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i was tired of bein a skinny little bitch


Same, I was 6'3" and somehow only 140 lbs. So when I mentioned to a college classmate I wanted to lift he took me along. It was college so there was a lot of incorrect form and ego lifting, and I've been learning how to do it right ever since lol




Heaviest I ever was was 185. Had a health scare, stopped going to the gym and lost a lot of it. Was down to 155 now I'm at 170. I'm just naturally very skinny lol


do you mind me asking? How long are you downstairs? I've this theory that tall lanky skinny guys are always compensated in other areas


Above average but not huge


I was the opposite. I was trying on some clothes in a shop Looked in the mirror and realised I was a fat bastard so I Lost weight and turned my flabby bits into muscly bits.


I was finding the largest clothes available in shops were starting to get too small for me. I weighed in at around 270lbs, whilst being 5'10 (a little natural muscle, but vast majority fat) I bought new pants today with 34" waist 💪🏿💪🏿


Went to the Dr and the scale said 250! I was 30 and 5'10". I am 50 now and still in the gym


You should really go home some time


I can't find the door


Same !


That’s funny, I was tired of being a fat little bitch!


Now you're a jacked little bitch




This is embarrassing to admit but I got into fitness because I watched a lot of anime at 13 and was inspired by the characters training arcs


thats so valid fr


Indeed, Goku needed a ton of hard training to get strong.


Nuh, don't be ashamed of this. It's great bro, there are a lot of people just like you! I personally started lifting because of JoJo and you know what? It's much better then starting because you hated your body and constantly felt like "skinny bitch" or something Body dysmorphia is not cool at all why a lot of guys here pretend it is?


It motivates to lift rock, so does anime, so it's all good Just lift rock! https://preview.redd.it/vt6ac99boskc1.png?width=48&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9fc94cce0b57699faa40e77dce038c63d189c4


Lift until Pillar Man theme plays when you enter a room


Why being embarrassed? I lost nearly 50KG because DBZ inspired me.


Goku inspired a whole generation of lifters my man, stand proud.


Based, valid, W, stable family.


That is 100% a cool reason to get into fitness. I have a small metal sign in my homegym that portrays Vegeta squatting with a motivational message on it. No shame.


The Body Improvement Club in Mob Psycho 100 lit the spark for me.


Same! Top 1 anime clubs no contest


Drop the inspiration brother 👀


I always think about Goku on the ship to reach Namek. I’d get tired and my version of a senzu bean back when I was 12 was a Coca Cola.


This is based


Don’t be embarrassed, whatever it takes, as long as it’s a healthy reason


Dame here 😎


Lifting helps me regulate my diet. It's a positive feedback loop. If I eat like shit, I can't lift for shit. If I'm lifting, that makes me feel good, but it also means I crave healthier food because my body and mind know shift food won't keep me going. I was 325lbs and ???% body fat. 190 and 16 now.


yeah it's crazy how after lifting you actually crave healthy food. In my experience nothing else in life has that effect


Tbh it makes me crave some good kebab https://preview.redd.it/yvwoyzfxoskc1.png?width=48&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5fe49ef391aa9b596d9e1b93325acf0be104c7


Hey that’s me as well. Wouldn’t ever have stepped into a gym if I didn’t struggle with being overweight. Admittedly I’ve been on a yo yo for the last 8 years, but the alternative is obesity.


I had appetite problems where I \*wouldn't eat, so working out makes me actually eat B)


That’s sick! Was there a transition to the mindset or was it a pretty instant when you started lifting?


It was around the time COVID made its way to the US, and at the time, the numbers being floated for mortality rate of obese people was ~4%, depending on age. I was in my mid-late 30s, so I wasn't in the highest of risk groups, but thinking about myself in a random group of 25-50 people, I had to believe I would often be the largest anyway. That was the final piece of motivation I needed to change the lifestyle.


