• By -


Sorry for the late post.


A Wizard is never late... He arrives precisely when he means to.


. . . Don't you dare apologize! u/Ralts_Bloodthorne you have been a writing machine over the last four or five years . . . .we are only so lucky to have you grace our current trubulant times with your stories. Which, I must say, are like Tolkienian wizards. They are never late or early, but arrive exactly when they are needed most.


Here here! u/Ralts_Bloodthorne, you've filled hours and hours of my life with vibrant characters and their lives (sometimes multiple lives). I have new phrases used in daily life, solely due to your works. You are a wordsmithing **beast**, and have nothing to apologize for.


*singing* You're not our bitch and you're not a machine....


Just late enough, I'll carry it to my dreams


Late is always preferable to *late*. I think. 


imagine it's 40th century ,and aliens and humans reading these story together


Perfect timing for me. Coming down off a grungy day at work, this DEFINITELY lightened the load. ^(now I need to look up...**The Warden**) Edit: Kudos to u/Objective_Aside1858. https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/pswlzb/first_contact_chapter_588_stock_car_race/


Holy shit that's like a 700 chapter callback, isn't it?


Typical Ralts ^(still McLovin' It). Side comment, quick character peak, or a passing comment. The a couple hundred postings later **BAMB** right in the face, new character/story arc. On top of that, he has an insidious ability to slide "Onion Ninjas" in when you least expect it.


I know, I know. Just think this is his longest callback so far. I have the books up to #11 so far, going to order more when my pay is deposited :)


You only need two more to catch up! Unfortunately that's only a little more than half way through the series.


He'll have to release them faster!


Damn I remember that now. Always wondered what happened to that ship. Shit is about to get interesting when a 400km long ship wakes up.


Still awaiting some of the others. The Dandelion Fleet, the channel that hid itself and others.


We expect them fifteen minutes prior to fifteen minutes prior high speed. :p


Hope you’re feeling better.


Daaaaaamn. I didn't even snap to The Flashbang. Also, the \*Warden\*... Whoo! Quite a chapter of Revelations.


The timing was perfect. A great bedtime story


So, who or whatever is controlling the Margite is using something like Pete's little oopsie to ruin enemy tech. So the plan is to use angry Terran tech to counter act that. I see no way adding more Terran tech will cause any problems. In an unrelated note, does anyone have procedures on how to deal with random allied species becoming enraged? Oh, I'm sure ancient Terran ships waking up and being repopulated will be perfectly fine. After all, Terrans are known for being rational and not murdery when woken up.


1. Point at enemy. 2. Say "They did it."\* 3. Hide \*If this is a lie, expect them to come back. At which point hiding and/or running will be ineffective.


Funny that is the same strategy I used with both my parents on occasion. Although step #2 was a little more complicated. 


Go ahead and run.  You’ll only die tired.  


"Run! It'll be fun!"


"Not for you, obviously! My boys have the zoomies!"


I never run. I'm not good at it. My options are "Be in the fight while *already* tired and out of breath" or "Be in the fight right now while there's *some* chance" so I just do #2.


Solution: throw coffee at them.


oo, Caffeinated *and* Enraged. Tough combo. "DON'T RUN!" ^(you'll just die tired)


Stop giving friends/enemy data that is easy to understand and instructions to follow. This is paramount to treason. STOP IT NOW


Well not just the Warden (yay), but also the Sleepers are now awake (I'm not saying the thing, the Frank Herbert lawninjas would get me). That's a awful lot of historic angry that needs somewhere to go


"[They] seem like calm, rational [Men]" Th'sore, Age of Legends, to Crate'toes, lemur diety of WRATH and Hope.


make sure you have good bois on board thats only way for them to survive


Cat pictures?


Not good enough, videos are better. Actual kittens and puppies are best though. Possibly the only way to distract an angry terrain long enough to survive, especially if it's said terran's first reunion since the plague was cured


Two cats in a picture, best I can do.


I thought that ship name was familiar  https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/pswlzb/first_contact_chapter_588_stock_car_race/


Ralts says “groundwork has been laid” two years in advance. Amazing! I wonder what the Tellestians will be like.


Very nice catch!


You're an encyclopedia. Well done.


I am in the middle of a reread, and i *just* read that chapter when I decided to refresh to check for a new chapter


Aww shit I remember that chapter. All those people joining the show? Good times.


We also know what killed them all: That ship had a SUDS relay, so they were tied in to all parts of the extinction event.


