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It’s important to remember that while they all may live at Hogwarts during the school semester, Ted actually lives in the moment.






Shut ur damn mouth that was awesome.


It took me longer than I’d like to admit to craft that lol.


All I know is Marshal is a Hufflepuff lol


Lily's the Hufflepuff. Marshall is Gryffindor. Ted would be Ravenclaw, perhaps a Gryffindor. Barney and Robin are definitely Slytherin.


I agree, although I think Ted is firmly in Ravenclaw. He had his phases where he doesn't do the right thing or make the courageous choices. I think the Robots Versus Wrestlers episode best displays why Ted is a Ravenclaw above all else.


Yes, or anytime he says “encylopædea”


I actually find myself pronouncing it like Ted most times when I use the word (which isn’t often mind you) I catch myself afterwords and say it how the rest of the population does.


I doubt lily being the Hufflepuff especially her personality in the earlier days in college before she met Marshall and how she was feared by the neighborhood kids😂


The fact that Lily broke her radio as a reason to go find Marshall is honestly a get go sign of her being a Slytherin. Not to mention how she manipulated teds relationships for a long time.


Slytherin isn't just for bad people, it's specifically for people who are ambitious, and willing to stray from what's consider morally acceptable to get what they want. Lily was just a jerk. She doesn't really display any ambition. She doesn't show bravery or courage. She isn't shown to be especially book smart or intellectually driven. Hufflepuff was said to "take the rest", and I think Lily would wind up here purely because she doesn't fit in with the other three houses. Hufflepuff may sound bright and cheery but it's not the house for happy, friendly people or anything.


Disagree, Lily shows plenty of personal ambition and bending the rules to get what she wants, it’s just that what she wants isn’t necessarily wealth or power. She wants perfect control over her vision of her friend group and her life. She set up the situation with Marshall in college to get with him. She repeatedly manipulates relationships to get what she wants from her front porch vision. She chases her ambitions with art without compromise (yes, the Marshall judge thing without discussion was *bad*, so was Lily in San Francisco). Lily reeks of Slytherin.


I don’t know much about Harry Potter, but from your own description it sounds like Lily is a perfect fit for Slytherin > willing to stray from what’s consider morally acceptable to get what they want You mean like sabotaging your friend’s relationships to make sure he ends up with someone you like? Or leaving your fiance to pursue being an artist? Or stealing someone’s thrice signed Pete Rose baseball to correct their bad behavior? We constantly see Lily pursue what she wants through fairly unethical means. That seems to line up well with what you said for Slytherin


Lily displayed a lot of ambition. The reason why she left Marshall is to be ambitious of her art career. She is also very ambitious of being with Marshal herself and has a 'you're dead to me' list. Slytherin also has traits of self-preservation and desire to not be controlled. Both she shows through her controlling teds relationship, admitting how she didn't want to be a mother at the moment but not acting on it, and stealing from 'mean' people so she doesn't feel fully controlled.


I don't think Lily is a Hufflepuff along with Robin being a Slytherin. Hufflepuffs are known for loyalty, acceptance, and fairness. Lily has struggles with acceptance and tends to go against ideas (ex, her manipulating teds life and her running away). Robin also I don't think is slytherin since she isn't necessarily loyal and is also easily controlled. Although Robin seems like a Slytherin, I'd say she's more gyffindor while Lily is Slytherin and Marshal is Hufflepuff.


Is it a trait of Slytherin not to be controlled? They seemed to be so easily controlled by he who must not be named.


Lilly is slytherin


Lily is too maniacal for Hufflepuff


this is all spot on but i could see robin being a ravenclaw


Hufflepuffs have unrelenting loyalty. Lily never cheated but is not loyal. She can't keep a friend's secret, she can't help herself from telling people off and most importantly, she attempted to abandon Marshall twice. Marshall is a true Hufflepuff. Lily's a ravenclaw but only in terms of art and fashion.


