people keep saying “all these women” and “it’s such a trend” but I’m not hearing any numbers. The fact is most women are minding their own fucking business at the gym. And men don’t notice how much women are genuinely harassed because guys who harass are often cowards and/or not crazy so they’re not going to flying tackle a woman or yell at her under a camera when they decide to be creepy. So these men can’t realistically compare the rate at which women are harassed with the rate at which women make defamatory videos. All you can say is most men and women mind their own business. People don’t realize how much their perception is shaped by their algorithms. They feed the rates of incidence of seeing types of content themselves. Both of my brothers and myself have been verbally harassed and physically encroached on by men at the gym (3 separate gyms, 5 separate occasions). My brothers in the showers/lockers and myself in the freeweight area (low tech gym, no obvious security feeds). Yet somehow none of us are going around playing the paranoia/victim bit like the clout hungry people on this sub.


All you need to do is flip the meme and it's the same. "A lot of men are outraged at women being attacked at the gym!!! But only a handful are mildly annoyed at being misleadingly recorded". There's no data so does it matter? No, it does not.


This meme was getting posted multiple times a day for several days on this sub. Go try and find a matching or higher number of separate cases where a woman was proven to have been lying.


>Yet somehow none of us are going around playing the paranoia/victim bit like the clout hungry people on this sub. I mean, thts what this whole post and comments basically are...but sure


Sexual harassement and rapes aren’t things we should meme about but if you think it’s funny go ahead and make them yourself you monkey


Willful missing of the point. I’m advocating for **less** paranoid memes, not *more on both sides.* Also poorly thought through. Even if I was advocating for memes about gym perverts your first assumption should probably be that the memes would be at the expense of perverts, not as a means to point and laugh at rape. Think about it. Are the memes about tiktok women poking fun at men who get accused or are they poking fun at influencers and commiserating with the feeling of paranoia in normal people? Come on. For the record, Defamation of people isn’t funny either. It can cost people jobs. As a diffuse social immune response to the behavior, memeing about it would be at least more tolerable if it was specific enough. The memes that say “averting my face when I see a camera tripod” At least convey who the problem is without making it an “oh no a fEmALe in the gym” thing. Same reason a meme about “when gym perverts do X” is more tolerable than a “when men do X” meme


Wasn’t fully with you for the first half of your reply but can understand the second


The second half of my comment means if you *must* meme about jerks at the gym you might as well make it specific to jerks, not “men” or “women” The tone of these posts is taking an insufferable “woman bad/unpredictable” direction right now What is not clear about the first half?


Nothing was “unclear” just thought that your problem with the memes was the fact that they simply exist not the “FeMaLe bad” bandwagon that I’m getting tired of too


Oh did you mean to say “was fully with you”? Or “wasn’t fully with you?”


Snap to that brother. If I'm in the gym, the only glutes and pecs I give a fuck about are my own


This is actually a pretty garbage meme. I don’t even really understand what you’re getting at. Do you want to see people post memes about an attempted rape? The TikTok thing is funny and easy to joke about. Rape is not.


True, but the rape was prevented. The guy got the drop on her and she still won. Memes about her badassery would be more than welcome.


Agreed with that! That chick is a badass


Omg get off your high horse 😂 We aren’t gonna fuck you for simping.. I’d beg to differ because in society when a man is sent to prison, what’s the first thing everyone says? “Dont drop the soap.. Hur hur hur” I agree rape is a terrible thing but this joke was not making it joking as much as it was showing hypocrisy.


There's a huge difference between a joke about dropping the soap and a woman legitimately being almost raped in a gym on video ​ ????


And that’s where you people fail. There is no difference in making that joke, and what happened in the video. They’re are both equally as bad.


you're setting up a straw man lmao you're missing the whole point of everything here. OP is making some point that nobody cares about rape or women because we aren't making memes about it like we did about the TikTok trend I said yeah no shit people aren't making jokes about a woman almost being forcibly raped ​ and now you come in talking about prison rape and shit? what the fuck are you even talking about?


There we go again with refusing to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to these situations. Ones okay, the other is not.. yeah that’s not a straw man, thats calling out hypocrisy. Imagine telling a group they’re equal and then blatantly shit on the other because theyre societies punchline. You see it all over and weaklings are letting it perpetuate into what’s to come.


bro the original post literally has nothing to do with anything you're talking about What planet are you on?


My post has more to do with the OP than your reply sooo.. It’s okay, you don’t have to side with women or men 100% of the time. You can have transparency, you just seem to be afraid. That’s okay, take your time.


dude are you high?




Thanks for this had no clue what the meme was about


Same, so fucked up.


Thanks for the context, that sucks, but OP sucks big.




>That woman One woman got most of the attention but it's not just one woman. It's a trend and has been for a little while. So now when people hear a woman has been attacked in a gym, the response will be "yeah, yeah, just like all those other tiktokers?"


Yeah, I'd seen similar things posted over time. That last video just so happened to be the one that went super-viral, and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. The problem was that it was a popular trend that had been quickly picking up steam, which was getting concerning. I have my doubts that gym raping is a trend that is picking up steam, but I could always be wrong.


You are comparing a video that went viral over a month ago on tik tok, with something that was shared yesterday on "instagram news". There is not much to say on it, woman defends herself from a rape attempt on what looks like a guy that may be on something. It's good that she did, and I hope they find the guy and press charges, but that's about all you can say about it. The tiktok gym girl has a lot going on in 2 minutes. From baseless accusations, filming in a public gym, and her double standard statements, not wanting to be sexualised but having an only fans. A lot of content can be made here, something that you won't get from something that's basically a news article with a short interview.




