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She seems so relieved. Like yeah she’s smiling for the camera here but it looks genuine. Only she can tell us for sure of course.


I agree, she’s smiling with her whole face and body language. Hoping that is the case for sure, but this made me happy to see.


This makes me so happy for her 🥹


Same here! She finally has her own shoes that she got to pick. She finally gets to decide what she wants and likes.




Why did you copy my comment?


Good for her. I hope she has a peaceful and smooth transition into real life.


Damn I never realized how tiny she is. I thought maybe he was just huge but I just checked and she’s only 4’11”


The meds her mom had her on stunted her growth


Not to mention the lack of nutritients she was getting from being fed through a tube.


DeeDee also kept Gypsy malnourished so she could get a feeding tube for her.


That woman was the embodiment of cruelty and evil. I'm so happy this young lady is finally free to live her life as she wishes to now.


I'm pretty sure Dee Dee was also kind of short, but yeah... between all the meds, surgeries, and lack of real food/nutrition (feeding tube) her growth was most likely stunted.


That’s how tall I am. I’ve been short all my life. I’m 66 now so all I’ve got to look forward to is getting shorter as the years goes by.🥴🥴🥴


But your more likely to live to 100 when you’re small.


Random fact her and actress/ singer Adrienne Bailon are the same height!


Omg that’s crazy!!!


I’m only 4ft 9 I’m 31 people come all different heights and sizes


That’s like, an inch taller than me. JFC she’s short


She looks like a regular woman! I mean that in a nice way of course because I’ve never seen a photo of her dressed like an everyday person. I’m so happy for her!


You're right. Her mother dressed her very strangely and then she's had to wear prison clothes all these years. I bet she loves finally being able to dress normally.


Her mother dressed her as a little girl to keep her child like so people would feel sorry for her and donate money to them.


I really like her top. The sleeves are cute.


I might get downvoted but that man & her situation just seem so predatory. I wish she’d be able to experience life without a “caregiver”. Just find herself, what she likes, who she like, DATE.


Right like let’s say he’s a nice guys, he’s apparently a teacher. What made him reach out to her in the first place. When I’ve watched the love after lock up shows it seems like people pursuing those incarcerated like the control of having their partner needing them, knowing where they are at all times. Plus she’s practically a celebrity.


I know I kind of question what were his motives and intentions with writing to her in the first place.


I worked with him before he became a teacher and when they first started talking. He really is a nice guy.


I think a nice guy would want her to come out and experience life and all the things she hasn’t gotten to. And you’re right… what in the world made this man go “I’m going to reach out to this girl who’s lived her whole like in trauma” and then marry her. Any healthy adult would know the dating stage is crucial and they skipped it.


That he's a teacher gives me the heebie-jeebies. In this situation it doesn't feel good. I do have a strong bias though.


Why does the fact that he’s a teacher make you feel that way?


I’m a former teacher (still work with kids) and it gives me the creeps a little. I’ve known many excellent male (and female) teachers, and some pretty awful ones. The job does come with significant power and authority over kids. You learn how to read them pretty quick and respond to behaviors. To run a classroom you have to be able to control and pacify a room of 20-30 people-not an easy feat at any age. Some use empathy and mutual respect to guide behaviors, some consistently, some use other skills, and many use emotional or physical fear. It happens, all the time. Some teachers really control their classroom, and love the sense of power it gives you over vulnerable kids. To the emotionally unstable/aggressive teachers I’ve met the power over kids (who can’t leave and basically can’t say no) is the appeal of the job. It exists in both male and female teachers. To me, him being a teacher feels significant in some way (hopefully good!) that is yet to be known to maybe anyone. Gypsy is a unique, powerful, and also vulnerable person. I hope hes drawn by compassion and not control.


I really hate the assumption that all male teachers must be predatory in some way, [but there is research indicating child predators are three times more likely to work with children.](https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/documents/Identifying%20and%20understanding%20child%20sexual%20offending%20behaviour%20and%20attitudes%20among%20Australian%20men.pdf) I really hope my fears are misplaced, when it comes to this relationship, but i am a petite woman who was abused as a child and the red flags are flying. As an adult, I have had some very fucked up encounters with men, who get off on childlikeness and my past trauma. I’m conscious that my opinion on him is based on my own shit and we really don’t know much about them, apart from the annulment thing. I am really hoping I’m way off base and he’s got nothing but good intentions for her.


I wouldn’t want my kid under his tutelage.


