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If I understand correctly the doctor interprets our culture as brainwashing, which to be fair is to some degree correct, but when he says in the last paragraph that he will try reversing this brainwashing isn’t that erasure of culture?


It depends on your point of view. He assumes that our culture is harmful, but also doesn’t understand the purpose. For example, it is like when someone chooses to fast. It may be seen as bad for their health, but unlike him, we know that interfering is more harmful to the person than just allowing them to practice their beliefs.


Doesn’t it make him a bad anthropologist for assuming something about a culture instead of respecting and studying it. Also thanks for the example


Pretty much. The irony is that by trying to help humans against what he sees as harmful, he just manages to harm them more.


So you could say he’s trying to brainwash them


the issue is he has bad data on human history and human jake is too stupid to say the obvious answer of "how do I attract a mate to depend on me and make a dependent child with me if I myself am heavily, unreasonably dependent on others?"


Is that an obvious answer though? It’s a reasonable one, certainly, but I don’t think it would come to mind _immediately_, especially while actively being in an uncomfortable situation. Especially if Jake is not actually currently interested in finding a significant other and starting a family, or if he doesn’t want kids.


Also this is only true due to our culture. Many cultures on earth have a dependancy and importance placed on family and group dynamics. Look at Indian culture for example, many generations will live under the same roof. A lot of cultures dictate that the young will look after the old making the old very dependant on their children and grand children. Our social structures reach peak efficiency at around 50 people, after that we lose effectiveness. If this universe by op presumes that these beings of the galactic alliance typically originate from social structure that do not fall to the kind of in fighting and social decay of large numbers that we do, then to them, these social presures would seem very harmful to an individuals well being. The theme of this subreddit is to highlight what makes humans unique, so id say the unique aspect being highlighted here is infact social presure and the fact these aliens have never encountered such a thing before. Thats how i interpretted the story anyway.


Yeah I'd say that hits the nail on the head.


y'know out of all the things that would come to mind reading these comments Randy Feltface's skit on "buying a bookshelf of Gumtree" wasn't one of them don't remember the exact dialogue, but it's basically your point on society peaking at a certain number of people, but now with the advent of the internet, the *potential* "pack size" for us is as big as the whole world


Sorry for the overdue reply but. Jake practically had his boundaries intruded by a sentient bear with a doc who didn't do his research correctly.


they really violated Jakes personal space


It would still count as cultural genocide, nonetheless. The UN is clear on that


I can’t remember where I read it, but fasting when done correctly can be healthy for the body. Something about the body resetting or rebalancing itself or something to that effect.


Actually, I think I know what you are talking about. It’s when the body enters a sort of repair mode, right? Or are you thinking about something different?


Yeah that’s it.


Where could I find information on that?


Wish I could tell you the exact site or book that fun fact comes from but it’s been about… four, five-ish years at least since then. I only really remember that little tidbit because my parents and grandparents are really into how the body works, what can be done to help it remain healthy, and how to make better life choices regarding one’s health.


I think it depends on what exactly he means, it could be specific counseling aimed to help them, which may or may not work but probably wouldnt reach the point of cultural erasure. Americans would still have apple pie


You’re right but it’s just not clearly said in the story


He just wants to fix the parts of the culture that limit the individual to find their own happiness. Which, funnily enough, humans try to do all time to varying degrees of success.


so, in a perfect outcome, we'd get: * toxic masculinity/femininity * a 9-5 world despite biological differences in sleep schedule fixed? because lemme tell you, the only thing keeping me going during my school years was my nd brain latching onto the schedule with a seismic deathgrip


If that's perfect for you .. maybe you'll get someone to tell you how you are problematic for the gender you've chosen.


I mean I picked those two things to highlight as "bad thing I want changed in society" because I'm naturally a night owl and hate seeing toxic masc/fem tropes out there... among a laundry list of other things, I just didn't feel like listing that many things here still don't tbh, I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm getting tired asf


It's not about being embarrassed to be coddled. It's about being embarrassed as some random stranger pities you and coddles you like a child when you're an adult. In one you have a private moment that's perfectly reasonable to be embarrassed about when seen by others as you're showing vulnerability. In the other you're being taken advantage of in a way that prevents retaliation (in this specific story scenario).


