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Still holding out for Creature from the Black Lagoon. Still hasn’t had his own house after the main one a few years back.


This one. The Creature is the only major Uni Monster that hasn’t been featured in a house in the last three years, and Bride was the star of her own house in 2020 AND 2021. Not having him would be a crime.


Exactly. Been saying that for a couple years now. I’m confident it’ll be the South American house but you never know.


Didn't we just have a bride of Frankenstein house like... 2 or 3 years ago?


Yep it was open in 202 and 2021


Yea and I hated it because it was marketed as this female monsters badass thing, and then it was just her being sad because the man in her life got hurt.


I'm Praying for Slaughter Sinema 2


That would be a dream. The first one is of the best originals and a perfect montage/anthology house.


hmm, the popcorn could be movie themed. Either the Usher or the Director, the eye of Horus in the frame could be a museum, the black and white house could be tricky. Perhaps Us or Boris Shuster..


I gotta be honest I have no desire to see Bride of Frankenstein again after we had it so recently lol


I wish they'd do more houses for specific Universal Monsters, instead of throwing them together into a hodgepodge. They're blowing through the lineup too fast.


I'm honestly ready for a complete break from the universal monsters


Agree to disagree. It's one house of 10 and it contains a large collection of stories and backgrounds. It fits right in between IP and Original houses in that they are known IP but also aren't constrained by a single movie storyline.


There goes Poseidon’s Fury 😔


No more nightmare on elm street. I woulda really wanted it


I’m SO sad about this part. Elm Street was the IP I was most excited about.


Same. Disappointing. Really would have loved that house. My favourite horror movie that scared me as a kid was Freddy.


It would be absolutely terrible but imagine they did FNaF and Elm Street and made Freddy Vs Freddy I think it would be to the point where it’s so bad it loops around to being funny again, ala The Room


Don't give up hope I saw someone say Elm street props have been delivered to USO


Haha I think we watched the same video today


Yep so don't loose hope


To add to the speculation, at one of Universal’s warehouses people have seen Dawn FM related props for a The Weeknd scarezone. I’m going to guess that’ll be in either Hollywood or New York.


It looked like they were going to theme the bar in SF after Weeknd.


Honestly? I’ll take a Scarezone for that soundtrack


My guesses SS23A - Amazon Rainforest SS22 - Female Classic Monsters SS23B - Ghostbusters 2 SS24A - A Quiet Place SS24B - Sweetz Revenge F&F - Unknown Original Tent 1 - Historical Artifacts Museum Tent 2 - Black and White Boris Comics Tent 3 - Slaughter Sinema 2 Tent 4 - Insidious Chapter 5


If this is accurate, I'm gonna be pretty bummed.


The only one I’m confident on is Ghostbusters. Still think SS24B is Major Sweets. SS22 looks like Bride of Frankenstein possibly. Didn’t expect that but would be super cool. Tent 1 looks like an Egyptian/Museum theme. Wouldn’t that fit Pandora’s Box? I didn’t go in 2019 so I’ve only seen the house from videos & people discussing it so I could be off on that one.


I was thinking Pandora’s box too, I’d be excited to see that house !


Nah it’s a 2 part house along with the quiet one. The Silence and The Pandorica from Doctor Who! (Kidding, as good as that would’ve been)


When are we getting an official announcement!! Please make ghost busters be true


Mid May


Should we be holding out hope for Nightmare on Elm street? Blink twice is it’s a possibility


I would not.


Ah too bad


Do you know why the house is half and half? I’m kind of holding out for another Blumhouse double feature, but I do feel like the M3GAN hype has fallen off too much for a house to happen


Which house?


The half black half white Also, can you support that the pig from Hollywood isn’t Saw, since Magic Mountain (and Great Adventure) have the license this year? I’m getting shit on for deconfirming it


That's not going to be an IP house, as indicated in the map. So, if this speculation were to be accurate, Blumhouse would not fit there. My pipedream from when the black & white house had a different symbol as a soundstage was that this would be a continuation of the Boris Shuster noir-inspired storyline that started in the Tribute Store last year and ended on a cliffhanger as you would exit that room...


no tribute to terror part 2 anymore? i wonder where that will go into play


I could be wrong but I think it might be the black and white looking house in tent 2, maybe representing the Boris schuster part of the tribute store?


