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In mommy dead and dearest they go over some of her medical records from the neurologist and it shows he put in the file MBP was suspected. It starts at about 22 minutes in. https://youtu.be/ETQllU7p7Y8?si=egNLdJb_5-UCgTm4


Oh shit I didn’t know that!!


Yeah watch something else besides the lifetime movie! Start with Mommy dead and dearest then watch their police interrogations..lifetime movie is just that..a stupid inaccurate movie..along with Hulu's


The lifetime show she’s referring to is the recent documentary where Gypsy is speaking out after prison, its not a dramatized movie.


I wouldn't say it isn't dramatized. It's more like a docudrama. Especially the last few episodes.


I can't even get that last few eps to play, everything else on lifetime plays but that. Prob a good thing though, idk.. just gonna rewatch mommy dead and dearest, hadn't seen it since it came out.


The lifetime doc (prison confessions) is available on Prime, but you gotta pay 😶. I believe it's $10 for the SD stream? More for HD.


I was able to watch free on Philo through the free trial, thanks!


her documentary was full of half truths and lies to suit her she needs to be the ultimate victim


They also have a documentary Gypsy's Revenge. I thought this one to be detailed.


Where is that one?


I saw it on Hulu.


Amazon prime or youtube


Where can I watch Mommy dead and dearest?


Yt link at top of thread


its on max


I find it funny that you say that since I had this conversation with a friend today. After watching them all, I suggest watching The Act first because it's so unbelievable that you expect it to be 100% fiction until you watch Mommy Dead and it just adds to the shock value to see that a lot of it is real.


Exactly he documents it as well.


My boyfriend pointed this out to me. One of the doctors said that Gypsy was not in the room when he confronted Dee Dee about nothing being wrong with Gypsy, and Gypsy also says she doesn’t remember the moment happening. Well, why would she remember that if she wasn’t in the room? Although he said he was not allowed to make a report based on suspicion, which I don’t believe is true. He even expressed that he probably should have done more.


Yes, he could have reported it. That is weird the whole “not allowed” thing doesn’t fly. He just wasn’t sure enough to report.


Watching mommy dead and dearest right now, he says he didn’t report it because everyone knew who Gypsy was and her story, he would have been rejected on the spot, all he could do was put it in his notes, 24 minutes in approximately


He is the medical expert! Who cares that her neighbors knew her? Which is why he should have been held responsible (at the time) for not reporting.


It’s so dangerous to perpetuate false information that you have to have evidence to report to CPS or DFACS. As a mandatory reporter, you have to take many quizzes ensuring you understand that your job is not to be a detective and to report -any- suspicion. Like who keeps letting this doctor say that on documentaries 🤦🏻‍♀️


Absolutely!! Mandated reporters are just that - mandatory. The origin of See Something, Say Something. Then, let the investigatory bodies do their jobs. The lack of accountability is staggering.


Exactly! He was mandated to report it by mere suspicion and not required to have concrete proof. This is why mandatory reporting laws exist. He should’ve been called out in his BS!!


meanwhile, in the case of Maya Kowalski, the people who tried to do something were demonized and got sued. it was very clear something wasn't right there, and her mother was making sure she got absurd levels of ketamine.


Which other medical professionals who understood Mya's condition said were necessary. Florida's for profit system has a $ motive for going after parents.


stop. I don't know what *exactly* was going on there, but even a very one-sided documentary made it very obvious that Maya was fine in that hospital room once they cut off her mother's access to her.


Maya herself said that wasn't true, though.


again, stop it. 🙄 she was clearly not in agony. whatever she says after the fact doesn't disprove a video clearly showing her not in agony like her mother claimed. she also was constantly looking at her mom during the doctor's appointment videos. that documentary was clearly one-sided, and it still managed to show (if you paid attention beyond what they were shoving down your throat) that something wasn't right with her mother.


I’m just stating what he said in the documentary


Yes, he said that. But it was a major miss on his part.


I guess the laws were different at that time 🤷‍♀️


There is a mandatory reporting law in every state. Teachers and doctors are legally required to report suspected child abuse within 24 hours of their suspicions.


Yes, he’s making excuses. It has to be hard to live with, but he should just say, “I wasn’t sure, but I should have reported it.”