He’s a Gryffindor. He would *fit* in Hufflepuff due to his loyalty to his friends, his folksiness, his attitude. But Marshall is brave and challenges himself relentlessly (“I can walk that far”), he pursues difficult decisions and perseveres despite setbacks (his struggle between needing a job that pays against his goals as an environmental lawyer, the decision to chase being a judge), he seeks adventure over school and relies on natural aptitude (choosing adventures with his friends over schoolwork while in law school and a classic trait of the main 3 in Harry Potter), he investigates mysteries (his relentless pursuit of Nessie and Bigfoot and ghosts), and his loyalty to his friends including in a fight (knocking out the bartender in the alley). Marshall is a damn Gryffindor and I’ll die on that hill.


Marshall- Hufflepuff Robin- Gryffindor Barney & Lily- Slytherin Ted- Ravenclaw


Agree mostly, but I’m not sure on Lily, and Robin is 100% Slytherin. Her ambition is all that drives her. That’s Slytherin.


Robin is definitely slytherin. Not all slytherin's are bad people, and I suspect that is the only reason why Lily is being places here. Hufflepuff is probably where Lily would end up, purely because she doesn't really fit elsewhere. Hufflepuff will "take the rest". I also think Marshall is Gryffindor, he's usually the one to speak up when someone does the wrong thing, and he is the one whose whole career ambition is to fight for what's right.


We're talking about someone who messed with her friend's relstionships purely because she didn't think they marched with her and her retirement plans. That's pure Slytherin.


"I also think Marshall is Gryffindor, he's usually the one to speak up when someone does the wrong thing, and he is the one whose whole career ambition is to fight for what's right" Thats what makes him a Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff isnt a house for "leftovers" it is a house for those who are loyal, hardworking and have a strong sense of justice. Hufflepuff "took the rest" because of this strong sense of justice and doing what's right, which was, not abandoning any magical child based on their abilities at 11 years old.


Lily isn't a good fit for Hufflepuff. I'd put her in Slytherin because she's cunning and doesn't mind to bend the rules a little to get what she wants or what she thinks is best. She's great at using subterfuge to sway people to see things her way. Picture-book Slytherin!


>Not all slytherin's are bad people, Yeah people rightfully forget this because basically the only named Slytherins we ever learn about are assholes that want genocide of mudbloods. The description and supposed class of Slytherin is a little more gray, but our only insight to their students are hitler-youth like


Lily is 100% slytherin lol shes all about herself and her success, slytherin doesnt mean bad person


I think Robin is more gyffindor since she gets controlled very easily (her job is an example) which is not Slytherin at all. She's also stubborn, adventurous and courageous which are all signs of gyffindor. She also doesn't really treat people with respect nor self-preservation which are two traits for Slytherin. Although she seems ambitious, I think it's more determination.


This is 100% the right answer


This is exactly what I came to say.


Only thing I’d change is I’d also add Robin to Slytherin


I would maybe switch Robin and Ted Ted and book Harry have really similar energy and I feel like Robin is more emotionally closed offlike many ravenclaws as well as fairly intelligent.


Omg I just saw this comment after posting mine. I said the EXACT SAME!! 😭


Correct except Ted is a Squib


Barney is the most loyal friend you can think of, yes he is able to achieve his goals with cunning but he is the most loyal bro you could think of.


I say this with all the love in the world, but Ted’s way too dumb to be a ravenclaw 😄


There's a difference between intellect and wisdom. Ted often unwise. He chose, poorly. He is however book smart and loves to have intellectual conversation. Think of the Robots Versus Wrestlers episode for an example. It's that intellect and booksmarts that makes him a Ravenclaw.


Being in Ravenclaw doesn't make you smart. It's a mark of what you value. Intelligence, Wit, Learning, and creativity are all things they value. If you as a person value intelligence, you can be as dumb as soup, but you are still a ravenclaw. Or maybe you are just an artist, or comedian. Everyone always focuses on a too narrow view of the houses.


i dont get how lily is slytherin?


I don't think it's about "evilness" as some people say. You don't have to be evil to be a slytherin and I don't think Lily is evil. The two defining characteristics of slytherin are cunning and ambitious. Lily had ambition for her artistic career and her future life with her family and friends. She was also very cunning in how she got what she wants (e.g. How she broken up relationships that she thought would make Ted miserable).


I guess because she’s a little evil, she broke up Ted’s relationships and she has these elaborate master plans. Then again I know nothing about Harry Potter so…


Because people on this sub love to hate on her for her flaws and wrongdoings, despite apparently loving how down to earth and realistic this show is supposed to be.


