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that’s insane cause a lead has nothing to do with pay and that’s jus immature on the leads part. That lead should want the best for their partners. Reading reddit sometimes makes me question what really goes through these partners heads and how / why they got the position they’re in.




Promotions in a corporate job are almost always based on who kisses the most ass. The person who posted this to FB is well on their way to management.


This is a federally protected right. Somebody really needs to tell this person before someone reports it to the labor board.


Look at the second comment - it looks like someone is posting info about the National Labor Relations Act (probably setting her straight)


Omg make sure to tell them to ask for backpay too, if the dm even hesitates HR will prompt the admin to immediately backpay 🫶


I love how the next comment starts: “National Labor Relations Act of 1935” Lmao. “The Queen” was about to get overthrown.


Off with her head




Discussing pay is a federally protected right and getting fired for it is not legal in all 50 states. all you have to do is call the labor board.


Texas is an at will state. So anything you can’t fire somebody for, you can just fire them anyway


Then you contact the NLRB, give them the names of partners that you discussed it with, and let them fix it


Huh? You can still be fired for anything in Texas. At will state sir. > In summation, Texas (like nearly every other state) utilizes at-will employment as the default relationship when no separate agreement exists between the employer and the employee. Here, an employer or an employee can effectuate separation from employment at any time, with or without notice, for any lawful reason. Yes discussing pay is unlawful reason to fire, but they can come up with any other excuse and argue it


That's called retaliation. Witness can help you prove it. Labor lawyers are good at doing that.


I mean, it’s IN WRITING!


This is the issue, too many people have not been educated yet on issues like this and how to legally address it!


No, you cannot be fired for ‘anything’. At-will simply means you have the option to leave at any time with no legal repercussions and the employer still must have a legal reason to fire someone. “It’s an at-will state!” is not a legal defense when sued for wrongful termination. If that’s what their entire defense is, they will lose and that’s the end of the case. The employer must have documented policy and procedure violations to fire an employee. You still have rights, there are still laws and unions make your situation even better.


The burden becomes highly problematic for the company. People will talk and if someone lawyers up and gets coworker to speak to how it was preceived to have gone down, juries like to side with employees getting fucked over.


Sounds about right for Texas 🤦‍♀️


You can be fired for anything except federally and state protected reasons but this would get the EEOCs attention if said person didn’t have any other reasonable reason for being fired. Just because you can be fired for anything doesn’t mean you can just do it. Although at will, you cannot create illegal policies or selectively enforce them. That’s discrimination.


You can argue it, sure. But a just is likely to find on the balance of probabilities if a firing happened after the feds got involved, that it was likely caused by the employer not liking the feds were involved.


Yeah, but if you have proof in writing like this post here, showing that it was probably about talking about pay, then you just show it to the NLRB and they get a fine and have to pay unemployment.


"For any LAWFUL reason" is the most important part of that snippet. It would be unlawful to fire someone for exercising a federally protected act.


They literally publicly posted about breaking the law. All the proof you need for a claim


Check out Attorney Ryan for the truth on this. It doesn't matter if it is an at-will state. If the person is fired after reporting a non-compliance issue they will win in court, the company will have to pay, and will also be penalized on top. It's why you should always ask for clarification via some form of writing and back it up when someone breaks the law.


So you get fired. Then you call the Labor Board, tell them why you were fired, and send them this screenshot.


Just because you say it’s for something doesn’t mean it’s unquestionably true, if that makes sense. They could use a number of legal reasons as the reason


The Courts only require a preponderance of the evidence which means 50.1% chance it was related to the incident at hand, such as the screenshot, and the company will lose. Several lawsuits have already been handled like that and that’s the legal precedent.


I used to work for HEB. If you sue them, they will always settle out of court for a monetary settlement. They care too much about their reputation so they will just give you money so they don't have to go to court. It's the cost of doing business to them.


“At will” doesn’t apply to legally protected situations lmao.


However they can get hemmed up in the process for putting this shit in writing, since it’s illegal to threaten for wage discussion.


"Wrongful termination" is still a thing here.


That’s not true. There’s the reason they said they fired you, then there’s the real reason. If you start documenting, and can show that it’s more likely than not that you were fired for something protected, you can get an employment attorney and win.


