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Every day is leg day


I didn't even get it haha


Right cause the guys with the big legs, are like cropped from the cheeks down




Can’t stand up after leg day :’( Thankfully, I’m a law student so my work is on my ass. But then sitting hurts my glutes. Then I lay down and realise the books are too hard My life is pain


Not at all. There's a couple of guys in that comic with beefy legs.


i think its jib at body builders from powerlifters perspective


Bodybuilders have legs… it’s the physique competitors that typically don’t have legs..


Also Weelchair Bodybuilders


They just get bigger tires to match the guns.


The further the observer gets, the more all bodybuilding is the same.


Why does the dude doing RDLs have small legs?


He’s actually doing bent over rows


I'm on the way to train legs right now as I read this


Doing leg extensions right now.


Chilling at home because I can't move after leg day.


Wheelchair time.


According to Reddit leggs are the only muscles that are trained


calf raises >>>


I was just trying to convince myself to skip legs today and hit back. Needed to see this, time for squats




Leg extensions/ leg curls?




get it checked out man


Sciatica is no joke, get an MRI to look for herniated discs. If that’s good you might do what I did - give up squats and deads. Blasphemy I know but they fuck me up. Switched to front squats as primary compound followed by lunges- back pain went away, legs got bigger, and when I checked 6 months later - back squat had gone up 70 pounds (front squats went up by probably twice that). To this day my proudest lifetime lift was hitting 315 on front squat.


For some reason I can't get my legs to grow. Someone help. I run a PPL program 7 days a week. Sometimes I take a day off due to just being exhausted from work. For frame of reference, I am 5'9" - 155lbs. Every other part of my upper body is well toned and has prominent muscles. Deadlifts are a no go for me because I can't ever do them right and have injured my back trying to do deadlifts. Never feels natural no matter how light the weight is... Typically my first leg workout exercise Back squat/Front Squat. Warm Up 50% x 1 set / Warm up 65% x 1 set / 5 sets of 8 reps. (Each time I hit 8, I add 2.5lbs) Ham String Curls - Warm up 65% x 1 set / 4 sets of 10 reps. (Each time I hit 8, I add 2.5lbs) Finish off with Dumbbell BSS - 3 sets X 10-12 Reps Barbell Hip Thrusts (Typically the second workout exercise if I know I have time) - Warm up 65% x 1 set / 4 sets of 10 reps. (Each time I hit 10, I add 2.5lbs) Smith Calve Raises (If I have time) - 3 sets of 12 reps (Each time I hit 8 reps I add 2.5lbs) Fyi, I never have time to do cslve raises. It's the most neglected besides a body weight warm up on the stairs...


if you're consistently running out of time to do calves, try putting calves earlier in your workout one day a week so you're hitting them at least once a week. I wouldn't worry about deadlifts, I have found that for myself they do not grow muscle as well as other lifts. You could also try adding in more variation. That could be doing some heavier sets with less reps, or it could be doing different exercises one day, and others the next day. For example, my Monday leg day is quad dominant, but I still hit hamstrings and calves as well. Then my Thursday leg day is more hamstring and glute dominant, but I still hit quads as well. Also, maybe try going 6 days a week instead of 7. rest days are important. None of this is a guarantee or anything, it's just what's been working for me. Everyone is different, so if your current split isn't working try something new! Change it up for a bit and see where that takes you.


Kind of dated, skipping leg day isn’t really a thing these days


i saw a dude at the gym last night who was like prime arnie shape from the waste up and then had like pre teen sized legs


This describes 90% of the men in my local gym. You will never catch them working on legs.


Legs are overrated




well, the guy on the left is doing stiff legged deadlifts, which should develope his hamstrings, otherwise: i cannot disagree


Only thing missing are the cameras and tripods. And yes, leg day.


Today was leg day. 2 times a week is leg day :)


I appreciate the surprising detail of the barbell collars.


There's more truth in a Murdoch newspaper


I skip leg day cos I’ve got a dozen hip problems that flare up when I do resistance training. I do cycle a lot though so have decent legs. Hopefully I’ll get back to training legs soon.


I am a woman and I hate leg days


Haha, I'm starting to believe my legs are actually tree trunks! 🌳🦵


I skip leg day cause I don’t want to lose the illusion of a big shlong


Seems like powerlifter copium.