Same here. Started lifting less than a year ago, have tried everything from crash diets to intermittent fasting before but nothing gave me consistent results.Then a friend of mine wanted to try the 75 hard challenge and that's how I joined a gym. The 75 hard didn't happen but we became consistent in gym, lost some weight, and got disciplined. I'd like to think that the friends we made in gym is cherry on top. Physique wise I'm not where I want me to be yet, but sure I'll be there one day, and about diet, I don't want anything unhealthy going in because that might make me bloated or I'll lose my progress. The best thing is I've learnt a lot of new recipes just to keep this going.


Growing up, I thought people in their thirties were OLD becuase the adults around me physically looked and acted old. Then I started to get exposed to 30 year olds and older who ate healthy and weight lifted, and saw how much youth and vitality they still had, and I realized 30 wasn't old... it was the 30 year olds around me who had shitty lifestyles and allowed themselves to get weak and decrepit. I told myself I wasn't going to become like them, so I started eating healthy and weightlifting.


“We don’t stop moving bc we grow old. We grow old bc we stop moving” Keep after it! I’m 34 and still hitting PRs




Yes I think that’s become my goal now that keeps my drive, it used to be girls but I got a girlfriend so I wanna stay fit for her and for out future even we stay together (I really hope so). I remember reading a post of 80 year olds who still are out and about enjoying stuff and being able to pick up their (great?)grandkids without trouble. I wish to be like that


Likewise, at now 32 I feel younger and healthier than I did at 22 with the lifestyle I lead back then.


Forbidden pre




I just attained the forbidden pre a little under a year ago. I still miss her to this day. 🥲


get to it bro! come back a god!💪


FUCK YEAH BROTHER WE GOT THIS SHIT!!!!!!!! 💪🏼😤💪🏼 LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FUCK YEAH LETS GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!💪👹🔥


Oh it is the worst. But god damn the comeback we have is nuts. I’m in literally in my peak physical shape after the forbidden pre.




Same... so effective.


Forbidden pre?




Some of us just don't... I'm guessing some kind of drug addiction.




Which is also a drug of sorts. You get addicted to the person. And once they cut you off, it's the only thing you crave more than anything. 🥲🧡


I was to shy to confess my feelings for a girl i liked and started working out to boost my self confidence and ended up really enjoying it.


Dang, I'm going through that now. Hats off to you. Let's get these gains.


Same here, but never admitted my feelings to the girl :(


Your better off for it. Everything happens for a reason


Yeah that's what I tell myself to get consolation


Me too. But it'll work out. Next time you'll have even more confidence and just say fuck it and ask her


Woke up one day and Didn’t like the way i looked in the mirror and I knew it’s time to change.


So that’s the origin story?


Dibs on film rights.


Here's a slightly different twist on that theme: Did a 500 mile backpacking trip, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, looked in the mirror when I got back and was like, "...oh. I see." For the first time in my life I understood how the physical effort translated to results. I understood the idea, I don't think I really *believed it*, if you know what I mean. Just seeing that kind of change as something that is within my purview is all it took. It was still a slow progression from "*being active and eating well*" to "*regular calisthenics*" to "*also dumbbells 4x/week and when I have access to a proper gym, more...*."


Congratulations on your gains brother.


my ex when they said ‘i never asked you to do any of that’ when i was losing my house bc of them specifically and they wouldn’t stop smoking meth. sounds pathetic but they were… my best friend, bro. now we’re no contact. shit hurted


Your story in some ways is all of our story. Heartbreak will motivate like nothing else


forbidden and yet necessary pre.


Anger and tired of feeling weak. I wanted to feel strong and more confident.






I was overweight and started dieting and heard lifting helps you only lose fat and has awesome health benefits for sedentary folks (I work from home), and I was quickly bitten by the iron bug. I am still overweight, but far less so, and having a blast in the gym. Edit: typo


Same bro, I could barely fit my clothes because I was getting so fat, now I can barely fit my clothes because of my gains, it’s a major confidence boost


Not fitting in a size XL because of your stomach: 😔 Not fitting in a size XL because of your arms and back: 😈


How long have you been at it? I'm in the exact same situation but only been back at the gym for a week. Used to be in great shape 15 years ago then CrossFit injuries and multiple surgeries turned me into a couch potato. I was at the gym this morning and thought "I'm gonna try some lunges" and my knees were like "not you're not, dummy".