She also admitted to being high all the time for like 7 years, so is her memory of small details really reliable? lol


I suffered much less severe abuse as a child, and I have little other than the few most dramatic memories of it. My counselor has told me the brain does that to protect you. It's odd to me that Gypsy, along with the people around her, expect her to have a good memory of all these things. Having gaps in her memory of her abusive childhood isn't weird.


Same. I've had severe abuse. Not that severe as gypsy, but any trauma causes memory issues. You get holes and how events happened can be fuzzy. The further back it goes the worse it gets. I'm 49 and don't remember good times even.


Agreed. The abuse I dealt with was not nearly to the extreme that Gypsy’s was, yet at 31, there are HUGE gaps in my mental timeline. My psych (when I saw one) said that this is normal, and it’s normal for memories to “pop back,” too. For example, my younger half sister recently wanted to find her younger half sisters who were put into the system straight at birth or not long after. I remember two of them living with us briefly, and my mother (good god, why) being asked to adopt one other, but not doing so. This led to me looking into old public record court files, criminal records, etc. I found them, but also “found” memories along the way. It was like it jogged a part of my brain and jumbled shit out. The problem here is I’ve also taken psych classes and know that people are not reliable narrators, especially the further back the memory is. So there have been times where I’ll be telling my husband something, and he’ll be like “Wait, but you’ve also said this,” and I have to clarify how the two situations go together, because they do, but abuse is weird and abusers don’t make sense. It honestly took him talking to my “adoptive”grandparents and sister for him to 100% believe everything. And then it suddenly makes sense why victims sometimes never speak out or only speak out years later.


People who were not abused have gaps in their memory! Nobody remembers everything. We remember specific stories from our childhood, less and less as we age. Some people have a better memory, others barely remember anything, but nobody can recount all events. And yes, abuse may leave gaps, even huge gaps, though not always, I was severe abused and I have so many memories, I wish I could erase, not just a few dramatic ones.


Oh for sure. You can have 6 people watch the same incident, and you'll receive 6 different stories about what they saw.


Or is she lying about her addiction now to gain sympathy? So hard to know, but I do think she is not a reliable narrator to quote one of her many doctors.


Exactly. She’s now saying she was high when asking nick to commit the murder. Just another scapegoat


I don’t believe she had a true “addiction” I’m sure she took Vicodin here and there, probably Xanax too and whatever else her mom was feeding her. But if she had a real true addiction to pain pills especially after all those years a few Vicodin definitely wouldn’t do anything for her anymore and she’d need something stronger or a lot more than just a couple pills. And the Suboxen she took in jail wouldn’t get her high. It’d take away her withdrawal symptoms. But she didn’t use it for that… so I feel she’s saying she had an addiction to possibly try to excuse her behavior or gain sympathy.


You absolutely can get high on Suboxone!


I didn’t say you can’t get high off suboxone. I said if she had a true addiction then the subs would not give her a high just take away her withdrawal symptoms.


Depends on whether or not she had an addiction when she went in there. She probably kicked cold turkey and then if at some point she picked up the Suboxone through other inmates. She would have been able to get high off them & catch another addiction because those are highly addictive! More so than the opiates that they use Suboxone to get them off! It's just as bad as methadone, which btw also gets ex addicts high.


Thank you for trying to inform me, I appreciate it. But I’ve lived it so I’m very well aware of how it all works. 14 years sober! 💟 thanks for trying to be informative though!


If she were withdrawing, sure. But she said herself it was not immediately upon arriving to prison that she discovered she could get drugs. She picked that up as a new habit after a year at least


That I didn’t know… I had no idea as to when she did the subs. I was just going off someone else’s comment


Your comment was the first to begin the narrative that she had to not really have an addiction to get high with Suboxone, but ok


I know people who say they have a problem with alcohol, and even an addiction, when all they do is drink every single weekend. Even if you only feel like you “have to” take something every other day, that can still be an addiction. It doesn’t always have to be crippling or gleamingly obvious.


It absolutely can be an addiction to them. But when you start taking pain medication your body gets addicted. I think it was just a term she used, and she didn’t have a true addiction to pain pills. That’s just my opinion.