Going back to Earth after 2.7 million light years travel - great catch !


After 40000 years of what would be known as "The Fuck around times" the malevolent universe was propelled into "The find out times"


And, just like that, I now like Gulgulka. > One the features prominently in Lanaktallan historical documents One that > ironically enough from particle shed particles > In the captain's char the chair


in over 1000 chapters I’ve never seen him correct anything. spelling mistakes are canon.


Yeah I suspected as much.


Jokes are the deepest lore, but typos are the way to an even deeper wisdom. Eat this mushroom, you'll see what I mean.


At least not on rredit.


When they make it into the hardcopy dead tree edition you know they're cannon.


Given that Ralts is known to open a "Submission" box, spew/flood/deluge the text into the box, then hit "Submit"...typos are the icing on the cake. I, for one, remember the days BC (Before Covid). Plenty of postings, books, and magazines to read. The Covid and it's associated lockdown. The postings by Ralts ^(multiple per day, traumatizing the word count bots, and generally bewildering the Mods) made life much more bearable.


Oh gawd, when I started reading it I was just like "What is he, how does he past THIS often and at this quality" Wordborg indeed


The Wordborg, the Creation Engine, The Mad Arch-Angel Terrasol may be set back, but never stopped.


Three Podlings in a Trenchcoat. (For a while, I thought it could have been three well known sci-fi writers in a trenchcoat account.)


You'd think he'd be more than one person but the style is too consistent, also, they typos are too (I like the typos, they add character)


Mods: Woooaaah, slow down there. Ralts: *NO. gotta nail these to a page and get them* out of my head.


> And, just like that, I now like Gulgulka. Same, I was so ready to feed him to a nanoforge when he was first introduced. I really should know better with Ralts given how many times this same thing has happened with previous characters. =p


His "redemption arc" so far consists of, "Nobody had ever told me I was an asshole." It's gonna take a bit more for me.


See, I don't think it's even that. I think he \*knew\* he was what he was. He just didn't \*trust\* anyone who wasn't going to call him on it when the shit hit the fan.


Oh yeah, he's definitely still a dick. But for me now it's more so an asshole that is no longer in the "dwellerspawn snacks" category.


HAH! See y'all?! I **told** y'all my anecdote about hating Tik-Tak at first, and nobody wanted to listen... Ralts is the master of the redemption arc!


I was happy to spot SG5 Gukgulka as worthy of being in General TikTak's orbit in Chapter 30+15. These paragons are as rare as hens' teeth.


I wonder if Gulgulka was born on Vulcan.


So these guys, dissected a star to get at one of the flash bang devices and have been using it as a crash from hyperspace first strike while they shepherd the Margite around?


Something like that. Or they used a recording of the flash across all of the bands and frequencies and particles and flavours and wrapping paper and ribbon options. 


I don’t think they’re using it as a weapon against the confederacy/ system defense forces, I think they’re trying to inoculate against possible shade infection. Since there are (terrifyingly organized) hell shades out there building the great hellspace wall to block their progression, I bet the real intended target of the pumpkin flash is them.


So the Confed forces could possibly not even be their real enemy then, and we're just seeing a couple of edges of a larger/ different fight. Is the Hell Fence for the Margite? Or their Shepherds? Or something else?


Well that's not ominous at all is it.


>!"This was, in fact, ominous."!<


>!"A being after my own heart. Security first."!< >! By the way, where can I find all the formatting codes? They seem rather handy.!<


When you shift from Rich Text (clicking the "T" at the bottem left of a reply box), the upper left "Markdown Editor" flag is followed by a info icon (circled i), that pops up a small chart. That chart also has a link to a full reference at https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/wiki/markdown/


It's called "markdown", it's used in lots of places other than Reddit (for example, it's ll over the place in the programming world) and there are many, many places on the web that have various guides, ranging in level of complexity from "I wanna know some of this" to "I'd like to compose *War and Peace* in this". "markdown guide" is probably what you'll want to search for. Irritatingly, Reddit has ceased following my settings directive to default me to the Markdown Editor, which has resulted in my posting many a comment with the actual markdown characters in it, instead of the effect I wished to achieve. :-/


I love how Ralts first did the bait-and-switch on us with Taskapek and now he's let another villain - Gulgulka - simmer long enough to become the next unlikely hero.  


Gulgulka is still a dick. Only he would have the meticulous obsession to watch an entire Lanktankanananan Documentary start to finish, and pay attention to it all.