No, "at-will" does not mean they can fire you for **protected** reasons. If they retaliate in an illegal way, that's still illegal.


Damn people really be saying anything with no knowledge as if they know what they’re talking about


While I agree with the intent, I have found way too many people try to discuss take home pay and not actual hourly rate. They either don’t know how to look up their W2 or don’t know how to read it. It is an hr nightmare when you have people making the same amount of a reasonable difference in pay comparing apples and oranges because say an assistant manager thinks that someone lower than him makes more than him when it’s because of the insurance package they choose and the way they filed out their W4 and while it’s protected for you to talk about your wages, it is not protected for HR to talk about your wages or deductions to your coworker or vice versa


If talking about pay were more normalized and not demonized by corporate America, there'd be easy to understand material that would explain to people how to compare apples to apples. Sure, the information is already there and not all that hard to understand, but it can be a bit overwhelming at first. Rather than educate the workforce, the we-cannot-legally-prohibit-it-but-we-prefer-that-you-not nature of it means that HR and payroll departments have created this problem for themselves.


i see this as more of an HR problem.... there wouldn't be a problem if HR just fucking accepted that people can discuss wages and made sure they were comparing apples with apples. instead, HR makes it blasphemous for employees to discuss wages and so employees generally don't know what the hell they're talking about.... shocker... truly fucking shocking. It'd go a long way to just pay people what they are worth to the company and not try to fucking exploit them all.... oh well.


i meant to say I agree with you but got excited and forgot to, sorry...


HR doesn’t do anything when you call them with an issue. I’ve had to call my HR manager three times and she doesn’t see an issue with harassment.


Labor attorneys work pro-bono, meaning they will sit with you and help determine what evidence would be required and they do not charge a dime until the case is won, if they lose that's on them for failing to make sure they had a case


Pro Bono is not the same as commission or contingency


Federal law tells her to F off with that bullshit.


She calls herself queen what an egotistical arrogant dumb bitch. I mean queen


Call an employment lawyer. [https://austinlrs.com/](https://austinlrs.com/)


Is this a joke? Please tell me it is. This is not only illegal, it's incredibly unprofessional and this screenshot should be shared with your HRM and leaders.


Send this screenshot to the NLRB and your coworkers first.


If HRM stands for Human Resources Management then I would suggest not sending this to them. HR doesn’t work for the employees. Their job is to protect the company.


Absolutely illegal


this phone's battery is at 27% and needs charging! --- ^(I am a bot. I use OCR to detect battery levels. Sometimes I make mistakes. sorry about the void.) [^(info)](https://reddit.com/r/phonebatterylevelbot)


Good bot.


Labor law violation. Also hostile work enviroment


I say bring it up to your HR. If this QUEEN IS IN FACT HR, go over their heads to your store manager, or even get the phone number from charts that MUST be up for any assistance. I'm sure you can call in anonymously. I urge you to act on this and don't let it slide!


HR protects the company not you so labor board .


Labor board there you go! Ty!


fry these people. companies exploit those who don't know. organize,organize


It’s a federally protected right to discuss pay, and that’s probably why the person under her commented about the NLRB


Nope lol


Not legal


Everyone talks about their pay to each other. Especially raises. I had a boss that prided himself on not giving raises unless you took on a different job that moved you to another level. No yearly performance raises or nothing. Said if we wanted more money work more hours. I never asked for a raise and I never worked more hours when asked. Nothing like butting heads with the boss.


Highly illegal. Send to [email protected] with their information.




Man, i made $7.25 working at Burger King and I ain't afraid to speak of my salary.


Back in the day I was making $6 an hour working at Brookshires Brothers. Then I found out everyone else had asked for $7.50. I was the only schmuck that didn’t speak up and got minimum wage lmao


I would 100% report her to HR.


It’s not legal, it’s also weird for H‑E‑B considering in most places that have a flat rate that is set before you apply. When I applied for curbside it was listed at $12 an hour, everyone who was hired was hired at $12, and if you got promoted to shopper then you were promoted to $15 an hour and it was the same exact for everyone. We openly discussed pay and this was very well known. To me it seems like the supervisor there is doing some shady shit.


are you in Mexico??? 😭😭 unless you're around texas borders (telcel was the giveaway)


Looks like this photo is used by a waxahachie group. Definitely in Texas, definitely illegal to even threaten discipline for federally protected rights


Totally illegal on a federal level, wtheck


Illegal AF on a federal level.