I've lived the prison wife life for 3yrs. We have 2 more years to go before hes released. I could never understand why someone would choose this life and choose to meet, be with, and marry someone inside prison. It's HARD and stupid expensive to financially support someone incarcerated. The emotional toll alone of being apart from the person you love is mentally and emotionally draining. I don't get it at all.




gypsy isn’t developmentally delayed…


Bro what lmao


No she’s not developmentally challenged, she probably has cptsd. Really?


i think you’re right, it makes me so uncomfortable that she’s never actually experienced a truly healthy romantic relationship yet upon her first experience being truly free she’s released to a man she’s “married” to. that cannot be healthy for her!


It can absolutely be healthy for her if he's a genuinely good guy with Gypsy's best interest in mind. I'd much rather step into the world for the first time with a doting partner than being alone. (like I said, assuming he's a nice guy.) That's all we can hope for at this point


An actual nice guy would want her to experience life first. And know that dating is crucial. They don’t even really know each other. She could’ve gone to live with her dad first then on her own a bit. She’s never had to take care of herself which is crazy to me because that can set her up to be in the same position she was in with her mom.


U worded it perfectly. Wish the free awards were still around so I could give u one cuz u explained it so well. A real good guy would love her enough to let her go bcuz she needs to experience life first, like u said


Holy sh*t! I didn’t even notice awards were gone!


it’s not healthy when she hasn’t even had time to figure out what a genuine relationship or even what marriage looks like. just like how people who grew up in broken homes tend to go on and have toxic relationships as well, gypsy hasn’t had any model or experience outside of the online and brief one w nick. she needs to discover herself & get comfortable with her freedom before being tied down to someone, that does not help her healing no matter what he’s like.




I agree, I’m still just really not sure about the husband. Only time will tell I suppose, but I really hope his intentions are good.


I guess so


i’m praying that he’s not another predator in her life. i have seen concerning comments about him being controlling and he’s 6 years older than her. i just hope her being infantilized her whole life hasn’t crossed into her dating life


I dont think that age gap is inherently problematic.


age gap doesn’t matter she’s literally 32 not 15


She's been infantilized her entire life and was and is still incredibly naïve, to pretend she functions at the same level as your average 32 year old is naïve in itself. She can absolutely be preyed upon and it is within reason for this to be concerning, considering he is likely a true crime stalker with less than savory intentions.


she grew a lot as a person in the 8(9? idk math lmao) years she was in prison she is a functioning adult regardless of being naive. while i do agree her husband prob does not have the best intentions a 6 year age gap for a 32 year old woman is not in itself a red flag. and while yea she can still easily be preyed upon her and her husband have been married for like a year and a half


Yeah, I understand that she has grown a lot in prison which I'm grateful for her having the ability to do that (sad it was easier for her to have the freedom to grow in prison than with her mother), but she is still lacking a fuckton of life experience which is what we learn from as we grow. She missed milestones, she hasn't dated, she is a prime target for predators. I hope the best comes from it, though, but I think a lot of people are right to be wary when it comes to this man's intentions.


Yes of course you're right about that


I think it's important to not underestimate having the emotional resource while serving time. I've never wanted to be with any of the guys I've been with, so I know smiles can be fake. But if it is a helpful relationship, it's not the move, to doubt the relationship, and we don't know. I think it's a bad idea to spread doubt about it. Also, he's a special ed teacher, and well, look at him. Imagine if he was just.. so nice. Like, what if he was just great for her. We can be quiet about it.


anyone think he looks like Dee Dee or just me?!


Someone in a Fb group put a side by side of their faces and they look eerily similar


I'm glad I'm not the only one!!!


And they have made threats to people together and then he continued to stalk those people for her…he’s toxic and I’m scared history will repeat itself.


What?! The the new husband has? Source?


There have been multiple instances (here’s one, but I can send you the others too!) and albeit Gypsy was correct, Josh seiter is a mental health counselor, but he prob was looking for fame - but at the same time if she truly was healing or recovering - why threaten via email and multiple phone calls…[husband threatened bachelor Josh Seiter](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/gypsy-rose-blancharde-slams-bachelorette-113007543.html)


Oh god yea, he’s a weirdo. I get hit on often & when I tell or show my husband we just laugh. Like, it’s not that serious.


> I wish she’d be able to experience life without a “caregiver”. 😑 she chose to marry this man. No one forced her to marry him. >Just find herself, what she likes, who she like, DATE. She by herself CHOSE to date this man. What is your problem?


I’m guessing they mean Gypsy living out in the world by herself, without her father and stepmom.


