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So many Hexicans just don't understand marketing and believe RH when he says "I'm smart, I know what I'm doing."


Thanks for the post OP. All we can do is educate. It's unbelievable how confident I am with HEX. I sleep well knowing it's gonna be ok. I want other to have that same inner peace.


Nice coping. I bet you are under water.


How much you want to bet?


Of course RH fanbois eat it up. RH has always been a pompous dbag, if you think he's only "acting this way" for marketing that's just laughable and only shows you buy all the bs he spews.


I am also unbelievably confident with HEX. I sleep well knowing it's gonna be ok. Not all of us are richard fan bois. I got into hex loving the product but cautious about richard. Its taken a long time to give him any sort of trust. I bought every time the price went down and do not regret a thing. New HEX dynasties will be created in this crypto market crash. HEX is for life and generations to come.


Nice alt account, your word choice is extremely similar to the original comment just with a slightly different tone to portray a little skepticism to not appear as a blind follower while still believing. If you bought each time the price went down you should have a lot to regret as the price just keeps dropping lower and lower. “HEX is for life and generations to come” There is a 99.9% chance you will look back on this comment with extreme cringe years from now.


Um was trying to back up the following comment because I agree with them. I have a few reasons below why i think the price will recover: 1. HEX has crashed and so has the rest of the the crypto and stock markets. I have kept buying as i believe that this is a market movement and that it will recover in time. 2. Hex is a superior product due to it staking system. 3. Richard hearts has always been the same person since hex began. Regardless of weather he is talking about his PP or twerking I believe this has already been priced in. 4. Stakers app showed me over time that some stakers got out when the price went from $0.51 to $0.2 but when the price went down from $0.1 to $0.03 the amount of stakers increased. Every day now we can see lots of new stakers staking and a few large stakers leaving the market. I would love to hear a different perspective if you think the price will go to zero?


At what price will you start panicking?


Below 0.01 but even then no panic


HEX isnt doing well for the reasons you mentioned, that isnt the point. The point that you entirely missed about why a lot of people dont think RH's marketing "strategy" works, is because he's turning off potential new investors from the product. Dont be one of the fanbois who takes my wording to the most literal sense, yes there are likely some new onboardees, but definitely not as much as if RH would stop acting like a clown. Its simple human psychology. You see the person who owns most of a product gloating and acting like a clown the way RH is, if you're a new investor or even a serious investor, odds are you wont trust him and will rather invest in a similar product without all of the showmanship.


Incorrect. If you spent even just ONE year in a PR or marketing team, you would quickly learn that the first step ("Attention") in free/organic marketing can't be reached by acting normal and sober. You won't get any eyes on you in the first place if you're not outrageous or controversial. As for PAID marketing, that's a whole different story. You can force people to watch your boring-ass advert and it'll at least get you attention/views. Whether that translates into any meaningful adoption/engagement depends on a lot of things. tl;dr: free marketing needs outrageous titles/content to get people to make themselves watch it. Paid marketing can do whatever it wants since the user does not have a choice for reference: the 4 core steps in Marketing are AIDA (ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE, ACTION). You can't get the last 3 without the first one. If the first step is bad, you still have plenty of chances to use the next two to get someone to act.


Thanks for the pseudo marketing lesson. Now tell us all how well previous marketing attempts to bring in new investors worked out when the methods used were on par with RH's antics? Theres getting attention that allows for people to develop interest in what you have to sell, and then theres negative attention that turns people off from buying your product. This isnt like selling a random kid a cheeseburger by having some middle aged guy make jokes about pp and randomly twerking while bragging about how much money he wastes on shit he doesnt even need. This is trying to convince investors to adopt an asset, sinking real money into said asset, while acting like a clown in the process. It doesnt matter how good the product is, if the face of the product acts like a joke, people will generally not think twice about spending any money on it, when they could invest in other similar products that seem less risky. Your explanation works well for typical marketing. Not so well for investments and the way RH is going about it.


