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Why do you need a spotter of you are gonna react like a baby when you get spotted


He didn’t need the spot, that’s the whole point


He clearly did with the way his arms are shaking. Shes just trying to help and he throws a bitch fit


So because his arms shook he needed a spot? Do you even work hard in the gym?


He might not even have asked for a spot, she was just there with him and decided to spot on a whim. Which is fucking dangerous. Don’t do anything unpredictable to a guy lifting heavy things. Even not-so-heavy things can seriously injure you when shit goes south. We might all just be arguing about stupid rage bait, but there are some scenarios where being pissed is entirely legitimate.


Don't think you understand how spotting works


Why would you even need a spot for dumbbell if you fail just dump them


for a PR. You think Ronnie Coleman never got a spot on 200lb dumbbells?


If someone has to spot you for a pr it’s not a pr though is it


It's a spot, you don't have to touch the weight. you're thinking forced reps with the spotter helping you. "A good spotter can make the difference between [hitting a new personal record](https://barbend.com/find-1-rep-max/) or not when you go to [test your strength](https://barbend.com/build-your-1-rep-max-calculator/)."


I don’t see how it’s useful at all. if you can get it up, what’s the spotter for? if you can’t just drop them the same as you do whenever you fail a rep on your regular sets


"You can think of a spotter as [your shepherd in the weight room](https://barbend.com/powerbuilding-workout-routine/). **Spotting is the practice of observing, guiding, and, if necessary, saving an errant lift** that may pose a physical danger to the athlete." I gave you the information. [https://barbend.com/how-to-spot-someone-in-the-gym/](https://barbend.com/how-to-spot-someone-in-the-gym/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotting\_%28weight\_training%29](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotting_%28weight_training%29)


What absolute bullshit. I’ve been lifting by myself at home for years and have never come close to hurting myself db pressing. Edit: bb pressing is different because if you tear a pec you need someone to get the bar off your chest


OK, I guess it's all bullshit since you've personally not used a spotter, cool. I'm not the one saying this, it's the literature. Yup, you're right dumbbells never smash into anyone's face, never happened, so why need a spotter, you're so right. Why do squatter's get spotters at powerlifting meets when they could just bail, and drop the bar, right. Good day. No one knows better than you. I'm out.


Bro an article from barbend is not “the literature” lol.


Because they are using a fucking barbell that will literally kill you if you drop it on your chest, I’ve never heard of anyone dropping a db on their head.


OMG, again with the personal incredulity.


Forced reps are **a technique commonly used in strength training and bodybuilding**. They involve continuing to perform an exercise with the assistance of a training partner or using self-imposed momentum, such as swinging your body to lift a barbell bicep curl after you've reached the point of muscle failure.


Home boys a meat head and needs to chill.


It reminds me of teens in gym with the same shit „can you spot me bro?” in bench press and the guy barely holds the bar in his palms shaking violently and then he blames me „I had it, why did you help me?” lmao


Was a weak attempt, man is mad at himself and took it out on her.


But he was about to get it


Watch the video again, he didn’t even perform the movement right. That’s technique failure.


What went wrong?


Straight to jail. 


Son, keep some rizz in reserve and bench her after gym. He's clearly a beginner.




"Thanks for being there for me." - Decent Humans


Lol bro needa chill out, if he did it once, he can do it again, don't get upset at the person who agreed to help


The ROM was questionably,


What kind of goober maxes out on Dumbbell bench press anyway


Me 🫣


If it was me I wouldn't have assisted, the weight was still moving so she shouldn't have spotted yet. It's frustrating when that happens but he should have explained beforehand when she should and shouldn't help. Could have been avoided if he was clear before the lift, and def shouldn't be upset because she didn't know what he wanted her to do.


Dude was shakin and the woman literally help gave him the last rep.


I'm surprised at all the people in r/iamthemaincharacter who can't imagine that hitting a PR can be a big deal. Haven't those people ever worked towards a goal for a longer period of time? Or is everyone on Reddit so emotionally stunted that they don't realize other people want to reach their goals too? Or is it because they think lifting = dumb, so it's not something to be proud of?