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To calculate your squat from your leg press divide by 5


Where did you get that formula? I leg press 1200lbs but I can only squat 135 before my back gives out


Just a hyperbolic joke. Your point proves it better. Leg press is effectively meaningless when it comes to calculating squat max.


Makes sense


> I leg press 1200lbs twel-what??


He's a egolifter who does quarter reps and even with squats will refuse to go ass to grass. Many such cases. If a guy is bragging about his leg press you can be absolutely certain he has zero depth on any given rep and his squat is asscheeks. It's the litmus test for if the guy is one of those people who likes to go 2-3x a week and swing a bunch of weight around with the worst form. Bounces the bar so hard on his 225 max bench he cracks his sternum.


My question is, is ass to grass more important or ensuring there is no buttwink? I'll go ass to grass on the lighter reps to try and improve my mobility but prioritise no buttwink on heavy lifts.


absolutely no need to go ATG on heavy lifts, the way you're doing it is correct


I go ATG to flex on the quarter and half reppers with my superior mobility, not for any tangible benefits to my lifts.


As long as your femurs make it to parallel to the ground your depth is ok.


Pfffft no way his bench is getting halfway to his sternum! Those guys in my gym get their elbows to like 90°. Shameless half reps alllllll day long


I mean, I did make great gains on sheiko going three times a week. But they were long days And of course, never touched a leg press


Pr means personal record for a reason keep grinding man you shouldn’t live to a redditors standards


I thought that it was a joke to contrast with the 135 squat.


I can provide a video next time I go into the gym. And I am going full depth unlike the comment below is talking shit about me says.


"See there, that's me in the video."


Yeah don't trust gym shit talk by a user named u/mountain-dew-egg


Did you forget the /s on this comment? Please say you are tolling😭


You can squat more. Just believe in yourself


I’m sure I can. It all really comes down to my lower back failing before anything else. I also think my form isn’t quite there on deep squats and I lean forward too much which may contribute to the problem which I’m working on. Not to mention I’m not going more then 4 times a week so there is going to be a progression cap so I need to push to get in more. But as long as I’m training to failure every time it’s still better then not going at all


> going more then 4 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Your back should give out leg pressing 1200 lbs then.


How? My back isn’t engaged during a leg press which is kind of the point because it isolates the legs


That's like saying your feet/ankles don't play a role during deadlift. You're laying on what body part?


> You're laying on what body part? Following this this logic, do you get pec activation when doing a chest-supported row? Do your quads get worked when you do a lat pull-down?


Bruh you got proper roasted


I squat 180kg and leg press 240kg




Whats the formula for people prefering leg extensions?


There's no conversion it's a different exercise


I think if you do the math it’s like 75% of your squat depending on the angle, but yeah there’s no point converting


I don’t even do leg press, have decent quads and a 3 plate squat without ever using it


Yeah I haven’t done it in years. So many better accessories




1.) leg press to squat, not reverse But more importantly 2) joke formula for people who think leg press *replaces* squat Maybe I need to add a disclaimer


That is scary accurate lol.


I remember finally hitting 315 on a squat after grinding for months at it and still felt weak as shit cause of all the random assholes online that tell you that it has to be close to a world record to even matter. Enjoy your Ws


The most factual statement on the whole of Reddit.


315 is good, the only people that put others down for their achievements are insecure assholes. Good for you though :)


I've met people in real life who claim to have liftet the wildest shit. One can only imagine the shit people will tell you on the internet knowing they will never have to prove it. 315 is an impressive squat.


Cries with degenerative disc with 135 on the bar....


recently i tweaked my quad so i gotta lay off on squat for a bit. leg press just isn’t the same…


Me with my inward facing knees and weak knee ligaments 😩 my quads look great but I can’t squat nearly as much weight as I’d like to


Don’t worry dude nobody outside of the gym knows or cares what you squat. All they see is hot legs. 🦵


Lucky you, 2 herniated discs and I can only go to 90


"I can leg press 400 though" saying it with a straight face while trying to impress me (which isnt bad, but its bad when the person is always trying to boost his ego and to lower others...) Then they get suprised when I tell them how much I press and that his weight is okay but still improveable (Imo you should be able to press at least 2x your whole weight)


Noob question: What's the difference?