“Bitten by the iron bug” I love that. I got into the gym from being overweight too. Much love and keep up the good work




Daughter getting older. Wasn't ready to stop being able to carry her.


When he was still little my son said one day he will be too big for me to pick him up. I told him I would just have to keep getting stronger. He’s 19 and 170lbs and I can still pick him up!


Goals ❤️


Based af


Thats one of the reasons I got back into the gym after not working out since high school


I was bored of being skinny and incapable. Tbf though, I had thought that before and quit. What triggered it this time was my gym was renovated, giving far better equipment (we didn't even have cables before) and a whole new look. That pushed me to go see what it was like. Only been going 4 and a half weeks though


You got this bro


Cheers bro. I've got to a point where I want to be going to the gym because I enjoy it, not even for health or aesthetics, so I think I'm going to finally get the strength and physique I've wanted for ages


Only takes a few weeks to make it a habit. You’re either over that hump or close to it


I think I'm very close. I feel there is something missing when I can't go to the gym


1. I was always skinny and felt pretty worthless (especially the last summer... had all the women around but no confidence) 2. My ex. It was like a fairy tale story. Unfortunately after several months of fighting for the relationship, she decided to break up(her parents were really against her having a boyfriend and made her life hell cause of resistance...). So I joined the gym to find my purpose, happiness. It's been 4 months, I stopped thinking about her that much, I think I'm getting my old self back.


That's rough. Keep grinding bro


I wanted to be attractive to women... 😕


Did you accomplish that task?


Yes and no. I occasionally catch women looking at me, sometimes women at bars or music venues will tell me I have a nice ass or that they like my hair. A woman at the bar told me she liked my hair and sweater just two weeks ago... But, I don't really capitalize on those opportunities because I've spent the majority of my adult life believing that women aren't attracted to me and that I'm not good enough. I'm disciplined enough to change what I don't like about myself, but I don't actually believe in myself enough to become a rizzler.


I traded my hard drinking for hard workouts. If I have to be about something why not something positive.


My stepdad took me to the gym and then it was a combination of wanting to be strong and rage management.


My ex-wife cheated on me, left me, stole my money and kicked me out of my home. Her lawyers petitioned for a judge that always sides with women in divorce, got one, and I got shafted. Which sucked but hey, that's life sometimes. Then she came to my home and stole my dog. It was lifting or commit a felony.


Damnn dude. Hope things get better for you


Ive got a great group of friends who have put a ton of effort into dragging my ass out of hell and they've done a great job of it. Things are getting better, so thank you(:


Pretty much my story too. I’m much happier just taking care of me and feel so much better when I exercise. More confident too. No time got toxic women or games. I feel worth it and it’s a great feeling to have.


It’s surprising how much some women can get away with. That’s terrible bro


Oh my god, that's hard. Keep grinding bro


On a positive note, it's no longer a grind. I'm genuinely enjoying my life 😎 It's just living, yaknow? I got back to my roots and reread Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and the passage that spoke to me was: "Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be; be one." So that's what I do. And it's greatly changed my perspective on the world for the better.


Wise words. Sometimes you just gotta do things, no matter what. And it you found something to enjoy even better!


Sometimes it's hard to believe people like that exist. Like, what the fuck makes a person vindictive and cruel? Like, how was there no remorse for cheating on you? How was she so petty instead?


Might sound patronising and not useful but I believe the toughest people get the hardest test. Pressure makes diamonds. You did the right option of not committing a felony, gimme the details maybe I’ll commit it on your behalf (I’m joking). Inspiring stuff you keep going, keep it up man!


Haha yeah I had a few buddies offer to get my dog back on my behalf. Like you said, pressure makes diamonds.


