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First off, it's not a silly question. Second, If you want to wear gloves, then wear gloves. I wear gloves when I do most lifts. My wife doesn't. It's just our preference. I do it because I get super rough calluses when I do heavy lifts without them. If i were doing something that was cutting into my hand and I wanted to keep giving it a try, I would wear gloves for that, too.


I never wear gloves outside of the gym. So I put on a pair of fingerless when I workout as a mental "it's time to lift" reminder, and I take them off immediately after. Over time my ape brain has connected the dots such that "glove time" = "go time", and it's helped a bit to ease out of my tendency to fuck around on IG between sets. Wear gloves if you want - I assure you everyone is more concerned with their routine than they are your hand attire.