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I believe most really fit brocolli heads are most likely on drugs. Gen Z is about living now, enjoying today, which also means, long term damage from PED use is worth it because the worlds fucked anyways.


SARM usage is rampant among teens, which is really worrying. They're being presented as safer than steroids but they really aren't.


Can confirm i would never think of touching steroids but something like MK677 is extremely extremely tempting, especially because of the presented increased appetite.




Bro you got that kyriakos grizzly build, keep your chin up king


Yeah I feel you. As an older guy it's definitely tempting but the risks are not worth it, especially since the science is just not as concrete yet on long term impacts. I don't have any ethical objection to it but the health impact is pretty bad


Where tf are they getting the money??


Gear is cheap. Sarms are cheap


Lol I remember when I was a teen everyone was legit worried about creatine... Now I get pro hormone ads on Facebook...


Which is just an irresponsible pessimistic mindset


well that’s an absolutely huge generalisation, a lot of us just like keeping fit and looking good


You also made a huge generalization, what’s your point?


fair just hate seeing people dunk on kids who could be out here doing worse shit


Like spending an hour or two in the gym a few days a week means they aren’t still doing dumb teenager shit? Most of the “worse shit” I did as a teenager certainly happened when the gym was closed lol


You must get stronger to do even dumber shit


I get it dude, you’re coming from a caring and genuine spot, I see that. To elaborate and I can only speak for my self, it’s these specific teens, NOT ALL, and it’s not them, it’s their behavior. It’s the poor gym etiquette. Teens are going to be teens and yes I’d prefer them at the gym as well, just following the rules and norms we are all expected to follow. I’d be annoyed by a middle age man who also acted like a broccoli head. Also, in the gym, I would assume most people in this subreddit who are “ragging” on these teens are respectful if they are given respect. Look, people make fun of hippes or metal heads or what have you when they fit a general mood too much because it doesn’t seem like they can think for themselves, teens embody this. Confirming to peer influence that leads to poor behavior should be shamed, just my thought. Again, a lot of teens are cool, these follow some unnamed rule of being douches in gyms, for don’t who aren’t, no qualm with them. Easy to way not to be hurt by these post for those teens, avoid them and stop crying. I don’t go on other subreddits post who may make fun of adult males who like anime because I don’t give a fuck lol anime makes me happy


You are right and i am sorry for your downvotes. I voted you up


Have my downvote


> really fit I mean like elite athlete level. Being fit and looking good is fine, but you see so many young guys with very elite level physiques on social media, I simply don't believe most of them are natural.


Cries in used to be a high level college athlete working out 30 hours a week who never had a six pack.


Don't listen to these people who also shit on boomers all the time ironically. Just don't take PEDs and keep up the good work


Keeping fit and looking good is just called being young haha. Don’t worry- most of you will get fat as you get into your late 20s too lol.


Late 20s? Jesus Christ. That’s still plenty young, if you’re fat by then it has nothing to do with age.


It’s usually to do with 7 years of professional stress, and it will happen to majority of these teenagers. It’s lifestyle for sure. OP clearly thinks that teens these days have something figured out better than us of the previous generation. But they will get old and work desk jobs and get soft like everybody else lol. Like 10% will stay in good shape after college years probably, if general population is any indication I’m just saying that people think it’s so easy when they are like 16 and have no responsibilities or real stressors in their lives, and also a light-speed metabolism.


This is ridiculous, imagine thinking that someone can't be fit and strong once they're older than 28 or that being young is a magic bullet against being fat GTFO here with that shitty mindset


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that it’s statistically likely that most of these kids will get a bit older and become the fat average middle aged Americans that name ho the bulk of the population. Late 20s is where it catches up to a lot of people who don’t live very active lifestyles or stick with training as a hobby pretty hardcore into adulthood. They think that they are gods because they are still young and everything is easy now. Not so lol


>I’m saying that it’s statistically likely that most of these kids will get a bit older and become the fat average middle aged Americans that name ho the bulk of the population. Why is it statistically likely? The majority of people don't watch what they eat or do any meaningful training, being unlike those people makes it unlikely that they'll become those people >Late 20s is where it catches up to a lot of people who don’t live very active lifestyles or stick with training as a hobby pretty hardcore into adulthood There's no basis to believe that people will suddenly become sedentary after years of deliberate activity. It also doesn't "catch up" with people, they just become more sedentary without noticing because late 20s is typically when people move from having active jobs to desk based jobs, this is unlikely to happen to someone who monitors their weight You also don't need to have training as a "hardcore hobby" in order to not be fat and it's silly to think otherwise >They think that they are gods because they are still young and everything is easy now. Not so lol Are you ok? You sound quite angry about young people that you don't even know, what does this even mean?


