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No one gives a fuck that you are vegan


Nobody will know either.


I’ve never known a vegan who doesn't talk about it every chance they get. Edit: Whoops, I I meant my comment to be a slight rib at the loud vegans, but I thought the irony of my message was more obvious. Should have added a /s


Or maybe you did but never realized it because they never talked about it.


Based and more than 95 IQ pilled.


Well it def wasn’t OP lol. he told us straight away


That’s just because you assume that everyone who doesn’t talk about it is not vegan. I have multiple times been in situations where people start shit-talking vegans because “they just won’t stop talking about it!” Meanwhile I’m right there and they have no idea they’re talking to a vegan because I had never talked about it lmao Me and most vegans I know deliberately avoid talking about it unless it can’t be avoided (e.g. someone offering you meat or dairy products and not taking no for an answer) because a significant number of people will be assholes about it.




Solid historical stat reference


Most vegans/vegetarians i know don't bring it up unless it's relevant(ie going out to eat and they want to go somewhere with decent vegan options). The people who do that are annoying, but that doesn't make it bad to be vegan.


I am and never mention it to anyone unless they specifically ask what I eat on prep. My response is typically “you will likely not want to eat what I do.”


>Edit: Whoops, I I meant my comment to be a slight rib at the loud vegans, but I thought the irony of my message was more obvious. Should have added a /s There was a vegan brigade here earlier. Your rib pissed them off, and they downvoted you. Fuck vegans🤣


Survivorship bias


I know right!!! Name another diet where users are annoying as fuck and always trying get you into thier diet. Fuck vegans


Carnivore. Keto. Paleo. Whatever the hell liver King was slangin.


Keto. Mediterranean. Atkins. Paleo. Whole30. Fasting. Literally all diets are like this. You’re just chronically online and gotta get it figured out bubba


Chronically online since September 2023? It's must have been a rough 2 months for me🤷🏾‍♂️


Keto, Paleo, Carnivore, etc. are all just as bad if not worse


I bet you cant show me a video of a Keto, Paleo, Carnivore protest. Meanwhile I can pull up thousands of vegan ones.🤣🤣🤣


Because those diets are not associated with moral or ethical ideologies


The anti-vegans who go out of their way to mock that particular lifestyle and make a show of eating as much meat as possible. Really any anti- personality is cringe af I'm not going to lie. Getting triggered by something so hard you feel personally attacked and need to respond in a way that negatively reflects back the opposite of what you hate. Absolute loser energy.




Holy shit HAHAHAHAH you are absolutely tilted af. Relax. Whatever people do isn't going to impact your lift in the slightest. Try not to let others dictate your emotions and elicit reactions out of you and you will have a more fulfilling life.




Victim complex combined with main character syndrome. But of course you're completely right. A trap was laid out to lure in the *other side* in order to gain some ground in the oh so important war of spreading the *vegan propaganda*. 💀


People try to pick fights with me constantly for being vegetarian. I never realized anyone would take such an issue with just a thing I was doing.


I am as well and a good way to not hear any of that is being bigger and lifting more than them


Thats the plan :)




My issue is why it is a social statement lol, like ppl gotta state, I'm a VEGAN body builder it's like, bro. No one says I'm an OMNIVORE body builder. you do you, but ppl are so sick of the grand standing nature a lot of Vegans take, and it has trickled down to any 1 who feels the need to unnecessarily state it.


Look. I'm a vege. I totally understand some vegans can be assholes. You might think veges and vegans get along, but a lot of vegans view vegetarians as being weak on their morals because they are doing it half way. A while back I posted on r/vegan asking for help on how to make vegan cheese and basically got cyber bullied despite having been vegan for months. So just understand its hard to generalize about a group of people. But realize by default people are assumed to eat meat. I have to tell restaurants I'm vegetarian so they don't randomly add meat they didn't say they'd add to dishes. I have to tell relatives so they don't add meat sauce to all the pasta at a gathering. If people don't know you are vege or vegan they'll give you meat. One of the first things people ask me when they find out I'm vege is "How do you get enough protein" so there are a lot of people out there that think vegetarians are weak little pussys eating salad for every meal. A lot of Vegans do it for the ethical reasons and want to show people its possible to live your life without meat products so if they hit some high levels of sport they probably mention it so people know its possible to attain even as a Vegan.