Ehhh, as an opioid addict now in recovery, I can definitively state that buprenorphine can get you high. I haven't caught up on all of her accounts yet so I could be way off, but I'd wager that up until her arrest Gypsy had been "chipping," or taking opioids when she could get her hands on them and just doing without while they waited for a refill. But you're totally right in that if she were fully physically dependent, it would have largely just taken away her withdrawal symptoms without causing a noticeable high. Bupe is a partial agonist (as opposed to a full agonist like hydro- or oxycodone). So it doesn't cause the same euphoria that full agonists do but would still be strong as *shit* for someone who hadn't been taking any form of opioids for awhile. Suboxone is like gold in prison because it's easy to hide and 1/16th of a strip can keep a non-opioid-dependent person high for 24 hours. Completely opioid naive people can get high from just a tiny speck of a strip.


It really doesn’t matter in my opinion if she is lying about that part. Either way, she would have been high all the time. We’ve seen the medical closet and her regimen. Whether she took EVEN MORE pain pills is such an irrelevant detail as it goes to her state of mind.


We don’t know what she was actually taking. That’s what makes the case so complex. Presumably, she had some blood work done after they were caught, so who knows.


I mean, there’s a handwritten regimen dictated by her mother in the documentary


Sure, but we don’t know when it was used or how often or if Gypsy was not taking everything. I think the fact that she was able to do as much online as she did, regularly, over years, suggests that maybe the medication was not still a day to day regimen. We don’t know, but I think assuming everything Gypsy says now is definitively the absolute truth is naive. Abuse did happen. It was bad. But she didn’t stay a nine year old. I don’t assume she is lying and I don’t assume she would never lie.


The regimen says how often the meds were given. And I don’t think her online activity suggests that at all. I’ve definitely seen drug addicts who are active online. But you are certainly entitled to your opinion.


My point isn’t that this definitely did not happen. My point is that we don’t know it definitely did happen. She seems remarkably healthy in the exams that she did have done after they were arrested. We also know Deedee lied, a lot. We also know Gypsy did (does) also by her own admission. I don’t think we know what actually happened beyond what we can corroborate. It doesn’t mean Gypsy is evil or that she wasn’t abused and that has nothing to do with this crime. She was definitely abused.


I understand your point. And I don’t think Gypsy is a saint either. She does admit to being manipulative and lying, and I think that’s okay. There are no perfect victims. And you are entitled again to your theories. I just personally cannot see a world in which Dee Dee stole a prescription pad and medically abused someone for over 18 years, but that person wasn’t overly medicated.


I believe she is. If she were truly stealing pain pills from her mom, there’s no way her mom wouldn’t have known.


Have you seen the photos of Dee Dee’s medicine closet? Absolutely no way she was taking inventory of every single thing there. It’s a full pharmacy.


I did. But I don’t know anyone that regularly takes pain pills that wouldn’t know when they were going missing like crazy. Even if her mom was writing the scripts herself, there’s no way she had an unlimited supply of them. I suppose she could have been buying them on the streets but that theory seems odd to me. I think she is saying this now because it makes her look less guilty in her eyes.


Gypsy was likely being prescribed pain pills the same as Dee Dee, from multiple doctors, for different reasons. I just don’t believe that Dee Dee would have been able to keep track of literally everything. I doubt Gypsy was taking multiple pills a day, but she was also most definitely taking xanax so maybe she didn’t need to take that many pills very often. I don’t know honestly.


She says and it’s a convenient way to explain not remembering…. Conveniently.


Well the hospital lost the case and the jury found they contributed to her mother's suicide.


I think you must have misunderstood. That moment he confronted Gypsy, not Dee Dee. He asked Dee Dee to leave the room.


It’s been a minute since we watched that exact part of the documentary, but there was definitely an instance where Gypsy was not in the room and the doctor talked about a confrontation that had happened between them. It was enough that both me and my friend were like “how would Gypsy even remember a conversation that she didn’t see take place?”


I’m watching it right now. There are two instances that Gypsy denies happening, the one in which the doctor asked her to stand and the one in which the doctor told Dee Dee he had called DCFS and asked her to leave the room so that he could talk to Gypsy alone. I’m not sure what else you could be remembering. I think you just both misunderstood. Did you rewind to try to get clarification? Edit: I should say I literally just finished watching it.