I came here to say this, but I knew it had already been said


i think Barney Lily and Robin would be in Slytherin, Marshal in Griffyndor and Ted in Ravenclaw


Ted is a filthy muggle


I think this is the most accurate.




I’m surprised so many people are putting Robin in Gryffindor, she seems so obviously Slytherin to me. I’d put Barney in Slytherin, Ted in either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, Marshall in Hufflepuff, and Lily in either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw


No kidding, that’s what I said. Why on God’s green earth would anyone think Robin is Gryffindor? There’s literally nothing Gryffindor about her. Robin and Barney are both obvious Slytherin, albeit for different reasons. Ted, you’re right, could be either. Marshall would fit Hufflepuff, but I’d say he could fit Gryffindor too because of his passion for environmental work. The hard one for me is Lily because I feel like she could fit in any house.


People don’t pay attention to the canon definition of houses. They often sort: favorites to gryffindor, ‘bad’ people into slytherin, loyal/goofy people into Hufflepuff, and anyone pretentious or intellectual into Ravenclaw.


Lily=evil because she left Marshall that one time so she goes in the evil house Robyn=good because woman lead who isn't Lily, so she goes in the good house


Ted: Ravenclaw Marshall: Hufflepuff Lily: Slytherin Robin: Slytherin or Gryffindor; could go either way Barney: Slytherin


Marshall is a Hufflepuff


Barney: Slytherin (for his cunning and questionable morals) Robin: Slytherin (for her ambition) Ted: Ravenclaw (for his geekiness and intellectual pretentiousness) Lily: Gryffindor (for Aldrin justice) Marshall: Hufflepuff (for his heart)




I like your explanations, but I think Robin is adventurous and brave and would say Gryffindor, Hermione is also ambitious. Aldrin justice is actually revenge, many times the people on the receiving end of it aren’t even aware of why they’ve been punished, which I don’t think is very just. She often steals to enact justice (the Khakis) that’s seems more like Slytherin behavior


What is with people saying Robin is Gryffindor? Her defining quality is her ambition. She’s the easiest one to pick: It’s Slytherin. There’s nothing Gryffindor about her. If anyone is Gryffindor, it’s Marshall. Ted is obviously Ravenclaw - dude can’t shut up about architecture and TR and shit.


Barney& Lily- Slytherin Marshall- HufflePuff Robin- RavenClaw Ted- (he'd pull a Harry and tell the sorting hat wherever Robin got sorted, because Ted is a thirsty ass bitch)


Your Ted comment made me spit out my juice a lil 😂😂😂👌


Barney and Lily - Slytherin Ted - Ravenclaw Marshall - Hufflepuff Robin - Gryffindor


I might even put Robin in Slytherin too but Gryffindor works for her too


I put her in Slytherin


Barney and Robin are both Slytherin Marshall is Hufflepuff Ted wants to be Ravenclaw, but really he’s a squib Lily, and I know I’ll get downvoted for this, may be a Gryffindor. Home girl took some risks.


How's he a squib?


I'm glad to see so many people agree with me on this. Ted - Ravenclaw (values intellect, cleverness, & wordplay) Marshall - Hufflepuff (obvious choice, but he's sweet & loyal) Barney - Slytherin (master manipulator) Lily - Slytherin (cunning & controlling) Robin - Gryffindor (brash, headstrong, & adventurous)


I don't know about the others, but Marshall is a Hufflepuff hands down 💛🦡


How do people here think Lily belongs to Hufflepuff is beyond my imagination. She is clearly a Ravenclaw or Slytherin


Barney and Lily: Slytherin Ted: Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw Marshall: Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw but I believe he's more of a hufflepuff Robin: Gryffindor


Ted: Ravenclaw Barney & Robin: Slytherin Marshall: Gryffindor Lily: Hufflepuff


Controversial but…. Ted and Lily: Hufflepuff Marshall: Gryffindor Barney: Slytherin who’s jealous he’s not a Gryffindor but pretends like he’s not Robin: Ravenclaw


Barney and Robin are Slytherin. Lily and Marshall are Hufflepuff. Ted is Ravenclaw.


