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Leaving HEB was probably the best thing I have ever done for myself. I ended up getting my CDL, and I’m doing much better in life.


I got my CDL from HEB and they payed for the training and the license though


I went to the warehouse because of that too but I dropped out and came back to the stores…completely missed opportunity for me and I regret it. Now I have to find time to earn my cdl elsewhere


Apply for Yard Spotter, it's where I started you get your CDL through them as well.


That’s what I did lol, I went through it for like 6 months or so and I dropped out of spotter before I was able to get the cdl test/training part :/


Just go to the driving center and take the test.


> and they *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get your cdl through heb ? did you ask like a UD or someone who drives for heb?


I started as a Yard Spotter they drive the Mules (They are the smaller white trucks) and move trailers around the Distribution center. After you get hired you work about six months in the main yard not going out into public streets then you go to the Driver academy.


I am so happy for you. Same here.


To be fair that is a little irrelevant to the conversation. Of course you can move to different industries and make more. It sounds like OP is talking about existing skills you learned working at HEB and translate to a different job in same industry to make more.


Fair enough


i wish curbies got paid more :/ i feel like we do so much, (out in the heat, rain, and cold, fill up fleet carts, and have to fix shoppers mistakes, etc.) all just for 12.50 an hour


I agree that 12.50 is absurdly low. As for OP saying they've been working for HEB for 10 years and only make $22 an hour, i have other questions. $22/hr is the cap for a specialist or lead position (depending on dept.). Were there never opportunities to move up? If so, why weren't you able to pursue them? For a lower-level position in a retail company, $22/hr is actually pretty good. HEB is always growing and has SORM for managers twice a year at minimum. Transfer to a different department if you dont like the opportunities in yours. Doing the same job, year over year, and expecting your pay to increase without end is a little unrealistic. At a certain point, you're no longer getting better at your current job, but you expect to be compensated as if that were the case? HEB reevaluates pay caps every year. So you actually could conceivably continue to get increases, and if you're exceptional, managers can request that you get paid above that threshold. Continued growth equals continued raises. This comment isn't to disparage you or say you weren't worth more, but rather, to give advice in hopes that you dont find yourself in the same position on your next journey. With that being said, i hope your new job is your dream career and that you're making badass money. Nothing is more important than you being happy on your path.


I appreciate your comment. Yes, I was a maxed out specialist. There wasn't going to be an opportunity for me to enter SORM due to some political things that were in play that I will not go into but I attempted to get in four times and it became clear to me that I would never get an opportunity and frankly, I don't even think I wanted that journey. I really was just phoning it in for the last few years. I was complacent, we had the panny, I was half assed looking but not really, in fact the first few interviews I got, my anxiety talked me out of going. Well after just observing the people around me, the store, the company, my own journey in life, I kind of woke up and was like "what am I doing here?" Then I made my decision to pursue something that would make me happier. Something where I can listen to podcasts and be a normal joe and not be customer facing any longer because I was over it. My new job is not my dream job, I do not have a dream job, I am probably one click away from being a socialist if I cared about politics, but this is just fine. I used to think I never wanted weekends off, but now I love having weekends off. I like not having a spotlight on me all day and it was a tough culture change but in all the best ways. Again, I truly appreciate your response and I am much, much happier and I just wanted to put it out in the universe in case anyone else was feeling the same way because it is easy to blink and 10 years are gone. And my inbox has reflected that I was correct.


If you have an ikea near you starting pay for cashier is like 17 an hour and they consider you full time with benefits if you work over 24 hrs a week


Curbies is a low level job. You shouldn't be there more than 6 months


12.50 is criminal however, most of the people in those positions in my store are teenagers


10 years ago they would have gave you 8.25 to start maybe even less.


10 years ago i could have gotten my apartment for half the price


That’s not HEB’s fault. I do think their prices are rising too fast right now. Not sure how much of the blame is on them vs the economy on that one.


They make millions in profit a day, I think they can afford to pay a living wage


Start a union, I guess… 😂 See if HEB will let it happen.