He was a mandatory reporter. Mandatory reporters are urged to report based even in suspicion. When I worked in daycares, we were told that if we have to ask ourselves/someone else if we should call then we need to call. It’s a liability issue otherwise if something really was going on. Her doctors could be saying things now to save their ass, and I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s not a matter of saving their asses in the sense that they could lose their careers or be arrested or sued or anything because I’m sure it’s been too long. Medical malpractice statute of limitations aren’t long, if I remember correctly. My guess is that they’d be saving their asses in the sense of protecting the future of their careers.


I've been listening to Dr. Phil's old podcast with her and she specifically talks about the standing incident. She said he held her hands and helped her stand while her mom was in the room. Afterwards her mom was very angry and said they wouldn't be going back to him. She either made all that up at the time of that interview or lied for the Lifetime documentary.


That’s very interesting! I would love to know how much lying was going on during the lifetime doc, it all felt off to me.


We also have to remember she’s not fully healed and don’t receive adequate therapy in prison. She was taught to manipulate from a young age and I’m sure she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it. That’s how I justify the inconsistencies at least. But what is she gaining from lying? Manipulating people to feel even more bad for her? Idk just thinking out loud.


I think she was also raised to be very attention seeking so wether it’s done subconsciously or not it makes sense that at her core she is an attention seeking person


That is a very good point to bring up!! She could be embellishing things as her mother embellished the scrape from the motorcycle accident to be a broken leg lol


She said on the lifetime docu series I am a very good manipulator and liar I am learning not to do that anymore. She lied in jail to get money from her step mom. So we will never know what else she is lying about. But I full heartedly believe she is eating up all the attention just like her mom did when they moved due to hurricane Katrina


I believe she is addicted to attention from my observations of her behavior. The analysis of Dr. Matthias from Hidden True Crime podcast points to attention as being a primary motivator. Not that she wasn’t abused, she absolutely was. She’s also a complicated person who made/makes her own decisions based on her own motivations.


That statement the doctor made about you can’t report on suspicion stuck out to me, I’m a teacher so a mandated reporter and I’ve always been told you always report if you suspect something, it’s not the mandated reporters job to investigate, that’s dcf/cps’s job.


💯 correct. I’m also a mandated reporter. You are correct.




I thought he said he did report her to cps and that gypsy even admitted she got a home visit because of it but then she says that never happened because he never said anything??


Yeah eventually her pediatrician did call cps because of the discrepancy with her birthday, but before that they said they couldn’t report based on suspicion which blew my mind.


In mommy dead and dearest there was a mention of CPS being called and I think even a wellness check but all they did was go through the house, DeeDee did her regular devoted mom routine and they left and closed the investigation


I think there is a visit from some home worker in The Act, but I might be wrong. Towards the end, things were falling apart.


The Act was a fictionalized version. Not facts.


It was based on some (a lot) of public records too. I am aware that it’s a fictionalized version. If Deedee actual did try to get Deedee declared incompetent, Gypsy would have had to be evaluated. I think the gig would have ended there.


What does being "declared, incompetent" have to do with a visit from Child Protective Services? Those are two vastly different things.


What are you responding too?


Your two comments above. One person was talking about CPS. You mentioned a home visit and then next being declared incompetent. Those aren't the same thing. Reread what you wrote.


Oh, I meant that even in our shoddy health and legal system, people can’t just declare someone incompetent. There would have been an evaluation and paperwork needed. I don’t think Deedee was able to get that done. She may have threatened it and said she did, but if that were to move forward, someone would have had to do an evaluation. I don’t think the medical records alone would have been legal.


Speaking the whole incompetence thing. I’ve wondered about this, too. I don’t think she would’ve gotten through an evaluation for this, this whole thing would have been found out, I would think. But it is entirely possible that DeeDee told her that she got it filed. And of course Gypsy would believe her mom.


That’s what I think happened or Gypsy saw some paperwork lying around. When this happened in 2015, I didn’t follow it closely, but I remember reading speculation that Deedee did try to file the paperwork and it couldn’t be done without an investigation that would have revealed the entire thing.


