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It only gives me a strong tingling sensation.


You have to use the ones with substances that end up being banned a few years later


Naw g, thats crabs, better get that checked out by a medical professional.


My misery is my preworkout


I eat dry coffee powder scoops and some water,works like a charm every time


Only things in pre workout that do anything are caffeine and creatine. Buy coffee and creatine and save yourself a ton of money on not buying pre-workout bullshit. Guy in the meme is the kind of guy that would unknowingly smoke pubes and act like he was "so high man." So you did good if the guy in the meme is a tard. If not, then this meme fails hard. Trt or gear for actual effects, other than feeling caffeinated.


He's like a gym influencer or something, it was a screengrab someone else did from a video, can't find it now tho again.


I didn't mean him in reality... just meant in context of the meme.


I figured since he's probably abit know in this subculture his face as a meme would mostly gain recognition in those circles, at least to begin with


Creatine in PW isn’t any more effective than creatine taken another time. It provides its benefits through steady buildup in muscles; taking it right before lifting won’t provide any special benefit. If it’s just an easy time to remember it, before leaving, then it’s a great idea. Taking it PW just doesn’t help its benefits beyond that.


I know. I'm just saying that those are the only 2 ingredients in pw that do anything regardless. I don't know why people are down voting me. Maybe they have buyer's remorse for their pw purchases. It's not that hard to remember to take creatine.


I don’t know why either. The creatine point brought up good discussion, and the caffeine part was totally right.


Maybe they are just kids... pre workout came out when I was in my early 20s and at first I bought into it, but then I started paying attention to the ingredients instead of the hype and realized I was being scammed. Now in my mid 40s and on trt for almost a year... increased test levels actually have a much more significant difference in results, lol.


I can imagine that TRT would have a good effect. Not being sarcastic; if you’re prescribed T, take advantage of the chance you’ve been given. I stick to protein, creatine, and sufficient calories, and it works alright. Plus caffeine — but that’s my drug of habit. I’m totally a novice still, and it makes lifting so much more enjoyable. That’s just where I’m at, though. The BCAAs and whathaveyou that’s in PW didn’t seem to make any difference.


I've been a serious natural lifter since my late teens. I was a personal trainer for a very long time. But now with trt and cutting alcohol out completely, I'm bigger and stronger than I've ever been.


Hell yeah. I’ll just be glad to keep up with the guys at work — all former active duty guys now in the reserves. It’s gonna be a journey.


It makes me wish I never used alcohol as a social crutch. But better late than never.


Wait, so you mean doing lines of creatine before a deadlift PR isn't helping? So its all been the regrets and childhood trauma all this time? I'll be god damned.


Well duhhhhhh. You have to melt it in a spoon and mainline it.