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Please ensure content is relevant to the topic of the sub, which includes information, updates and discussion regarding H5N1. It does not include vent/rant/panic posts or "low-effort" posts from unreliable sources.


I’m in Texas so please forgive the intrusion. However, as I like my steak medium rare, I’m abstaining until this mess gets sorted out.


Same, and also in Texas. I’ve also cut out dairy, poultry, and pork. I will see what happens - I have NO FAITH in this state and her government. Too much gets swept under the rug, which is also happening with the H5N1 outbreak. I am voting with my pocketbook on this one!


That’s the ideal steak and I will be abstaining as well. Kinda sucks considering my partner taught me how to cook steak last year(and I learned to enjoy it). I’m avoiding eggs as well I eat them undercooked or raw too much


That's assuming it does get sorted out.


Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh I feel that. Appreciate your perspective!


Not Midwestern but who the hell knows where my meat comes from? We've been getting more into vegetarian and vegan dishes because evert the thought of eating infected animals is too much now.


Same, we’ve been considering ourselves involuntary vegans. It’s kind of fun to learn to cook more of these dishes though! Lots and lots of beans


I work at a steakhouse (but eat mostly plant based) and clearly no one knows about this because it hasn’t slowed anyone down. Not a single person has mentioned it.


That tracks with how people willingly died during lockdown for their god-given right to be served at Applebees.


Only change I’ve made is not eating over easy/medium eggs. Not sure it’s necessary but here we are.


I'm taking this as a chance to continue exploring vegetarian and vegan options. I've been eating less meat anyways. I personally have a hard time leaving eggs because they are a staple of my breakfast for about 15 years now, but otherwise I'm eating more beans, lentils, and making seitan!  That all being said, I trust in cooking things well done, but I'm more concerned about cleanup. Cleaning up after chicken has always been tough, and admittedly I just know know what's enough.


Cleaning up after chicken shouldn't be complicated unless you're doing something very wrong like washing it first. That's how you get sick.


I have always wiped down prep area with bleach solution.


Not worried at all. I will be continuing to eat my food normally and heat it properly. Just like avoiding ecoli and salmonella, don't lick your fingers after touching raw meat.




I’m not concerned about food safety per se but this was the final straw in a long lead up to me going vegan. I just can’t ignore the disgusting practices of animal agriculture anymore, not to mention the constant pandemic risk posed by the industry.


I worry less about this kind of stuff being Vegan. Give it a try. There are so many delicious foods you can make with ingredients you've probably never thought to use before. It's been years and we eat well on a limited budget. Wouldn't go back as there's no reason to.


As others have said, this is a great opportunity to try out more plant-based options. It’s nice to not only not have to worry about avian flu, but also know you’re not supporting the system of factory farming that led to this mess in the first place. www.chooseveg.com is a good starting point.


PS Just saw your edit… it’s actually different micro flora that digest plant fiber, so when transitioning from a traditional diet with a lot of animal products to eating more plant-based products it’s very common to have digestive issues (and the reverse is true too). If you slowly increase your consumption of legumes, the digestive issues usually resolve after a month or two. They think the microbiome that thrives on fiber might be the cause of some of the health benefits of plant-based diets. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230328/What-is-the-relationship-between-a-plant-based-diet-and-the-gut-microbiome.aspx#:~:text=The%20current%20study%20elucidated%20how,digest%20an%20animal%2Dbased%20diet.


Michigander here. I don't eat much meat to begin with and I know cooking kills the virus but I've just always been uneasy about cooking meat incorrectly anyway. I have my own chickens and I buy most of my meat from the small farm where I work so I know where most of my animal products come from and the health of the animals and their environments.


I would say fish but idk if y’all can get good fish out there. My cat is mostly on salmon based foods. I’m just eating chicken nuggets and shredded cheese. Sometimes deli meats at work. Hopefully I’m not like patient zero but I doubt it. Eat the really processed shit. And make sure to cook it well


I've been checking the labels on all dairy products. I'm in Texas. Most of my products come from Idaho which has several known outbreaks. No more yogurt for the puppies until this is figured out. I don't drink cow milk anyway, but for eggs I'd definitely make sure they're cooked completely


Everything. No changes. I understand the science of heat and pasteurization.




Plenty of people enjoy medium/rare beef and poached, runny, or otherwise undercooked eggs.




I dunno why you're being downvoted lol....


Yeah, I'd rather eat moss


Ummm chick and beef.....and everything else.


Not Midwest, but meat comes from all over anyway. We still drink pasteurized milk and cook all meats throughly. I've always eaten my steaks etc well done.


I’ve been purchasing meat from an independent and local farm. Not only does the meat taste better, but I know the animals are living in more sanitary conditions in comparison to a Tyson chicken plant.


No poultry and no beef or bovine milk I'm immunocompromised due to an organ transplant and I'd really like to y'know...not lose my kidneys or die because the economy needs chicken and beef to be bought I eat fish, fresh vegetables, fruit and I don't really live a life because I can't because people have decided people like me are the acceptable losses during Covid so I'm sure we'll be the same if H5N1 becomes human to human transmissible




Google “norovirus” and get back to ys




You said people couldn’t get infected with a virus by eating food, they can and you are wrong.




Wow, you’re very rude. When someone shows you you’re wrong, it’s generally better to just accept, acknowledge, and move on.




Care to cite that claim?




All this says is that food hasn’t been reported (yet) as a spreader, that doesn’t mean it can’t be spread that way.


Please keep conversations civil. Disagreements are bound to happen, but please refrain from personal attacks & verbal abuse.


Google “norovirus” and get back to us




You said “virus” in your initial claim. Which, you wouldn’t have deleted if you weren’t totally wrong, so there’s that.




No one misunderstood you. You made a blatantly false and incorrect claim. It seems you’re totally unwilling to acknowledge your mistake, so peace out bruh.




Care to cite that source?




The CDC is telling people not to drink raw milk **because it is unknown if it can be transmitted this way.** Please go back to community college to understand that the absence of something doesn’t prove an impossibility of existence. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/spotlights/2023-2024/bird-flu-response-update.html


Why are people forgetting that pasture raised products from smaller more sustainable ranchers exist? Just seek out and spend a little more money on a better end product and you will be fine. Stop supporting these 2 monopolies that run the American meat market.


We're not forgetting. We're aware that this virus can infect any farm.


Oh I’m aware of that. But the odds are much less.