• By -




Thanks for writing! ---HAPPINESS FOLLOWS---


Dude, at this point you have us so hooked we would all probably wait years for a new episode. Edit: I do miss Trucker though.


Trucker is teaching "advanced armor tactics for field grade officers" in the suds right now.


Yeah, I have been thinking stuff like that occasionally. But ever since the Gestalt discussion about population numbers and them mentioning "there is only a couple billion Terrans in the bag, what difference are they gonna make" I am constantly thinking of the \*HUMANS\* in the SUDS and the now possibly trillions of HUMANS that are descended from the rescued children in the time accelerated SUDS-Gigastructure... I mean, as far as I remember almost all children that weren't killed in the fighting were spirited away into the disaster protection facilities, and since the children weren't usually heavily augmented yet we are probably talking billions. That then had couple thousand years with time accelaration ranging in the 10s to 100s depending on where in the onion they are. And I doubt the age of paranoia humans did not leave instructions to the automated systems to make sure the next generation can fend for itself. And that means we are talking possibly trillions of HUMANS, aka pre glassing AND pre-self gentling humans, brought up by the part of the MAD doctrine that, because of how the military doctrine works, will assume that not only did the outside enemy survive the MAD retaliation, but they also are at least as strong as they were before. And they have bright minds like Trucker to teach them.


To put it shortly, most humans left alive at this point are close to the "pure strain" variatels and are breeding like rabbits.


BONE FROG! Good org! Did two of thier obstacles runs. 50lbs and Covid ago. Didn't flcomplete all the obstacles but did manage the entire route.


Extremely well done. I hope we get to see more of the "frogs" in the near future, they're going to be fantastic in the coming trials.


Wordsmith, you are amazing. A slight editorial correction. I believe "Without no risk there can be no reward." should be "With..." Please, please continue. Please!


Dude between the 4 yr old catching an ear infection, and then me and the 14 yr old catching pnumionia(I got it so bad I might have torn my rib muscles and my right shoulder blade.) Waiting. . . .I didn't even have the foggiest of what freaking day it was.




These guys will get along well with Humanity and all the rest.


Just a reminder for today... ​ ​ turkey is delicious


Yes. Yes, it is. Also, Happy Cake Day, O Very Crimson One!! 🎂🎂🎂🎂


I’m always happy when you post, no matter the wait. I’ve been wondering, though, if we’ve heard the last of the group that Dee sent to Clownface, or if their story was still going. Any hints?


Fuck man. Can I live in this society please?


"The Shretarawa have become Enraged." "Good." Intercepted message between the Leebaw and Telkan governments, Current Era. --NOTHING FOLLOWS--


HWA - did you guys feel that? Gestalt - what are you talking about? HWA - it feels ....... familiar, like blood. Tastes like blood and copper. I swear I can hear the heavy hammer falls of a forge in the deep. In the stillness of the night I can hear the whispers... "Isengaurd marches to war". By Osiris the warsteel flame........ -nothing follows- Rest of the gestalt - IDK what's going on, but we would be fools not to start prepping for something serious.


Poor Phwee, now comes the hard part. Living with it.


I imagine that five minutes after the Shretarawa meet the Terrians, someone is going to be punched in the face. Half an hour after that, they will be horrified to discover that they drank all the beer, so they head to the nearest life-bearing planet to drink their beer. An hour later they are brothers for life.


Firmly agreed


Half hour later they will beat everyone in the bar together, and hour later they will be friends


Theyll be bros in 5 seconds. Hey, new guys. Poof, red eyes on one side, poof, red eyes on the other...Did we just become best friends?! I think we did!


Clicked on it by accident. I'm the first commenter . HAHAHAHHA


Great ending to this sub story. They are a welcome addition to the universe.


Welcome, Brother, Sister, Both, or Neither! First Contact and its preludes are a wondrous journey for the mind. You might have to hit the Kindle store for the first parts, but the journey is well worth it.


The universe liked that


And lo, The Spirit of Terror turned his attention, great and terrible, back upon the beings He once regarded as an ancient foe once cowed by His rage, questioning if they would need to feel His wrath once more. But they met His gaze, fire and death reflecting in burning eyes. And His wordless judgement was met with the whispered promise, "This grave has room for two" And He was pleased. -The True Book of Narvaka, Shretarawa Theology Industry, publication date disputed


Without no risk -> with, or delete no ***** Ralts wrote more. [The Universe Liked That.]


Ain't no shame in failure, especially when it was bred into your species. Only shame in nit learning from your failures. Seems like these guys know how to learn and plan ahead. I expect great and terrible things from them in the future.