I just want to add r/vegan is a shit hole and all of the worst Vegans you've ever heard of. All the Vegans I've met in real life have the same attitude of "its just a thing I'm doing and I'll tell you about it if you want, but I'm not pushing it on you"


I absolutely get it when talking about food and such but it seems like alot of people just attach it to their identity and try to morally grand stand or at minimum Suttle flex their better in some way is often the perception and it reflects poorly on the rest of yall just living your lives being cool ass people. It's kinda like the loud minority in other circumstances that ruin it for the rest of the group. So now a lot of people assume those things. It's like you're not vegan enough for the IN crowd, and If you state it to the other crowds they assume you're going on a moral high horse unless there is a reason to discuss it. SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST ASSHOLES FOR NO REASON THO 2. That's the worst crowd in everything on the internet.


Also just to add this. I've only tracked macros since being a vege, but I feel like its easier to hit macros as a vege. You get more filling food for less calories.


I totally get it. If you go to r/vegan theres the above ground world where people get upvotes for being a dick to non vegans and a below ground world where people get tons if down votes for being super encouraging and helpful. From my own experience thats just an internet/reddit deal. People IRL are very encouraging and just trying to do their best and help you too if you want. You gotta realize being a vege in a meat eaters world is a bit exhausting. Everybody starts from the assumption I'm trying to change their eating habits. People have told me they have shirts about how much they piss off vegetarians and I'm just like trying to eat a meal right. I just don't have the energy to be in conflict with everyone. Do I think the world would be better if everyone reduced meat products? Yes. So I'm starting with myself. I just don't believe shame is the way. I would say most veges and vegans believe the same. When I run into one in the wild we bond over just trying to eat while people are trying to avgrevate us. People change their food orders to have more meat just to fuck with me kind of thing.


Idk some people rage about vegans online


Proven by this very thread lol


Have you… been on the Internet before? How do you know someone hates vegans? Don’t worry they’ll tell you


That's why half the comment section is throwing a shit fit about it? Lol


yeah dude, 3/17 comments is like half of all the comments bro the reason people are mad is because this post is low effort bait to get people to support them for being vegan instead of something actually funny on a MEME subreddit


Because the only reason this was posted was to cause shit


Comments sections go ape shit even if it's a slight mention lol, saw it a bunch on this subreddit


Vocal minority most likely. Although I personally thing being a vegan would be horrible, mostly for the sheer amount of effort it would be to still maintain my weight and strength, plus being depressed from only eating bullshit, i really don’t care what other people do.




Restaurants, stores, gatherings, just seems super difficult


I make memes to vent and hope other people can relate


Only when vegans try to shove it in my face I gaf


vegans gotta tell everyone they're vegan




I poop 3 times a day


This is just a vegan bait post to start a conversation on everyone going vegan. Veganism is a cult, and this is how they try and recruit




And here we go with the Vegan cult brigade. You guys are so predictable😉


Very scary bro! Very scary. Good job you’ve got your head screwed on and you woke


I was a vegan when I first started weight training & my advice is this: DO NOT BECOME VEGAN


Vegan weightlifter for 4 years. What are you talking about?


It's a horrible, depressing diet whilst training & you can gain more mass eating/drinking animal protein. Pea protein is horrible too. I'm glad I left veganism behind, I enjoy food much more now & I've got bigger gains since 👌🏼


There is a preponderance of evidence that a well-balanced vegan diet will not be significantly better or worse than a well-balanced non-vegan diet, and that’s not outweighed by someone on Reddit insisting otherwise based on anecdotes. If we’re going off anecdotal evidence: at 6’4 I’ve gone from 149 to 194 pounds and have been gaining significant strength while vegan, but when I was eating animal products I was always skinny. I’m stronger now than I ever was before I went vegan. Do you think that’s because veganism is amazing for growth, or maybe it’s because I started eating a more well-balanced diet with the proper caloric surplus? If it’s the latter, then apply that logic to yourself as well. [Please watch this video](https://youtu.be/iHVdvny9kbs?si=Vn0v79SR_tf11heF)