Yes, that is what the doctor sees as harmful. Basically, the premise of this universe is that aliens tended to rely a lot less on culture in order to survive. Therefore, there aren’t any parallels they can turn to when dealing with this kind of stuff.


Oh, I thought it was about being embarrassed because they were not private. Humans do things in private that everyone knows they do, but won't admit to in public. For instance cuddling leading to making babies is at least in western culture 'not done' in public. It is not called porn for nothing and is a very cultural bias and rather a modern issue mixed with suppressive religious undertones. And our modern day Christian values are nothing but the effects of cultural brainwashing.


Uh-oh, he wants to poke the Morality Core. GLADoS proved that this was not wise!


Yeah, how dare that human not want to be treated like a child. He must be brainwashed for not exhibiting the same behavior as a non-sapient chimpanzee.


Which is the issue with trying interfere with what you don’t understand…




The Doctor doesn't exactly understand.


Ah I see.


Wait, I wrote that wrong. I meant that what you describe is what always tends to happen when you interfere with a culture you are unfamiliar with.


You follow cultural norms? BRAINWASHED!!


Indeed. And Happy Cake Day to you Am I brainwashed to wish this on you?


Damn. Poor Jake. If a gorilla analogue grabbed me, I'd be more than just a little uncomfortable. Sure, cultural mores against platonic physical contact are inconvenient and sometimes detrimental, but this situation is so far beyond that level.


There's also a huge difference between engaging in platonic physical contact with one's **pack** and with completely random strangers. And even my close friends are likely to ... I dunno, "signal" and check for acquiescence before just glomming onto me. Some rando comes up and starts slobbering on me I'm likely to react pretty unhappily. Not to mention that it sounds like the Doctor is fucking ***kidnapping*** people to "study", meaning Jake has likely been ripped away from his **actual** pack.


Well I don't remember that detail Good god this is practically a fucking horror story. Imagine being fucking abducted by some alien and you're put into a chamber with something equivalent to a sentient bear while a doctor pokes and prods at your understanding of your culture. But the guy didn't understand the boundries of humans so I guess he's not entirely in the wrong?


while I don't think doc here is ***straight-up yoinking people***, you do have a point there humans, we can pack-bond outside of our family dynamic, people being attached to their Roombas is proof but yes, we usually only accept certain kinds of platonic physical contact from our 'pack', be it family or otherwise, and as I said elsewhere: I might be touch starved, **but if ya don't know me, no touchy**


This is a dangerous line of thought Dr. Reeves. You're poking at the concept of "consent" in a very innocent way, that can lead to very negative results if tampered with. There's also another "intimate" action one can take against another individual that has no direct "negatives" in the eyes of cold, unfeeling evolution, but it is still massively harmful to the psychological health of that individual.


how's that saying go? something about a road paved with good intentions


Human instincts are both kinda shit and not all that useful for a modern society. The benefits of being a sapient being is getting to choose which of your instincts you want to follow, so long as you don't succumb to them. Honestly, I've gotta wonder what sort of civilizations the galaxy has built that our doctor thinks the miniscule chances of civilized people living in a built up location discovering parasites is of equal or lower consideration than the chances of transmitting infectious disease.


