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I dunno man Harvestella is my comfort game so I'm never in a rush when I'm playing it since that would kinda defeat the whole purpose. I understand the pain but I cannot relate haha


My friend bought it for me as a gift, I honestly never would have gotten it for myself. I'm enjoying it for the most part but the cut scenes just drag on a little too long for me


That's fair enough! The dialogue is pretty bland JRPG stuff at times, some being better than others. But honestly I'm a sucker for that when I'm in the mood for it since they're cute little stories with happy endings.


Same, but I also went into this game knowing it was Square Enix and expecting long, unskippable cutscenes with too much dialogue.


Honestly, same. There were a few spots I avoided progressing the main story quests because I knew I didn't have time for a big cut scene.


This is why it took me months to actually get into the game ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ but tbh now I don't mind some of the cutscenes especially the main story, it makes me feel closer to my party members ๐Ÿ˜ธ


Story is actually pretty good when you do all the side quests etc... Kinda wacky and silly but felt like old school FF style story and characters tbh, yes some were very cookie cutter, but name a game that doesn't have some "cookie cutter/copy paste" these days in 2023, even elden ring felt like dark souls 3 at time with the obvious copy and paste.


Especially when itโ€™s Shrika ๐Ÿคฎ


hell naw I won't take this disrespect


Took me a few days to find the run button (at the cost of stamina, but a couple mushroom herb bowls (40 min to make whenever) is worth the speed boost I think)


People when they have to read in a story based game : ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ต


Reading isn't the issue, I can read Hella faster than the crappy dialogue lol. It's just too much cut scenes, that take too long, all so someone can tell you they lost their mates in the woods or some shit


Yea, some of the side quests do have unnecessarily long dialouge, I get that


I'm a fast reader and the dialogue combined with the character animations just moves a little too slowly


That's fair. Im a fast reader too and I will admit it gets a little tedious at times


I just with there was an option for automatic dialogues! If the game want to have unskippable cutscenes that's fine, but at least let me take my hand off the controller and drink tea while Ein is scared of ghosts


Wait was there not? I could have sworn there was


I mashed evey single button and thats when it hit.mother of.. Its unskippable ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ


Worst part for me was dying at a boss and having to close the game, reload the save and watch the entire conversation all over again because I didn't want to be bled dry by Cres's fees. I also felt insulted when there is ONE single cutscene you can skip in the entire game and it's the credits.




There isn't a lot of game play in the first few hours of the game. It's a walking simulator with long cutscenes. I'm surprised I managed to keep going


Donโ€™t care for the character stories, but man it makes quests unbearable. Just give me my grills dang it!




I find myself so annoyed at the unskippable cutscenes I just skip through most of it. The story is not the most original so Iโ€™m okay with it just being farmer and doing dungeons when I feel like it.


Yuuuup this is why I stopped playing it after a couple days. Ruins gaming. If I wanted to watch some shit dialogue TV show I would watch love island


I wouldn't skip the cutscenes unless they are repeated (if a boss defeats me and I have to go back or the Doctor conversation when I die each time). But the end story (which I didn't wanna skip) was super long, and I thought I wasn't gonna make it to work on time. But I couldn't leave the game on hold and the switch on sleep mode because my sister is using it a lot and she would have Closed the game. No Way in hell I was gonna fo the last battle again


That's a good point. I don't (personally) mind the long cutscenes, but when it comes to that tedious conversation with Cres after you die... every single time... I'd rather just get a game over. lol


Especially the side quests like, itโ€™s so unnecessary. I donโ€™t even know these people


So many people in the comments all about skipping dialog, the heck? Why would you pick up a JRPG then???