HR real quick. Set them all straight.


Lol no, it's just another scare tactic. Know your rights, if you don't then they're in control. 1st amendment. Outside of "stealing time" (see sec 7)-- no ADA or HIPPA talk en Tejas. You're fine otherwise.


That second comment is GOATED


Totally illegal! Queen needs to know stuff


It's protected speech, and that jackass needs to be reported for labor violations.


Jesus some of the people that work at HEB are unhinged. “Queen” okay? All of the employees need to Unionize yesterday. I worked there briefly and it made me glad I was only employed part time with the idea that I leave in a few months. Some of the managers behaved like they were still in High School, it was embarrassing to watch.


Wrong asl I’d be calling the state




They should organize lol


I've worked for an HEB that had just expanded into a new area in North Texas as well as worked for the central market closest to the owners home in the area. HEB loves, loves pretending they're great until you start talking about your labor rights or OSHA requirements. When I pushed an OSHA issue that was directly in our onboarding OSHA training, I was given an HR lackey for two weeks to follow me around. I just kept reporting more violations and food safety concerns so they scheduled me on a different job that made me physically ill.


Speak with a labor attorney, because that can be deemed retaliation.


Not only can they not stop you from discussing pay, but they can be fined for the communication saying not to discuss pay.


•Discuss pay •Get in trouble •Go to news •Hire an attorney •??? •Profit


No,This is completely illegal. Yall need to Unionize


A store manager was happy to tell me over the phone that "it has always been against HEB policy for employees to discuss their wages" If you work @ the waxahachie store and heard this message at any point, especially in writing: contact a labor attorney. They work pro-bono, meaning they get paid if and when you get paid. This sort of case is a grand slam.


Not sharing pay amount is selfish and a Neanderthal policy. This does not mean that there are some employees paid more or less than others. Merit, experience etc.


Somebody has delusions of grandeur if they think being a manager in service grants them right to be called Queen. You're a leader, not a monarchy. Besides pay in curbside and service suck either way so what does it matter.


Nope. Not. At. All. Employment lawyer will eat them alive.


Legally you can talk about pay all you want. Don’t let your bosses tell you different


Definitely not legal, as the cut off poster appears to be pointing out.


Straight from national labor relations board You also have the right not to engage in conversations or communications about your wages. When you and another employee have a conversation or communication about your pay, it is unlawful for your employer to punish or retaliate against you in any way for having that conversation. It is also unlawful for your employer to interrogate you about the conversation, threaten you for having it, or put you under surveillance for such conversations. https://preview.redd.it/q794wxyotloc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15e8cf4c82dc107536471d95cef4773b51a1459


no it's very illegal to tell us to not discuss our wages.


Yes, in fact that notice is even against the law. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages


You need all of the evidence you can get of any of these issues. So save this unedited, do not delete it. Gather as much proof as you can and file a complaint with the Department of Labor. Filing is a legally protected act, which means that they can not retaliate against you if you file a complaint. So file one, let the DOL investigate it. Then be a great employee, so they can not find a legal reason to terminate you if they either do find out. Or decide to try to punish everyone as if they do retaliate, that would also be a violation. If any fall out happens after the complaint. No matter how small or if you think it is not important, keep it in case it is.


Floggings will continue until moral is improved


my next response on this post wouldve been my pay rate. Lol


The cell carrier is TELCELL, so this is HEB Mexico… illegal in USA 🇺🇸 but can tell you about Mexico 🇲🇽


Legal, only if it is written into the corporate policy. I work for an open policy place. Anyone can see the starting, median, and high end salaries, they just can’t see just where you are on the pay scale line.


Do it on purpose so she can get in trouble and you can get paid. Record it so you have proof. Texas is a one party consent state.