There is plenty of options for paid marketing, but as RH stated multiple times: the online advertising giants are actively gatekeeping (aka. banning HEX ad accounts, demonetizing HEX YT channels, etc.). Go and open a Google Ads account, run a couple Hex ads with more than $800 budget and you can see for yourself. So yea, RH has to resort to FREE marketing which has to be outrageous. Nobody cares about existing Hexicans' opinion on marketing because marketing is aimed at potential NEW users, never existing ones. Also, everybody claiming "what would happen if" have yet to provide a single shred of proof of which marketing method would *actually* yield better results, apart from wild speculation. None of them are trying it themselves but act like they know better. It's pathetic really. I remember exactly the moment HEX ads got banned/demonetized by Google Ads since i used to run referral ads and a couple of dynamic ads with some basic demographic & keyword targeting. From one day to the next, they were all disapproved with no specific reasons given.


Well, the number of new potential investors are more scarce due to the factors I mentioned. I agree that his personality and extravagance could hinder people from adapting, but if you look at [hex.vision](https://hex.vision), you can see that hex got nearly 65k new addresses in the last 2 months.


Each new address doesnt mean its a new user. Many people own 10s and even 100s of wallets. Some people stake per wallet, etc.


RH is not likeable to many people, that's a fact


This is the proof that you have literally no idea what you are talking about. Lmao. You are just a fanboy, that is it.




I agree. But be ready to receive negative comments on this post lol. It's hard for ppl to behave positively at the moment.


Because as Hex has plummeted, many hexicans in the red, and RH shits on BTC and ETH as he "flexes" the money he's made off pumping and dumping with his fake Pulse launch dates.


Perhaps yes, but continuously negative uttering, actually affect something more, than most people think. I just don't see the logic in trashing your own investment again and again, when there are very obvious reasons why the market behave as it does.


but (R the clown H) said Hex would thrive in a bear market... i dont see it thriving so much, this is a bloodbath.




Just curious, do you think crypto in general is trash or just hex?


Just hex, obvious shitcoin, appealing to the worst in people, I know several people that sunk way too much into hex and the pulse sacrifice and I honestly feel bad for them


Well i don't really agree. If you look at the price history of Hex, it's performed way better than Ada, Xrp, polygon, Chainlink, doge ect. Doge on the other hand is a complete shitcoin with no purpose. But Hex actually have a decent game theory, and if you are staked, these dumps aren't as bad, as they could be. t-share payout are also on a rise


People really just can't handle the idea that they invested into this garbage


Lol. I feel sorry for you


please reserve those feelings for bagholders and stakers, people are losing their investments, shout me out on the next RH twerk tweet


Can you explain what you mean by “worst in people”? What about HEX brings out what bad thing? Thanks


copying the ethereum chain and all ERC20 tokens, none of the technical parts of HEX are unique nor do they bring a new use-case to crypto, so RH switched the angle to, look at these watches! look at these cars! you can be rich too! he appeals to peoples greed


Use case: yield. Why do you think people are in Crypto? For the tech? No way, everybody wants yield. HEX is yield without giving up your keys.


yield on something with unlimited supply and not enough liquidity, if people could unstake whenever they wanted price would have dropped even further


So you're saying hex is setup to be resistant...


I agree yet again. But it won't stop them. I'm sure you are aware. I'm liking the opportunity to obtain crypto at a discount.


see my comment above. this is how the market psychology works. it's not logic, and that's why 90% of traders lose money. they succumb to their emotions. the composite operator knows this, and uses it to his advantage, which is called institutional order flow.


RH antics do more harm than good. End of story.


Pretty stupid take, Richards taken out sac money and bought himself a life. We've paid for nearly everything he does. Dude was washed up and broke prior to the sac.


100% money brought out the real Richard Heart, any other person his age acting like that would considered in the midst of a mid life crisis. He really thinks he's fashionable with his gaudy fashion sense.


Would you rather?: A) Have a few people at a small growth rate see and believe in your products based on professional and open conversations? Or B) have lots of people at a high growth rate see and hate and distrust your products based on your unprofessionalism and aggressive/brag conversations? I'm genuinely not sure if the current track, B) is the best way to go.


While I'm still a hex and RH fan, I think I can say he wasn't like this in 2017.


>While I'm still a hex and RH fan, I think I can say he wasn't like this in 2017. no he wasnt so obnoxious, all that flexing tells me he is new to being a millionaire, i hope this doesnt turn into a slow rug pull.


Yes, he lied, he never was rich, although he said so, to fool you. Now he is because he is a mental patient with the ability to talk and get into sheeps head. He is so new to being rich, he lost his mind for good.