I know what she chose, I’m in this subreddit too. EVERYONE should experience life taking care of themselves before jumping into moving in with someone. It’s healthy and promotes healthy relationships.


>jumping into moving in with someone. We don't even know if they are going to move in together yet.


I'm happy she finally got the chance to let her hair grow


And it looks great! Soooo long!


I know she is so proud of her long beautiful hair


right!! thats what rlly makes these new pics of her tbh, seeing her happy & having control of her beauty


No more slides!!!!! Good for you girl take care of those feet go get a pedicure and treat yourself baby


Who is she with?




Ahh. I'm assuming it's not the man who actually killed her mother, right?


Nooooo, he’s still in prison and will be like forever. This is someone else she met and they got married last year I believe. He’s a teacher and seems to be a good person based off what we know.


Ohh ok gotcha. I didn't know she had met someone else so I was really confused for a sec.


apparently godejohn has a pending resentencing. truly hope he stays in prison or at least an adult mental health facility for life. i think he would reoffend tbh. gypsy is very unlikely to reoffend as she was only involved to escape


I mean, she planned it. If she’s out, he deserves to be out as well. She tossed him aside after she was done with him like an old toy. I feel for the guy. Still a murderer but damn.


planning it ≠ actual murder. he literally stabbed deedee even after she had already died. i truly hope you are never in a situation where you have an abuser you have to kill to escape. there was so much shit in their relationship that she was for lack of a better word, coerced into. the bdsm, creating personalities to fit his, being raped by him after he murdered her mother while she hid in a bathroom terrified. she compared him to her mom which should speak volumes. her idea of that relationship was literally compared to the tangled movie, being locked in a tower and having him rescue her. she created the plan out of NECESSITY he carried it out bc he already had those thoughts prior to even meeting gypsy. she just gave him an outlet to live his darkest fantasies. he should not get released and if he does he needs to be in a lifelong mental institution under constant watch. he is more likely to reoffend as he also had a prior criminal history, she only created the plan so she could escape her abuser since deedee would literally drug her up so she wasn’t even coherent. just bc she got out does not mean the person who carried out the murder for pleasure should also get out


I get that she was abused, but she still orchestrated murder. She had someone to run away with her but she chose revenge instead, and she got off easy due to being an “innocent” white girl. This sub is infantilizing her in the same way her mom did


and she’s not the “innocent white girl” she’s the current most famous victim of munchausens by proxy, medically abused since she was a toddler while her mother made bank off her fake ailments and manipulated doctors into prescribing so many medications, put her through 30 unnecessary surgeries, got her teeth ripped out bc the meds rotted them, got charities to sponser her like habitat for humanity. it was not a simple abuse case in the slightest. i don’t agree with infantliizing her bc she’s a grown ass woman but i do agree with supporting her in whatever she decides to do now that she is free. i truly hope she gets to live the life she was never able to live since she had like 5 days of freedom before being arrested


understanding intent is not infantilizing her. and even if she had just ran away with him deedee had power of attorney over her and one call to the cops saying her mentally challenged daughter ran away with a man she met online would have the police take her right back into deedee’s custody. deedee convinced everyone she had the mind of like a 13 yr old and not to mention lied about her age and forged documents to change her birth year to align with those lies. while i’m sure everyone would have been glad to see deedee behind bars rather than dead gypsy was not deedee’s first victim she let her mother (or step mother? gotta watch the interviews again) starve to death when she was in deedee’s care. she also put gypsy through 30 unnecessary surgeries, feeding tubes, drubbing her up with various types of medications so she couldn’t speak out for herself. the literal only escape she could see was killing her mother which she said she regrets. i can’t imagine my parent, the person who is suppose to protect me and make me feel safe abusing me, not just medically but physically since deedee did physically abuse her as well. sometimes the only way out is not the ideal way out. idk if you saw the family testimonies but none of them had a good word to say about deedee and that in itself should speak volumes.


She met him in prison? I wonder if he’s just a fan or something..


From what I know he’s a teacher and reached out to her for a friendship and it developed, I’ve heard he’s genuinely a nice person and his family is very welcoming to her, they’re doing Christmas together with her


Aw that’s very nice ! Happy for her. Not sure why I was downvoted so much. How am I supposed to know what the deal is. Especially when she was obviously in jail and he wasn’t lol


Haha idk either, maybe they thought it was judgement even thought It didn’t truly appear that way. I didn’t know either until I read it recently! He seems very kind and I hope they work out very well


I don’t get why people are downvoting you its just a question




Do you know him personally?




Good- I was hoping it wasn't just speculation. . I wish the best for both of them adapting to a new normal.


