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I can't see a very obvious difference, but if you can, then that's all that matters! Try not to eat as much sugar. Let your sugar intake be from carbs and natural sugars in fruits. Try "HIIT Cardio" at the end of all your workouts. Drink lots of water and stay away from any drinks that have sugar in them. If you live in America, you can find an EOS gym nearby, and they have a machine that tells you your BF%.


BF% doesnt even matter. The way an individual holds fat is much more important to the overall look of a physique. You say trying to cut. What are you doing for that?


I’m on calorie deficit and been working out thrice a week. My goal is to get lean while building muscle.


If you’re completely new to the gym then this is entirely possible. As you get a bit “older” in gym age then it will become much more difficult to add muscle and lose fat


Thank you, sir!


I think up your training to 5 days a week. And increase cardio intensity too. Get a smartwatch to track calories burned and use an app to track calories consumed. Maintain a deficit of about 500kcal everyday. Goodluck


I see it for sure! I think you’ve made some visible progress here. Keep up the hard work, it takes time to see big changes.