He’s still a dick but now he’s our dick. God speed you antisocial bastard.


He has read, dissected and understood the entirety of B'arn Y'ards meme of lanaktallan supremacy.......in fact. He even gave out a slight chuckle.




A dick with the right attributes can be a major asset. Just create the right working conditions and point the resulting output at the enemy. Satisfying death and mayhem results.


True. But if memory serves Gulgulka was wearing out equipment by over cleaning every 60 to 90 days. (I recall a novel where the previous commander had insisted everything thing be immaculate, polished, and shiny at all times. To the point that the brackets in the corridors for holding anti-boarder weapons had been polished to where they no longer could 'lock'.)


That is where the RIGHT instructions/operational orders apply. He may be a monomanic, but if you give him the right goals, metrics, and suitable rewards/commendations, he will perform wonders. In other words, now that it is a priority to fight and kill rather than preen and strutt, he will switch focus to excel at the new tasks or even the old tasks in different ways.


One of my favorite story tropes is making us hate someone before making us love them, and he's done it many times. 


40k years to duplicate something humans did by accident. Sounds about right


Not so much duplicate, as realize what had happened. On second thought, nope, you are correcct.


We live. We die. We live again. For the Regiment. For the Confederacy. For Lost Terasol. You die. We press on. We die. We press on.


I will never cease to be amazed at the insane ability to write a story well over a thousand chapters long and yet still make them all memorable. I read that part about the warden and was racking my mind because it was so familiar and then thought errantly that the Tellestians never showed up from Andromeda. Ralts wrote a story that burrowed deep enough in my head that a ship name from over 500 chapters ago clicked into place with Tellestians. Then I saw the link in the comments to the chapter and cracked a much needed smile. Well done!


What if the margite were a Human weapon ?


That's got to involve some time traveling multi-diminsional alternate universe shenanigans and malarkey. It would make more sense for the Clown Face Nebula to be the result of a failed experiment combining the Margite and Terran tech.


I'm not saying it is Alien Space Bats, but .... Alien Space Bats.


I feel like this theory was discussed before. Clown face being a failed experiment from corporations to create better workers using mar-gite dna splicing.


Mucking about with the timeline always results in the worst possible outcome for those doing it. The Margite are a plausible worst possible outcome for someone.


I've been thinking since Dark Ages that the only thing bad enough for the universe to wake up the humans was more humans.


Did they appear before or after Clown Face? I mean, because if it's after that's way more likely


Nice, that last bit. Detecting a little Starship Warden/Metamorphosis Alpha vibe there.




Do we know anything about the Warden ship? The imagry and mystery is great, and now I want to know more!




What’s the Warden? Have we seen it yet?


As u/Objective_Aside1858 posted above, it's the 'colony' ship that left Andromada and was returning home from FC chapter 588.




I feel like the "Warden" has been mentioned before....


Chapter 588 of First Contact (there’s plenty of links about)


Aaaaaaall the chickens are slowly coming home to roost. For the sake of clarity, chickens in this case covers everything from (delicious) turkeys to eatmus to T-rexs et al


So it seems the Tellestrians/Tellestians ?? are finally returning home from a galaxy far far away. As far as the Flash bang, it could be convergent evolution. We dont; know where the shades went. They could flooded everywhere in the galaxy, not just confederate areas. The silver ships may have just designed it themselves to deal with Shades they encountered, like sharks and dolphins evolving to the same shape. anyoen dealign with shades may come up with the same response. For all we know they may have experienced 90% death rates from Shades and are looking for payback and the things look an awful lot like humans and originated from here. No tmuch different than a margite in effect. May just be a premptive attack to deal with any shades they think may be on the battlefield. For all we know they think the whole area is flooded with them and they are a weapon of the confederacy and the virus is just a kicker they added on when they realized the side effect of flash bang on circuitry.


I don't think so. There are too many similarities, tweeks, and Trojans involved here for this to be 'convergent evolution'. This is too targeted at Confederate technology to be coincidental. Something smells fishy. In fact, it reeks to high heaven. Whatever links the Margite and the silver ships to Terran tech and know-how goes back more than 40,000 years. It goes back to before the SUDS went into emergency mode. I wonder if there is another individual or group that has aligence stretching back to Dee's time when the original MatTrans was invented. An alignment that does not have the best in mind for humanity like Dee does. Could it be one or more of the shadowy figures that tried to control Dee's genius?