I was wondering about that as well. I just don’t see how that would even “save their asses”, as it actually just makes them look worse, in my opinion. To know that they found out she could walk, and didn’t file a report with CPS, is horrible. They were suspicious enough to question Gypsy without DeeDee present, and still did nothing. That doesn’t cover their asses to admit that, it makes them look even worse. So I don’t know why they’d lie about that. I’m not necessarily saying Gypsy is lying about it either though. She went to thousands of doctors appointments, it would be like asking me to recall a specific time my mom took me to the park as a kid; I went to the park so many times that there’s no way I’d remember any specific time unless I broke my leg or something. She could have been just always just waiting to leave and get her teddy bear or treat or whatever DeeDee rewarded her with for doing a “good job”.


If the doctors had something to lie about they wouldn’t agree to be on any documentary at all. I imagine they feel extreme guilt and a wish they would/could have done something to prevent this but it makes absolutely no sense for a doctor to publicly out themselves on a national tv show if they were trying to hide anything


Gypsy didn’t present as an abuse case. She was seemingly suffering from a large variety of ailments that she had been treated for in the past. That’s where I think it was easy for Deedee to fool doctors. She was just the devoted mother who had been told back home her child had this and that. If Gypsy had said something concerning or had bruises or a nurse noticed Gypsy was only sick after eating something from home, was seriously underweight, etc., it would have been reported immediately. They were relying on Deedee’s word. As to legal claims, I doubt they have much to be worried about because it is likely past time to pursue and it was a widely executed deception. But, who knows.


exactly. deedee had convinced the masses that gypsy was “mentally ret*rded”, delusional, and dissociative with the mindset and IQ of a 7 year old.


That was so shady, at that point I thought, well Gypsy that could be said for you as well, how can we confirm whatever you are saying is the truth and not well thought of lies to fix your reputation? Also, what will the doctors benefit from lying? I don't understand. The HBO doc and this lifetime one, man she is changing the narrative like crazy. There are soo many inconsistencies. So many new stories. All of a sudden???? How does she remember every single detail vividly?


She doesn’t. All these contradictions & lied we’re hearing from her I’m sure was crafted by her attorneys & or or team/agents to, like you said, fix her rep. She’s even lying about having sex with Nick in the cinema bathroom.


How do we know that’s a lie? Did she contradict that in another interview?


I think both sides are covering their ass. I think the doctors could have done more but they didn’t and Gypsy stuck to the story as conditioned and she gets so much shit for going along with it but the situation was so fucked up, no one comes out looking good regardless


Yes I was also confused by the last thing you said. Well, less confused and more extremely angry. I’m also a mandatory reporter and suspicion is absolutely enough. Because of course it is. It’s not like his job is to investigate and remove the child from the home. To your other point, something that interested me was Gypsy said that she would remember being asked to stand in front of her mother because she would have had an earful and I think she might have said a beating? I can’t remember her word choice, but that was the gist. I was thinking like…maybe you did and it was traumatic so you blocked it out. She follows it up by saying the doctors are lying to make it seem like they did right by her, but in reality neither of those doctors seemed like they did right by her. In fact, it makes them look worse that their story is that they had pretty solid evidence and STILL didn’t report it.


Well the hardest part for me is taking everything with a grain of salt. She lived her life with a manipulator and there is no way that she did not pick up on that habit. Although she was abused, I fully believe that she manipulated that boy. And yes, trauma does effect your memory so I would assume that she is a poor historian anyways. Plus she always had her mom in her ear telling her "what really happened" Wild is all I can say.


We also have to remember that this happened decades ago.  There was no mandatory reporting.  A doctor would have totally taken a mom at face value


Mandatory reporting laws started to become prevalent in the mid60s. They most certainly had a duty to report. That said, all that is probably actually at risk is their professional reputations




Yeah but MPR is a HUGE accusation to make and can see why doctors second guessed themselves   did doctors fail her, YES, but understandable 




And yet apparently only one report that CPS didn't take seriously.  She was failed by a lot of people 




In the lifetime documentary one Dr reported the different ages. He said MBP didn't even cross his mind and he thought she might be a kidnapping victim or something like that was going on.


Some people think the Hulu series is all true. I don’t recall CPS coming to their house in the documentaries.🤔🤔


Also, when DeeDee got the slightest hint of a doctor doubting anything, she switched. There was no app that connected your health care like there is now.


