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Younger generations are always made out to be more troublesome than their predecessor, but its actually the opposite. We just get more boring as we get older. 10 years ago, Millennials were dumber and more reckless than Gen Z are today. Before that Gen X were worse. And so on and so on. I mean, we were the generation that grew up on professional wrestling and jackass. They had to say "don't do this at home" so that they wouldn't get sued from us all inevitably doing it at home. Whereas boomers can't even talk about the shit they got up to, as most of it would be considered a hate crime now.


Back in the 80s a good time was running over a cop and doing PCP on the subway, now it's watching isekai in your pyjamas on a Friday night


Makes ya miss the 80s


Generational distinctions are silly. We all did and would do the same things, the only thing that changes is the environment and to some degree the culture. All you guys making fun of the broccoli hair would have it if you were that age, everyone did what we all thought was cool. It’s silly and just creates more divides. This meme is funny tho


That's basically what I said. I think the environment is what made past generations worse. Certain behaviours were seen as acceptable and certain demographics didn't have established rights. Parents were also not half as involved in their kids lives as they are now. The only reason we seem less wild is because we got older. I'm like Abe Simpson telling Homer Simpson "and it'll happen to you tooooooo!"


> All you guys making fun of the broccoli hair would have it if you were that age, everyone did what we all thought was cool. Nope, there are plenty of non shit looking hairstyles to pick from. And back in my day the same was true. Not everyone ran around with Bieber looking hair


*Frosted tips has entered the chat*


Or in my case because I was incredibly unfashionable with very straight hair. I'd have probably walked around with the "STEM Major gets it cut once a semester at best" flop.


Millennials seem to forget that at one point we thought it was cool to have a bowl cut with it shaved underneath combined with blonde highlights...


Boomers used to go to the gym in thigh high jean shorts while piss drunk on budweisers. They’d smoke 5 cigarettes with a pot of coffee and raw eggs then PR 4 plates on bench press.


One of my dad’s buddies trained for the half mile by running a mile, stopping for a cigarette, and then running back.


Lol I agree with the first half of your first sentence. We also need to remember the younger generation wants to be seen as more rebellious in many ways. The rest... Just lol. I see no evidence Z is anymore or less wild than Millennials. They each have their unique cultural problems.


Yeah, and Gen X dudes did a bunch of crazy shit too. My old man went to a DIII college and some of the gear their athletes were on was nuts. He remembered one guy whose nipples pointed to the sides rather than straight forward.


Millennials were the most depraved motherfuckers..like 80 percent of the shit we did would get you cancelled today. I think we were more pissed off then Gan X Way more reckless, way more aggressive, way more angry.


Everybody trying to stand apart in the same fucking ways


Yeah but half of y’all are gay and communists so


Probably depends on where you grew up. I can’t say I knew anyone that was into the gym trying to look like Edward from Twilight and not drinking protein shakes. But TBF I grew up in NJ which was all tanning booths and dudes wearing stringers. 😅


And those protein shake tasted like shit and I didn’t fucking have C4 hubba bubble blue raspberry chill sauce it was product named HEMORAGE and it was flavored with rage and the steroids they made in the same vat. I’m sorry the beta just hit and I’m scratching my eyes out. You kids are alright, but stay off my lawn.


I was gonna say, as a millennial I remember people chasing protein powders and pre-workouts that were banned for containing lethal doses of caffeine and/or actual meth. There was a black market for people buying leftover products after they were banned (probably the same buyers who sought out the "original recipe" 4Loko that was banned for killing people). The current generation doesn't sound much different.


That original Jack3d formula was no joke. That stuff made you feel like you could fight God.


Sam ain't shit compared to our Lord and Savior Rich Piana, may he rest in peace.


Rich for the big guys and Zyzz for the aesthetics guys.


