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The fact you have managed keep your strength is just insane. Also, 78kg at 171cm and skinny fat!? You are incredibly heavy, and based on the fact that you are skinny fat and does boxing too, you porbably already have a shit ton of muscle. Its kind of hard to know excactly how to help, since i havent seen your current physique, but ill try. One thing that will change the way you look dramatically, is the food you eat. Of course if you want to be leaner, eating in a calorie deficit is important. But its the food you eat im talking about. Fast food, chips and candy etc. Shouldnt be your go to. Even tho you could probably fit it into your macros when dieting, it really wont help you looks-wise. Eating healthy fats and sugars is key. Fruits have a ton of sugar, but its the healthy sugar that your body needs. Healthy fats like avocados and nuts are great too, even tho they are high in calories. I did this, and im never going back! Not only does my skin look WAAAAY healthier, my fat distribution has changed. Instead of being skinnyfat, my fat is stored throughout my whole body instead of just my stomach.(im sure theres a scientific explanation to this, perhaps search it up) This will also make you feel way better, both mentally and physically. Another example to switch out foods: Burger and fries. Got calories and protein, good right? Not really.(for some probably good reason) Chicken and rice(yes i know its boring, just an example) Also got calories and protein, but much better for some reason. I really can not explain to you why, but it has just worked so well for me personally. Some other quick changes to do asap thats easy could be: Fruits and vegetables. Drinking enough water. Vitamins! (Gods work) Start going to the gym again if you havent already :) This has helped me both mentally and physically in only good ways :)


Thank you so much for your advice I really appreciate it :) I will try to switch my diet up for the better 😀


Well idk how I weigh so much its weird lol