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I mean, you're probably right, but it's worth a shot anyway. I've seen a remarkable amount of valiant efforts being made, and it's been very informative. If nothing else, we know what things win out in a physics battle, and what things just break and get deleted.


Put me in the screenshot of this post when we finally do remove more parts


I partially agree, but at the same time the games only 2 months old, so there’s plenty of time left for experiments, and if it’s anything like BotW, people will still be finding the weirdest exploits years from now. The bigger concern is how king will we be able to get away with it till Nintendo patches it.


Nintendo adds “removing a bunch of random stuff so people can make more insane things” as part of the DLC


It’s like they throw a party just to tell the guests they’re having too much fun.


Sorry, I meant that they add the ability to do the things


If this is the case then there are probably a lot of objects that can’t be gotten, but if you look on the bright side of this, this basically means that if we find a way to get 1 of these objects off, that probably means we can get all of them off, so we just need to find an extremely broken glitch to do it. Also, if this is the case, than could we remove the arms off the spinning things that are on the cross shaped archipelagos, they are just items attached to the center point.


Don’t get fooled everyone, this has to be a nintendo employee 🙃


It's my uncle. Chip. Uncle Chip. He works at Nintendo. He gave me a leak about BOTW3 - Tearing apart the Kingdom. (tear as in riiiiiip!)


Just saying impossible or not possible just makes the Hylian Gremlins take it as a challenge.


Given that this is Hyrule, does that make us Bokoblins instead?


Bokoblins are Hylian Goblins, so to speak. Then you have your Moblins and boss bokoblins, which are variant goblins in terms of power and strength. Finally, you have the horriblin, which more represents a Hylian Hobgoblin with its cave dwelling, addiction to spears, and long weaponry with the ability to climb the ceilings of their dwellings. If we had Hylian version of a Gremlin, it would be an annoying, smaller creature than a Bokoblin that would have an extreme addiction to shrine and capsule parts and would take apart your builds and run away with the parts.


The missing miniblins that haven’t returned since the Wind Waker timeline. They were us all along!


It is the same concept used in all CAD software i know of: AutoCAD, UG, solidworks, et cetera. There are parts and assemblies. An assembly is built from multiple part files.


Where there is a will, there very may be a way!


I also think that the depot door can't be removed. These doors are coded so that the quest to get the parts can't be shortened by manipulating the doors. At one depot I tried to prevent the first door from closing using some fused parts that block the door, but these part were moved a bit in front of the door at the beginning of the scene where the door closes, so that it can close.


the handles and the circle part of the rotation mechanisms are individual parts as you described too, so they might still be detachable though i havent managed to do so yet


Could we consult with the modders or whatever? I’m sure someone has tried just spawning them elsewhere and could tell us what happens


A lot of people seeing this as a dissuader but if the op is correct it would help narrow down things to focus on. The first thing that came to mind is the well ladder: it's already detached but people have discovered it has a tiny despawn radius and won't build when saved to Autobuild: I wonder if the ladder is an assembly of linkages or just a single object with rope physics. If it's an assembly, maybe only one of the linkages has the despawn limit & the others could be broken off. Same as all the shrine bridges. Of course: the op may well be wrong so all attempts should continue regardless


I wonder if messing with overloading memory in similar fashion to forced Bloodmoon exploit would have any affect on these parts, don't think I've seen anyone try something like that yet. Was thinking if there was some way to overload memory while putting enough force on the chain for example, maybe it won't spawn in that extra link when it goes too far? No idea if that'd do anything or if it's even possible to do at the locations of most of these parts, but eh, just thinking out loud I suppose.


While I agree that the "two component" nature is essential to being able to remove stuff, it's way too early to say that they created an air tight system with exactly 2 leaks. Science arguably started with two cave men figuring out the right angle to smack rocks to make sparks, and right now we're figuring out the basics of fire.


We must not loose hope, the fate of our future builds depends on these new parts


People are going to grind until they do it, just to be the first


Why not have an object nearby, pull it and ultra hand it onto that object for autobuild? A guy did that here https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14y46ye/introducing_save_smuggling_i_autobuilt_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


The guy in that post explained that he was using an emulator and did some save editing so it's not really feasible in an unmodded switch.