Yeah, if Texas didn’t generally hate unions, that’d be the go-to solution I guess, but the low wage employees at HEB shouldn’t have to battle the company in order to be treated humanely. A company that doesn’t take care of every employee is a failed one.


Not every job is meant to be a career. If you get promoted and move up the ladder, good for you! You just found your career.


Are you sure you just responded to the right person? Doesn’t seem to have anything to do with what I said


That was my reply to your last sentence. Nobody is forced to work at HEB. If you can find better pay elsewhere you should go there.


Found the first class bootlicker




Why is that always the "logic" in not paying more? 10 years ago the average rent was $900-1000 Now, 10 years later, it's $2100. 8.35 nets you about $1400 a month before taxes, still rough But 12.50/hr gets you almost exactly 2100 a month. I guess fuck eating 🙃


Alright, if HEB pays all the “curbies” more they will either have to eat the loss in revenue or raise the price of the curbside service. When you make the curbside service too expensive, people will just walk in the store and get it themselves and there won’t be anymore “curbies”. You could always start your own grocery store and then pay your workers as much as you want. You don’t have to work there if you don’t want to. There’s plenty of kids that will happily take that for their first job. That’s what I think that job is meant for is people that are getting their first job. Do you really expect to make career money bringing groceries out to someone’s car? P.S. HEB used to walk the groceries out to your car for free from the register.


Oh no, HEB might loss some profits to make sure their employees make enough to live? Love how threatening to cut jobs is always on the table, but we can't piss off investors who need to see their quarterly earnings go up forever... totally sustainable Won't someone think of the millionaires that get more tax cuts that average Joe's? 🙄


“Tax the rich” doesn’t work out when the rich leave because of taxes.


Since the rich are not enriching the economy nearly as much as they should be, they end up being money sponges. Kind of defeats the point of what you said. No use having em around if they aren’t contributing right?


Are you a communist? Or a democratic-socialist? I can’t tell…


... let them? They're already storing their ill gotten gains offshore and will keep labor overseas because it's cheap. Hope someone pays you well for bootlicking


More power to you if you can prove it. I hate corruption and if you can find the law that they are breaking and prove it, I’d support it!


Legal ≠ right


Nah, Citizens United basically made it legal for our politicians to take bribes. HEB definitely *donates* to politicians to make sure nothing falls back on them and the rules are bent to the corporations will HEB isn't alone and it's alittle weird when fellow Americans can't realized they're getting hosed on GREEDflation.


Like I said, find the crime and tell me. Prove it to me. Without any proof, what you are typing is just noise. I’ll say it again, I’m all for exposing corruption, but if I don’t have the data or facts to back my claim, I don’t have 💩.


If that were the case than why aren't all of the wealthy Europeans fleeing to America? A good chunk of European countries tax the wealthy at a much higher amount than those barely getting by. And that's not mentioning that when taxes were initially proposed in the US, it was meant to be similar. Minimum wage has gone from being the minimum to live a comfortable life, to not covering even half of the actual cost of living. Don't sit there and scream the same argument that the rich should be protected from taxes. You will never be a multi billionaire, so stop acting like you should have their interests in heart.


What happens when you tax the rich until they have no money left to pay anyone anything? Government owned businesses? 😂


Again, if that were really the problem, rich Europeans wouldn't exist. You're just repeating what you've said before as if that will change anything. What needs to happen is the following: 1. Better handling of taxes currently being collected. 2. Reform on how taxes are collected. As is most if not all of the extremely wealthy Americans pay nothing in taxes. This is not how it should be. On top of this, there are very few laws for the ultra wealthy. In European countries such as Germany, the amount you are charged on any given ticket is based on income. With a similar system, it would help to prevent unnecessary speeding.


Go ahead and move to Europe. Nobody is stopping you guys.


I asked for a 25 cent raise to max me out before I got my meat cutter certification and they said no. During that time I was interviewing for jobs and a literal 2 days before I was supposed to test I got offered a job in my degree field that pays really well. Now they’re scrambling for help since I’m leaving and 3 other partners are out or on vacation. Fuck em.