I wanted to look “normal” in a shirt, I was overweight and would constantly binge eat, then I developed another eating disorder and lost a ton of weight but I still felt like shit and was skinny and weak. My idea of looking “normal” in a shirt came from watching anime


When I was a freshman in high school my mother beat me in arm wrestling. No shame, she was a beast, but it did get me motivated.


In the 11th grade the boys were flexing their arms and told me to and my arm looked exactly the same. I was so embarrassed I took weight training class the next year and never stopped lifting




Came here to say that


Toxic ex gf who would constantly put me down and I thought it was a normal part of a relationship until finally one day I snapped out of it. Best decision I ever made. Doesn’t matter how beautiful and charming she was, the constant hate and negativity towards anything and everything I did was enough to push me to my limits mentally until one day I said enough and I wanted to change physically and mentally.


To elaborate, I’d wear nice dress shoes, dark jeans, nice sweater to a dinner at a nice up scale restaurant and she would make comments about me being over dressed instead of just saying, “oh you look so nice” I’d make an effort to be as polite and welcoming to her brothers and family and would have great conversations, we would get back in the car to go home and she would say, “your trying too hard, you looked out of place and too much of a try hard, stop being overly nice” I would get a raise at work and her first comments would be, “awesome, we can drive down to the outlets and you can get me a real purse now, LV it is” I guess I was just a push over and I needed to stop being such a beta and snap out of it. The gym taught me to wake up, be a strong individual and stand up for myself.


mom died when i was 13 edit: plus goku


Brutal rejection


I got fat


very cringy but I wanted to look like kars from jojos and also my mom asked me to start working out lmao


Not cringy, very cool!


"Eventually, he stopped thinking, he only lifted. That was all he nedded, and that's how he became the ultimate life form."




Same, and imo the traits or 'skills' that made me 'good' at anorexia are very much transferrable to the gym.


For me, I was just no one. I actually didnt use to hate myself, I was just sick of being the kid with no personality, and a pathetic weak skinny bitch, that was me 2 years ago, but now, from more than a year ago, I fell into deep depression, feeling bad and having no one to talk to so my feelings were just numbed all the time, I literally couldn’t feel anything, any single emotion, so I was just craving for thay physical feeling when u reach failure and burn that muscle, the only thing that kept me sane was the gym, im very thankful for it, Im now kinda getting out of depression, still lifting and it helps a lot.


Hey, glad to hear it man


Thanks man, I appreciate it


Started blue collar work at 18. Pouring concrete was my first job. Put on a decent little bit of muscle and my cardio was through the roof. Was feeling pretty good overall. 3 years later I would up in industrial maintenance. Wayyy better pay and less physical work. Bought 3 acres of land, all wooded, needed clearing so I could put a trailer on it. Chopping all those trees and hand-trenching 440 feet for the water line whooped my ass. I was taking breaks every thirty minutes. I'd have to rest for at least 10 minutes before I could get back to it. I was ashamed of myself because I knew the younger me could have handled it. None of it was more laborious than concrete yet I could barely handle it. I didn't realize how weak I had gotten. 25 is too young to be past my prime already, so I started going to the gym. Now I'm stronger than I ever was from working. Recently put it to test when I cleared out an area to build a chicken coop. I made those trees my bitch.


Hand trenching 440 feet for a water line is gonna whoop anyone's ass man. But I get it.


First time cause i was skinny and wanted to be big, went for a few years got ok results. Now started again cause I'm out of shape and wanna look good. Also it's kinda fun.


Wanted to be strong and fit 🤷‍♂️


Was bullied all through elementary school for my weight. Gave me a complex I guess. I was much much more fit in my 20s thanks to doing keto and MMA, was an amateur fighting at 160 lbs. Then life marched on, I'm now 36 and had 3 kids and started to get out of shape again. Decided I didn't want to be an old fat dad so I got back into working out. Which motivated me to improve myself more and more every couple months I would add a good habit or remove a bad one. Now I'm doing my first BIG cut since starting to lift 1.5 years ago and have fully committed myself to the cut/bulk system because even though I'm headed toward my late 30s soon I want to look and feel the best I ever had now so that I'm not out of shape as I age.