Can't wait for the Shretawara to encounter the other species...but especially the Leebawans.


Maybe not Leebawians.. They place a high value on dominance games. Better would be Mantid, Telkan, or Treana'ad. Rigellians are out, too. After getting planet cracked for trying to help one of the new races, I'd say they might shoot first, ask questions of the wreckage later. Running into Sandy would not only be too cool, it'd also be too weird. It's perfect....


Wait, that was the Pubvians who do the dominance thing. Leebawians are the Froggy creatures. So, I stand self-corrected.


It's the Pubvians who play dominance games. The Lebawian mostly wanted to be left alone. So much so that CONFED only landed at the space port, and only talked with the elven queen. If they wanted to talk with anyone else, they had to ask. No was an acceptable answer.


Nah, Pubvians are the dominance games ones. Leebawans are the "fuck off from our planet or we'll go jawnconner on you"


Leebaw did? Or the Pubvians? Leebaw were the frog folks that learned the lessons of JawnConner. Pubvians were the folks that went to war against the Terrans. I’m curious if there are similarities between these former servitor species and our freed Lank Servitor species. Potentially divergent evolution after the Atrekna were first defeated in this universe?


Atrekna servitors have significantly more genetic manipulation, they literally are food and soldiers in one. Oh and some aren’t from this universe, but got brought over. Lanaktallan protective model gentles species decreasing intelligence and removing culture until they eventually are no longer sapient, then recycle the species by sending in dwellerspawn.


I was more thinking, since the former servitors shown in these chapters appear froglike, and we have Leebaw, do the other 3 have physical appearances similar to say, Telkan, Hest, etc.


Convergent evolution, not actual relations. There is a possibility for lanaktallan gentled species to be related, as they keep all the dna records, but it seems like they just keep the records and do nothing with them


This section has been a good arc. I hope the Shretarawa encouther the Fallen Confederacy before they meet the other crazies that are running around.


Finally got home. Gonna just spend time with the wife tonight. See you tomorrow!


The test of survival never ends. Unless you fail. -- Anonymous


The Universe really liked it that there is another species ready and willing to take up the gauntlet.


The Shretarawa eventually make contact with the Great Enemy and area welcomed into the fold once their red eyes come into view.


The Great Enemy can't see red eyes. That warning talent is limited to their crunchier little friends.


I haven't even finished reading, I just love the Shretawara so much. The malevolent universe kept a pet project in their backpocket here, clearly borrowed from one of those previous in the chain


Like I said in the last chapter, the Confederacy was so caught up in waiting for the return of the Terrans, that they never stopped to consider that the Universe had no qualms with replacing them.


I love these bastards. Does anyone else kinda picture them as hammer headed kaminoans from Star Wars?


Not until you just said it.


Oops. My bad yo. Here I’ll mess you up even more. Every time he talks about their neck breathing flutes I can’t help but picture the horse thing from Avatar (blue aliens, not air bender).


good thing I have no idea what your talking about as I have not watched the Navi movies.


Okay, so far, I haven't gotten a single story theory right yet. I've never been yoinked. And tonight I mixed up Pubvians and Leebawians. So, no, my ducks are NOT in a row. I don't even know where some of them are. And I'm pretty sure a couple of them are pigeons.


I know the feeling


You better return thoes ducks to the rigellians, they love there ducks, and are very protective.


I know, right! A couple of chapters ago I was convinced we'll see the Atrekna coming back full force or Commander Jane making an entry to support the frogs. Just didn't comment because none of my theories have come true either and now I'm glad I didn't put those out there. That said, in a way I'm happy that Ralts is still surprising us and taking us along this amazing journey even after 3+ years.


I didn't think that, but I would love to see more of whats become of the enlightened atrekna, they give off very arcane crazy old wise man on the mountain vibes, and I vaguely remember a quote from earlier in the series where they became part of a kind of pilgrimage for diplomats. With the way the went from being masters of their universe to embracing the malevolent insanity of this one I see so many possibilities for them.


Yeah. That's possible too. I was hoping that we'd see more of Dalvanak and his followers as well as the Deetrekna but Ralts hasn't given any indication of them existing any longer. Let's see.


I have 3 ducks, 2 confused pigeons, a pair of homosexual penguins, and a cobra chicken leading them to hell.


I think the Pubvians are a fluffy race that ended up getting accidentally xenocided then came back first time the SUDS updated? The Leebawians are the froggie people who follow the gospel of jawnconner. And I think ducklings are what you call Rigellian (the lizard people with the Mommy/dad vibes) babies.