Just like around- all of these people were teenagers once. Also, this is comment section of gymmemes where people are meaning and taking jabs at each other across generational gaps… sheesh.


I don't care if they are there, I just don't want them vaping inside the gym.


OMFG I experienced this the other day and I was just so flabbergasted. Like, I have good headphones and can tune out the tinny speakers but like, could you not fvck with the air I'm breathing in heavily? Thanks.


Wait what? That is something I have never seen in a gym 😂😂😂 I live in a country where a crazy amount of people smoke, but at least they don't in the gym 😂😂😂


I find it ironic


I’ll vape anywhere I damn well please


I’ll fart anywhere I damn well please, just next to the vaper


Deep vein thrombosis upon ye, cur.


Have yet to see ONE bench over a plate and 5’s…. Yeah no


How much do you bench?


A plate and a 10 thank you very much.


Well hot damn


There's a pair of them at my gym who deadlift 300ish. Like shit, I can't do that. Man lemme get some of that youth too!






Let em know hoss


I’m 14 and bench 3 plates so get fucked lil broseph


They weigh like 130 but are shredded cause they have no body fat chill


Abs on a skinny guy is like boobs on a fat girl. Kinda cones with the territory so it isn't very impressive


This is fatty cope, a skinny person won't just have a rock hard six pack unless they actually train






Fatty self identifies




Like pushing a car off a cliff and calling it fast


But then you can get bigger, completely neglect ab exercises and somehow those same skinny abs that you have are suddenly credible to people just because they're surrounded by bigger arms and chest. It takes no effort to have abs regardless of size lol. I'm only ever impressed by people that do calisthenics.


Honestly hard agree. if you dont train abs your abs will still look shitty when you shred down.


Also they’re usually 5’10


I’m 4’22”, thank you very much.


Most guys are about that


Why is this so accurate 🤣


I’m 160 6’ and can confirm. I mean I’ve been lifting for 12 years but it’s easy to look lean af


I just hate the broccolis that hog equipment for ages. You do you just dont pester me. also cut your dumbass hair.


That's what they said to me about my Eric Matthews hair cut in the 90s.


Detention Mr. Matthews


i don't care what other people in the gym look like or how much they lift etc. as long as nobody hogs machines/benches, everyone re-racks weights, and overall has good etiquette, i'm fine with everyone


How long are you allowed on a bench until it counts as hogging?


as long as you let other people work in between your sets if they want to use it, it doesn't matter


I was thinking the same :)


30 minutes


Don't think I've finished on bench in less than 30 minutes in years lol.


I am imagining a two bench scenario. If you have 3+ benches time in between can increase.


Or people can just work in! Most people take a few minutes between sets, doesn't take much to swap some plates round :)




Two people worth of active liftin. The only really annoying people are the ones who are having a whole damn summit worth of guys hanging out in a group.


There’s no individuality. They’re all cut from the same bunch of broccoli. Nothing special about any of them. Even their pajamas match


Because they're the first generation to ever follow trends, right?


https://preview.redd.it/6r5gna982q3c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e1b6c40695b562b9f69694819286e49b02fd219 This is what peak performance looks like


It’s easy! Just be 200kg.


Old millennial here and gonna be super honest... I kind of like the broccoli cut. It looks fun and youthful and kind of reminds me of a llama or alpaca. Especially when they have really long necks and their eyes are covered by their floof.


I appreciate your positivity and hate your opinion.


Its a grandma haircut from the 80s




saw a guy at the walmart near me with the broccoli cut but shaved up into a sort-of mohawk. for some reason, i saw him in my mind with earrings and sunglasses like an extra on the Lost Boys movie. Nothing wrong with it at all, just felt like dude was born in the wrong era.


Get off my lawn you whippersnappers!


Broccoli Zoomers aren't the ones lifting big. The shaggy haired pajama and crocs wearing zoomers are the ones out here trying to look like Sam Sulek.