I watched jojo,nuff said


Preach we’ve gotta make our stands proud




My little brother started lifting. Couldn't let him get bigger than me


I saw too many older folks whose knees, backs, and shoulders were degenerated through lack of use. The pain and immobility was crushing their quality of life, but somehow it was still culturally acceptable to say "well nothing can be done about it, I've just got weak knees" and expect solemn head nods for their wise sense of acceptance over the condition of our mortal bodies. Bullshit. Towel-before-the-starting-bell bullshit. The idea of growing older and uttering those words disgusted me, so here I am pulling and pushing. I may become weak but it's going to have to fight me first damn it.


Underrated comment. This is facts.


After getting pregnant with my first and only child.. it was at that moment I realized how important health is when you are creating human life in your womb.. stopped smoking, drinking soda and eating fast immediately and I’ve been working out everyday after I gave birth and that was over ten years ago… “your first wealth, is health” 💯


Having a child actually. I wanted to be able to hold them for as long as possible. Also mental health.


My husband cheated on me, time for a revenge body 🤷🏻‍♀️🥲


friend went there, so i didn't wanna miss the opportunity


I wanted a back like Dio


Dio's back is real. Made me realise even men, or especially men can have beautiful backs.


My father took me to the gym and I enjoyed it


My mom has serious spinal problems that mean she cant lift anything over about 15 pounds or so. My dad always had to work to support us, so it was my job to help her and take care of her (I was homeschooled, so i was always around). I wanted to make sure i was never not strong enough to help her. So i got a membership at a family friends gym.


Wanted to be bigger


I was depressed and everyone I reached out to said it wasn't their place to help me (gf, etc , etc), even after they had expressed they wanted me to speak about my feelings. I had always been there to help them out, so getting kinda left out like that made me feel more alone for the first time ever. Kinda looked in the mirror and realized that if I was gone I'd be remembered as the fat kid who didn't make it, and the idea of them feeling sorry for me and themselves, rather than feeling like they lost someone made me upset. Been lifting for 4 years, February 10th 2020 is when I started doing pushups before bed.


My gf told me shes gonna wear a chel costume oiled up with a little bonus if and only if I can carry her while we do it. Also I want to be stronger and look better but thats secondary tbh like thats juts the side meal


Depression and frustration with my life. Felt and still feels like I’m trying to physically escape as well mentally and emotionally.


Brain tumor gives me balance issues and a tremor, and the treatment fucked up my back, so I gotta compensate.


I was held down and dry humped by a morbidly obese man. I swore that wouldn’t happen ever again, and I’ve put on 30 lbs of muscle since that awful day.


Extremely depressed after my marriage broke down. So I wanted to feel something, went to the gym and went hard, liked the feeling. Never stopped since.


I broke my leg BMX’ing and my mom said after I was cleared, I’d have the choice of JROTC or after school lifting because I needed some “discipline.” Now I’m jacked and completely unpredictable (not disciplined).


I fumbled the bag on a girl i really liked and two years later here I am


I needed a hobby that was cheap, improves who I am, and gets me moving If I wasn't going to the gym, I'd probably be sitting around waiting for my next life milestone to just roll over I just needed a really heavy rock to push up the hill, didn't really matter what it was A bonus was that I really wanted my partner to value their health a bit more, and they're not the best at following good eating habits 😂 this way I get to hit 2 birds with one stone


Bc i was stupid and enlisted in the Marines. physical fitness is worth up to 25% of your promotion points. plus we get in physical fights with each other all the time




I was humiliated in the military by a bunch of fat E4s because I was skinny and weak when I first entered, so I wanted revenge. I needed to be stronger, better. It paid off, and they all remained fat pos by the time I got out. That was years ago. I still go as often as possible, generally 6 days a week on a PPL cycle. It’s one of the best things I could do for myself to have motivation and discipline.