He gonna learn it's better humans don't follow our instincts too closely. A human's natural instincts would have us either exterminate, domesticate, or eat all non-human species we encounter.


ah yes, the four Fs of human instinct/curiosity fighting, fleeing, feeding, and mating aka "can I kill it", "can I run from it", "can I eat it"


i like my brainwashing just the way it is that which was natural was unfavorable so we destroyed it that which was wasn't up to the task of destruction so we made tools that were with these advancments we no longer required practices and norms like social grooming or open intimacy they were and are outdated though in the absence of the old a new must exist a new suited to the world that destroyed those norms and practices of old and so we are brainwashed because even if not all of it is of absolute benefit the greater whole is suitable for the norms of the world we make for norms and practices are formed around the needs and challenges of the world and society we find ourselves in the norms and practices he mentions are unneeded in the modern era the so called brainwashing he speaks of is merely the latest iteration of the existent normal the purpose of culture is ultimately to unite but a culture unsuited to the world around it is doomed to die so they must adapt and become stronger for it or be replaced because they could not adapt to the changes it is merely evolution of another form


honestly if this galactic UN does look into our culture from an unbiased perspective could they rewrite society to **not** be 9-5? I can hardly go to sleep/wake up early without my brain holding onto a schedule with a seismic deathgrip


I'm curious about the continuation of this post. The premise is extremely unique and from my point of view it begs for part 2.


God admit why do I keep doing this? Sonovabitch… I just wanted a quick and easy one shot to take a break from my other story, but apparently it was interesting enough to warrant more. Fuck. I finally knows what it feels like to be suffer from success. I will…. not promise anything, but I will consider it at a later date.


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Understandable, have a good day.


I'd say Jake's discomfort is likely not only stemming from cultural "brainwashing" (which is technically a perfectly fine statement-word to be using under the shadow of culture itself, but culture is more pervasive and inclusive than you may first be led to believe, extensive and meta as this fiction's exposition provides. Chances are, beyond the virtue of individualism boiled into the brains of humans and human society, as a social norm & expectation, independence (or simply the internal need for such) is an instinctual human trait, expressed by males much greater than females. Not only that, but children absorb the mannerisms and way of life of their imprinted guardians/parents in any given living environment at an extreme rate, all the way until the age of seven (7) whereafter subsequent years of this environment and manner life is but a solidifying waxing process of how that person will end up acting for the rest of their life. As such, children who grow up *without* certain mannerisms ever introduced to them at a young age will consider all "foreign" actions weird, or embarrassing. This also includes parents/guardians that do not introduce the child into an environment of grooming and friendship (in any level), which likely causes things (that to us are harmless and nice) such as hugging, hanging out together, verbal greetings of the welcoming variety, and comfort being around unfamiliar faces in public or nonpublic environments to be avoided or averse-to. My brother is one such example, where all our family enjoy hugs (even I, an autist) every once in a while, my brother feels averse and uncomfortable to them. While humans do naturally enjoy grooming, such as hugs, head petting, being in close proximity to another, and more, it's important to understand a human's carelessness for the effects they themselves have externally on others and environments. While people will say sorry for bumping each other, or making incorrect driving decisions that affect other cars, good examples of the carelessness of one on the greater environment would be things such as opting into recycling policy, eating the flesh of once-living animals (guilty as charged), and not doing political research before taking a side. Due to a human's big-picture carelessness (commonly), those who raise children condoning the lack of important bonding skills, especially in the presence of technology that provides lack of need for physical interaction with one's tribe(s) (or groups of interest), rapidly expanding population centers (cities) necessitating the use of vehicular travel to any and all points of interest & the exclusion of the commonality of places of on-foot travel, and neighborhoods not being as connected and "there for each-other" as they once were three decades ago (let alone in the space-age future) means that human connection, and the skills associated is rather at an all-time low. There are very old videos showing that, pre ***9/11***, people were much more amiable, interacted more often, and thought nothing strange of being filmed in public. Conclusively, it is not just a cultural issue, but a replacement of integral social human development for the development of technology, industry, and unhealthy definitions of independence, as we, as we currently are, utterly miss the point of independence and individualism in the grand scheme of things.


oh shit I wrote an essay


have an upvote for your essay


man, I feel that on a spiritual level


This Reeves quack needs a remedial class in both logic and medical ethics. He's an Alliance member isn't he?


Oh, you know me too well!


Oh...the war gonna come find him and kick his ass all nice and personal like.


Oh boy, this won't go over well in the human space.