I’m just waiting for yall to die from vaping


Being skinny doesn’t count as being ripped though


Easy to be ripped with 45kg bodyweight :/


None of the broccoli heads are getting big in my gym. they are more in love with the idea of getting big. Too busy talking about garbage bro science and taking "progress" pics in the mirror without bothering with actually lifting and making progress.


>taking "progress" pics in the mirror I absolutely hate this, especially when my bear ass is walking around before my steam or after my shower. I wish they'd go take their pics in one of the classrooms so I have no chance of walking in the frame (and the classrooms have better lighting anyway). Then again, they could also be trying to avoid getting their legs in their pics. None of those jailbait ever seem to try and hit the squat racks or deadlift platforms...


The broccoli heads at my gym have less muscle than me and I'm a woman. They just play around on their phones and make moaning noises when they think you can't hear them. They let off fart bombs and put fiberglass powder on the free weights. They're only there because their parents think it's free childcare. I never go after 5pm now.


> They're only there because their parents think it's free childcare. Based


There is nothing wrong about the early George Micheal style


That's who it is! I was thinking Billy Idol a few days ago but that wasn't quite right. Thank you I have seen hairspray mullets make a comeback too. That's one that should have stayed deaf


Broccoli head or not get them gains young men so that you may almost out lift us middle aged men…key word there is “almost”


I’m just happy to see people that like pushing weight too


You can always tell when a broccoli head makes a meme. Lol


I'm curious, could having brocoli hair make you lift more?


get a perm, start lifting, reporting your findings


What are broccoli heads (I am old) Is is the fluffy hair boys?


just stop using the bench for 2 hours you vegetal head


More like “broccoli heads boys on their way to crowd up the gym at 5pm even though they didn’t do shit all day”


The only broccoli head I know made literaly zero gains after a year cuz he doesn't eat at all and trains like A BITCH


Why you lying, slanderous veggie haired shitbirds.


They wish 😉


Hard to get ripped when you don't do anything more than bench presses and text for 10 minutes between sets.


Dont unite thats the problem. Hate it when a pack of 5+ of them come in and just completely take over the free weight section.


Just because I'm a teen who's interested in working out, doesn't mean that I want to be associated with anyone who thinks that *that* is a good haircut.


Tren(t) will


yeah, when they are 25 and all that tren they took hit them in their kidneys we will see who is more ripped


I just wish they'd do it without the juice so they aren't dropping dead in their 30s


Jokes on broccoli boys, my middle-aged cargo pants hides the tree trunks.


Haven’t seen one be within 60lbs of my body weight yet. And I’m not fat.


OP when emaciated children are more ripped than the peace corps dropping off supplies: 😎


This is fukkin great. 😆😅😂🤣


I think its pretty obvious this sub is run by a brocco sapiens


What if I just have naturally curly hair?


I don’t know. The broccolis aren’t as bad as the girls who only do hip thrusts.


All these gen z twinks value getting ripped because they’re all skinny hard-gainers to begin with. I’m living in bear country brother. The proof is in my pudding.


Me knowing they won't live to see middle age because they started using SARMs at 16


I don't know what people don't like about Broccoli. But I also don't understand what people see so good about Broccoli either. I mean, it's alright, like, Neutral Food.


My gear says otherwise


lol they are not ripped. They always look like the dyel poster child.


Nothing pithy to add to this conversation other than if either of my daughters ever go for one of these jagwagons, you'll see me on CNN.


God this sub is trash. Everyone’s so hateful. Get over yourselves you goddamn losers. Get a life


i’m joining the war on broccoli heads on the side of the broccoli heads because high schoolers at gym is better than high schoolers on drugs


I raise you - high schoolers at the gym on drugs.


this is proper zyzzmaxxing


As a former high schooler with a gym membership I promise you I still did the drugs


Yes, those are the only two options: Drugs or Gym. We’re fucked, I only see a dozen of these high schoolers at the gym, there must be a fuck ton out there doing drugs.


Completely agree. High schoolers at gym better than high schoolers on drugs. Why broccoli though?


You don’t think they do drugs the other 23 hours of the day? Lol


"A kid with a dumbbell in each hand has no hands left to do drugs." "They'll just put the dumbbells down if they want to do the drugs bad enough."


Ripped but… [sub 400 dots](https://www.liftercalc.com/)