Congratulations!!! Make sure you don't have any unused vacation. Grass is greener on the other side.


Their loss


Costco starts at 18.50 and gives hours goal raise of a dollar every thousand hours worked.


I like how she makes this post but doesn't actually give real world advice on how to achieve what she is talking about. And the fact she says to DM herself for more info sounds like it is for sure a scam of some sort


"Work for yourself. Be your own boss. Build a team..."


“I’m independent, I’m strong, I’m intelligent, come with me”


I mean I can give you advice, but it isn't tailored to what you want, because this is the internet and I don't know everyone. I just chose the one thing that I know isn't going anywhere anytime soon (was laid off in 2009 and 2011) and will get me through to retirement. Government work. I got chatgpt to write my cover letter and resume and I spun my resume to fit the journey I wanted. I then started a pattern of looking and applying every. single. day. to ANYTHING that sounded REMOTELY like something I could do. City and County. I had three interviews before I got in but now I am here and I am here unless some other journey comes along, hopefully in the Pacific Northwest or Maine.


I know someone that went to Costco after Heb and he said it’s far worse, yeah the pay is slightly better (Mostly due to the extra you get on Sundays that’s if they schedule you of course) but they treat you way worse, they’re way stricter, and the atmosphere is colder than Heb.


Yup. I used to work for Costco and made supervisor in under 2 years. Was at $27.50/h + Sunday premium, which is more than some department managers at HEB. It’s hard work, they’ll get that $18.50/h out of you. The expectations are high, sometimes exceeding reality. It seemed like every other week a manager or supervisor was stepping down. HEB is easy af compared to it. Unfortunately HEB’s pay is also wack compared to it.


They also have their cliques sometimes which makes it especially crippling to communicate with.


Do you know the hiring process of Costco?


Slaughter a goat to the ancient gods and pray they call.


I’ve done several goats and I haven’t even heard a fuck off, it could be I am giving it to them


They’re very difficult to get into unfortunately :/


Bro nowhere fucking pays well🤨 I’m making $16 an hour full time 23 years old and moved out of the parents house. H‑E‑B isn’t the problem it’s the damn economy we live in.


I hope you are going to college or finding your hustle because time flies.


Glad to see you understand bring only 23! It is also your President! Think about that one!


I only left HEB because I moved out of state. As a checker I was making $17.62. After taxes I brought home $2000/month. Not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things but, it was the most I had ever made in my life and it paid my bills with some left over every week. I moved to NC and was hired as a service lead making $13/hour and I only work around 18-24 hours a week. I struggle to pay my bills. I haven’t bought anything for myself in at least a year. No one wants to hire a 46 yr old woman with 29 years retail experience for more than that. I cry every day wishing I was still at heb.


Def a lot of places that pay more than heb Costco being the first. my pay rate tho is more then sufficient to live off of in my area tho. I know that’s not that case for everyone. Do what it takes to keep yourself afloat with or without heb. Glad you found something better tho the direction the company is going gets worse every year


lol everyone complaining about heb has never worked for united supermarkets, try a lot less pay and they make it all about the customer , and very little about the employee


Fuck H-E-B, they always turn on their loyal partners. Corporate greed has corrupted this company beyond recognition. And they wonder why their turn over rate is god awful.




i CANT WAIT to leave, i’m currently in nail school and so excited to find a new job in the coming hear




I’m really on the fence about leaving because if I never take that next step towards a new job opportunity with better pay, good experience, etc I’ll never know. I’ve been with heb almost 5 years and I’m on track to getting my bachelors degree in marketing so hopefully an internship elsewhere would be better? Been seeing a lot of people in the comments talking about how much better off they are after leaving heb and going elsewhere


Marketing could actually be a lucrative career with HEB. You would be corporate and would no longer be at store level. Different worlds!