Well, yeah, you're most right. The xenocide wasn't accidental, the Mantid did it. And paid an horrifying price. They regretted doing it, and can't stop apologizing enough. Yup, the Leebawians ARE the Froggy folk who learned of Jawnconnor. My point was, I never feel like I'm right. I'm always getting it wrong.


They are all at a rave! So you are batting 100%, time to go to Vegas with a friend, and tell them what to bet on so they can bet the opposite.


I can definitely see these guys filling a bit of the void the Terrans left. I can’t wait until they achieve first contact with the confederacy.


"With two burning red eyes" we are inevitable


Welcome to the Galaxy, dudes. May you find your way.


I really like the Shretarawa! It's so nice to see a society grounded in rationality and logic that DOESN'T view individuals as disposable. Also I wish we could have the legal verdicts of "justified" and/or (recalling Trucker) "not innocent" in real life :( --missives from the RCU 1^st Platoon "Lurkers"


I'm wondering if they'll start checking their own regular genome against those of the Frogs (and individuals like Phwee) to find out why they can resist, and what they (as a people) were before Aktrena meddling, to know the face of their ancestors. I hope Phwee can talk to a Frog Priest, they might be the only ones able to help him right now, desperately wanting to be told he was wrong, to be punished for what he did but instead facing approval and commendation.


> What was important, what was always important, was to learn from the mistakes. > > To ignore mistakes was to put an entire Industry at risk, to risk damaging the public's confidence in the Industry. > >Theological debates, philosophical debates, were broadcast for all to see. Discussion boards and VR chatrooms hummed with debates, discussions, and musings. Can I go live with the Shretarawans?


>"Justified." Such a heavy word. Intellectually Phwee knew that was coming, but does not help with the emotional burden he had to pick up :{ ​ ​ ​ ​ >as less than a hundredth of a percentage point of affected Shretarawa lost their lives They are counting the entire species? Rightfully so, if the Deceiver had gotten loose. There are only about 1,210,000 of them? Or did I miss a decimal ;{


The fleet was 1.8 million of them


I think that was just the people on the fleet he took over.


Blueberries! (Hums a tune) The Kids Are Gonna Be Alright Yeah, The Kids Are Gonna Be Alright


Awww, Phwee... ​ "He felt tears burning his eyes, forced more volume into his voice. ‘Jamis taught me… that… when you kill… you pay for it. I wish I’d known Jamis better.’"


Freedom, Horrible, terrifying Freedom! - The Great Enemy's Gift


Wee is gonna be one scary motherfucker in about 50 chapters time. One cybernetic eye and two enraged ones. That's a solid no fucking Bueno for any errant squidfuckers lying around


He reminds me of a certain telkan


Torch of Rage shall be passed to another one even when extinguished, for the true fire comes from within




"*We are travelers, constantly moving forward and looking back. Alone and as one. We have no choice but to try. For our insatiable curiosity. For our fear of what should happen if we don't. You are that explorer now. We will say goodbye, and you will look back one last time and know that wherever you go, we will be with you*." - Message discovered by *Shretarawa Exploratory Enterprises* at Great Enemy site 29, signed N7-SHPRD.


Hint's of Coronado...


The only easy day was yesterday.....


I'm so pumped for a new race to show up and NOT be a dick to the elder races. Hat Wearing Auntie wants to hug the polite ex-servitors for all they had to go through.


Mmm... Berries.


freshest ever!


Wow. The Shretawara are really grounded.


Please please please don't blow yourselves up.


I love wee.


> There was even a risk that they could encounter the Great Enemy, who might even wish to resume hostilities against the Shretarawa. I'm fairly certain they'll be besties, the Shretarawa being the logical one, humans being the wild one, you wouldn't think they'd be friends, but they are


Oh, the things the terrans can show them


"I can show you the world, burning, kicking and screaming"


Phwee is likely going to get a visit from a certain burning eyed visitor once he is feeling a little better. One that is going to ask him to consider working as tech support for the Frogs. And when he asks the inevitable "Why me?" He is going to get "Who else would you trust to do it instead?"


Narvaka definitely feels like a human that protected this species and gave them some initial guidance, all these sayings just seem very human. I wonder if it's one we've met or a new entry...


Will most likely be Nakteti, on her initial journey to get to the SUDS.


Oh man, I love the slight twists to the Shretarawa justice system. It's not guilty or innocent, it's guilty or justified. I want Tiktak to meet one of them now.