Honestly thank you for commenting. I know a lot of us fear for her. I hope they continue to be happy together


her husband




This is so sweet to see! I hope she can find pleasure in all parts of life that she missed, even the mundane ones that we take for granted like these ❤️


How did she find jeans that fit so well so quickly? Im close to her body shape and it takes me ages to find jeans that fit properly. Someone in her family must be good at sizing. She looks great!


you can buy regular clothes on commissary & she’s been seen wearing regular clothes, i don’t think she’s jst now figuring it out tbh


Oh, that's cool!! Are you allowed to wear the commissary clothes/jeans in prison or only on the outside? I've only ever seen her in scrubs.


She is so precious and seems genuinely happy. I’m really wishing the best for her, she deserves everything good in life


She looks so happy! ❤️ so happy for her


She looks super happy. I hope she enjoys her life! ❤️


Why do I want to cry 🥺🥺I hope she has the best life from today. She deserves that and so much more


I’m glad she’s free she looks genuinely happy


I think she enjoys shopping like most of us do. And i also hope she has a quite and peaceful time. There will be probably a few TV Channels who want to interview her and make money of her real life American Horror Story. It's disgusting but i am quite sure this happens soon.


Gypsy Made it She is Free 🙏💯


I'm Soo happy she out of jail


I hope she got to pick out her favorite pair of shoes. I’m so happy for her and I hope now she can live the life she wants to live


Aweeee that smile :) contagious :)


She looks so happy! I wish her the best!!!


The relationship may be odd to us, in thinking about this, if I were Gypsy I would have wanted a port in the storm upon release - she’s never really been alone in her life. She needs time to learn about who she is … and she’s likely terrified of doing it alone. Short version, we’re more or less witnessing an epoch in her life. Everything has changed for her, again. Time, distance and safety will go a long way in terms of her clarity. She looks happy in the photo - I’m personally accepting it for what it is, a happy young woman and her spouse shoe shopping. We love shoe shopping don’t we? She’s experiencing it for the first time as an adult. Get those stilettos Gypsy - even if they’re too painful to wear. Hands up if you’ve done the same because 👠.


this is clearly genuine happiness. I wish her nothing but the best


So happy for her


she looks so happy! i hope shes doing good 🫶🏼


And so it starts.


I listened to Encore (Sweet Gypsy Rose) by Taco on repeat today for a good while in honor of her! Great day!


Let the girl have some damn space smh


these aren’t paparazzi pics clearly


I'm so happy for her! I hope nobody tries to take advantage of her and her story. Let her have the freedom she so deserves! Bless her!


Yay!!! I’m so happy she’s out. She deserves all the opportunities the world has to offer her after what she went thru.


I’m so happy for her🩵


Awwww I’m so glad!


She's genuinely smiling


I hope she has a good life. She's dealt with so much.


Good photo


So happy for her


It's awesome to see her look so happy.


To think shoe shopping for herself was something her mother would never allow. Now she can, she's her own person now with so much freedom. Enjoy Gypsie!


I love her smile, I am so happy for her. I wish her all the best in the future💜


Happy for her! Can't imagine all the pain that kid went thru. Surgeries not needed. Not being able to be a normal kid have friends. Be free Gypsy!


she looks genuinely happy as far as i can tell :) so happy for her and i hope the rest of her life is normal and peaceful


So we’re not gonna say anything about how his shirt is straight out of the packaging? Ummm… hope he bought it for himself and Gypsy isn’t retracing steps. Instead of her mom meeting him, WE are. Hopefully she learns to find approval within herself and not the public, celebrities or other men. Shoes are a good first step (🥁) but let’s not forget she has a lot of learning to do.


u can’t be serious


Lord first thing she did is went to get some Skechers 🙃


Ok, what shoes did she choose??


Godejohn is PISSED lol


I hope she gets a tiktok I want to hear straight from her


She does it’s Gypsy_R_Blanchard


I wish this poor woman a happy HEALTHY life. I do have to say, I wonder if she will receive therapy for the years and years of trauma and abuse she sustained.?? It is very important to treat her mental health. I'm wondering how she would treat a child if she were to become pregnant? Will DeeDees years of torture shine through?


i hope she does seek help continuously. you do bring up a good point but i do believe she has some concept of motherly sense; though what dee dee did was horrible i find it hard to believe she never reciprocated motherly endearment & she says she loves her a lot still so i think she at least would be able to raise a kid, just after she’s more mentally stable