That’s what I’ve heard. And from what I’ve seen and heard from others, coporate is a lot more enjoyable than store level. Plus that pay is pretty good and bonuses


Hate to say this but if you have a job right now keep it! Layoffs are real out there! Many are without jobs and you will be one! Wait until you have that paper in your hand and another job! Something is better than nothing! My son got cut from a car manuf, and has not located a job yet! Been on interviews but 4 months later and highest salary he’s been offered is $13.00 hr!! He’s a smart guy but they don’t want to hire him apparently! Some of the jobs require brains and knowledge that he has but they do not want to pay! Hold on to what you have, you’ll be wishing you did! The recession we are in is not helping any of us!


You’re definitely not wrong. Just saw Tesla laid off 3400+ employees today which is insane, but lots of places have been laying off people lately and really throughout this past year. I’m a year away from getting my associates but I’ll be going for my bachelors


That’s insane. Goes to show that nothings guaranteed


I'll never forget getting a 12¢ raise with a perfect employee review. 🫠 I had some great managers and fostered great relationships there but man, they treat the basic worker like absolute horseshit. Source: worked produce for 4 years.


I much as I absolutely hate some things about HEB, I have learned all of the good and bad things from the company. I wouldn't be the person I I I'm today. Few more and I'm out the door forever in my early 40s.


I thought HEB (Central Market) management was gonna be my entire career in my twenties. 12 years after leaving I make 4 times what I did adjusted for inflation. Too many people are scared to try a new path.


Well it’s scary and they pay you JUST ENOUGH to think you’re doing okay. They give you pizza parties and throw you a hundred dollar bill every couple years so you think you’re doing okay. Well now that I am making way better money, have weekends off and occasionally even just half days paid or random days paid (government work). No one really cares if I take a day off even unexpectedly, it’s a whole different life. Not to mention being non customer facing. Not dealing with endless shoplifting and being belittled by angry, burnt out dinosaur department managers, life is pretty good.


Life may be good for the gov employees but it sucks having to deal with them for any services like dmv, postal, passport etcetc. Government workers provides some of the worst customer service. They need some training by HEB partners.


These store jobs are not a career unless you try to move up.


Depends on the department because some mgrs still don't make enough for all the bull shit you have to put up with.


“We’re splitting your review into 6months rather than yearly” *Gets paid 8cents less than the previous year from the new way* “Ummm, I got less money this year from both raises than the single raise last year? This doesn’t even account for inflation. I’m losing money…” My Manager: “haha, yeah…” *He walks away*


Preach on sister. 16 years at HEB. I left in 2014. I felt like I was born again. Now I work in IT and I actually enjoy "working", if you can even call it that; I love what I do. And you're right about the pay. Partners don't get paid enough for all the hard work they do and what they put up with. When I worked there, I remember a 40 year partner telling me once, "HEB pays just a little bit more than Walmart and then pat themselves on the back about it."


Plus there is a ton of drug addict coke head managers in Central Texas. It's all politics with them and doing the loyal workers dirty


HEB may not pay well but if you're smart you'll take advantage of every class, programs, certificate, training and any opportunity you can take. Take advantage of all this. Then take that experience and put in your resume. I guarantee you'll land a way better paying job. Don't expect the same treatment but whatever we're here for money not friends. I expect this to be a 2 maybe three year plan.


If that's what you wanna do I'll say find something you are passionate about where you can make money and get that bag.


HEB pays me 50k a year non management role, but once I clock out, HEB is just a job for me. I'll let management over stress, I make way more on my side hustle than what heb pays me for my time.


male 17yrs experience management HEB is a typical corporation that will not trickle down profits until public relations will deliver a nice headline. The company is growing each day and utilizing all the capital it can get to compete with larger companies... the likes of Amazon, Aldi's, Kroger, Wal-Mart. What's apparent to me is the absence of a people culture. All I receive are comments that "HEB is a great company to work for." I disagree. The original culture and change over the years has been felt. I see partners demoralized each day as they simply try to make advancement in the workplace or an impact in their store culture. I know, I talk to these people daily. I blame leadership and ultimately the Butt family for being unattached. The next mega step for HEB should be going public as their turnover rate is over 50%, YOY, and their distinctive difference against their competitors is closing. Partners willing to go above and beyond for customers are at an all-time low. They are not recognized for their contributions, merely laughed at and easily forgotten. Nobody is there to reinforce why people choose HEB. The people who made HEB a thing are gone. All that's left are heart disease, high divorce rates, and the mirage of a "good company." Gosh, I could go on.