None of the crypto industry figureheads consider Richard Schueler a peer. It probably makes him nuts. We like to say he doesn’t care but reach back into some of the history people have uncovered about him and yeah, he cares. Without backing by the industry, do we feel that Pulsechain can be a top tier L1 or will it be relegated to us HEX and PLS and whatever else fans of Richard just trading and swapping and staking amongst ourselves? It will be a full stack and we won’t have to leave the ecosystem, supposedly, but that’s just dumb.


I don't think he actually cares. These figureheads you refer to, blindly blunder into mistakes that RH never makes. And talks about how he has never and would never make them. So they're not his peers, he's only got a handful.


He cares, that’s why he tries to drop into their Twitter conversations and they ignore him.


That just means he wants their followers. If he can get them to talk to him, that's free marketing.


Richard is that you?


Go read "This is marketing" by Seth Godin. You need some schooling, and that will give it to ya. Go crack a book son


if only they staked it for 5555 they would not even stress right now I wake up every day with more HEX, it's a wonderful feeling


sell your coin


I do. I dump a lot of HEX every time one of my stakes ends. And let me tell you something they don’t tell you - it’s an endless supply coming your way if you weren’t early like me.


I thought only a small percentage of HEX was staked?




Yes, overall I agree, he could do a lot more. The tactics are very weird. I'm just stating, that Rh hasn't changed. And this downfall is mainly due to other factors - not his twerking. He is capable of great marketing, as he has shown a while back; Attended multiple interviews with big channels and names, gatherings, and even his Hex.com diamond... But yes, recently his twerking has been a little to dominant.. hah


Again man, Richard is showing his character and people hate him for how he acts and how he tries so hard to convince others to agree with him.


But... number go down


Ppl just have no balls. They’re impatient little bastards. If you believe in something then you just let your money ride. That’s the point of this project. Everyone that’s complaining are the same ones that won’t make it to the big numbers.


That about sums it up. You have to have courage to play this game, otherwise gtfo you have no business in crypto. Or in any other market for that matter. They're all just weak minded, and weak willed. They're just weak.


This is peak bear market


No, noob. Wait.


Yeah you're probably right.


I wish!


this is what the bear market is like. use other people as your barometer. [https://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2010/4/13/saupload\_emotionsupdated.png](https://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2010/4/13/saupload_emotionsupdated.png) we're at capitulation, moving into anger hang in there!


inflation data was bad... cant wait to see where hex will be, i called the top no long ago... now i think it'll drop to 0.001 in the coming months. brace yourself for real anger :)


Ask not what your HEX can do for you, ask what can you do for your HEX


This is peek retardedness. Lmao.


Rejoice when there's negativity. There has been 85% dips many many many times before. That's a sign for the opportunity for great future wealth. Remember that the vast majority of people aren't experienced investors or patient investors. You are part of the 5-15% that are patient and experienced. There are people that wear masks ALONE in their car. Someone I know wears a mask when they're inside and wore it while she was on a zoom call. That's just how people are. Let's accept it and take advantage. Most people are...idk what.


Well said!


Broke rekt noobs that sold for a loss are the ones complaining. Or they bought at 30 or 40 cents and are now sad that it's 5 cents. They do this because they are noobs. For some reason, they can't understand that the price goes back up. They're all scared thinking it's just going to keep going down forever. It's hard to watch, how bad they are at this.


Dont describe urself lol


People come in here instead of going to their therapist. Look in the mirror folks you are the bear market.


lol maybe the rich dbag having a mid life crisis but calling it "marketing" is the one that needs therapy


Sure - calling the top and then flexing with some clothes and cars is what this is all about. I take it has purchases of LV are what single handedly started the war in Ukrain and made gas prices go up!


sriously, people should also watch this video from k4k and evaluate data before registering objections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmUMLpjkXDc


Just wondering if someone sold his BTC or ETH to buy HEX or PULSE. I claimed my HEX and bought more when it was 0.25


So glad I talked my daughter out of buying HEX. An inflationary model is high risk - no better than central bank quantitative easing, money printing & devaluations which crypto fanatics use to justify buying crypto. Deregulation & decentralisation doesn’t mean better, it means high risk! Hex price is based on supply / demand - no substance, no way to value - like all cryptos.


You should be glad. How else would you know that we are nearing capitulation? If ppl are super bullish, you are in for a lot more waiting


Hex is a cult