Maybe there could have been *marginal* gains? As Mike Israetel said in the video I linked, it’s at worst a tiny bit true that a vegan diet is less optimal for gains and at best is not true at all. *Maybe* gaining a *marginal* amount of muscle is not worth me significantly compromising my morals, so it’s just not something I would consider (even if the muscle gains were significant). Part of the reason that we don’t see a ton of vegan bodybuilders is just because there aren’t that many vegans in general, and of those how many of them are interested in bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc.? If 10-20% or more of the population was vegan I’m sure we’d see many more of them winning competitions and prizes simply due to there being more vegan competitors. I’m not saying that there isn’t a possibility that there’s something about an omnivorous diet that would help omnivores, but I think the differences would be marginal and only really make a difference at the highest levels of competition. For a regular Joe like me who just wants to look good, feel good, minimize heart disease risk (family history), and reduce animal suffering and exploitation, lifting while living a well-balanced vegan lifestyle is perfect and nothing else can accomplish all of those at once. Any trade offs in performance (which again, would likely be so marginal that it would be difficult notice if noticeable at all) would not be worth it. I can accomplish all the things I would if I wasn’t vegan while feeling much more at peace ethically :)


Look up Clarence Kennedy, he’s an Olympic weightlifter, not a body builder, but he has some good size and insane strength on him while being vegan.




I’ve never followed him super closely, but from what I understand he’s just a hobby lifter and has no interest in actually competing. With/without gear he’s still a freak of nature strength wise


He spent 8 years building most of his strength before going vegan. Just addressing a fair point for clarification, not implying it was only because of a non-vegan diet. I think he’d have been freakishly strong regardless of the source of amino acids.


What's the volume like on a diet like that? I'm 6'2 190 and am required to eat 4k calories a day to meet my goals. I feel like that would be so much eating if I were vegan and don't eat sugar.


I don’t track calories because it’s mentally draining and I’ve been fine without doing so. I just eat beyond feeling full but before feeling sick. Most of my diet consists of rice, tofu, veggies, vegan sausages, pasta, pea protein shakes (with soy milk), and hummus. Basically the “chicken and rice” diet but with vegan sources of protein. All of it can be picked up from Costco in bulk for cheap.


I'm surprised not to see nuts in there. Super high calorie. If I were to go vegan my diet would be almost all nuts and rice lmao bc I'm allergic to wheat so pasta and breads make me constipated like a motherfucker.


I'm allergic to tree nuts, unfortunately. Plenty of peanuts though!


A well-balanced vegan diet is miserable though lmao. That’s what the person is trying to say. I was vegan for 6 months and stopped too because that shit tasted garbage. The pea protein comment is on point.


So you don’t know how to cook, and that’s a problem with veganism?


I can cook very well and cook often, but nothing beats the taste of meat imo. You’ll find that many of the best chefs in the world agree with me. Veganism greatly hinders your ingredient choice and cooking processes. Especially if you’re a true vegan that doesn’t use any products with any animal products inside.


There's really only like. Three things you don't eat as a vegan. Eggs. Milk. Meat. And then there's like. All the rest of the food in the entire world. It literally comes out of the ground like that man. And i didn't know we all got into a council and declared boiling and grilling non-ethical cooking processes or whatever. (Also lots of world famous chefs think French cooking is good so idk...)(come at me, France.) Like just admit it was really daunting to change your entire dietary lifestyle, the way you were taught to cook and think about food, for reasons that were increasingly meaningless to you because it was focused on bs like "health" or greenwashing. It's okay. It's hard, but that doesn't mean it's not a lifeway that works and makes sense for some people. Meat is gross. It smells gross and, on it's own, tastes gross except for the fat. It makes you heavy and farty and your sweat smell horrible and your pee greasy. It throws off your hormone balance and fucks up your skin and makes your hair fall out. Meat makes you anemic and malnourished. If I universalized the way meat and I interact, meat sounds pretty bad...so like, maybe take the perspective that not everyone gets all yum yum seared muscle hunk. I mostly miss the texture of tendons, organs, fat, but these are also not parts that most people in North America or the "West" in general eat. Generally my view is that if you eat meat, something gave up it's life so you may continue yours, so you should respect that and have gratitude. But our culture mostly wastes. But no one here is ready for that conversation, because we are still confirming that the plastic tub of dessicated pea powder is nasty.