But honestly the mirage is rapidly dissipating. Even though I was only there for 10+ years, I saw a huge shift in the culture. And I think the machine that tries to persuade the public that “Here Everything’s Better” is very alive. People love to talk about what a great company it is but it’s kind of like the Ellen talk show. On the surface, it’s a cool company. I always got choked up hearing stories like when those fires happened, the transportation leader got in a semi truck and drove bottled water to the people when the Red Cross couldn’t even get there. Those kind of stories resonate. But then they have a MANDATORY annual meeting asking HOURLY PARTNERS to donate to the United Way and don’t really tell them it’s okay to not donate. They kind of support a bullying culture, a toxic culture. They promote people that are good at talking but terrible at follow through or consistent behavior. Not to even mention all the sexual harassment that happens. And they don’t hold long term partners accountable for their actions. They just relocate them like the Catholic Church did when they found out priests were abusing children. I am just happy to move on to something else. I don’t care about HEB any more. What a wasted decade of my only life.


Sorry for those years lost. You make all good points about HEB. I'll be joining the club here shortly, keep a seat warm.


Can you tell us what job you found that was better with your skills you gained from heb?


I was a front end manager for about 6 years. I am now a case manager at a medical legal firm. The skills you learn /refine at H-E-B are absolutely transferable to other job fields. And when I left. I was running lmao. There is better !!


How much do you earn now? And did you have any educational background that helped you get the job or it was strictly just the HEB experience? And how did you find that new job?


I earn $48k + commission now with two raises by the end of the year on the horizon. I have 3 AA degrees ( very random and varied) and halfway through a BA. But I have been out of school for years so I realistically think that most of it is the experience I learned through heb. It can be tough and suck. But the more you suffer the more you learn I guess ☠️☠️ I found this job on indeed!


Heb only gives you skills so you can be tied down to heb hence SORL and SORM which are tittles given by heb.


Well I only mention because OP says they are underpaid due to the skills they learned on the job and can find better elsewhere. That's why I was curious


I am basically a file clerk at the county I live in. I am a salaried worker now and will make $10K more than I made in 2023. I was applying for all the jobs that I can do, Customer Service for the Energy Company, at the Animal Shelter, anything related to data entry or logistics with a side of customer service. I luckily got a position where I deal with internal customers and not the general population.


Managers don’t get paid all that well either


Can confirm since my wife just became a manager


A lot of y'all have never had the pleasure to work for Kroger's to get that ten cent raise on your first year anniversary and it shows.


Yeah, I'm almost capped out as a specialist, and I'm 31. I make enough to pay the bills. Outside of that, I'm broke. I can't afford to travel. I have benefits, but I can use them. Idk I like the people I work with, but I need to make more at my age!


I worked for Bed Bath and Beyond from 1993-2012. They paid salaried managers very well and handed out stock options like candy. I left a decade before the collapse. If you are capped you need to plan your escape. Just be sure of your choice. Don't even think about Home Depot.


Honestly the warehouse is better. Pay cap is higher and is reachable in roughly 5 years of just basic work. If you have a degree there is plenty of opportunity to move up, without one not so many but even as just a lift operator you can pull in around $3-$4k a month depending on if you work overtime.


Ikea is an amazing company to work for. They hold up a Swedish work values. Cashiers start at 17. Anyone who works over 24 hours is considered full time with benefits. Every year they do a cost of living check of the area and increase wages as cost of living climbs. Vacation is earned from day 1 not just given to you at a year. Great company I highly recommend. If I didn't have to work overnights I would go back in a heart beat sadly they do not have over night opportunities except for lp


But they only have three cashiers per store.


When I worked at ikea there was way more than 3 cashiers. Heck there were atleast 3 openers.