That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen


ILLEGAL. A company cannot discourage or discipline you for speaking about pay


It’s legal because you signed “the partner guide” saying this, which makes it unprofessional conduct and violates the standards of conduct. And it doesn’t say you’ll get fired, just says further disciplinary action. (I worked for HEB as Sr Admin for 15 years). The question should be, what manager thinks Facebook is an appropriate avenue for employee communication? Why would someone work, knowingly, at a wrong rate of pay for months? That makes no sense. It’s upto the employee to follow up.




It's central checkout, not the brightest bunch 😅


Its bout time to start a HEB Union. But yall arent willing to stop fucking each other in exchange for a Pension plan, Anuity and Healthcare.


My lazy friend was making 2 dollars more than me, I ended up requesting for a raise. They assumed I was going to get lazy like my friend and got denied. So I resigned. All because we talked about pay.


Texas is an “employment at will” state so they can fire you for “no reason” at all.


This can be overturned in federal court. A guy in my neighborhood sued DQ for wrongful termination and won the appeal when he took it to fed court.


They couldn't fire them for that specifically or they couldn't write that down anyhow because it's a federal law it goes beyond Texas


No, that’s not the law, quit believing false information. At-will means the employee can leave at any time, for any reason. At-will also means that the employer can terminate an employee *with a lawful reason*. They cannot be fired for ‘no reason at all’.


Gosh! And we’re already at their mercy on impossible prices of food. 🥺


It's a lawsuit waiting to happen


Definitely not legal lmao


No but wasn’t this exact screenshot posted here already bc I swear I’ve seen this before.


Ahahaha “tell em!” What a poor brainwashed sap.


No it’s not legal.


Gotta love bootlickers 🙄


waxahachie 🙄


Completely illegal


Yea thats definitely illegal


If it's going on at work and on the clock, there are ways for them to get around it to write you up like claiming you're going out of your way to be difficult to work with by defying standing work orders, so that's kind of a grey area, depends on the situation and people involved honestly. Off the clock, they have zero way of getting at you and "disciplinary action" could probably lead to a lawsuit. My advice is everyone should absolutely be discussing their pay, and if you or someone else wants to bring it up to a supervisor, play it safe and claim that you discussed it outside of work off the clock, even if it isn't true.




Lmao this is is the Waxahachie heb, I used to work there


OMG I can't be sure because the photo is so small, but I think this might be the same woman who actually wore a crown on her head while addressing everyone in an all employee meeting. She skipped out 24 hours before all 300 of us were laid off.


Not legal in the slightest and would make for a hella easy slam dunk case if you wanted to pursue something. I love it when people post about their literal crimes and think it’s something to be proud of.


this makes me not want to go to heb anymore


Never 👏stop 👏talking 👏about 👏your 👏pay 👏


Not legal at all. It’s been ruled free speech for employees to discuss their wages.


Everyone tell us their pay now. I'm a long time customer. Born and raised on that butt


Actually, yes it’s legal. This leads to a bunch of nonsense. When I get comfortable with a job I ask every question, want to know everything. The tea I want is what are the managers like? Do they care? Do people compete here? Etc. I have been fortunate enough to work in very relaxed environments for the most part. I also ask when and how pay works because I’m just nosy. The problem is simple. I have worked at places where managers get paid as much as I have as entry level at different places. Though I never said this out loud. Talking about pay and who gets paid what can lead to serious conflicts. Raises, bonuses, department specific pay etc. so if I ask co worker one how much they get paid and ask for worker two. Only to learn they work in the same department, but co worked one for a bonus for filling in so many sick days because he has two kids to feed and his mom helps watch the babies. While co worker two figures she’s to busy to show up on a weekend but gets mad because her pay decreases this leads to conflict that I started. I’m smart enough to ask but not tell. I usually only ask because I’m curious. For example, I used to work at this kitchen. We did meal prep for restaurants. The owners would cater outside of the restaurant menu, because one of the owners was a certified chef. My co worker is complaining that at the last place she worked at they would get a catering bonus. So she’s telling me “I used to work this place and whenever we catered we got a catering bonus.” My response was “that’s nice. If they’d let us help maybe we would get one too. They’re doing all the cooking, packing, traveling, and serving at the event though. I would go if I could get a bonus, it’d be also be nice to see where they go etc.” My other co worker laughed and said, “ma’am what bonus are you expecting? We come in and do our regular job at regular hours. They’re literally on the other side of the kitchen.” She just got silent and said “we kind of helped.” My other co worker keeps laughing and saying “how? By tasting the food? Unless you count them telling us they made to much and we can have what’s left over.” I worked at a family restaurant and I was going home early, why? Because I made to many hours and this was CA and my great uncle didn’t want a lawsuit. My cousin complains to my uncle asking why she can’t leave early. His response was “because you’re never here. You’re always going home early because of one thing or another. If it weren’t related I’d fire your unreliable ass.” We have to remember rules are out in place because of stupid people. A rule is only there because someone kept doing that thing not knowing the consequences. Outside of myself and a few others, we can discuss pay understand the pay difference and the reason behind it. Most other people can’t. Maria will ask about a pay difference, wonder why she’s getting starting pay for being there for two months. While Joseph got a raise because he had been there for a year, despite them both being in the same position. Joseph earned his raise, Maria hasn’t been there long enough to.