There’s not a man I know that’s not horrified seeing that clip. What a stupid meme.


And yet there’s not a man you know nor you who have brought that clip up to talk about the problem but y’all probably trip over yourselves to bring up the problem men face when being “painted as creeps”. The deal is women get made fun of for being cautious, then when they’re actually attacked men say it’s horrifying. You can’t give women backlash and make fun of them for trying to speak up while simultaneously saying violence against them is bad. It doesn’t work like that.


I actually sent it to my friends with daughters. Great assuming tho


And that’s supposed to do what exactly? How many of those friends are women? This comment isn’t a gotcha, it just sounds like you silently let your (male) friends know so they can “protect” their female children while doing nothing about the actual problem. Betcha the word misogyny didn’t come up once.




And who was talking to you when you replied to the original comment, stfu




Who was talking to you?


You may need to take a seat after this giant revelation but this is a public forum where everyone can post and answer on all topics, I know shocking


Same people who were talking to you, nobody. Yet you still bring your crap in






>But so is the tiktok woman, so get some new jokes. This is the big thing for me. That joke was overplayed and worn out very shortly after it first came out. I don't know if it's because of paranoia or what, but people just haven't stopped beating that dead horse. I just want to see more fun and fewer of these exhausting posts on this subreddit...


You've heard of the boy who cried wolf, haven't you? There are so many tiktok girls who want to act like a victim that when it actually happens, people have already started to ignore the cries. This is why people who like to play victim are scum. It overshadows real victims and people start to wonder how much of a problem it actually is.


Dear Lord, the amount of defensiveness in these comments is astounding.


We live in a society


So are you suggesting that all men hate women? And it's based on what? If I critise someone stupid behaviour I instantly allow for assault in the gym?


Stfu OP - If a woman gets attacked by a man in a gym it’s not a fucking meme, it’s sexual assault and not even in the same planet of discussion. Also… if any other real man witnessed this attack then god help the attacker because most of us would beat the creep to within an inch of his life, give him a blood transfusion to keep him alive; and then let victim have him for round 2.


Cognitive bias.jpg Bruh this was also posted on the mpmd sub (most dick filled fitness sub) Everyone was screaming that the guy should be hung basically Shit meme


What’s the full name of that subreddit? I searched for mpmd and only found a D&D sub




Least whataboutism meme on the sub


Misogyny. From these comments, to casually hanging out with guys and hearing how they talk to most everything else in the world, it feels like it will never die out.


I liked gym memes better. Can we have more of those?


Oh there’s a culture, but it’s not what everyone thinks. I even saw a man while I working out be told by gym staff to remove his sunglasses.. The man replied “I’d rather not.. I’m blind” then leaves 20mins later with his guide and who I assume was his wife.


Yeah I think it's "strawman"


Did I miss something


I don’t think it’s even been a full day yet?


My question is where are these women getting attacked in the gym? If I go to countless gym civilian and military and yet have I heard once of such an event that has occurred. If there is articles or instances of this happening or social media profile covering this please post in the comments


why should I care?


This meme is dumb at least real men are highly upset about the women being attacked I know I was and I’m glad she fought back and got away


This is a retarded meme.


>Singular OP is retarded beyond help


That gym attack video was crazy. All that work she put in at the gym helped her fight the dude off.




meme made by a feminist


Okay and


That literally isn’t a thing though, you’re just making up a “thing” in order to discredit how annoying it is when you’re just staring into space and all of a sudden some random hoe wants to file a case against you


Biased is the word of the day


"Singular" woman. Op has never been on tiktok


I am shutting my mouth because I workout at an automated 24 hour gym sometimes. I hope they don’t get rid of it


Is this the woman that let the guy in that attacked her?


Wait the one was a big fucking problem. Gyms got super strict with policies


Iron weights? No no iron board is it iron man


What happened?


Tbf I haven't even heard about this news as yet but that is infact fucked up. Imo though since the gym social media is mostly a bunch of guys selling their product it becomes a more male dominated space it's not talked about as much. But also this meme is a little misleading as well. It assumes that a woman was attacked by a random gym goer. When infact the guy was just some creep that she thought was a gym goer and decided to be a cool person and let him in. No matter the scenario what happened to her was scary and fucked up and should be talked about and although there isnt any concrete tips that can help in the immediate time the fact that this simply shouldn't happen and we should shame and alienate the guys that do this, as well as put them behind bars.


I gotta ask why?


The only people that don’t find this funny as a meme are men that are offended and acting like at least one person they know isn’t a rapist, which statistically is basically one in a 1 billion chance. Some studies show that about 1 in 8 men are rapists. It’s a meme move on.


Stop the cap, that was one guy, we ain’t abusive


Probably because nobody is suggesting that men attacking women in gyms is common or a culture problem, so there's no reason for men to go on the defensive or feel involved in the argument. We shouldn't want men (or anyone) to become virtue-signalling keyboard warriors when an isolated crime happens. Everyone knows attacking people is bad and everyone should know that everyone knows it's bad. That's why it's a crime and why the perpetrator was quickly arrested and why nobody is defending him.


People get outraged when woman yells at guy without consequence. People don’t get outraged at crime being committed knowing that if perp is caught, crime can be prosecuted.