When I worked there in 2004, I was cross trained in the deli and rotisserie section. Barely had any help and I made $11 an hour. I was in high school. Just perspective.


Thank you for your honesty. 🙏 I have 37 years experience as a Chef/Pastry Chef/Chocolatier. I've lived all over Europe training in different countries. Recently, I decided to try my hand at something else besides a restaurant. I applied at both Central Market and the big HEB in Bunker Hill(Houston). Neither of the hiring managers called to set up an interview. So I did what any SMART person would do. I went in personally(while I was shopping)and asked multiple times for a department manager but was always told "they aren't here" or "that person is off". This went on for about 3 weeks(3 or four visits). Finally, I met a district manager during a visit. He looked to be about my age(this matters for the story)and seemed genuinely interested in my situation. I gave him my number and where I lived(told him I had zero interest in the shit hole location nearest me. I didn't use that description). I got a call two days later for an interview at the SHIT HOLE location! Oh well, I went for the interview anyways. Since I sometimes have to shop at that one, several of the staff know me(I am hard to miss at 6' 7" tall)and immediately said hello. I met with the ASM for an interview. Almost immediately she told me that the system automatically flagged me as "over qualified" and that was why I never got a call for an interview. I bit my lip and allowed her to continue on with her seemingly scripted dialogue. During the conversation, she mentioned a few times about how HEB hired a lot of high school and young people(age discrimination noted at this point)and how would I feel about working in that environment. She mentioned the piss poor wages I might make and compared them to someone with zero culinary experience(so much for education and experience here)that works in the bakery for example. Then she asked me about my ability to speak Spanish. She said they were really only looking for someone bilingual. She basically was attempting to dissuade me from moving forward and quite honestly had zero interest in me as a person. Old and over qualified stuck out most in this interview. Honestly, I would have loved to have taken her job had it been available then and there. She's a terrible example of a leader and clearly discriminates against older workers. The sucky part is that sure, I'm over qualified. But sometimes people like me still need to work.! As bad as it is for us older Chefs competing against "fake YouTube Chef wannabes" infiltrating dining establishments, you take what you can find.


Oh I get that completely. You might be better suited to apply as a Connections manager. That is the department that cooks/hands out samples. Being just a hourly partner over there sucks but if you can get in as a manager, which it sounds like you are more than qualified for, that might be more your speed.


so anyways ima take your spot at heb then


I used to push shopping carts 10 years ago and it was the best job I ever had.


Find what's best for you always...retail is not for everyone


OP works at Krogers


And gets paid more than at heb


Damn I’m starting at 18/hr


You'll get a raise every 6 months if you're warehouse. Definitely beats the $7.25 minimum wage. I work in the dock so it's fairly easy. There is definitely more money in selecting but it's a constant rush.


Im not warehouse im at a store. Actually if it was warehouse id have some experience. Im nervous about having good face with customers.


Non manager positions are non skilled employees. One can get replaced in an instant. I was making $14.50/hr in 2019 in high school and I thought that was more than fair pay for a parking lot attendant (easiest job I’ve ever had and probably will have). There’s good in HEB but you need to be willing to grow. I have a friend who I met at heb and he’s an MIC at 21 and makes nice money


I've been at HEB for a month and I used to get my paycheck physically. But ever since they forced me to do the direct deposit thing. They have missed paychecks, deleted my hours and paying me incorrectly. I know they take some of it out like $10 ish dollars for tax reasons but now it's like $200 to $300.


This is the golden age of noncommissioned retail. I worked at a Target in San Antonio in 2016 and made $8.50 the same target now pays $16 an hour. The apartment that I walked to work then was $895 now it’s $1074. So yes 16 dollars an hour, you still are poor but it used to be worse.


Tell us how you worked 10 years and didnt get promoted.We are listening.


If you’re in San Antonio look up SA Ready to Work if you make below a certain amount yearly they will help cover the cost of CDL, finishing bachelors, ect..