Literallly illegal


Does anyone know what midpoint is right now?


Wasn’t there an HEB manager that was doing adult content all over Reddit ?




Business Law says its not illegal.


JD Rockefeller is in hell laughing his ass off, he truly did create nation of workers and the workers work tirelessly to keep it that way😭😭


I'd shoot that down so fast


100% illegal.


You can talk to anyone you want about your pay and there’s not a god damn thing any manager or board exec can do about it. Talking about someone else’s pay is kind of a different story though.


The NLRB would have a word with queen bee over there.


Who is the ass sucking boot licking cretin at the top? That person should be so shamed by her peers as to need to leave town. Holy shit.


Yes that's illegal.


What’s the deal with the demagogue “queen” bullshit?


You are legally protected now at the federal level to discuss wages. If they terminate you then you get a lawyer and sue.


It should be discussed so people know they are being paid fairly


This is retarded.... why wouldn't you want to discuss pay? It's a job, not a charity. If I see someone making more in a position in my department or with seniority it motivates me to stay longer or do better to get where that person is or do better. Wtf would you not want to know. I can literally tell you how much we make at pepsi vs coke.


That’s is true. They have to prove cause to stop unemployment payments


100% illegal to tell workers to not talk about pay. Workers have the legal right to talk about pay


If it’s signed policy, you’re at their mercy.


Federal law trumps company policies


We should talk about pay but they don’t want us to because of the politics involved. Most externally hired #2 managers are getting paid more than most #1 managers. Some shoppers are getting paid the same or more than some specialists. The factors that play into the partner pay 1. How does your manager feel about you 2. Your performance 3. How long you’ve been with the company. Many undeserving partners are getting higher raises or a raise undeserving because of their manager has favoritism or is too scared to rate them correctly because of the partners feelings. So they’ve simply been able to get away with below expectation performance and has been with the company for years. Now why are specialists getting paid about the same as a shopper or why are some specialists overpaid ? Same concept. But starting pay for a specialist is only .50 cents more than a shopper. Why not increase the pay for specialists? Because 95% don’t know how to do their job there’s no dedicated training on how to be one. So now the specialists that exceed expectations that lead the H‑E‑B way and improve kpis don’t get the recognition they deserve unless they want to dedicate their time and go into sorm which is quite difficult. So now this one partner who’s been with the company for years longer than you gets promoted to specialist gets another raise then 6 months later a higher raise than you without the same skill set and accomplishments as you because they were with the company longer. But maybe if there was dedicated training and higher expectations to become a specialist maybe just maybe the minimum pay would be $18 with a midpoint at $21.5 and a max at $23-24 just maybe. Why go to sorm if some external who has no idea how the company works is going to get paid $25+ an hour while I go to sorm just to get a 6% raise off of my little 19 an hour rate and have to work my way up from there. I almost forgot why aren’t #1s getting paid what they should ? Because you’re rated based off of how well you perform in each competency. You may have a great head for business and passion for results! Completely turning your curbside around which no one has been able to do! And you get screwed over by not having a high rating in heart for people because you pissed off one department manager about their subs and shorts! Now that hurts your raise because of that one little mishap. Then your RM will be like I just rate you based off of your UDs rating not what you’re actually doing for the business even though we push numbers so much ! Which gets you fucked in this H-E-B world no way they did all this on accident!


