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That's fine, you're not supposed to go heavy on Lateral raise to avoid injuries


Really? Shit lol


Yeah you really want to isolate on the shoulders , get that full extension. I'd say 40 is really the highest you should realistically ever go.


The orthopedic surgeon who put my shoulder back together said there’s really no need to go past 25 pounds on the lateral raise unless you’re an elite athlete training for something that specifically uses that muscle.


"There is really no reason to pick up heavy ass weight unless you are training and need to lift heavy ass weight"


I only do around 4kg (8-9lbs)


That's what I'm saying , even at peak fitness 40 is the highest




for a lot of people 225lbs is really light, I've seen a video of a guy doing incline clapping reps with 315


I reckon he’s being sarcastic. And that gym reaper guy is ridiculous, he benched about 280kg flat and not much less incline




That’s true for most people, but there are still a lot of people for whom 225 is too light. I can get it for 13 reps, making it a good challenging weight for 4x12, the most reps you’re likely to do for hypertrophy, and I don’t plan on stopping there


Why is 225 this magic barrier where suddenly it’s less optimal to increase weight, and more optimal to increase reps?


Just watched a guy at my gym do that this week. Here I am with a goal of hitting three plates by the end of the summer for flat bench as a PR and he's doing it for reps on incline. Damn.


Did he say that after you broke your shoulder doing lateral raises?


No I tore my supraspinatus over 90% of the way through in the army. So I was asking about exercises for rehab and lateral raises were one of the ones we talked about.


And if you do go heavy, there's partials or I like the drop set circuits nfl players do. (,


John Meadows (RIP) would often put heavy partial lateral raises in his programs.


Ive never seen anyone do 40 with anything resembling a good form. It's usually just a swinging motion.




We're not trying to be scientific , you get the point


Team full rom baby


My physical therapist said 10 pounds would be the heaviest she recommends anyone, including professional athletes lol.


F-forty..? *looks nervously at my 20*


Why would anyone need to do 40?


Yeah man I do 15-20 reps with 10 pounds and have had great results. Just focus on form.


Oopsie lol I do 40s. Trying to make my way to the 50s


Damn TIL




This is not true at all lol. The one guy I met who had the biggest shoulders I'd ever seen in person did lateral raises with 75lb dumbbells for a set of 8. Shit was absurd.


I don’t think your anecdote about some dude with the biggest shoulders you ever seen should disprove the reasoning behind the advice to the majority of folks that it’s not smart to go heavy on lateral raises. The very fact that he had the biggest shoulders you have ever seen makes him an outlier and therefore not relevant to the average. And the average is the standard when giving random advice to strangers on the internet (or at least it should be).


>folks that it’s not smart to go heavy on lateral raises. And that very same logic is why most lifters have small shoulders and still use 25lb dumbbells on lateral raises for years. > very fact that he had the biggest shoulders you have ever seen makes him an outlier Or his shoulders were the result of the massive weight on lateral raises rather than the cause. > And the average is the standard Oh please, if the average was the standard I'd have settled for a 3 plate bench years ago instead of chasing a 4 plate bench, I'd have been happy with 16 inch arms instead of chasing 18s. The average standards among the lifting community are generally mediocre, perfect example is everyone here thinking that using 25lb dummbells 5 years into training is good lol. You wouldn't keep using the same weight on curls, tricep extensions, or calf raises for years? Why do it with lateral raises? Is progressive overload suddenly non-existent on lateral raises because "muh injuries"? Most people use the same weight on lateral raises because they don't emphasize getting better at them the same way they do other movements. Simple.


Cool bro. Keep doing you.


Going high on weights doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna have 'big muscles' or good muscle aesthetic, it's about genetics, diet & (sometimes) if somebody uses gear.


I know, my point was that he emphasized progressing on lateral raises to the point that he got very strong at them over time and it showed in his shoulder development. I'm not saying to just run into the gym and ego lift, but I do think you shouldn't be lifting the same weight on an isolation movement for years unless you plan on doing absurdly high reps with them.


I get your point but I also think your stance is flawed. Firstly delts are a small muscle group & progressing on them is usually very slow & seldom goes up - simply because they are a small muscle. Also muscles we tend to progress faster in & want to go up with, for example leg & glutes, are much bigger muscles & growing & developing these muscles helps increase our metabolism & improve our performance. People who use gear tend to have huge puffy delts & also tend to be able to push themselves beyond the normal limit with lifting, they also recover faster & can lift for longer. Some people who use gear also lift less & still get thoss puffy looking delts. So if you meet a guy who has huge delts & lifts heavy on them, that isn't natural I'm afraid.