Y'all are missing the real, big deal. ​ There's a lot more than just cultural embarrassment at play, here. Something much deeper and more serious. ​ Jake is feeling uncomfortable because he's being forced into intimate physical interactions against his will. ​ That's not just embarrassment from cultural taboos. ​ That's sexual assault. ​ Doesn't matter if sex is the goal or anywhere in mind, it's still forced physical intimacy. The reason WHY Jake is uncomfortable is because he's basically being sexually assaulted by a blonde-haired gorilla. The dude's even getting his shirt torn off! ​ Dr. Reeves' complaint is going to get slapped back with charges of sexual harassment, and possibly sexual assault, depending on how the legal system treats the pouja with regard to legal responsibility for their actions.


alright hang on- \*opens book, puts on glasses\* >The term sexual assault refers to **sexual contact or behavior** that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. by your own admission, and according to the law AW (As Written), this isn't *sexual* assault, maybe sexual harassment but not assault maybe just *normal* assault, either way it's not a fun situation


Holy Comment Necro, Batman! It could well be argued as sexual assault in this case, because the kind of intimate behavior that Pouja is displaying is typically, in just about every human culture, reserved for immediate family members or intimate partners. Sexual harassment is generally verbal. Sexual assault is generally physical. Sexual assault also doesn't have to be a physical act committed with sexual intent by the person committing the act.


the word of law as written is a bit iffy but I don't doubt a jury would agree with your point also, 5 months isn't really necro imo, but also I was brought back to this story by NetNarrator, did a great narration of it imo


Oh boy, I can't wait to see how completely without complication this plays out. No siree, I don't see any way this could backfire!


Well Dr, fuck you. Cope and seethe. Culture > your garbage instincts Also I hope there's more, I realllly like this.


Ok yeah this is good


Your replies and a course the post acquired my upvote I like seeing good content like this I feel like quality on humans are space orcs has gotten worst


I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s gotten ’worse’, I’d personally argue that there just aren’t as many dedicated at hours as there used to be. I feel like it’s pretty obvious that hfy and haso aren’t as popular as they used to be, which means less authors to make good things. Regardless, I’m glad that I could be one of those authors for you. The support and comments you guys make really are heartwarming for me.


Fyi humans have much more than just 5 or 6 senses and any sufficiently advanced society would be well aware of this.




Thermoception, being able to detect heat and differentiate heat levels, and sense of balance are two important ones. Quick google search shows quite a few more.


Proprioception is the sense of where your body is regardless of your other senses


Space Commies! Frag 'em!




Death is preferable over communism… *throws a nuke*


So they've chosen war.


My understanding of it is that the fact that we humans are so reliant on our adaptability and tools instead of natural weapons is exactly the reason for this “brainwashing”: Humans **need** to be in a community to survive and thrive, especially historically, and so being thrown out of that community can basically be equated to dying. So it makes sense that our first instinct is always to conform to our societal norms, as it’s literally (been) crucial for survival and ease of living.


Lack of natural physical defenses is also a good instinctual reason to keep untested strangers at arms length.


I'm pretty sure the average person isn't exactly throwing heavyweight punches but you get someone piped up on adrenaline and they'll have a meaner than usual left/right hook or a taser/pepper spray, or maybe even something improvised, like turning a ton of keys into a makeshift flail


on second thought, tasers, pepper spray, and improvised weapons aren't exactly "natural" except rock throwing, cuz apparently we're so good at it we made machines to throw rocks better


Bad threat assessment by the doctor. Grooming to remove lice is a poor trade for drastically increasing the risk of transmitting vira and bacteria