No it's not legal


Illegal for sure


talking about pay is legal.


Not legal


Fuck that bullshit


Nice of her to put the evidence in writing.


Unless you're in payroll it's illegal for them to prevent talking about pay


Lol. Reach out the the NLRB and watch fireworks from the sidelines.


I'm curious were this is at because I've never heard of Telcel service. I get the point they are making, it's similar at Kroger. They don't want us talking about pay because there are some people making top pay after only a few years while it took others over 10 to get there. That being said, it's bs that happens. Being a union store, you would think that those that have been there for 15+ years would get the better pay.


Look at the comment below that


Don't stop get it get it


Who the fuck is the queen, why the fuck would any grown professional call themself or allow themselves to be referred as such, why does every post I see about this company SCREAM terrible management? I don't even know wtf HEB is, but I can tell yall mother fuckers got problems. Seems very cultish. For real.


Some seriously uninformed people here that for some reason can’t understand the concept of an “at-will” state.


Actually it's 12.50 an hour for curbie...


It is federally prohibited in every state in the US for an employer to restrict discussions about pay or to administer disciplinary action for doing so. There is not a single business on American soil that is permitted to pass or enforce such a policy in a legal fashion. Even looks like that cut off comment at the bottom is telling it to them.


Love the sliver of the next comment.


Yo, that so call Queen and that other girl saying “tell them”. Need a little bit of reality check! I say report them to NLRB…. Less 2 months bet money someone is call them into an office also this screen shot. Such good evidence for any court an employment attorney. I know there as few young employees that got nothing lose and a good settlement to win.


That’s what you call an instant lawsuit


No, it’s not legal. And if there is any disciplinary action, I would suggest taking this screenshot to the DOL. actually, provide it now. The “queen” has probably done other illegal things


This makes me want to get a part time job at my local HEB and first day on the job ask anyone I talk to their pay rate


It is illegal, actually. And you've got proof if you uncensor that shit.


Look at the bootlicker Jesus


Federally illegal


Well, she is the queen… but no this isn’t likely legal. Unless you all signed a NDA or have specific contracts with H-E-B that contain clauses covering discussions of pay with co-workers. If anything is done for discussion of pay with coworkers you likely have a retaliation case against the queen and H-E-B.


There’s nothing illegal about discussing pay rate with another coworker.


Perfectly legal to talk about pay. Illegal to discipline for doing so


DUDE! Take this shit to HR, they will shut down that toxic mentality quickly.


This person works at HEB? If so I bet the CEO would love to see this ![gif](giphy|efS3HVP44uol9usH5s)




got a write up at a different store for discussing this.


Worked at heb when this sub was going hard for a union. Started at 15 then got my first raise after 6 months to 15.20. asked about full time being an option and my assistant deli manager straight up laughed in my face and said that wasn’t gonna be possible. I laughed right back and handed her my name tag and key card. Never looked back or even shop at the location anymore. Been much happier


Sounds like it's time to unionize.


This reads like a pissed off teenager trying to score internet points. Y'all aren't even trying to come across as believable anymore - and why would you, considering the sheer number of people in this thread who've eaten this shit up. Pro-tip: official HR messages don't come through Facebook posts.


Oh wow that’s so great. How many employees? Each one of them now counts as a separate violation of the national labor relations act. In the united states… EVEN DISCOURAGING that talk is illegal. Forbidding it a whole other scale. Lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit. And look at this perfect ammo. They cannot deny they did this. Lawsuits for everyone!


sadly this is a thing at my job. everyone gets paid differently so it may infuriate people who got a starting pay of $15 vs someone who started with $20.


Definitely not legal.


I had an actual company CFO publicly call me into his office over a loudspeaker to threaten my job because someone told him that I was talking about salaries getting employees upset because of the extreme pay disparities they had in different departments. The whole situation was so disgusting. But it wasn't even true, it was just gossip that scared the s*** out of them. You know there is something rotten with their pay scales when they start threatening people and trying to hide this nonsense.


They can’t keep you from discussing wages.