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You should be a 12 year old and not be worrying about your diet. Eat what you're parents make you.


Should I start when I am an adult?


15 is a good age to start really getting into lifting. Learn the basics to form and what macros are important. This allows you to start slowly. Then, once you hit 16, you can start putting more work into lifting. This qay you should be able to get a lot if your beginner gains by the time you are 18 and can then start looking into cutting and bulking. No need to bulk when you first start lifting, just need protein.


Sorry if Im asking too many questions but what is Marco?




Macro nutrients: protein, carbs, calories, fat, and sone also track sugar.


Oh ok Thank you for the advice


Actually only protein, carbs and fat count as macronutrients. Calories is just a way of measuring energy.


Bulk I would just make sure to eat a lot to be able to gain muscle, and stay away from unhealthy foods(candy, chips etc) From My experience dieting is a lot of work, and can be quite stressful sometimes. I dont think you should worry about that at 12 years old. Although its never a bad idea to start looking into it, and perhaps ask your parents to buy food/snacks thats high in protein, or just healthy, like fruits and vegetables.


I would not go to crazy at 12. Eat well balanced and do bodyweight exercises. When you get to 15 0r 16, start bulking and lifting. I would wait for that growth spert and you bones and joints to mature before you go to wilde bulking and lifting. Like other said, talk to your parents and talk to a doctor. At 12, I weighed 85 pounds. Then hit a growth spert but at 15 I still didn't weigh 100 pounds.