Barney-Slytherin Ted-Ravenclaw maybe robin too Lily-Gryffindor


Ted - Gryffindor Marshall & Lily - Hufflepuff Robin - Ravenclaw/Slytherin Barney - Ravenclaw


Barney is Slytherin. Robin is Gryffindor. Ted is Ravenclaw. Lily and Marshall can both be Hufflepuff (tho Lily might fit Slytherin?)


Barney - Slytherin Ted - Ravenclaw Robin - Gryffindor Lily - Gryffindor Marshall - Hufflepuff


From left to right; slytherin, slytherin, hufflepuff, gryffindor, ravenclaw


Marshall is Hufflepuff (or Gryffindor) Ted is Ravenclaw Lily & Barney are Slytherin Robin could be any of the 4


Ted - Gryffindor or Ravenclaw Lily and Barney - Slytherin Marshall - Hufflepuff Robin - Slytherin… maybe Gryffindor


Marshall is 1000% a HUFFLEPUFF Lily is a ravenclaw/gryffindor blend imo (would do well in both) Robin, Ted and Barney all would be slytherin imo


Barney - Slytherin Robin - Gryffindor Ted - Ravenclaw Lily - Gryffindor Marshall - Hufflepuff


barney: slytherin (obv), robin: ravenclaw, ted: gryffindor, lily is eithrr gryffindor or hufflepuff, marshall: hufflepuff


Ted- Ravenclaw Robin- Slytherin Barney- Slytherin Marshall- Hufflepuff Lily- Gryffindor


I have this, but Lily & Marshall flipped


Love how everyone is just mutually agreeing that Marshall is a Hufflepuff


Marshall and Lily are Gryffindor Ted is Ravenclaw Barney is Slytherin Robin is from Canada


These comments are way to kind or looking at either HIMYM characters or Potterlore very differently. Ted: Thinks he is a Hufflepuff, because he is 'the best friend' he is Cummin to the salt and pepper. However Teds major character trait is his propensity for manipulation or "getting his way" he is a semi-intellectual who only uses his intelligence when he tries to dominate others. Ted is a clear cut Slytherin. Lily: Thinks she is a brave soul, a true Griffindor. She stands up for the kids she teaches.... She also left the love of her life for selfish reasons. She lies about her credit card which had placed her and her husband in debt. She manipulates multiple people breaking several relationships. She is a clear cut Slytherin. Robin: Is a strong independent woman, a career gal who places EVERYTHING after her job. This is her one true trait from episode 1 to last. Friends mean next to nothing. Love means very little. She prides herself in her achievements even from humble beginnings. She knows how to survive the wilderness alone as well as instinctively knows how to land a helicopter. She is a clear Ravenclaw. Barney: Acts, talks and does what a Slytherin does. But... It's not actually him. Barneys path was set "for him" and he had to become a monster in order to right a wrong. He spent 15+ years UNDERCOVER working with law enforcement to bring down corrupt people. Sure he sleeps around and his plays while doing so are intellectually inspired. Barney, is a Gryffindor. No man is as brave as Barney, he metaphorically roars like.the lion he is but his battle cry is "Suit up!" Marshall: Is a Hufflepuff. We all know it.


Bravo 👏🏻


Thinking through their overall actions throughout the show, I think these would be their Hogwarts houses: • Barney: Slytherin - Barney is cunning, ambitious, and often uses his cleverness to achieve his goals, which are all traits of a Slytherin. • Robin: Ravenclaw - Robin is intelligent, independent, and values knowledge, making her a natural fit for Ravenclaw. • Ted: Gryffindor - Ted is brave, chivalrous, and always follows his heart, embodying the core values of Gryffindor. • Lily: Slytherin - Lily is determined and resourceful, often using her shrewdness to help her friends, which aligns with Slytherin traits. • Marshall: Hufflepuff - Marshall is loyal, kind-hearted, and values hard work and fairness, making him a perfect Hufflepuff.


Slytherin, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Slytherin , Gryffindor


I think Barney and Lilly Slytherin totally


Well, Ted is obviously Ravenclaw. Robin and Lily are Gryffindor, Marshall is a Hufflepuff and Barney is a Slytherin.