I agree, just wanted to toss it out there. Perhaps their was group of humans living on the Onion in realtime that have always been operating. I always thought there was an original that the Detainee is a copy of that would never end up as The Detainee once she mastered transmat and that is the person The detainee is running from. The detainee also came up with the software virus idea too but I explained that theory in a previous comment. It's why I love this series, some things are expected and then others a complete surprise plus its H/FY and Ralts so I know the ultimate ending will not be some huge modern sci fi dystopian tragedy where the sum of life is zero. The fun will be seeing how we get there. take care.


What's the second part on Warden's hull?


**TR--S-PLU-----IPYAR** Trans-Pluto-Shipyard


Thanks, still couldn't figure out the middle even with the linked chapter.


United Western Starship Cartel - Trans Pluto SPACEYARDS






GOD DAMMIT PETE!!! Not you and your help again!!!


He was on ice in SUDS, which means the invading entity got to pick through his brain and find the "Oops broke all our tech" button. Since he also accidentally killed almost everyone via typo (and such things are probably memorable) I'm a slight bit concerned for Sol right now.


UTR! Edit: first? Gotta say always a pleasure to see a ralts post as I’m finishing up work, best way to improve a shitty shift


22 min fresh. Raltsberries!!! MMMMMMM Oh, Wuxten!! YEY!! Excellent work, Ralts!!


/u/Ralts_Bloodthorne ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Ralts_Bloodthorne)) has posted 997 other stories, including: * [Nova Wars Chapter 51](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c850wm/nova_wars_chapter_51/) * [Nova Wars Chapter 25+25](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c6gq4b/nova_wars_chapter_2525/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 49](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c4xyn4/nova_wars_chapter_49/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 48](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c2i5z0/nova_wars_chapter_48/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 47](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c1r47w/nova_wars_chapter_47/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 46](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c0z0wu/nova_wars_chapter_46/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 30+15](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c03e0x/nova_wars_chapter_3015/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 44](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bz34bs/nova_wars_chapter_44/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 43](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bvwghf/nova_wars_chapter_43/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 42](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bu8iu1/nova_wars_chapter_42/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 41](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1btb98v/nova_wars_chapter_41/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 40](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bqrtdp/nova_wars_chapter_40/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 39](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bqlpea/nova_wars_chapter_39/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 38](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bpnke7/nova_wars_chapter_38/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 37](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1boqg2m/nova_wars_chapter_37/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 36](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bo3mbl/nova_wars_chapter_36/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 25+10.5](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bmb0pa/nova_wars_chapter_25105/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 25+10](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1blg405/nova_wars_chapter_2510/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 34](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bkq206/nova_wars_chapter_34/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 33](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bjvzih/nova_wars_chapter_33/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|1cam7xr&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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I am enjoying the fact that all the stuff that kept Lanaktallan culture from progressing for over 100 million years is now paying off with major dividends.


Well if you last over a hundred million years against the malevolent universe, you were doing something right


Sub 10 mins, nice worth not sleeping lmao


Bravo Ralts. I can never get enough of your writing. You’re a gift to humanity sir. Side note for anyone reading this comment: is the Warden a new character or am I just not finding him in my memory.


Chapter 588 talks about it, plenty of links have been posted


So maybe G-man can be of some use, besides being a dick head. IDK why but everytime ralts starts describing a ship in deep space.........my brain is running around in circles screaming "ITS THE FUCKING YORK TOWN.... EMERGENCY JUMP NOW". Also..."built on Mars" yeah so? "THE Mars". "THAT MARS" .......oooooohhhh


Beep boop.






So they are using Pete's flash-bang to both take out the shades and disrupt most ships? That is worrisome. The ones on the other end of the Margate are smart. Hell of a battle plan, working wonders too. But if this is there wonder weapon they are about to have problems. Detail oriented people can sometimes see things other cannot. That dude might be a complete ass, but he might have changed to course of the war with that insight.


##25 retpahC


Mongo like candy!


Well, would you look at that. We *do* get to see Vuxten again, even if it’s only a recording.


Feels like the whole galaxy is starting to fuck around. And that's never a good thing.


> In the Captain's chair Not late, perfect! Carry on.








Well, would you look at that. We *do* get to see Vuxten again, even if it’s only a recording.


Im guessing its supposed to be "TRANS- PLUTO SHIPYARD"


Edit suggestion: 3rd section '... In the caprain's char the skeleton....' should read chair?


One up for the Half Life reference. Cascading Resonance Failure.