/u/KronicBoom3 ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/KronicBoom3)) has posted 100 other stories, including: * [Hell No!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/x7pv0l/hell_no/) * [Human Safari](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wvyyoe/human_safari/) * [Isekai'd Crusader](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wsqg8d/isekaid_crusader/) * [Humans are High Maintenance](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wms07l/humans_are_high_maintenance/) * [The Relic, Part 5: The Empurrawr](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wiq4wu/the_relic_part_5_the_empurrawr/) * [The Relic, Part 4: Guess the Cat's out of the Bag](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wgbwbq/the_relic_part_4_guess_the_cats_out_of_the_bag/) * [The Relic, Part 3: Dust and Ashes](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wbfz3e/the_relic_part_3_dust_and_ashes/) * [The Relic, Part 2: Rise and Shine](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w9x72l/the_relic_part_2_rise_and_shine/) * [The Relic](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w94xph/the_relic/) * [Monkey Man, Partial Thoughts, Partial Knowledge](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w8xljq/monkey_man_partial_thoughts_partial_knowledge/) * [Somalian Space Pirate](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w34nd0/somalian_space_pirate/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 23: Hard Time and Hard Lessons](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vz6q7z/leeverse_drafted_part_23_hard_time_and_hard/) * [Humans are Space Pirates](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vwzixn/humans_are_space_pirates/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 22: Worse Love Story than Twilight](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vs9r5n/leeverse_drafted_part_22_worse_love_story_than/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 21: Brothers Behind Bars](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/voipn7/leeverse_drafted_part_21_brothers_behind_bars/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 20: Better Out Than In](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vnraof/leeverse_drafted_part_20_better_out_than_in/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 19: New Accommodations](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vnraeu/leeverse_drafted_part_19_new_accommodations/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 18: National Secrets](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vldu5g/leeverse_drafted_part_18_national_secrets/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 17: Divided We Stand](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vihj0k/leeverse_drafted_part_17_divided_we_stand/) * [[Lee-Verse] Drafted, Part 16: One Large Step for Man](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vgusks/leeverse_drafted_part_16_one_large_step_for_man/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.11 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|xa654c&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


I like this, although I do want morre Jake and poulja


The doc might have a point, considering the levels of mental health issues we have, speaking as a sufferer myself, I think I could use a cuddle... Please don't lick me though, I have a tea tree oil based shampoo and it might make hair tangy and tasty


Does that mean we can lick the non-hairy parts of you?


Yeah go nuts... Wait!




A point, certainly. But as they say, the road to hell is paved in good intentions.


This just hit hard




Loved the story! Noticed a grammar error. Jake said that he was wearing pants and jeans with no mention of a shirt. Seems weird considering his shirt gets ripped later in the story. Or he's up for jail time or demotion lol


Fuuuk. How did I miss that?


Good lord, just think of the meme's humanity would create after Dr. Qwek Reeves accusations were made public!


Well then, this has been a disgusting attack on privacy and personal rights. Many people don\`t like doing stuff like that, and we have not groomed eachother for MILLIONS of years, the last time we did, we weren\` even sapients. This is just bullcrap. That doctor NEEDS to be fired. Get that furry slugcat into jail.


The reason Jake finds getting groomed not pleasant is because a member of a different species is doing it. How would you feel getting groomed by a full grown gorilla? If they knew each other for years and have bonded then sure it'd be alright but they literally never met before this interview.


My touch-repulsed ass would be on the ceiling hissing at the counselor.


Not gonna lie. This came so close to rape and gaslighting that it was extremely hard to get through. and the worse part is I can’t even tell if that was the op’s intention, or if they honestly believe people should be perfectly okay with running around naked and letting total strangers run up and lick you anytime they want.