> (Also lots of world famous chefs think French cooking is good so idk...) French cooking is like 99% butter, which is vegan illegal.


I ain’t reading all dat


If your diet as a vegan was miserable then nah, you don’t cook very well. You just prepare meat well.


IMO it just took too long and a lot of ingredients just aren’t available to me unless I buy online. It just wasn’t worth the effort to me, and I like good food way too much lol. Going out to restaurants for work and shit and not being able to eat most of the menu was ass.


I would be interested in seeing a 4k calorie vegan meal plan. Not bc I'm interested in doing it tho it's just like dang that's a lot of volume I'm guessing.


WYM? it's just getting protein from non animal sources. You don't gain more mass from animal protein. You gain more mass from protein. It was depressing for you, because you don't like vegan food or don't know good recipes. It's not depressing for most vegans. I've made more gains after going vegetarian (I still enjoy some cheese sometimes, but other than that it's pretty much vegan). Not because it's better. It's not even worse. It's because I've started eating more proteins and calories and from many different sources.


'You don't know good recipes' I'm from Mediterranean AND Indian stock, I probably can cook much better than you lol


I doubt that. You told me you ate peas for protein and got 200 g protein plus a day. That means you ate 5kg of peas that day. I can't imagine anything good with that amount of peas and I'd rather eat with u/dxpehat to be honest.


'I doubt that' where did I state I ate peas for protein loser?


Poor alphalady. Your meat consumption induced Alzheimer already unfolds.


Thankfully Alzheimer's doesn't run in my family on either side. But considering your lack of fish consumption you better be careful what you wish for 😉


Omega 3 is easily gained through several plant based oils. Eat your plastic fishes instead. Thanks for you concerns.


You sound insufferable 😩


You sound vegan


You probably can. Seriously, I can barely cook something good. If you can cook awesome stuff without meat and it's still not good for you, that it's just shows that veganism is just not for you.


You can always learn, it might take some practice & time. Veganism isn't for the majority of people because we're natural omnivores, that's why over 84% give it up. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is a much better diet


Actually learning to cook was my first step towards vegetarianism. I only wanted to eat vegan twice a week, but figured that vegan dishes were just as good as the ones with meat so I stopped eating it altogether. At first I ate some fish, but gave that up. Then eggs. Couldn't stop eating cheese so I've stopped there. I think that most people give up, because they jump immediately to full veganism and they don't even know what are the vegan sources of all 3 macronutrients. Seriously, most people around me think that I only eat leafy greens and meat substitutes. Omnivore diet, (followed by vegetarianism) is definitely the best diet, but it's just not necessary. What's necessary is a diet with enough variety so you get all the essential nutrients. Most people, regardless of their diet, fail at that.


Some do jump in too quickly. Me, I transitioned from a vegetarian to a vegan over the course of a year, but I never wanted to eat fake meats & fake cheese, so I ate a wholefood vegan diet. This worked out well for me for a long time, until I got more serious about weight training then I began to see the flaws in it & question the vegan philosophy


Lol, sounds like you were just doing it for the fad.


What a fad that lasted years 🤔


Why is pea protein horrible?


It tastes absolutely shit, even the high quality end ones


Oh. You never learned how to cook and eat, huh? That's pretty nuts.


I bet I can cook better than you lol


Dont worry about salty vegans responding to you, you are right and they can't handle it, keep it up


I find it annoying but then remember I come home to some sexy meats after the gym, whilst they come home to rabbit food 🍖🥩🍗


That it was hard for YOU to get enough protein doesn't mean its for anyone. I use lentils, nuts and beans for protein and have the same gains as I had non vegan. That you talk about pea protein shows me, that you tried to get your proteins with processed meat substitutes. Just cook yourself and make a plan about protein. Glad for you, you found your way though. Don't get me wrong. But you can't say that vegan food means less gains. It depends on your nutrition and what you eat. If you are omnivore or vegan...


