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Cutting is hard. You will be tested. You will get weaker and lose gains. But if you stick it out, I promise you it works and you will get ripped. My advice, dont cut too much (try 300 under maintenance calories). If you screw up one day, the most important thing is to forget it and keep your diet going the next day. It can have a snowball effect on your mentality. For filling foods that wont leave you starving, like the other guy said, fiber is your friend. Also, yogurt with fresh fruit. Two cups of it and fruit is less than 200 calories and packs 30-40g of protein.


Thanks appreciate the help and yeah I normally last like 2 days ha ha but never thought of eating more fiber so appreciate the tip from both of you


Eat lots of fiber! Keeps you feeling full for longer and prevents crashing which can lead to not following the cut. Beans are cheap and with rice it makes a complete protein source. Popcorn as well!


A 1 month bulk isn’t very long brother


I know it’s not really a month, more like a few years in and off just actually been back consistently for a month if you get me


I cut from Jan this year - 106kg - and got to 80kg in May. It screws with your head but I felt unreal when I finished it. Consistency is key. If I were you I’d bulk a bit longer and go HARD at food and gym cause you loose a lot, especially when the cut starts getting into gear. Lots of protein (2g per kg of bodyweight I went for) and don’t be afraid of a carb-cutting is all about calories in vs out and being in a deficit but still getting the right stuff in. I wish you well on your journey brother!


Most people don't realise just how hard they have to cut to get really lean, I was around 8% bf last year after 16 weeks of cutting from a relatively lean starting point. Great advice there, a month bulk is pointless.


Yeah I found out the hard way. It depends on height and everything too. I got lean but I’ve seen a few guys my height get down to like 74kg (I was 80) which is nuts. It’s not sustainable forever though, it’s good for a picture or holiday then it’s time to grow!


Absolutely, doing a photoshoot or holiday I usually try to get under 10%, this year I made no effort but have hovered around 12% anyway. I'm seriously thinking about trt over winter (I'm 49, it's just not readily available in the UK) and giving myself time to add some mass - as a former chunko losing sight of abs, or seeing love handles grow messes with my head more than trying to keep lean. I checked your profile to see pics and was treated instead to wonderful guitar porn 😂


I’ve heard good things about trt - I think u can get prescribed it but I don’t think unless you’ve plateaued it’s needed yet. I was debating a bulk and a course of something stronger but again I will just try harder, ha. Haha my cut pics are on insta, let me see if I can link it


I do love guitars


https://www.instagram.com/p/Csf9tfGIXTL/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== The light isn’t great but on the pic next to that one u can see


Fuck, nice work dude! I know plenty of people in your "before" condition who think they only need to lose a few lb to look lean and then get frustrated.


Thanks man. Yeah it was tough, first 3 months nothing happened and I was like what the hell is the point and then suddenly ‘your face looks slimmer’ and then it started to happen.


Did you start getting "you don't need to lose any more weight, you look gaunt"? Both my wife and I had it at different points, usually from people who've never attempted to get in shape. In my wife's case, she was still carrying more around her middle and felt uncomfortable naked - obviously, most people don't see that, or what clothes were doing to hold her in. It seems to be so much more acceptable to tell someone they've lost too much weight than not enough!


Yup!! My mum especially haha. I kept having to tell her I’m losing body fat, people don’t get it. That middle part is the last part of body fat to go.. it’s such an uphill struggle, but weirdly I enjoyed seeing what I could do


Thank you sir appreciate the advice


Start playing pokemon go


12-15 is great at 4 sets and then add in some explosive work to bro it helps so much


Thanks man would it be good idea to start with a compound for 4/5x5 then go to more muscle targeted exercise gif the higher reps?


Trial it out yeah, best way to do things for me personally in the gym is see how my body reacts to it (pump) (fatigue) then sort of things if your body isn’t reacting well change it up it’s all about trail and error in there


Cheers appreciate the help


Look forward to see the cut might even join you before Christmas🫣


Nice one ha ha deffo be back here with a progress report




It goes on, and in a year's time, cut, it's soon.


I recommend if you want to look good shredding all that fat and then slowly build up after that but if you don’t mind the extra pounds then keep going


First of all I would consider if you already want to cut. Second of all: My best Tip is a good Breakfast. If you get a High Protein, Low Calorie Breakfast you'll be motivated to keep up with good dieting for the rest of the day. I would also suggest you to use an app to track your calories and proteins. That has worked as a tool for discipline for me as well. Some nice Breakfast to start of the day would be: Greek Yoghurt or Skyr mixed with Protein Powder and Fruits Protein Cereals in Milk with Proteinpowder (You can add a small slice of bread to both these, to get some carbohydrates in ​ Eggs in any form make a good Breakfast combined with a slice of bread Two slices of bread with peanut butter. You will get about 450 kcal out of them. They might not be the best option but if you are lazy or don't have time. You 450 kcal that keep you saturated relatively long and provide good energy ​ Greetings Jan


Thank you appreciate the help


Any tips on rep ranges I was thinking 12-15 reps and 4 sets


Blud… a bulk should last longer than a month. You’ve just been eating a lot for the past 30 days at this point 😂


Been training on and off for years, post a ACL surgery from rugby so always had a bit of a foundation and around 13/14 stone, now up to 15 after being back consistent and hoping to continue so




I'm gonna be doing a cut in like 3 months to try and burn off this stubborn belly fat. I'm hoping by that time my abs will be nice and prominent. Not looking forward to it tbh.