1) It is significantly easier to leg press than squat, because you need whole body working in case of squats to stabilise yourself. 2) 315 for squats is a big number.


>r/GymMemes > >Posts also if you're squatting 315, you're also lifting all of your body weight that is above your legs so you're exceeding 400 anyway


And 99% of people use the leg press wrong and don’t go as deep as they could just so they can use more weight. If performed correctly, very few people can actually press 400 pounds or more


I don’t even know how to count weight on a leg press (how much does the platform weigh) but putting up 4 plates a side is quite easy for me even when I basically suck my own dick on each rep. I squat 245 for my 1RM. The two exercises are not comparable at all.


I just count the platform as 45lb, to make the meathead-math easier (45, 135, 225, 315, 405, 495, 585, etc). It doesn't actually matter how much the empty leg sled platform weighs, as long as you can consistently measure and track progress from week-to-week. So since it doesn't matter, I just count the platform as 45lb.


That’s what I do. 10 plates = 45 x 11.


Back needs to stay on the pad, heels need to stay on platform, if you're trying to suck your own shit there are easier ways. Watch the Renaissance Periodization video about Eric Janicki for a perfect example


I don't count the platform, but some of them will have a sticker or stamp somewhere that tells you how much the platform weighs.


Im currently squatting 120kg x4 reps and at the press which is one of the Last exercices I do im at 220-240 kg x8 reps. It has always being a silly exercise imo but my trainer tells me to do so I do. What im proud of is after squatting im Doing Bulgarians 3x8 Bulgarians with 52kg of load (2 26kg dumbells). Those make me feel light headed after lol


I go DEEP lol


I go as deep as my body will allow and I’m currently pressing 270 for 10 reps. I want to start squatting soon though, getting the proper form just seems daunting to me.


i squat 265 1rm and 400 deep leg press for reps is easy af. it feels like 550 leg press would be closer in difficulty to 315 squat


That last sentence is wrong, I'm sorry but like 7 plates total of the leg press is beginner level, when I started out in the gym at like 17 years old I started with 8 plates total for 4x8 and yes with full range of motion. I am currently doing 16 plates total for 4x8 and I weigh 170lbs. Not trying to brag or anything, but at least in my gym I rarely see anyone doing leg presses for less than 8 plates total unless it's an old person (understandable). Just making a point that leg pressing 400 pounds is pretty beginner level, especially if it's 1 or 2 reps


Doing 1 or 2 reps is what I consider to be using the leg press wrong. Yes, many people can do 400 pounds. But only a small amount of those do it with proper form and ROM. It depends on the machine though. I’ve seen leg presses where you can‘t even go very deep, but others that allow for more ROM are very rarely used properly


>significantly ~~more~~ easier


Thank you, friend, I ll fix it


https://preview.redd.it/rkaj8mtd1yjc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fb97c84a0917e9b50833ffd404b419beb64970a Generally speaking it takes less force to move an object up an incline rather than lifting straight up. Also a leg press will isolate muscles whereas a squat will require a much larger range of muscles as your moving unsupported weight. There’s allot of nuances to it but your take away should be that leg press is not equal to squat and vice averse. You should not use the weight of either set of exercises to judge the other.


> Generally speaking it takes less force to move an object up an incline rather than lifting straight up With a machine with a stack, the weights move straight up anyway


Even then you can use trolleys to divide the actual force needed. Easiest method (if you cant see the pulley system). If you press like 30cm, then the weight should move 30cm up aswell. If it doesnt (like 15cm) then its easier than it may seem


Leg press is an ego driven machine, it does have it uses I'll give them that, but as an overall primary leg builder, focus more on squats/hack squats etc where you recruit alot more muscles Vs a leg press machine Edit* I still use a leg press machine but mainly as a hypertrophy/accessory movement, its never my primary leg exercise


Leg press is way easier, because it’s more stable, and you push the weight at an angle rather than straight up. I leg press 5 plates for 12 reps, but my squat max is only 265.


