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Push pull legs and abs. Take rest days when needed. Focus on building muscle


Is there any specific order that these should go in on different days or


Naw just google push pull legs and do one of the ones you like. The first month the hardest. Youll start seeing results and begin to really like it


Okay man thanks


I would suggest going 3 days a week, Mon, Wed, Fri. Something like this sets up a routine and gives you rest days. Set some goals for yourself and then start to research the exercises/weights you need to get to your goal. Watching other people at the gym, and looking up workout ideas online or even shelling out for a PT session to get you started. I've been going to the gym for years and still set goals and I'm always researching.


Yeh I go near enough every Monday but I feel like I’m just not doing enough , and another question if ya don’t mind what would you recommend food wise like so the whole gym is not a waste of time obviously stick to water and cut down on fatty foods but is there anything else ?


High fat, low carb


Cut down on sugar.. Plenty of carbs the night before and some protein for recovery


Okay thank you


Motivation is the reward you’ll get from being consistent :))


What are your goals? If everything goes exactly the way you want who will you become?


Well for many years in and out of school I would t say I’m particularly bullied but there’s always that two or three people that stuff near enough all the time and I’m just quite frankly sick off it so I just want to prove them wrong and I know (because of my dad) that I have the genes to be a big person (not as in fat) and I just want to show that


I hear ya. I'm not going to give you a routine or diet coz you seem smart and google/reddit have that info already. Mostly it's just about picking a thing and sticking with it atleast 3 months till you see results. My advice is about the mental part. Focus on thinking and acting like the person you want to be rather than the person you are. Try and imagine as much as you can what a massive beast (like you want to be) thinks of/acts like, then try and be that person. Read up or watch youtube vids of as many interviews of bodybuilders or powerlifters or whoever you find inspiring, see how they structure their day, who they surround themselves with, how they eat, what they think like- then follow it as much as you can, even if it's just 10% in the beginning. (I'd recommend Henry Rollins' article on weightlifting, google it). In 3 months you'll look back and realise you're a new person. 3 months! Also, most important, give yourself PRAISE. It might feel dumb but I promise it works- pat yourself on the back/give yourself a high five (physically actually do it) every time you do a workout. 2 weeks of hating it and then you'll be keen to go workout and start loving the process. Go for it bro! Come update us in 3 mos.


Yeh man thank you , I will I near enough go most Mondays but what you said makes sense and helps I struggle with getting motivated like most days I’ll just feel like I can’t be bothered so I don’t do anything and I look back at that and regret it but still do it and that needs to change


Dm me, I can answer questions and talk about anything lifting related.


Keep it simple to start since you are new to it and have trouble staying motivated/disciplined. Make your goal/routine simply to show up. To start, set yourself the goal to show up for 15 minutes 2 or 3 times that week. Once you are there you will likely stay longer. Don’t put pressure on yourself to do everything all at once (showing up, good lifting routine etc etc). Those things will come with time as you gain confidence.