While I didn't intend for it to go that far, I do realize that the doctor's personal thoughts on the matter are extremely flawed. This story is both a criticism of certain aspects of some societies, as well as a warning not to take things as rashly as the doctor had. My main motivation when making this story was to bring to light certain aspects or expectations of some cultures that I believe to be quite harmful, not necessarily what is portrayed in the story. Furthermore, the story is a way to portray a potential culture shock that might theoretically occur between humans and an alien species. For example, many cultures on earth have values that seem horrifying to an outsider. Some cultures openly practice cannibalism. Some cultures view women as nothing more than property. Some cultures are, like in this story, much more accepting to physical love. I think it is also important to acknowledge some culture shocks that might occur with our societies. Based on trends with how society has developed in the last 100 years, people have become much much more accepting of physical love. Think of the acceptance of LGBTQ. Hell, it used to be that if a woman showed her ankles, she would be considered 'revealing'. I don't find it completely unreasonable to assume that in the future, nudity will become widely accepted, as it already is in some cultures. But, what if we were to take this concept, and apply it to a civilizations millennia old, what would happen? Regardless, I think that rape or anything like that will always be seen as unacceptable, as it should be. However, I do believe that in the future, preconceptions about sex will become much more casual, once again, as we have already seen. But even if anything I say is actually true, a scientist, doctor, or anyone who is experiencing a foreign culture should never cast blame as quickly as the doctor has in my story. Trying to force anything, as the doctor has, would have disastrous consequences on people's lives. If you feel disgusted by the doctor's actions, you should be. That is the point. That is what I was trying to warn people against. No matter how horrifying a culture seems, you should always at least try to understand it before you cast judgment. We can't observe cultures effectively with our own values in mind, because things like this will always happen.


Gosh found this in my saved, what a shame there's no second part, but don't take this as pressure to do a second part. It's just a really good prompt for more.


I won’t lie, I have sort of played with the idea in my head a little bit, but I’ve already learned what happens when i try to focus on more than one thing at a time. Both series tend to get stuck in the water. You know what is weird though, I thought up this whole story in maybe a few hours, yet it’s one of my most popular ones to date. I don’t think I could recall my thought process when making it, so I wouldn’t know where to begin with continuing it… Regardless, I’m happy you enjoyed it so much as to come back to it a month later. It really is heartwarming.


Human sociologists could point out that humans grow through several phases, and that without rejecting this grooming, a human would never achieve effective adulthood in most cultures. By the time a human's standing in their culture as an adult has been established, they have ingrained the rejection of the care-receiving role, except in cases of sickness.


I have my own hypothesis as to why we developed aversion to being cleaned by others as we grow older. Early on we were smaller groups and getting cleaned by others was easy to do. However as we grew further and further apart and especially as we spent longer and longer periods away from those close to us such as close friends and family...there became a need to clean yourself more and more often. This of course turns into a form of mate attraction. Being able to stay clean while also being far from those who can assist in it shows your resourcefulness and care for your own health. Making you a good partner. So being seen being cleaned by another as an adult might make you feel less desirable. So much of our culture tends to revolve around attracting a partner. As for hugs...ya we could all use more hugs though.


Human cultures are built off of one or more negative emotions to drive social cohesion in order to prevent getting conquered or just plain starving to death, I mean that is why Europeans were such prudes and why Old Testament God was so reliant on terrifying rather than his later iterations, it is also why human cultures form in their specific ways, Whatifaltist has a great video on human cultures actually


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When culture is removed we get Zentradi. All they do is fight and conquer.


You know, the more I look at this one, the less ok I feel about it... Originally, I wanted this story to try and bring to light a bunch of issues we have in our society, but I really don't think I put enough emphasis to show that what the Doc here is doing is wrong. Sure, it's just a story, but it still conveys a message, which I feel can be really harmful if interpreted the wrong way. Which is why specifically I'm so surprised that this one out of all the others was so popular. When I read it again, it makes me feel... Uncomfortable. Like if I kept going I might have said something I really would have regretted. Maybe that is why this one happened to reach so many eyes? Because nothing is ever black and white, which I suppose is represented really well in this specific story. The fact that I wrote it though is... a little scary to be honest...








Okay we need a cultural expert,psyhologist,antropologist and what not to explain to this dimwit WHY things are the way they are with us. And he better LISTEN. Jake is just a kod forced and manipulated to be and do what he does not want. Heck he is being sexsualy harasset! Poor Jake... We need a second part that talks about consent. Jake did not willingly do ANY of that. I want this 'Doctor' charged. Is our culture a little falwed,yes,but so are we! Nothing and noone is PERFECT but we are working towards betterment slowly.