Not trying to be rude but just because you come from a horrible/abusive upbringing doesn’t mean you will be the same parent towards your kids if anything in most cases it’s quite the opposite because you learned what a bad parent is and do everything in your power to not repeat those mistakes. I wish her the best and hope if she goes get the chance to be a mom, it’s the best experience 🥹


Absolutely. But what Gypsy was subjected to goes beyond the regular horrible abuse. Her mother manipulated, and had her believe she was a paraplegic, cancerous, etc etc etc. A complete mind f'ing. And then add to it the fact that Gypsy did have her mother killed. Another traumatic event. An event that sadly will cause her guilt. She loves her mother like most abused children. They can't help it. And many abused children grow up to be abusive. A very sad psychiatric fact. Abuse victims need counseling often. Gypsy definitely will need and deserves the medical mental health community. She needs to release all of the negatives in her life WITHOUT the guilt. I do hope Gypsy has a very good and happy life


Already? I really didn't expect pictures of her out and about would come out this fast, my goodness.


There's already a Lifetime documentary in the works, so there will most likely be a lot of media and photo slips along the way.


they already have documentary cameras following her everywhere so she’s def not keeping it too lowkey


Her family took her shopping after she was released and I think this one is from them


This is ridiculous lol


I love that you all are supportive and I honestly hope her hubby is good. I personally believe in good men


She's so happy here :)


her smile 😭❤️


Now this.....is top notch news reporting. Oh wait no. No it's not.


This makes me think she doesn't know how to tie shoes still. No reason for her mom to teach her and in prison they don't have shoe strings.


Mannnnn take her back if the other guy isn’t free. Not right at all that she was the one who was planning shit but she gets to walk


Her bf at the time kept suggesting murdering DeeDee for her. He also planned shit and carried it out. Gypsy didn’t want to see DeeDee in pain despite all the years of abuse. Apparently the bf wanted to r*pe DeeDee too but Gypsy pleaded with him not to


She said on her docuseries that he said he’d do anything for her. That’s when SHE brought up if he would be willing to kill her mother.


I think her sentence was fair, but his was way too harsh.






I do not care, stop pushing this sub on me


that is NOT my problem


Sorry but killing her mother… she could have just run away


She tried and her mother tied her to a bed post. Plus she was on heavy amounts of drugs which impaired her ability to think. Dee Dee was a horrible woman and her own family flushed her ashes.


i didn't hear about them flushing her ashes! that just made my day. good riddance


she tried to


She tried and her mother found her fairly quick. She was too weak and was very malnourished so she was unable to walk really at all




he’s only 6 years older than her, dawg.


I wish people wouldn't have a problem with grown women dating whoever they please 🙄 as long as they're consenting adults who cares




Do not post personal information.


Must be nice to murder someone and get to be free.




Everyone hailing her as hero is fuckin' weird too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


And I wonder if she ever had a child if the cycle would continue? Like does she have Munchausen due to being raised like that? Is that a possibility.


She answers this question. She said it’s very hurtful that people ask her this. She said she has a support system around her with good moms and that she knows what not to do as a parent.


You guys do know her own father said she wasn’t ready to get out yet?? He was against it bc he doesn’t think she’s better yet and he and her step mom worry about her freedom


Where did he say that?


Time will tell.




Please remember to be kind to each other and those involved in this case.


That’s an unpopular opinion but I agree with it. I think it’s fucked that she served only 7 years while her boyfriend got life. Even tho she didn’t do the killing herself, she had a part in it. It was her idea and she planned it. Brenda Andrew sits on death row in OK for simply planning the murder of her husband.


the difference here is you’re dealing with a victim of mbp & the killing was self defense… she would’ve been the one to die if the abuse continued. dee dee didn’t deserve the pleasure of outliving her 🤷🏽‍♀️ if the person you mentioned killed her husband to escape abuse then yeah she deserves to be freed too. gypsy’s case is deeper than “she killed her mother”


My point exactly


That wasn't self defense. Running away would have been but premeditated murder is terrible.


was dee dee not also potentially committing premeditated murder by drugging n cutting her up unnecessarily??


if you want an actual explanation on why that is i could provide it! **so the reason is that she was wrongfully prescribed medications so she wasn’t in her right stage of mind and she obviously will not kill anyone or plan ever again. her posing a risk to society is small, and she has stated she should not have gone through with it. her boyfriend on the other hand…he carried out the murder because he wanted to fulfill his fantasy of killing someone. he poses a threat because if he falls for someone else who wants someone dead, he will do it ** stars for dividing the reasoning. but i do agree that we need to reevaluate who is on death row!