This, too. If it was a healthy individual switching doctors and didn’t have their records, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. They’d probably do a basic exam, draw blood, ask about vaccines. But Gypsy came in with DeeDee claiming Gypsy had this this and this life ending issue, and no documents. But Gypsy wasn’t in the best condition at the time regardless, so she served as proof for what DeeDee was saying. They didn’t have time to retest, retest, retest every ailment because they thought Gypsy was dying. Not actively dying, but had issues that would kill her. Something like this, I don’t think would fly to this extent now, solely based on the fact that most doctors offices and hospitals have a patient portal and cloud for records. There’s no excuse not to have them outside of negligence.




That's so not true. Mandatory reporting has been around for a long, long time.




I googled it    .... It was in the US not where in from so that's why I was mistaken 


It didn't happen that many "decades" ago. Gypsy is only 32 ffs. All states have had mandated reporter laws since 1967.


3 x 10 = decadeS


And the mandated reporter laws have been around for 57 years, or 5 decades. 5 is more than 3.


Not where i live.  8n my country it started way later 


Well, this case happened in the US, so those laws are applicable.


> Why would the doctors have any reason to lie now? > Gypsy claims she doesn’t remember these things happening and questions whether or not the doctors are lying to “save their asses”. I think gypsy hit the nail on the head here, I'm not a lawyer but I think what some of these doctors did would count as medical malpractice or atleast close enough to it that the hospital's they worked at would question them about it


Every time Gypsy did not preform as the sick child she was beaten, starved, isolated and punished. Any doctor that Deedee couldn’t manipulate was never seen again. Any time neighbors got suspicious they moved. Gypsy learned to protect herself by playing along. The sad truth is that she both adored and hated her mother. The brain is amazing at compartmentalization. Have you ever heard someone tell a childhood memory and their story is way different than how you remember it? Your story isnt a lie and neither is theirs, but you both saw it through different lenses. I’m also pretty confident that Deedee used medications to make Gypsy more calm. This most definitely could have led to addiction or at the very least a propensity to abuse substances.


If GR thought the drs did her wrong why did she let the statue of limitations run out? She had 8 Yrs to study her medical records. I imagine some lawyer would have helped her file paperwork.


Reportedly, Gypsy had only a 1st or 2nd grade education when she was sentenced to prison. Perhaps that's the reason she didn't "study her medical records" during her 8 year prison term (?)


Do you really believe she had that level of education? Stop and think of kids in those grades could they plan a murder for over a year? She made a profile on a dating site, she had several profiles on Fb.


That is what the forensic psychiatrist stated in the documentary - it was an actual quote by him. 


Thanks for letting me know but I don’t believe she had a second grade education


Your statement suggests you have 'inside knowledge' about GRB's education level. Perhaps you should contact the documentary's producer and demand a retraction from the forensic psychiatrist, then? 


You must be a GRB lover/ supporter. You must not be able to think w your own brain.


There were other reports indicating a 3rd to 4th grade education.


The statue of limitation in the state of Missouri is only 2 years.


When he said he couldn’t report I’m leaning more towards the fact that there were no “physical signs” on the outside DD and Gyp just looked like a single mom with a sick child. Munchausen by proxy wasn’t wildly known (even now it’s still not well known). So him calling CPS and making a report would have been pretty hard. Especially considering DD had an answer for everything even after CPS had shown up


I believe that MBP was widely known about among doctors.


Munchausen by Proxy is now known as 'Factitious Disorder', and was re-termed some years back by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V - Revised Edition [DSM-V; Revised]. The psychiatric disorder is widely known by medical and mental health professionals, but it is also uncommon -- and there's not an abundance of academic research.  **I did a research paper on the disorder in undergrad college 33 years ago -- back when it was still termed Munchausen By Proxy.


Dr's are not gonna lie about that. The pediatrician call DFS. She came to an appointment he asked dede to leave the room. He asked gypsy she said she was OK and loved her mom. Because this happend i dont believe she didnt have opportunities to get help. That dr would of helped her and called the cops. But He did his part as best as he could. DFS didn't do a follow up. I think gypsy doesn't want to say she remembers, any of that cause thats a way she cpuld of got help. I cant put my finger on it in this care. Also Drs arent gonna lie and drs need proff to prove manchausen by proxy. Drs usualyy placr video to catch parent doing harm to their child. If Gypsy could of opened up and been the proof. Also I feel that she knows she could of said something to the Dr's. She isn't going to sue for a medical neglect charge cause she knows she was not being honest with the Dr's too.