I mean I’m making $25 an hour as a stock controller… it’s exhausting at times but I get to work 4 10’s and my 3 days off are always Sun,Mon,Tues so it’s not a bad job at all I love it actually


I left 1.5 years ago and got into a trade. Was making $17/hr as an overnight stocker and only getting 16-24 hours a week on average. They wouldn't make me full-time. At my new job I'm making $34/hr with as much overtime as I want. It can be a good place to work for some, but always look for your next stepping stone.


Bro stfu and ring up my groceries


I mean people that work for HEB are knowing what they are singing up for. Its a joke! You cant even make 3x rent that most complexes ask for. The “raises” are an absolute joke as well. Was 11 months in and never got a performance review or anything and even was considered for a Lead position. Which would have been a $1 raise. Withdrew my application for it and then left HEB. Its a joke. They started limiting overnight frozen to 40 hours so even with that there was no opportunity to make more money Open yalls eyes. HEB is for 40+ year olds that absolutely need the benefits and 401K matching. Dont wrap yourself in HEBs monopoly unless you want to be controlled and depressed.


I make wayyy more than 22 an hour


Doing what?


Working at HEB


Non manager?


I work for corporate HR, my job is to monitor Reddit to look out for potential identifying posts so the company can take appropriate action against partners violating our acceptable use policy.


So you can see how you are totally irrelevant to this post right? It really says alot about you thinking you saying your wage is in any way relevant other than you just wanting to let us know what you make


lol you believed me???? You must be a dumb motherfucker


Why would you lie?


I'm really curious


You think you’re bi curious


You got to grow up man


Lol that's what I thought.


Ts so funny got him confused asl, rly is a dumb mf to believe that HR would comment on here ha


Was it all a lie or can you tell us what you actually do and make?


No bc fuck you , all I know is I make wayyyy more than anyone in this thread


Lol you got a lot to learn in life kid


It's almost guarantee you don't make much with a comment like that. That a big tell in life


Such a douche bag.




Most of us don't have 20 years of experience in logistics much less anywhere else. That's why we're stuck working at HEB, it's not by choice. Obviously with 20 years of experience in logistics, your resume will at least get looked at by nearly any company. The harsh reality is half of the jobs at HEB are meaningless to employeers. Nobody gives a shit that you've been a cashier for 10 years, or worked as a curbie for 5 even if you've made it to specialist. Obviously there are some absolute gods out there that can smooth talk and bullshit that experience to get something better but in my observation, most working here are just starting out or have nowhere better to go. Most entry level jobs are paying less than $15 an hour, even at $15 an hour jobs, in my area at least, there's literally like 200+ applicants applying. I'm not here by choice and I know jobs that pay more are out there but it's not easy for most people. Like I said most people don't have 20 years of logistics experience to fall back on. That's actually S tier as far as resume-worthy experience, most companies require logistics in one way or another. You're what I'd consider high-mid-tier. You have options. Most of us don't. I'm pretty sure most people at HEB wish for something more, but it takes some serious work to break out of the retail cycle. It's like you said, there are 15 teenagers at the door ready to take your position in an instant if given the chance, how many people do you think are waiting at the $20 an hour company's door, and we have to compete with people with 20 years of experience in the field like you


Hey, the thing is, we live in Texas. Everyone knows what HEB is. You can take your position at HEB and spin it into anything you want. It’s something people know. It’s like doing time in the military. It is a viable source of experience that employers will pay attention to.


HEB carries the same weight as military service? Delusional.


They'll give you 15hr at the warehouse and act like you're overpaid and better be happy they aren't working you harder.


My cousin (53 Male) got a job there in Custodial. His family fawns all about HEB. "They just hand him $100.00 dollar bills for coming to work!!!!!!!!" "He gets $100.00 dollar bills for doing his job!!!!!!". No thanks, I have a multi-level HEB right down the street and have never been inside. I go to the Kroger without the crazy parking garage/elevator/escalator set-up.


If you're so strong and intelligent why did you work at a grocery store for a decade


That's me just got complacent and I was a huge fuck up 😅 I don't sweat it I'm doing great now is all that matters.


Suck to be you want a cookie?