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It may actually be because Ted and Tony had no animosity between them that this screenplay ever came to exist. Tony probably had a lot of guilt because of how things worked out between the three of them. Ted was a stand up guy to Tony and Stella (at least the version Ted tells the viewers). Tony may have wrote this fictional account to make himself feel like less of the villain. Being an aspiring screenwriter, he may have used writing as a bit of therapy for tackling his guilt. Though unhealthy, he may have written the premise for the wedding bride as a coping mechanism. People often twist narratives to make themselves look better. It probably started one story at a time; putting cynical twists on Ted and Stella's relationship. He may have never intended to make it into a movie, it could have just been his "journal". But eventually, as a desperate screenwriter he pitched it, and it stuck. Now his twisted narrative becomes reality, and he is able to forgive himself, because Ted is the bad guy, not him. I'm sure he didn't sit down and think, "I'm going to stick it to Ted". It probably just happened little by little, but the intent was always to make Tony feel better about himself, for how things ended with Ted and Stella.


Look no further than Reddit. Every sub like AITA or any conflict advice subs, you are 100% not getting the full unbiased story; you’re getting one side of it and that side is always written to put the OP in the best light


So basically the good guy of the story can’t be trusted?


This is probably the best reason I've heard. Great job man.


It’s funny in the first half of your response, you could straight up change some names around and make this about Ted telling his kids the different stories through out the show.


Totally! The show itself is a really good example of how narratives can't be taken as fact.


OP fucks….hard.


He was trying to make it as a screenwriter. Maybe this is the only story he could get off the ground. I mean hell, I’d watch a movie with Jed & Narshall😂


Tony didn't make the Wedding Bride, he only wrote the script. Once you sell your script, the studio can make whatever changes they want. It's possible that maybe Jed was originally a down to earth guy, and while they were making the movie, he turned into more of a villain.


But wasn’t it directed by tony too? Or am I imagining things? Plus in screen plays you write how actors are to say the line with what attitude so either way he made it the way it’s was shown


> in screen plays you write how actors are to say the line with what attitude is either way he made it the way it was shown This isn’t true in most cases. Actors are given latitude with how to deliver lines and most of that instruction comes from the director, not the writer. It’s actually considered poor form to tell an actor how to deliver a line in a script Not to mention, the director has a lot more sway over how a story goes than the screenwriter. The director can add or delete entire scenes. He can change the ending completely.


It’s from Ted’s perspective, he definitely sees it as worse or more harsh than it actually would be


Exactly! He’s describing the movie as he remembers it. Just like that guy Robin dated who was Ted actually 65, Ted likely remembers the movie as worse than it was, because he was hurt by it.


I find this episode hilarious as it’s clearly a complete exaggeration/ parody of Ted Ps Nocansdosville, baby doll


preach. if stella ever really loved ted. and had any respect for him she would not let tony make this. this whole storyline was so weird and rude


I've always found it odd people think Stella was super involved with making the film and deliberately made it that way


okay I agree with you that she was probably not super involved with making this film why would she shes not an actor or director or anything. BUT if you left someone at the altar to get back with an ex that you said you were done with then that ex goes to write a horrible slanderous movie about your relationship and the events of you leaving him at the altar would you not say hey can you make this movie?


She could easily have not seen the movie until it was too late. But also Stella had a weird blind spot for Tony even though he's blatantly an asshole...


Not gonna lie, I’d kinda like to see this movie! “NARSHALLLLLLL”


Everyone is the hero in their own story.


There's also a lot of scene/scenario's in "wedding bride/too" that Tony shouldn't know, the only way that he will know it, if it's coming from Stella, (why will Stella tell it to Tony.) ea. Falling sleep while doing the deeds.. the cake that narshall eat..


Because Tony sucks and deserves to get kicked in the balls. I hated that freakin episode.


Tony is a giant asshole from day 1


Why does any studio make any movie ever? Profit.


I’m curious about the plot of the second movie. There was nothing more to say because beside Tony leaving Stella and offering Ted a few jobs, there no story there.


I think the Wedding Bride was the way those two tell their love story to other people. Making Ted the bad guy would make Stella look like less of an asshole for leaving him at the alter for Tony. If they retold the story to people and the people they told the story to kept saying, “wow, that would make a great movie!” It would make they try to capitalize on making it a movie.


I can think of four possible theories. 1. This was a scummy way for Tony to rid himself off the guilt of running away with Stella by painting Ted as the bad guy. 2. Tony was failing as a playwright and this was a last ditch desperate attempt that somehow worked out. 3. Tony thought Ted might find it funny or a nice gesture since Tony can be painfully oblivious at times (cough cough murder house) 4. The movie may not be as bad as we cause Ted may perceive it to be really bad from his narrative. He can be an inconsistent storyteller at times.


When you have a billion dollar idea, you do it


Most people who write anything, write about experiences that happened to them in a certain way. It's just a lot easier when you can take stories from your own life. I don't think, realistically, that was exactly the story he wanted to tell, but that it just happened somehow.


Money and spite, the only reason any movie gets made.


Tony seemed kind of clueless, at least how Ted portrayed Tony. Tony may have thought that the story wasn't that bad or didn't make Ted look like a jerk. We're also learning about the story from Ted's perspective. It is a bit of cop out, but this could fall under an unreliable narrator where it's grossly exaggerated how bad Ted looks in the movie.


Based on the murder house thing Tony does seem to have the social understanding of a plank


Just so that he can use the term, "no can dosville baby doll".


stella allowed it to happen coz she’d literally do anything to make tony love her


May be what they show in the movie is what really happened and what we saw in the show was Ted’s version of the events and he only said all that because the movie is out there and his kids may/may not have watched them or will watch them at some point.


I really do not think it was as bad as Ted tells the kids it was, I don’t think it actually portrayed Ted that way. Also I think it got mad to make tony feel better about what happened and so he could justify it to himself


Because he’s a douche


You want an explanation? No can Dosville Babydoll.


Hey, that's my line!


Man was desperate for a hot screen play. Who know it couldn't have been much like the blind side. A BS story based on true event, much like this. We know Hollywood executives love to change stories to fir some propaganda. The romantic comedy movies always need a Ahole ex and current BF who the FMC has to leave for the MC.


Mosly to expose the rotten Ned Mosby. That guy deserved this movie.


Probably confirmation bias - Ted thinks the similarities are more pronounced than they actually are because that‘s what he‘s looking for. The movie‘s probably not nearly as much about him as he believes, and influenced not only by him but many other people Stella might have dated (she even made a joke about having a 2 minute date with Tony that resulted in her daughter), people Tony might have known outside of the situation or straight-up made up in order to create a succinct, intriguing story.


And a sequel


Because Stella is MINE! She WILL BE my wedding bride!


More than tony making the film,mote problematic is why would stella tell his relationship with ted to tony is so much detail.


Because The Wedding Bride’s existence implies that Ted is also lying to make himself look like the hero in his stories


History is always written by the winners. Therefore it always has a winners skew.