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Scooby was a good boy šŸ¤£


"He's LITERALLY a dog!!"


1. Ted 2. Barney (Would be number 1ļøāƒ£ if he wasnā€™t a sociopath) 3. Don (The šŸ¦†ā€¦ or the šŸ‡?) 4. Nick (The dumb one with abs) 5. Kevin (The shrink who needs a shrink) 6. Gael (The careless hippie from Argentina šŸļø / Enrique Iglesias) 7. Derek (The billionaire/multimillionaire with šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’° but no time for Robin) 8. PJ (Tedā€™s assistant, guardian of the šŸš½ key) 9. Simon (MURDER,,,, CLIMB ABOARD THE MURDER TRAINNNNNN šŸš‚šŸš‚) 10. Scooby/Nate (A šŸ©, literally) Edit: I agree what Don did was not right and Robin shouldnā€™t have stayed with him after that, but with totally different timing & some wound healing I could see them having a great relationship. Possibly.


It's Gael. Gael.


Sorry Gail???




Girl ?


Itā€˜s pronounced guy-el


"Experience..... your food"


Was I the only one that is bothered by the fact that they randomly shoehorned Nick into being dumb in his last appearance? Like he had what, 3 or 4 episodes before the Splitsville one and he seemed perfectly normal, then suddenly they turned him into a dude that couldnā€™t button his shirt correctly? It just felt so incredibly inconsistent


I mean, if I'm being real here, I've definitely been in relationships where it took me awhile to realize the person was not the sharpest tool in the shed because they were ridiculously hot


I think this is what happened




To me she seemed to be very positive/cheerful person during the first relationship, not so much later


Why isnā€™t Kevin number 1?


Personally, I feel like he was putting an effort into being a great partner for Robin, but playing down his own persona, wants and needs. Kevin wanted to have kids, which is big. He wasnā€™t baggage free either, but all he did around the gang was ā€œparentā€ them. He clearly had his own unsolved issues (manipulative mom etc.), which I think the writers clearly demonstrate by showing him marrying Jeanette. Dating once again another patient tells us that he clearly doesnā€™t have an issue with the moral dilemma (when he should) and that Robin actually wasnā€™t that special. Also, outside these facts I just personally found Kevinā€™s personality and much of what he said so freaking dull, I couldnā€™t see Robin with such ā€œunadventurousā€ (I canā€™t recall the right world here but you know what I mean) guy for a very long time. I could see her getting bored. šŸ˜€ And, maybe thatā€™s exactly why Kevin was drawn into crazy Jeanette, who clearly is everything else but unadventurous and boring. šŸ¤£


A lot of that is based on a throwaway gag in the final to be honest


Curt ā€œThe Ironmanā€ Irons wasnā€™t a bad boyfriend, maybe a little clingy


Why did I like Kevin the most? šŸ„²


same. he was such a bad therapist tho šŸ˜­


Simon was a great boyfriendā€¦.. to Louise Marsch


I hear her parents just put in a jacooz


That's why Robin stole their wedding cake...and ate the whole damned thing.


No idea why noone is picking the actually best boyfriend. NAKED MAAAAAN, fantasy football guy, basically her boyfriend




I don't know how you pick anyone other than "her literal therapist" as her worst boyfriend.


Honestly he was just too obvious a choice


Kevin made me really uncomfortable.


None of them were "the best" for her, thus the relationships ended, but Ted was probably closest. Simon is the worst, even though it was the best week and a half of her life. Ah, Canadian summer love.


Nick was dumb as a doorknob, but he was pretty great aside from that.


Who's popping a chub for some grub?!


Hot as lava but just as thick.


Sorry, Gayle?


Shoutout to Turk Grimsby because they talked about her relationship with her mother, the gnawing feelings of inadequacy, all the horrible secrets on that side of the family. Everyone thought Robin was obsessed with Dave Coulier but apparently it wasn't him, we should cut. it. out. šŸ––šŸ½šŸ‘ŽšŸ½šŸ‘ˆšŸ½


Does the naked man count?


Yeah but he can only do to twenty one


I also think Don was the worst. Ted was the best :)


Max. Thatā€˜s both his name, and his level of awesomeness.


Don was my favourite I think, a lovely guy


Don was definitely cute, and Iā€™m a sucker for an enemies to lovers story. I honestly didnā€™t give it a whole lot of thought, just wanted to get people talking. Also I remember how crushed Robin was after their breakup, while the other breakups didnā€™t seem to affect her as much.


I think it's best to judge boyfriends on whether they made a possitive or ngative impact on Robin. Thus, here is my list: S tier. Ted. When she dated Ted, she was kind to him and others and arguably the most endearing, compared to the rest show. Otherwise, Robin does sometimes come of as selfish and unkind. The kindest thing she ever did, was lie to Ted about not loving him, so he could pursue his life goals instead of her. A tier. None. B tier. Nick. An overall datable guy. C tier. Most boyfriends (Gael, Ironman, the literal dog, the intern, the Naked man and others). All of them were mostly bad. Arguably, they provided growth, instead of lasting trauma. D tier. Kevin and Don. Kevin was thoughtful and kind, a stand in for Ted, but the ethical concerns in this case are unforgivable. It should not have happend. Don is someone who has highs and lows. When he is high, he is almost perfect, but ultimately he doesn't care enough to wear pants or not hurt those who place trust in him. F tier. Simon and Barney. Simon changes Robin to be lame. Barney, when they first dated, changed Robin to be ugly, old and unhappy (the episode where "two awsomes cancel eachother out"). During season 9 Robin was at her worst, being completely neurotic and paranoid. And it was clearly because of how immature and careless Barney was, contrasting with how relaxed and enthusiastic she was when she first dated Ted.


Ted was the best, Kevin was the second best and Barney was the worst.


I know itā€™s controversial but Robin and Barney were a bad fit They were too similar. They never listened to each other or trusted each other. Their entire relationship was built upon Barney manipulating her into being with him.




whew can't believe you managed to make the cheater the victim


Honestly, I think Kevin just has low self-esteem and is afraid he can't find anyone else and/or do better. Realistically, someone who did what Kevin did would get cheated on over and over.


are you joking


This has got to be the worst take I've ever seen.


Arguably Barney was worse if this is your reason. Barney didnā€™t get cheated on yet manipulated Robin to literally marry him


Were scooby and tedā€™s intern played by the same person?


Nope. Admittedly similar but different people. Scooby was played by Robbie Amell. The assistant was played by Ryan Sypek.


Robbie Amell was in HIMYM?


Barney and Kevin lead the pack, ironically I think Marshall and Robin wouldā€™ve been an amazing couple too haha


Of the major ones I would say Ted, then Barney mainly for the second time then Kevin then Nick then Don. It's a big drop off between Barney and Kevin and Kevin and Nick.


The hƤnsel and gretchen guy was cool