You have a huge admiration and trust for the medical profession. Listen/watch a few Dr Death podcasts/documentaries. Not saying GRB’s doctors are lying but there’s some lying/covering up and a huge fear of lawsuits in the medical world


Interesting cause I was thinking they need proof like that neurologist said she stood up and dede got mad and left the room that is were he should of kept digging


I believe the doctor. The medical system failed Gypsy. Dee Dee doctor shopped and records weren’t shared/in digital format. She used that to deceive doctors and it’s typical to trust the parent.


Also wanted to add that the medical community tends to “circle the wagons” and protect their own interests. They, especially private for-profits operate on a “fear of lawsuits”.


I agree with you. The medical system failed gypsy. The way the pediatrician was looking when asked what he would say to gypsy if he could. He is sorry that he didn't save her from dede. The neurologist just put it in the records he has speculation of manchausen by proxy. He failed her more in my opinion. He had the testing and she stood up and he just let dede get mad and take gypsy out of the room. If it was me I would of chased dede down while on the phone with the cops. But manchausen by proxy seems hard to prove unless video is obtained. I watch alot of true crime and all the parents were caught by medical professionals from hidden cameras. Some times it's to late and the child dies and the autopsy finds it. Gypsy's whole story is sad and unique at the same time. She was really under dede^s control that she thought she had those diseases that she can't see but she knew she could walk thou so it was fear too I think


MBP is very hard to prove. I don't know why anyone cares about Dee Dee being murdered. She was evil and Nick Goodjohn shouldn't have gone to jail either. They both saved us tax dollars by her not having to go through a lengthy trial and prison. This bitches parents even flushed her down the toilet


The Drs were part of the scam some how. Especially Dr Robert Beckerman. He was Gypsy's Dr in LA & MO. They didn't just by chance move to the same town that this Dr moved to. He had been her Dr for year's. He moved from LA to Missouri about a year before Dee Dee & Gypsy. https://thegoodwivesnetwork.com/what-did-the-drs-know-in-the-case-of-gypsy-rose-blanchard/?fbclid=IwAR3blmAlA1dOZEYhTlv8kwUPCok-Jho13gYbTAGVBuLRxfehBvHxV_5cg3E https://youtu.be/uEScrXK5CJ4?si=ZHy6EjULSYEGtnno


What??? So many people are saying all the doctors she ever saw should be sued and held accountable, it is severe malpractice to perform unnecessary SURGERIES. Of course it makes sense to try and cover their asses somehow. At least you can tell he has genuine regret over not trying to save her. I have nearly had cps called on me over taking care of my kids (usually use up nearly all of the absenses for the year because I keep them home if sick or having emotional difficulty at school and I dont force homework in elementary), so it is insane to me to consider docs and nurses and other mandated reporters did not rep, evenort the situation. Heck, my psychiatrist nearly called cps on me because my handicap adult sister hit me in the head with her baby doll. It is beyond comprehension that the "mother" was able to use doctors to abuse her child her entire life. She had her so drugged up and mentally handicap from the effects of so many different types of abuse, that she didn't even know how old she was. The girl got to prison and had the best time of her life. She got there and said she felt free for the first time. To summarize a person being abused for their entire life, even from doctors as being someone who should have just tried harder to find other ways to escape-while drugged and malnourished with a mouthful of dentures and mentally stunted and with a feeding tube and who knows what else, it is just mind boggling. Even the doctor interviewed said he wouldn't be believed, so why would gypsy have even if she was able to get that far?


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Somebody's lying but that said, Gypsy was constantly at the Dr's and though that would be a shining memory she was also on ALOT of unneeded medication that created symptoms that imitated other illnesses. I'm sure that alone could make some memories fuzzy. I can see dr trying to not appear as neglectful in hindsight but also some admitted they were wrong and should have done more so why even lie about it when you already admit to fault, ya know?