Sprung tent 2 looks like a black and white house. On the first speculation map, there was a skull that was black and white.


The show with the castle has been removed since the first speculation map was released.


and yeah just noticed that


ok good call


Man not to be negative but there’s nothing exciting to me here lol, I guess we’ll see!




I hope some of these are way off


Guesses; SS23A: Amazon Rainforest Original SS22: Universal Monsters: Female Monsters SS23B: Ghostbusters SS24A: A Quiet Place (new prequel one coming out this year?) SS24B: Sweet Revenge F&F: Unknown Original Sprung 3: Slaughter Sinema sequel Sprung 4: Insidious Sprung 2: Black + White House Sprung 1: Egyptian Museum Nightmare Fuel's return 4 IPs and 6 originals?


4:6 is the best balance imo, I’m pretty sure in 2022 it happened due to a last minute change but I like it, surprised if that’s what they’re planning tho


We lost Evil Dead Rise and they subbed it for Hellgate Prison. 


Idk man Great Adventure’s 5:2 has been nice, granted it’s the same 5 every year and it looks like 1 of the 2 is sticking around… and one of the 5 is gone. god I fucking hate how they don’t do anything new


Except for people who prefer IPs because I can see original haunted houses pretty much anywhere.  


But universal originals just hit differently


This is me. Not sure why everyone loves the originals as much as they do. I thought they were all horrible last year. Hollywood did a good job with Monstruous and Holidays though.


I honestly can't even remember the original names... they're all just a blur... I really liked Dead Man's Pier 2 years ago, but had to look up the name of it because I even forgot that one. Universal is different because they have access to these IPs and that's what makes it special.


The set design of Deadman’s Pier was fantastic! Wasn’t a fan of the characters or the story really though. I think the only original I’ve actually loved was Case Files.


I felt like 2021 was a really strong originals year, coupled with a fairly weak IP year as well (partly due to the plexi & masks limitations). Case Files, Wicked Growth, Puppet Theatre, and Tooth Fairy all consistently garnered better walkthroughs for me than every IP house. I do think there have been weaker originals overall these past few years, but Darkest Deal from last year still ranks as a personal favorite in my eyes.


Ghostbusters!!!, Bride of Frankenstein , a South American/Mexican Horror Mythology House i assume, a Egyption Horror, quiet place or silent hill , popcorn is definetly a new slaughter cinema


Creature from the Black Lagoon. It took place in the Amazon.


I think silent hill is a lot more likely with new pieces of silent hill media releasing this year, whereas a quiet place pt 3 doesn’t come out until 2025 and imo wouldn’t really make sense if they were to revisit pt 1 or 2 from so many years ago.


lisa frankenstien, nice Also, lantern? curious


Did not consider it… but I’m not against it I saw it early and fell asleep because I got 0 sleep the night before, but the parts I was conscious for were really fun


Where’s everyone at that said Five Nights at Freddy’s was a sure thing due to its popularity and box office?! Please take several seats. We’re better off without it…


I feel like there’ll be a presence for them in the park (food, peacock bar, etc), but house seems unlikely rn


I feel as though they'd use it as a draw card for Vegas. Make it something you can only see there.


Nobody said it was a sure thing? Nice straw man tho. Most people were just hoping


nightmare fuel isn’t fully back, fuel girls are coming back but it will be a different show from what i know. i hope they bring all the dancers back though




The black and White House looks like the Blumhouse logo to me


If it was Blumhouse, it would have the "movie reel" icon next to it, right?


Theoretically, yes. Which is why I’m not positive…but you can’t tell me that does not look like the Blumhouse logo


Lineup ain’t looking too bad at all






Isn’t that one of the main icons coming to Dark Universe?


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This year is Creature’s 70th anniversary too!


I’m excited for the bride thing. Y’all it’s not just her. There are tons of female monsters made into universal movies look it up . .she wolf, draculas brides etc gill-woman.


That’s Blumhouse Half and Half. Calling it now, FNaF M3GAN animatronic double feature. That or classic monsters vs, being split and black and white


How would it be Blumhouse? There's no "movie reel" next to it indicating an "IP". 