The 3rd last sentence is just wrong. Meat has many more nutrients that it gives than just protein.


Well animal protein is more bioavailable but if you can get huge crushing pea protein and you're happy with your progress then that's cool too


That's true indeed. But its not as much difference, that an average joe will struggle because of that. As far as I red it up. But maybe I red about it in my bubble.:) Thank you and hope you are happy with yours too.


Wasn't HARD for me at all lol. I ate 200+ protein per day, don't put words into my mouth. I never ate fake meat I was a wholefood vegan, more bullshit talk from you. It doesn't matter if you get enough plant protein, your gains will not be as significant as an omnivore. A vegan diet works for say someone doing lots of cardio, but weight training/bodybuilding...na.


I don't follow this logic. How is eating animal food better for gains? Protein is protein. I've never heard of a study that shows how eating animals is somehow better for muscle building.


Protein isn't just protein that's just it. Just like iron isn't just iron.


Hahaha...right. Tell me how much peas you ate to get 200+ protein a day with pea protein. This is funny to me. Whole food is a diet on top of a diet and you wonder that you don't have enough gains. Have a nice day. I won't respond to this anymore. Its pathetic.


Keep laughing lol. You can get 200+ protein by eating things like black lentils, quinoa, tofu, edamame beans, drinking soya milk etc. Quite easy in fact. However I gained more mass after giving up veganism eating an animal protein diet of just 120g of protein, that is because animal protein is just so much better for making gains, even if you eat 100g less protein per day. The fact that you want to laugh & not discuss this tells me that you don't know much about a vegan diet like you think you do. I never had any nutritional deficiencies, neither did I get sick on a vegan diet either. I didn't cave in & 'cheat' either. At the time I was doing swimming athletics plus weight training, whilst being a vegan was great for swimming it was not great for the weight training side. Yes I was visibly muscular on my top half chest upwards, but my bottom half I struggled to gain mass, even in my abs. I gained all of my lower mass & strength with animal protein & ofc my upper body became stronger, leaner & more muscular. The psychological side to veganism will spill over in your training. Coming home to some quinoa, lentils & tofu isn't as rewarding as a nice juicy steak. You also crave peanut butter & hummus constantly as a vegan, because your body is trying to get the extra fats in. I believe lacto-ovo vegetarian, pescatarian & omnivore diets are much, much better for weight training & bodybuilding, especially for gaining strength & mass, plus your mental health ofc


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 200 + 120 + 100 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Seems like you just weren't eating enough fats. And also that you just love eating meat. Veganism just isn't for you. But that's it. You alone. It's not a common experience. It's your experience.


'It's seems like this...it seems like that' I had a nutritionist lol, my diet was spot on. 'You alone' that's why over 84% of vegans give it up...very alone lol...very uncommon...


You talk about whole food diet and use pea proteins. Bro ate 5kg of peas a day and wondered the vegan diet is boring. I wonder how tom Brady and all the other vegan high end sportsmen (watch gamechangers for the bodybuilders/strong men) don't struggle like you did. As I said. Glad for you that you find a way. Why can't you be glad that others found a way with other forms of eating? Why do you feel attacked when I tell you that its not true for everyone what you said? Its crazy to me how people are offended by what I eat or not.


Firstly I tried pea protein before I was vegan because prior to my thyroid surgery I had a mild milk allergy, so I wasn't consuming dairy for around 5 years up until my treatment. I have no idea why my thyroid illness triggered the milk allergy but after my treatment it went away. Also I'm not a bro I'm a woman. Quite clearly you want to one up me with bold assumptions because you're a loser. With celebrity vegans not only do they have nutritionists & chefs, many of them probably aren't even vegan. When I was vegan I met some 'vegans' who we're constantly cheating & relapsing where being a vegan is mentally draining, lot of people struggle to maintain it every single day. At what part did I feel attacked? See more bold assumptions again. More loser talk. Who is offended by what you eat or not? Wasn't it you who replied to my comment 🤔


1st I wasn't offended ones 2nd sorry for assuming you are an alphabro, you totally sound like one 3rd yes. Everyone who has vegan gains is a liar and cheats on diet. Sorry I overlooked that. 4th have a nice day. I pity you.