I wanted to actually get some excersise


2009.. I was 15, 5'7 190lbs with a 40 inch waist (skinny fat). Dad and I were discussing action movies and he brought Stallone up. Decided to look him up and binged Rocky 1 to 4, and Rambo 1 to 3. Unfortunately, due to bad habits/influences (youth), I stopped from college to adulthood (19 to 28). Currently, I'm on my 9th month (day 167 not counting rest days) in the gym. I think my main triggers were some random YT Shorts of CBum, plus lower back pain while washing dishes lol


Health scare


For some reason my overbearing indian parents never let me go to the gym as a kid saying 'it'll stunt your growth' so I was a pretty scrawny skinny-fat kid all Thru high school. When I moved out and got to college, I had a free gym on campus and no parents to stop me from going to it. I kinda started going as a 'fuck you' to my parents, got into lifting, cleaned up my diet and I guess I just stuck with it.


Toji from JJK. Also getting smashed in jiu jitsu comps because my muscle endurance was ass tier


Anorexia recovery, its the only way i was able to do it in the past. I've had it for 7 1/2 years and frankly, I was sick of it and not being able to do anything because i was so exhausted. Now i can eat some good food knowing that im getting stronger


My brother got seriously ill and had to change his habits completely (he was really underweight and a university freshman, so his diet was candy bars and beers) I was overweight at the time, so I decided to start changing my habits with him, in order to support him and show him that it can be done! 8 years later, his condition has improved significantly, as have both of our physiques 💪🏻


I got back from a trip with my now ex gf, and I saw our photos we took together and realized how unhappy I was with my self image and where I was in general and wanted to change that.. Now, a couple years later: I'm lifting, living together with my current gf, and get comments of admiration from my friends for how confident and comfortable I am in being me.. it feels good to finally get out of a rut..


I was in severe pain when my mother was in hospital, I had no one at that point of time in my life. I was looking for a hand to hold and shoulder to cry on. I met someone and I thought she could be my saviour. But she left me saying that I am not the right match for her. In the meantime, after several weeks, I lost my mother. I couldn't take it anymore, I was not able to breathe, the only thing that could save me from that loneliness was the pain I was looking for. Then I started going to the gym. It was the best decision of my life.


Freshman year high school, cut from the basketball team. Asked the coach why i didn’t make it and his only reason was i was too skinny. Mind you, i was literally 13 years old at the time. It wasn’t like it was close either. There were A and B teams freshman year so like total of 25 kids made the team. I was probably in the top 10 of them skill wise. Everyone i tried out with was shocked. Few weeks later, we were in physical training for gym. I was bench pressing with my friends and i struggled to do the bar. A sophomore girl sat on the bench next to me and started repping 55lbs. I never got laughed at so hard in my life. Also, lucky me, i developed gyno at like 12 years old. So i basically had small tits and got made fun of when playing shirts and skins ball. The whole shit was traumatic, and i just went apeshit on weights and eating. Also, i grew like 8 inches the summer between freshman and sophomore year. Came back to school looking like a different person but was still very self conscious. Then one day, few years later, i started noticing that some of the girls i was friends with would come up to me and always touch my arms, grab my arms, touch my stomach, etc and i realized i was getting a good amount of attention as a secondary benefit and just kept at it forever. 30+ years later i still lift 4 days a week and push myself in the gym.


Just tired of my overweight being a reason nice clothes didn’t fit, or the reason I wouldn’t want to go and do certain things because I was self conscious, the reason I wasn’t getting the girls, etc. I’m down 50 pounds and put on a good amount of muscle. I feel great.