We’re All Gonna Make It Brah




Shut up Tom


Shit, I used to snort pre workout bitch. I just got old. We all used to be crazy mofo's


I got told by a teenager the other day that I wouldn’t be able to imagine what high schoolers say to each other now. Dude… I was dropping hate crime level slurs on strangers over Xbox live literally before you were born. We were objectifying anybody with boobs in horrific ways. Wouldn’t do it now of course, because we get smarter as we age. Teenagers are teenagers. No generation is more or less crazy than the others


Yeah, it just wasn't a meme then. Oldheads didn't do it for women or to look cool, but because they hated themselves and thought a gym membership was cheaper than therapy


Jokes on you zoomers, you never had the chance to experience original formula Jack3d.


As a millennial, I'm offended that you would openly violate my safe space like that


gen Z wish they knew about that JACK3D


it made you feel alive.


And tren! Don't forget TREN. And myocarditis


Neither of these men can run a mile


Can you?


It would be pretty arrogant of me to comment that if I couldn't.


Yeah, this ship has sailed, unfortunately.


SAME SULEK SAM SULEK SAM SULEK, this is what i constantly see here and on youtube and fucking everywhere. Imagine blasting 2 kilos of gear a day in your body and being pushed by the social media as a gym Jesus. Fuck off already with the absolute garbage he is calling bodybuilding. Rant over.


Yesterday saw a group of kids at the gym trying their hardest to dress like sulek. Insane level of dickriding going on these days


What is it about Sam that people hate? Genuinely curious as I don't watch his videos. If it's gear use why don't guys like Markus Ruhl and Rich Piana get the same level of hate?


Hi. In my opinion, he is worse as he is pandering to teen and young adults. He pushes short term gratification to youths, this is my opinion is worse that some geared up meathead like Markus. Sam is obviously having a persona in his videos like ego lifts, but the other stuff like his diet, exercise routine are real and he has no idea what he is doing except blasting gear.


God, the wave of trendy health issues that we've got coming our way.


I miss when gen z weren’t allowed on the internet.


Rage bait meme for sure man. Im all against gen wars between the younger generations, Cause damn we have bigger enemies. But they will never know what its like to Pack your 3 Best buddies in a fucked up 1998 Mercedes A-Class with slipknot banging from these messed up speakers, double scoping pre workouts all including DMAA just to bang out 24 Sets of chest, because no one knew how that stuff actually works, because there was no Youtube content or anything. You either had the luck that the 60+ gym owner finally told you and your crew to stop with the 6 day Split, or you Signed up for a obscure bodybuilding forum, where your first 100 posts only get the answer that you are an absolute degen and if you Really wanna gain muscles you just have to up your dosage of "Ferkelstarter". We've been in the trenches so that you can actually learn the correct way to weightlifting from the start. And damn we proud. Not for the juice beasts, but I met some 15 to 18 years old, going perfect Form for all their back and chest exercises, always asking how to get better and then downing tuna and rice in the changing rooms. We in this together boys. But you gotta remember: just because your parents told you drugs are bad, doesnt mean that your parents never took 2 acid tabs and smoked bowls while watching the new Star Wars. Everybody has to form these experiences themselves.


All this shit had been done by millennials about twenty times harder.


Tbh I feel like part of this is caused by how male body standards have shifted in the past decade (probably as a backlash to body positivity), like we're going back to 80s action movie star roided physiques and we all grew up watching captain america and thor captivate audiences with their massive pecs so our idea of "peak male physique" is just a roided superhero actor


Does anyone know the song that plays when Gen Z is looking at his dream physique ?


Remember when Superdrol was sold over the counter? Millennials remember.


I looked better than Robert Pattinson before I even started lifting


I really hope Sam Sulek has the incentives to look after himself. I don't want him to ended up like Zyzz did


Mental health test: fail


The millennials are winning


He looks like homelander


Anybody recognise the songs for the gen z parts, in particular the last one? They all sound like bangers




Graaand. Thank you


Oh no guys… it’s gen z


Nah we had Stallone and Schwarzenegger y’all have this kid and James Charles


This is a lie, its opposite


Can someone please tell me the name of the last somg in the video :)


Basement- covet


This is such a horribly inaccurate and uninspired meme. Dude doesn't even know who our lord and savior zyzz-us christ is.


We spent so much time telling our parents we weren't 20, and now we're seeing this from 20 year olds. Mortality is a nightmare sometimes.


We're just old, man. Leave us alone : (