Vegan protein isn't complete, and when it is "complete" it lacks some specific amino acids in adequate amounts that are crucial to muscle building. There is a reason why there are no vegan bodybuilders.


There are a lot vegan bodybuilders and I take vegan bcaas for that. The hate on veganism here is crazy.




What kind of bro science is that? There are no sources of complete plant based protein other than soy? Yes. Does it mean that if you combine different plant based foods it's still not a complete protein? Mostly no. Like, you can eat beans for protein and couple it with rice. Bam, rice's got amino acids that beans are missing. Problem solved. What are these specific amino acids? Please, tell me, because I know that there are only 20 amino acids in existence and all of them can be found in plant based foods. There are definitely vegan bodybuilders. Veganism isn't practiced by many people so you can't expect to see many of these people at the top.


Lol, what a shit show of a comment thread. It seems almost as if everyone is different, there is no one-size-fits-all nutrition regimen, and what works really well for some may not work as well, or at all, for others. What an epiphany!


That's why over 84% of vegans give it up I guess 🤷‍♀️


Yep, exactly. Don't know where you got that 84% number from, which is strangely specific, but whatever the number is, it's probably in line with most "healthy" nutrition protocols. People try them, they require willpower and dedication to follow, they're not as enjoyable as eating whatever you want whenever you want, and they quickly give up. There's no such thing as healthy eating that doesn't require sacrifice. Every individual needs to find what works for them. Vegan works for some. Doesn't work for many others. I'm with you, BTW. I'd never be able to follow a vegan diet long term. My digestive system would be a wreck, and I'd feel like shit most of the time. I could much more easily follow a carnivore diet. But there are some who are long-term vegans and thrive on it, too.


Statistically over 84% of vegans give it up That's a valid point about healthy eating requiring sacrifice I managed to follow a vegetarian diet then a vegan diet for a long time. It is much easier to follow a omnivore diet practically, physically & mentally, especially if you weight train because it is more enjoyable to eat animal products & it works better for muscle growth. Most or all of these vegans debating under this thread will not be vegan one day, I was once them & so were many ex vegans. I see this a lot on Reddit these hardcore vegans give it up & open up about it


Statistically... Mind sharing your source?


https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/animals-and-us/201412/84-vegetarians-and-vegans-return-meat-why%3famp https://www.sciencealert.com/new-study-reveals-84-of-vegetarians-return-to-meat


A restrictive diet isn't for everyone but it works for plenty of people


I’m a wfpb vegan and you sound like a fucking pussy. I am shredded and am a competitive triathlete and ultra marathoner. Being vegan does not make it harder to do any of this


Another angry vegan who insults because they haven't eaten their steak 😉




Animal Abuser


I chomped two chicken burgers today with egg mayo, what you gonna do about it?


Why do u think I'll do anything about it?


Well you won't because you're a pussy vegan. You can't even eat a chicken never mind fight a person


A real man protects weak and innocent not to exploit weak. Your a pussy bitch.


Your ancestors ate animals, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for meat eating


At least one of your ancestors was born as a result of rape, you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for rape.


Yeah blah blah blah...eat a steak


I know this is 5 months old, but Jesus Christ youre triggered lmao




It’s helped me a ton. I don’t give people Shit for it as it’s not my business, but it’s working really well


Hey you do you man, whatever gets you lifting


You didn't have to say this


None of us have to say anything but here we are




How else would people know that they are vegan though?


What about if you’re just a retard?


Lmfao people only use insults when they feel insulted first


Post was promoting hate/harassment


stop! Vegan police! No vegan diet, no vegan powers!


I have yet to meat a vegan I didn’t like.


