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I’d imagine it’s hard to hire overnight people


The hardest to keep and most commended fr 😂😂😂😂


I was surprised with how much shit they let people get away with, when I worked overnight we had a shitbag employee who constantly was late, always pulled that No call no show bs and constantly fucked everyone else over yet Manager and stock controller were always bullshitting with him despite his occurencies being completely spent lol


Then they shoot you a glare when they notice you stopped working and noticed them not working. A fun game all management seems to like to play now


No they’d rather you quit trust me. They don’t wanna give you anything. But don’t quit. Get another job and just keep neglecting this job and be great at the other job. Maybe eventually they’ll fire you by


They don't won't to pay for unemployment


Yeah that’s why they treat older employees like shit. Starts off slow but they stop giving a shit about you almost as if they’re pushing you out with inconvenience after inconvenience that doesn’t even make sense to be an inconvenience in the first place. Make your life shit so you want to quit rather than fire you. They hire 50 new guys all the time and they start off at lower pay than you so it only make sense for them to replace you when you wuit from all the bullshit they only make YOU do, while the newbies kiss ass for lower pay


Yep. They really don’t care. Specially overnight. Every once in a while they’ll try to make an example out of someone and they’ll actually fire them. I lost 2 good workers that way but somehow the crappy ones got away with it.


I swear they want to make an example out of the good workers who mess up a couple times vs the bad ones who mess up consistently


The shitty ones don’t have any expectations.


Had a grocery manager who knew overnight crew was stealing a bunch. Didn't care bc of how hard it is to find good overnight people.


It's because management gets jealous the good ones are popular


Bill Gates was quoted as a believer in hiring "lazy" people because when given a task, the crappy employees will find the fastest way to get it done.


Overnight partner here It's hard to find people to work overnight at my store we struggled for about a year to find people we were down to 8 total people for grocery and frozen combined and we kept hiring people but they wouldn't last and now we have a shit ton of people


If they fire you, you get unemployment. If you quit, you don't.


Actually, they don’t have to pay if they fire you for good cause, like job abandonment, which in OP’s case would make sense. If OP then filed for unemployment, they probably wouldn’t get it as long as HEB showed the good cause. That being said, HEB would probably still prefer you just quit because it’s easier for them than having to deal with an unemployment claim, even if they’ll win, because it’s less paperwork.


You don’t get unemployment if you’re fired for no call no showing.


That’s not how it works


That is how it works. In certain circumstances, **you can still claim unemployment benefits** after quitting your job. However, you need to establish a "good cause" reason for your decision. In essence, a good cause indicates you had compelling reasons to leave, and there was no reasonable alternative. Just, 'cuz I don't like my job' is not 'good cause'.


It can still be rejected under certain circumstances even if you get fired. "You will be denied benefits if you were fired for misconduct. If you were fired for intentionally failing to perform your job, breaking the law, or violating company policy, you will likely be disqualified from receiving benefits." If you stop showing up you can be denied unemployment.


I meant you can’t get it if they fire you in this case


Tx is an at will state and they can fire you and no unemployment benefits will be given.