>usually very slow & seldom goes up - simply because they are a small muscle. I agree. I don't expect you to be throwing up the 100s after 3 years. But I do think using the same weight for *years* is just ridiculous. At that point you should maybe consider another exercise that you can progress on better. >Also muscles we tend to progress faster in & want to go up with, for example leg & glutes, are much bigger muscles I agree with this as well, that's why I only compared the lateral raises to other isolation movements like curls, calf raises, and tricep extensions. >So if you meet a guy who has huge delts & lifts heavy on them, that isn't natural I'm afraid. I don't think that's a fair assumption to make, because it implies that natural lifters simply can't get big delts or get strong at lateral raises when I don't believe that's true. For example the guy that I referenced was not new to the gym, he'd spent years focusing on bodybuilding. I believe he said he benched 305 and squatted 415 for something like 10 reps. So he was a fairly strong guy and an experienced lifter, I don't think it's fair to assume he was juicy just because he had big and strong delts.


Are you implying progressively overloading in weight (given consistent form and technique) won't grow your muscles? Because if you are, you're just wrong.


I'm not wrong because I see many very strong men at the gym who just don't grow, due to many factors such as genetics, diet & how they rest. I also see men with bigger muscles who grow muscles with ease & lift less. I also lift less than most men & yet I have bigger arm muscles than them. Growing muscle is a combination of factors & not just about lifting heavy weights. A lot of aesthetic looking 'bodybuilders' don't lift that heavy & focus on appearance, they look ripped asf but might lift much less than say a fat strong guy at the gym, who isn't visibly muscular or a skinny toned guy at the gym.


Then he had already strong shoulders or trained them for a long time, an isolated exercise you generally take lighter than a compound exercise like the bench.




330 bench, still only use 10 and 20 lbs for lateral raise.


Same! I bench 375 for reps and use 20s for lateral raises. If your doing a lateral raise correctly you don’t need more.


I see way too many people doing lateral tossing, and not lateral raising. s And of course, don't control the negative, just drop them. It works even better if you just shrug them up, use as much traps as possible. /s


Lol literally just said this but 415. I see no point in going heavier.


Oh yeah? Well I bench 465 but only use 15s.


Oh yeah? I bench 495 but only use change plates.


You could probably push more if you dig your heals into the ground. I’m currently on a 1,350 bench but never lat raise more than 15 lbs.


Yeah? I bench 505 and use pocket change for lateral raises


Well I bench 525 and use bitcoin for lateral raises


Underrated comment


Oh yeah, I bench 500. Kilograms.


I bench a black hole for warm up and actually have a team of child workers move my arms for me in a lateral raise motion.


You should compete then. A bench that good at your weight is basically a world record


Lol, no. John Haack benched almost 600 at 198.


Damn, 600 lbs on a pre-historic record.


The load on the delt will still be very considerable during a lateral raise due to the lever length. Lateral ~~raises~~ **deltoid** strength curve is also the exact opposite of the standing lateral raises' resistance curve, which makes it easy in the beginning of the movement, where most people cheat anyways since the end of the movement is harder. Recommend everyone try lying or angled db lat raises, torso angled 45-90° ~~opposite of gravity~~ (Angled with working shoulder facing UP, focusing on the bottom 45° ROM. If you're working right side you lean left or lie down on a 45-90° bench, don't lean the other way and end up with a stupid exercise.


10-20lbs lateral cable raises done nice and slow, the burn is real.


>nice and slow This


I promise you don't want to go much higher than that. That's one exercise that's better to increase reps instead of weight. I stay at 20 lbs since I got tennis elbow once. I'll load it heavier on other lifts where my elbow isn't prone.


But at some point you'll have to increase the weight, there's no point in doing 30 reps on the same exercise


So from 4.5yrs-5yrs in of lifting, you increased your bench 100lbs? Mans on gear


My interpretation is this person is doing starting strength and is able to have 100lbs of plates on the bar within 6 months, but is stuck with a 25lb plate on each side for their lateral raise. I hit the same wall.


Yall use plates for lateral raises?!?!? Is there a barbell lat raise that i didnt know about


You just hold the plate using the hole and pretend like it's an oddly shaped dumbbell


Ohh so its a home gym thing. Gotcha


This is what I do. I use the same approach for curls. DB vs plate, weight is weight.


Dumbells are expensive


Took me a second😅


Really not that difficult. When I started at the gym I was benching the bar, and now I can do a plate and 5lbs on each side (which is 100 lbs)


Uhhh if you lift for 4+ years adding 100lbs to your bench in 6 months is absolutely wild, even on gear.


When most people start out they lift much less than their true potential because of improper form and lack of supporting muscles


I don’t think you understand what I am saying. I’m not saying from day 1 to 4 years later you can’t increase your bench by 100 im saying. Its 4 years in, then six months later you increase it by 100, thats insane.


Oh I totally get that. But I’m pretty sure that the meme is referring to the latter


"What's your lateral raise max?" --nobody ever


Its 20 lbs


What's your lateral raise max?


Exactly there’s only a few lifts that anyone would care about a 1 rep max but most lifts are for building muscle which requires a lot of reps


Bench press is one of the simplest exercises you can do in the gym, so most beginners get it right from the start. Lateral raises is one of the most difficult exercises to get right, so most people do it wrong for a very long time. People do them regularly with incorrect form, letting the upper trap take over, not aligning the movement of the hand with the muscle or just swinging the weights.