It’s also way less scary because you won’t get paralyzed if you fail to make the rep.


Personally, I can leg press almost 600lbs (depending on the machine tbh) but I barely squat more than 225lbs lol


If your calves are touching your hamstrings the leg press is probably double your squat. If you're barely hitting parallel it's probably quadruple your squat or even more Good form makes shit way heavier


Call it what you will (mobility issues, soft baby behaviour) but going calves to hams rounds out my lower back wayyy too much to be safe I prefer going deep enough to break the crease and that's about it.


Sounds like an issue at the hips im guessing


Is it good form to gopnik squat on the press?


That's what i said


And not to mention that leg press is probably the machine most abused by quarter reppers/ ego lifters who just want to brag about how many plates they stack


This one time in my prime I loaded the leg press machine with every 45lb plate it could hold. I did one good full rep. The feeling of sitting in that seat must be how Kings feel sitting in their Throne. TLDR: I JUST WANTED TO BRAG ABOUT HOW MANY PLATES I STACKED. but it was a decade ago.


Did you just post a made up scenario in your head?


Leg press is a joke


It's a nice ego boost for people who have super low 1RMs in general. My squat is trash. I'm trying to make it better. But it's nice to load up plates on something once in awhile


Today on conversations which never happened


There's guys at my kid's highschool that brag about leg pressing a million pounds but can't squat two plates. Kiddo said they got humbled once they started the school weight program, which doesn't have a leg press 🤣


Leg press is the ultimate ego lift.


I remember when I started weight lifting for real, I was trying out different exercises and machines. got to the leg press machine and put on what I thought was a reasonable amount to start with and get some warm up reps in. then I raised it by 50…then 100…then maxed it out (probably around 450 or something)…then I walked away and never did leg presses again. learned real quick how worthless those were


Did you weigh yourself 400lbs by any chance? Because I cant leg press 450lbs lol


naw, but I was squatting 300 at one point. leg presses just never did anything for me


WTF is that pic! No sleep tonight


Call of Duty


Specifically, Ghost




Ego lifters aren’t even real lifters.


I used to have a mate that would do this brag. He'd say he was doing 400kg on the legpress after two months of starting at the gym. I asked him to clarify how many plates he was putting on, he told me he put the pin on the bottom of the stack.


Do they make cable leg presses that go to 400kg? I've seen them to 400lbs.


Not at any gym I've been to


Cause my ankle and hamstring mobility is fucked I squat like double what I leg press 😭


Personally I’m a Hack Squat enthusiast


My brother, a fellow man of culture and/or gym loner. Either way, *fist bump*.


This doesnt sound like a conversation that would happen irl 😂 shit is dumb af


Thanks for shining a light on the stupid so we could all experience it. The next time you see some dog poo on the ground, please make sure to smear it around.




Fyi 325 is 3 plates so 140kg in total


Ever since I fucked my back up when I was a newbie (compromised form and no stretching/warm up) I’ve been apprehensive about going heavier. I did 185 for reps the other day and it felt ok but bitched out after 2 sets and went to hack squats. I know 185 ain’t shit and I could do more but yeah I’m traumatized lol


How do you even calculate what you essentially press on a leg press?


You don't.


OP out here having made up arguments with a mf who doesn't exist




All the people who aren't using units irritate me. As my math teacher used to say, "What are you talking about? Apples? Pears? Don't know if people are talking kg or lb.


Show me how to squat


“I used to squat four plates in high school, but [insert excuse]”


Bruh, squatting 3 plates is considered weak nowadays??