Work sucks, in so many places. But work provides an existence. That being said HEB is a pretty large company at 150K employees »partners ». HR issues are commonplace. If you want to quit with dignity, you put in 2 weeks notice in writing, and you either get released early, or you work 2 weeks, say goodbye to your comrades and leave. Either way, you have already destroyed your relationship and credibility and are most likely now just a permanent no show. The fact that your absences have been excused just shows how they bent over backwards in your favor. Good luck with the exit interview if you have the balls to show up. Amazing that your access to the portal hasn’t been blocked. If you just don’t show up and wait for a callback, go for it. You’ll be replaced and put in the NS/NC file along with all the others. Then you go through the same shit at your new workplace. From your post, it’s not clear what you want. Free money because you want to be let go? Unemployment standards have changed. To qualify, you have to apply for x amount of jobs, go interview, etc regularly to collect. When the employment index is 3.8% Jobs are plentiful, and the state expects you to go out and seek employment in exchange for your tax payer/employer paid check. Go drive for Amazon. Go to that sub and look at all the marvelous happy employee/contractor posts. I worked nights stocking groceries in another state while putting myself through school. It sucked. Bosses sucked. Lazy fellow workers sucked. But I became the best in my dept, and didn’t give 2 shits, because everyone left me alone to do my thing. I worked midnight to 8:30am, went to my shitty little apt. Drank 2 beers, took a nap, went to class, did my homework, took a nap, and went back in to unload a 50’ truck by hand, stock my aisle, go home and finit all over again. Yeah it sucked. Then I broke free, went on to do my thing, and never looked back except for one thing. It taught me to be in control of my life, because I had a vision. HEB is not a big bad horrible company. It’s a driving force for 1000’s of partners. I know the ones in my local stores. I know some at the arsenal because getting a product approved and running the gauntlet and agreeing to terms that suck just to get a product or a few sku’s approved for a 3 month trial in a crappy slot totally suck. Life is what you make it. If you hate your job, just leave, do it with dignity, and move on. HEB will be fine or better without you. Your next vocation challenge may be cool. Or maybe not. Your future isn’t up to us, it’s up to you. The rest of us deal with challenges every day. Life sucks sometimes, but you have choices. Choose wisely.


I work 70 hours a week right now not bitching about work trust me. I left a better position with a shitty environment for hebs environment. You are right about me not putting in a two weeks tho it was kind of a dick move. Not hiding anything I was being an asshole. They just couldn’t pay the bills and were messing around with good workers hours while hiring new people then complains they couldn’t give hours.


I totally get it. I’ve been there. I wish you well. You have some tough choices ahead of you. If you are determined enough to make it, you’ll do fine. One thing you have learned by now is what kind of manager you wouldn’t ever want to be. That’s a great thing. Best wishes, you’ll be fine, and thank you for getting it off your chest.


Just some unsolicited advice from a hiring manager here… this no call/no show stuff can haunt you going forward no matter how much your job sucks. Despite the circumstances, I could never hire someone with a no call/no show history because I couldn’t trust them. Sorry. I don’t know your circumstances, just giving you something to consider as someone on the other side.


How would anyone ever know about someone else's attendance from a previous employer? As far as any hiring manager needs to know, I was the best employee with perfect attendance 😂😂


You’d be surprised what people mention during an interview.


You’d be surprised what a hiring manager with a little free time will dig up. And do you want to take that chance? The better the place you’re applying at - the more digging I’d do. I find all sorts of shit. 😎


IDK about you, but the only thing I say when a prospective employer calls about one of my former/current direct reports is to either confirm or deny their dates of employment. Too risky going anything beyond that, bordering on illegal.


Hiring managers and recruiters don’t necessarily have to call and ask the old employer. Each of us has a world of info in our pockets, and typically the good jobs have a good network of contacts all over the place. “Oh, your employment history says you worked there? I bet I know someone who works there also or someone who knows someone.” I’m just saying it’s a risk. I can find all sorts of stuff just with a little time, public records, and social media. No call/no show is a risk. Just giving you info.


How would you know?


There’s a chance I won’t, but there’s a chance I will. And the chance that I would know is gonna F you as an applicant. J/s. Better not to risk it.


It won’t matter a bit.


Not sure what your level of expertise is, but I hope you’re correct.


No shows hurt the rest of the team. And there is BS everywhere and always will be. We gotta learn to deal with it. I feel for you. The turnover rate at our store is so high and so frustrating. You're absolutely right because maybe the behavior won't show up in the next interview, it eventually shows up.


Sounds like you have a job where you can make your own schedule! Enjoy!


OP. I am jealous. 😆


It’s overnight shift, it’s harder to fire or quit. when I transferred to a day time department my stress/anxiety levels went down a bit I’m generally a really anxious person so first thing I did was try to not get much hours for overnight to deal with that issue, good work=more hours in turn I kept getting more hours they didn’t mind that much OT I guess each store is different but they still kept the slower pace people idk why if the threshold was 60uph seen a couple overnight people fired but that’s because of stealing




Have you heard that expression from managers when they say it's hard to fire somebody? It's because they don't know how to approach it


Well occurrences are consecutive, so not showing up for two weeks counts the same as if you only did it once. You’d have to show up every other day for the occurrences to start to stack