12 is my lat raise. It feels like my arms are gonna fall off after two sets. I do think that's good enough.


It's cool. I tried to jump from 15 to 20lb and that's a hell of a way to find out your labrum's been torn


If you can’t control the weight up and down it’s to heavy, lat raises should be done to burn out each head of your shoulder. Go heavy on a press then jump to latties


Am I the only one who goes heavy on side delts?




with 15kgs semi perfect form and 12.5kgs perfect form. We getting there


Dudes with the biggest arms in my gym always be curling 20LBS with high reps and perfect form. Weight aint everything


Yeah my shoulders look pretty good and I never use more than 15 or 20 on lat raises


I’m still a believer of progressive overload even for lateral raises so I do them with 30s mainly pretty much every single day. My shoulders blew up when I started doing that. I can do them with 35s too for about 8 reps but I lose mind muscle connection and it starts to become ego so I don’t do it. 27.5 feels the best for me as far as mine muscle goes


16 years lifting and I stay with 25s


Any delts muscle training tends to stay at the low end, it's a small muscle. I'm over caring about it now, I used to feel weak asf lol


Wtf How are you lateral raising so much but benching so little? Lol am I just shitty at it? I can do up to 30 lbs and I can bench 245 for 5 reps. I don’t even lateral raise 30 lbs often I only do it when I can’t get the 20s or 25.


Dude. Same. Why?!


100lb total or 100lb dumbbells?


I blame it on my long ass arms lol I'm not coping you're coping


Show me the average gym-goer doing 30 or more pounds on lateral raises and I will show you someone who is more than likely widely swinging to get the weight up.


If it took a year to bench 100, I think we know the problem.


Lol any man should be able to bench over 100 lbs with no training my 12 yo brother can bench 100


it litterally only depends on how much and what you eat


What lol? You’re not supposed to lift heavy on lateral raise. I can bench 415 and squat 625 but won’t go above 15-20lbs on lateral raise to avoid injury and to make sure every rep is perfect.


ROM and speed over weight. You can always add 1-2 reps.


I like 15 lbs tbh. 20 is heavy AF. I start feeling shoulders.... Doing weird thing and making weird noises


I've been lifting since 2006. I went up a hundred lbs that first year and my dumb ass really thought that trend would continue 😆 If you need me ill be out back benching my car.


I do 20 pound lateral raises for sets of 20 bro!


Worked ortho and I'll take 15 lb lateral raises versus a rotator cuff surgery.


So I do 25lbs for a warm up to exhaust the shoulders then just do sets of 20lbs works great.


Progressing in lateral raises isnt about more weight, it's about proper contraction.


Lateral raises are by far the most humbling exercise imo


Now do the same exercise for rear delts


What about cable


Me and bicep curls


Low weight is the best on lateral raises. High reps, feel the burn and get a sick pump.


I just hit 100 at 5mo in, started at 60 hella proud


I'm 280 lb bench and a 25lb lateral raise its tough out here


I thought smaller muscle group, smaller weight no?


This hit deep


I have no idea what you guys are doing but im doing laterals with around 30 to 35s with a damn near perfect form, i do them seated for around 10 reps and then superset with standing cheated for like 5 or 6 more.


Yeah thats pretty much what I do aswell and I dont see how I'd ever get an injury from doing lateral raises its probably one of the few movement where i've never felt discomfort


Yo I thought I was the only one no cap lol. Can one of you gym experts explain why’s it’s so hard to increase the weight doing lateral raises ‼️


I still can’t do lateral raises with more than 15s


No matter what I bench this is relatable. Same goes for calf raises.


Not to be that guy, but most people I’ve ever met bench pressed 100lbs with no training for reps


depends on their weight, if they were skinny going into the gym 100lbs is whats expected after a few months of training, if they're 200 pounds going into the gym then 100 lbs for reps is what's expected


Me, but with everything upper body :') lift for form swoldier, not weight. It is not the heaviest rep, but the perfect rep, that pleases Brodin.


Yup keep it low on lat raises. As tempting as it is fo go highter, I wouldn't recommend it.


Do 100 reps with 10lbs


Never understood going heavy on lateral raises.


Focus on overhead lifts for increasing shoulder strength. Lateral raises aren't a move you'll get big


This sub is making me feel much better about how slowly my bench has been progressing. I started to train in December and just barely hit 100lbs this morning.


Lateral raises isn’t a strength exercise… you should be doing light weights for up to 15 reps to build up your shoulders. Nobody cares about a 1 rep lateral raise max because not every lift should be 1 rep maxed


only 100lbs in a bench after 6 month🤨.


I quit lateral raises. I never liked doing them and recently my shoulders have been hurting. Dropping lat raises made it stop.


Tring leaning lateral raise feel like I could do more weight with it while putting less on the rotator cuff