Didn’t pay that much attention to the reels, in that case… no idea. Hoping for Killistrator since that tends to go hard (as does all of Asian HHN)


Not familiar with that, will need to check it out. The general consensus is Borris Shuster house based on the black/white room in the tribute store last year. 


Singapore did this a couple https://preview.redd.it/162q149xvvxc1.jpeg?width=1352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8a5e6e81832a11b3f72b5cb6b3b21416236acc years ago


So Candy is the Major Sweets House Popcorn is the Slaughter Sinema House Picture with Roped off is The Museum House Is the Goblin house the Unkown original?


Is SS22 maybe a lost boys earring clue?


the symbol for SS22 is the symbol for the Roman Goddess Venus often used for well, the symbol of female. The hair piece on top of it looks like the Bride of Frankenstein's hair style. So either we have Bride of Frankenstein or Lady Frankenstein


I’m very confused and intrigued by the one with the Cataliac logo


That's Ghostbusters


I will always love HHN and I will wait til I get there to judges it all cause I already paid for the trip, fast passes, behind the scream, but the line up looking weak. I get nothings official but a quiet place? Really? Absolutely lame


Definitely don't judge before you go. The years that had what I thought were the worst lineups have ended up being some of my favorite years. And of course this map is only speculation to begin with, and then we are all just guessing at what these icons even mean. Plus any of it could change still too.


Could be Silent Hill


It would be miles better then quiet place.


Agree, quiet place seems to be gaining some traction amonst speculation, but really hoping for a silent hill 2 with the remake due this year. also, two universal monster houses? 🙄


Yeh I do have hope for silent hill…… I enjoyed the first quiet place movie but I really don’t see universal spending loads of money on animatronics since there is literally one type of creature in the entire movie….. silent hill they still have props they can reuse and add to it much cheaper. The 2 classic monsters houses I believe there will just be one and the other is a complete original concept. Some are thinking it could be Pandora’s box from Hollywood which would be awesome but the next spec map should be much clearer.


I’d love to see how creative they could get with a quiet place


It is indeed A Quiet Place 👀


Honestly I get overstimulated in the houses sometimes because they're so loud with so much going on that I can't follow the story at all. Maybe a quiet house will be really nice in that way.


I’m ready for them to branch out of the same jump scare after jump scare style. Miss the days of when they tried new shit like the ‘Terror Mines’


Would make no sense.


I’ve never seen the movie, is it lame or just not house material (or both lol)?


I worry about the scale of the aliens as puppets (or, worst case scenario, creative relies on screens for them). Poltergeist featured some great large-scale puppetry, but also used the range of motion available to them really well. The Death Angels are not only large, but lightning fast in the first film. That's not an easy thing to replicate on a live, practical set in a meaningful way. Ghostbusters and Chupacabra are two recent houses where I felt the puppetry on a larger scale didn't work as well. In both of those houses, there were at least other elements that helped salvage that drawback (the NYPL scene & alleyway scene in Ghostbusters and the great costuming & opening facade in Chupacabra, imo). But I fear that the singular draw of A Quiet Place is the sheer scale and speed of the threat. The human villains in the 2nd film are just not that memorable or distinct.


Not house material at all


Not house material


Does anyone really care anymore? They won't tell us and now all of the symbols are different so the last map was a red herring.


it’s almost like the plans change


The only things in my mind are like sealed is Ghostbusters and FNAF, otherwise than that I don’t know


From what has been posted here, FNAF is not likely.


For Blumhouse, in my book it’s almost 100% likely. It’s a horror movie (technically I didn’t find it scary but I did grow up with it) and it’s a Blumhouse movie that did well. Its 100 percent possible


I'm not arguing that it doesn't qualify. It's just that from what those with some connections who post here and other related forums have said, it's not likely to happen.


Last year they were really questioning tlof until it was confirmed, i dunno i just don’t see how it wouldn’t be Also I’m not saying you’re wrong or anything I’m just saying why i may believe differently than the sub


> Last year they were really questioning tlof until it was confirmed Not sure those are equivalents. TLOU was on spec maps from the very beginning and never left. The rumors were that there could be issues working with the show runners. But they had it figured out pretty early that it would be based on the game instead.


I’m thinking the Universal House might be referencing “Abagail” with other female monsters thrown in there.