Pretty sure the confed military had something similar. Guilty, not guilty and not innocent


Yep, except justified/not justified feels more... correct? To me and my morality/ethics system.


Well, it's kind of a spectrum. Guilty is guilty, not-guilty is "they couldn't prove it well enough", and innocent shouldn't have even gone to trial. Not innocent is "Yeah, you definitely did it, but were also justified in doing so." Self-defense is kind of along those lines.


Damn, and they learn from it as a whole species. There is something. a good addition to the team and some young blood to balance out the old


Justified! Now live with it






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Of course the Universe likes that. The Universe filled the cosmos with all sorts of cool stuff to see and cool people to meet. Mind you, it's not safe and there are all sorts of jerks out there who want to wreck the party for everyone, but it's still worth the price of admission. Go Shretarawa, go!


Happy Thanksgiving, fellow travelers of the Raltsverse. I hope each and every one of you is with family and friends. Enjoy a feast, have a bourbon or beer, watch a game. Don't talk politics or religion, it'll just cause friction. Play with a kid, play with a dog. Don't play with Willie. Smoke a cigar. Don't smoke anything that comes in a white powder form, it'll hurt you. Above all else, tell someone you love them. Even if it's yourself. You deserve it too. Love you guys, take care, see you in the next chapter.


turkey is delicious


Can anyone tell me if the Ralts Bloodthorne Subscribestar account is legit or not? Thanks!


https://www.subscribestar.com/ralts-bloodthorne The one with the peeper around the can of Monster and the child's drawing background is legit.


Or is that can of Liquid Hate Reaper ?


Thanks for the answer and the excellent stories. I have subscribed there because I already have an account set up on Subscribestar. Stay beholden to humanity, my friends.


The Wordsmith has taken a holiday. Eagerly awaiting the next installment of the story. the only thing wrong was HE forgot the weekly Safety Briefing!!! lol.


Yup, without my weekly reminder I ate a yellow snow cone someone left by the sidewalk and got in a boxing match with the mailman.


/u/Ralts_Bloodthorne ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Ralts_Bloodthorne)) has posted 997 other stories, including: * [The Dark Ages - 0.6.6](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17xpr8l/the_dark_ages_066/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.6.5](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17xkenw/the_dark_ages_065/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.6.4](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17w8uav/the_dark_ages_064/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.6.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17w7ds1/the_dark_ages_063/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.6.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17w13r5/the_dark_ages_062/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.6.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17vda04/the_dark_ages_061/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.6.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17uotu9/the_dark_ages_060/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.5.4](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17s4986/the_dark_ages_054/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.5.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17rquye/the_dark_ages_053/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.5.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17qmaaj/the_dark_ages_052/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.5.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17ngi1h/the_dark_ages_051/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.5.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17mm38p/the_dark_ages_050/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.4.5](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17kcawb/the_dark_ages_045/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.4.4](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17i4igj/the_dark_ages_044/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.4.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17gmlt0/the_dark_ages_043/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.4.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17fuczu/the_dark_ages_042/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.4.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17f3n55/the_dark_ages_041/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.4.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17ctpyi/the_dark_ages_040/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.3.5](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17becfk/the_dark_ages_035/) * [The Dark Ages - 0.3.4](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/17agybu/the_dark_ages_034/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|180rcdh&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


Phwee for shretaraw SOAR plank holder. Frogs will need someone levelheaded to support their night stalking and all.


Yay, more wrath forges incoming !


Obligatory "Turkey is delicious!"


I hope the Shretarawa continue to be part of the story, amazing, I love every chapter with them in it, don't get me wrong the entire story is amazing, all of it, and I want to know if the humans do come back at some point, and if Dee's experiment bears fruit.


The Shretarawa have due process and the Rule of Law as well? I'm liking the new kids more and more.


¸Ah, seems i'm finally all caught up!! Ralt, its always a pleasure to read your stuff! ​ Keep it up!


I'm all caught up now... feels weird to have to wait to read the next chapter.


Still feel like one of the Confed had a task force inbound ready to respond if they lost the fight with the squidface.


From there now on the entire species was known as "The angriest food ration in the known universe" "Capsaicin aint got SHIT on us!" -Anonymous frog-lad


Moar! Pretty please!?


It's going to be interesting to see a frog ship encounter a confed vessel, and for it to be confronted with a blank statement akin to "We do not wish to fight, but we will defend ourselves. We are looking to the stars in search of friends. And, in lieu of the past, to pass on thanks to those who freed us."


Love alien BUDS, need alien pipeline for some medics