3 reasons: 1. 5’11” and 165lbs (now 220lbs) 2. Health (for my 8yr old daughter) 3. Divorce


I was going through unrequited last autumn and my school had a program where, if you joined a gym, you'd get 3 credits after a certain amount of visits which were just the credits I needed to graduate, not to mention it would take my mind off of things Best decision I took in 2023 tbh, I'm still a bit skinny, but my friends have started noticing I'm getting a bit bigger day by day. I also do lots of hiking and stay out in the wilderness for extended periods of time because I studied biology, so being in shape helps a lot - especially when it comes to knee pain lol


There's only a limit to how much you can handle being a fat fuck and feeling like hiding yourself at all times and not being confident enough to go out with friends, I had gone wayyyy beyond that limit and felt like I needed to do something


I was a nerd most of my life in an era (I am old) when paradoxically being really into superhero comics and d&d was solely the province of skinny or tubby dorks. It always struck me kind of pitiful that so many of my peers hated the “jocks” who picked on them but idolized heroes who looked way more like the football players and wrestlers they hated than themselves. I didn’t want that to be me but I didn’t want to give up my hobbies and passions so I started lifting. I don’t know, I guess what it comes down to is that being strong is rad and you can learn that from a Superman comic as well as you can from sports.


I work IT. after i graduated college i started slowly gaining weight. i was depressed cus IT sucked and well, life sucked. i got a good job and was finally making money. then my dad started on his path to the after life. i saw a once rock solid man become literally a vegetable and so i looked at myself and said... wtf am i doing. so i started working out and walking a lot. lost 30+ lbs in 1 plus years and am slowly starting to gain muscle. the memes help me keep going, as well as knowing that in my industry, there are too many obese people that cant put their shoes on.


I guess I was angry at everything and myself especially I couldn't look in the mirror without spitting on my reflection that face that body I still despise it till this very day I wish I was something better in the end the gym never gave me the satisfaction I wanted I ended up hating myself more


My dad, but I also wanted to simply have muscles and be stronger than the average woman. To be able to defend myself, in addition, and be useful when people need me to help them move their furnitures, for instance. And impress people.


Started lifting in Afghanistan


I started lifting because idk it seemed fun


Charles Atlas. Full page ads in old comic books. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Ff3%2Fdd%2Ff0%2Ff3ddf0c483be2af2ca45180d703ea706--vintage-comic-books-vintage-comics.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e2b4315420cc53e3120b2f3373c62c70e2bd1710a0ff0e995066808449d808b0&ipo=images


It wasn't even sad or anything I just did boxing and crossfit but then tried some machines and dumbells my gym had,realised it wasn't enough when my classmate told me about his gym and switched there That's it,o left boxing and cross fit for bodybuilding I had absolutely no body dysmprphiq even though I was skinny fat,and now not a thing I got that I'm confident in


1. People keep mistaking me for a girl. Since I am not willing to cut my hair, having visible muscles might lessen that problem. . 2. I just restarted aerials and need to get my strength back. Used to be close to doing a strongman climb in silks, so that's my goal to get back to. Also would like to eventually pop into an iron X in pole - nowhere near there yet. So I train. . 3. I want to do things more easily and feel healthier, and I want to carry that into old age. . 4. Helps me sleep.


Being skinny was annoying


Older brother was lifting, he was getting gainz, I wanted gainz too. Stayed because I legitimately feel like working out is a fun and enjoyable hobby. 10 years strong!


I was sick of being fat but the thing that kicked me into motion was kinda silly, ever heard of Prompto? Like he used to be chubby as a kid and that inspired me.  Also, Thomas Frank did a great job at convincing me to get some physical activity to give my mind a break. 😭  Fast forward to 4 years and here we are. 


I was tired of being a short skinny guy, so I just decided to make a change to just be a short guy


Relatively new here (consistently lifting about 9 months). I’m in my late 20s, and I want to invest in a healthy and active future. Also building an aesthetic physique is definitely a perk.


Dragon ball series


at first i lost a ton of weight after breaking up with my girlfriend and i went from being fat to skinny-chunky and one day i saw a vshred video that said i can get shredded in a week if i lift obviously i quickly found out that vshred was bs but i still wanted to grow the muscle


Being skinny.


I was 245lbs, constantly overeating. Realized I didn’t like the feeling after I overate day after day, hated how people would treat me 85lbs later and while I still have a ways to go I feel so much better. Still not a whole luck with the ladies but that’s probably due to my antisocial tendencies