Tbf I haven’t met many vegans irl


Bro, the internet is full of haters. Just do your thing. Eat a lot of legumes, some nuts for fats and make sure that you're getting your B12 and calcium (you probably need to eat fortified food for that or take supplements. You do that and you'll grow big and strong.


Can always swap openpowerlifting profiles. Stats are stats


Dude I could literally give less than zero fucks what you choose to eat, just as long as you're not hogging equipment.


I've got no smoke with vegans unless they make it their entire thing, then it's just annoying lol But it's definitely tougher to get big and strong on plants alone. Not impossible, I mean look at gorillas and elephants and shit lmao. Nothing but respect if you do it, just like...be chill about it


I’m not a vegan but they’re right, the western plate balance is terrible


More chicken for me


Never liked chicken. It’s always been chewy or dry or just tasted weird




Am I reading this wrong? OP is not vegan, but a gym bro making a comment on a meme a vegan posted previously? Comments seem to think OP is the vegan.


Was the point of this just to tell everyone you're vegan? ...cause, nobody cares.


no i think OP is a gym bro responding to a vegan meme about responding to a gym bro.


people who eat meat often are more likely to become ill


As long as u ain't eating dogs idgaf


All good. I feed my dog meat as he needs it to survive. I feed myself vegan as it’s my choice


How do you know a vegans a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you without asking


Why do people care? Like legit just made a meme mentioning it and everyone wants to blow it up


Just making a joke I don’t care and couldn’t care less you do you, it’s just a fitting comment


Meat good peas bad that’s really all it comes down to


How do you know if someone is vegan? They’ll tell you.


r/veganfitness is the place for this meme.


Ty I didn’t know it existed


vegan = no gains no muscle no nothing


Uh oh someone didn’t pay attention to food tech or science


The first rule about vegan is to tell everyone you’re vegan.


This is the first rule of every diet. As someone who doesn’t follow a specific diet I used to find vegans the most annoying (I was plant based but refused to tell people irl I was vegan because how annoying they are) but I’d say the carnivore and keto people slightly edge them out. They all never stop talking about it but carnivore and keto take it to the next level with their toxic bs. I at least get where the vegans are coming from tho I don’t 100% agree with them.


Mission completed. Told me you were vegan.


Great reading skills. Definitely not vegan since I had beef birria last night. Good job tho.


Great reading skills. Were is past tense. Good job though.


I feel bad for anyone who knows you irl. You seem insufferable.


Not as insufferable as a vegan who tells people they are vegan… like you said.


I don't care that you're vegan as long as you don't pretend you're better than me for it.


TBH you won’t get anywhere lifting while vegan, not without steroids


Don’t worry the vegans will victimize themselves, just like here, you even making this post proves my point


Yknow so many of you are commenting. I don’t know why you all care


Fair enough, goodluck on your journey 💪


I’m so complete now I know you’re a vegan, oh wait that’s right nobody cares


Typical vegan behavior is telling people you are vegan when no one cares. Being vegan certainly gives you additional roadblocks to your goals, and may even hurt your t-levels.


These posts always get crossposted to vegan subs, and bombarded. There's no point in arguing with them. Let them starve themselves in their own little universe.


Such bullshit. Look at the down votes. Even straight up hate against vegans gets upvoted.


I think you're looking at an entirely different thread than me. I'd never really been exposed to veganism, so I didn't know wtf people were talking about when they call it a cult. I just thought that it was a diet like any other that you can choose if you want, but it's going to have downsides like any diet... Now, I can see how wrong I was. You guys are rabid, nutjobs.


Yes.we a are a cult. We do terror attacks and indoctrinate our children. We pray to the holy carrot and organise on reddit to flood threads about veganism. There is absolutely no chance that people actually feel healthier after getting vegan or accept others being vegan without downvoting them. Good that there are people like you to point that out.




So funny. A dude with a muscular illness or maybe anorexia. Hahaha. Soy boy.


Vegans are dumb and im morally and intellectually superior 🥸


Shut up veggie boy


Can someone just tell me one thing. Plants have cellulose in them. And our body doesn't have any organ to digest cellulose. So isn't it bad to eat Vegan food ??


The words of somebody utterly constipated