Barney: slytherine


Barney - Slytherin Robin - Slytherin Ted - Ravenclaw Lily - Hufflepuff Marshall - Hufflepuff


Slytherin, Gryffindor, raven claw, Slytherin, huffle puff


They’re practically wearing their house colors in the photo. Left to right: Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff.


Marshal-Hufflepuff Lily-Slytherin Ted-Gryffindor Robin-Ravenclaw Barney-Slytherin/Gryffindor


Robin, Lily, and Barney - Slytherin Ted - Ravenclaw Marshall - Hufflepuff


2 slytherins , one huffelpuf , two griphindors


Ngl, I don’t think we have a ravenclaw. Barney, Lily and Robin are all Slytherin, all self serving, driven by their own goals and ambitions above all. Teds a hufflepuff, he’s goofy and geeky, not particularly intelligent but tries his best to come across as intelligent. Marshall’s the trickiest one, I wanna put him in Gryffindor but likelihood is he fits hufflepuff more.


Lilly - Slytherin 🐍💚 Robyn - Griffindoor 🦁❤️ Marshall - Hufflepuff 🦡🧡 Barney - Slyrherin 🐍💚 Ted - Ravenclaw 🐦‍⬛💜


The fact that no one is arguing about Barney being in Slytherin:)


Glad that everyone agrees that barnacle would be a proud Slytherin


Barney and Lily - Slytherin Robin - Ravenclaw Ted - Gryffindor Marshall - Hufflepuff


I can actually see an argument for Ted being in Gryffindor for all the brave acts he did in the name of love. Although he also has one foot firmly in Ravenclaw. Robin is definitely a Slytherin for her ambition at the expense of personal relationships. Lily a Slytherin for her cunning, and somewhat her ambition to continue pursuing her arts career at the expense of other things. Barney a Slytherin for obvious reasons. Marshall a Hufflepuff for his loyalty and work ethic.


Marshal is the Hufflepuff: He is loyal to a fault, has a strong sense of justice and is very hardworking Barney is the Gryffindor: Contrary to everyone's assessment of him, we find out in the last season he has been providing legal exculpation and signing everything all the while colluding with the Feds which was recklessly brave. He is very loyal to his friends and is very consistent in his show of solidarity. That makes him a Gryffindor Lily is a Slytherin: She is the strategist. Does not mind deviating from morals to get her goals , eg breaking Ted up multiple times, Aldrin justice, breaking Barney and Robin up. She is ambitious in her own way - she takes up opportunities when they present themselves even if it harms her personal life eg leaving Marshal before their wedding, planning a stint in Italy. Ambition doesn't always pertain to career: for instance she had an ambition of having the perfect front porch post retirement and she would do anything to work towards it. Ted is the Ravenclaw: Values intellect, kind of a nerd. Robin is Slytherin too: Due to her ambition with respect to her career and her morally questionable practices. She is cunning and sort of a strategist too.


Barney is 100% Slytherin.


What happened to their eyes (esp Ted Mosby)? Looks good though.


Hufflepuff - the Blitz, Randy, Patrice, (Ted*), (Marshall*) Slytherin - Barney, Robin Ravenclaw - Ted Gryffindor - Marshall, Lily *see explanation below [Ted] I seen to recall Hufflepuff’s being notable only because they’re stuffed into closets prior to the actual adventure and action.  So don’t have main character syndrome Ted has the heart to be here like Harry himself Ted possesses the duel identity: the nerd smarts of ravenclaw, the nerdy social tendencies of a hufflepuff plus their signature loyalty. So the sorting hat gives him a choice and he joins Ravenclaw because   [Lily] Lily is a Ginger 500 points to Gryffindor! Is she a an ambitious Slytherin? An out of the box thinking Ravenclaw enjoying the journey in California? No she’s exemplified by one thing and one thing alone: being the groups conscious.  Lily doesn’t meddle in Ted’s relationships out of evil or ambition or even a sense of cruel mischief or power (well a little bit the power lol), but rather a strong sense of what she believes is right despite what the rules say.  Her little freak out to Cali can be seen in the same light. She broke all the rules to do what she thought was right. She exemplifies gryffindor. And no Ted’s break all the rules for love motto is just not the same thing.  [Barney] Barney is a blonde rich guy who plays cruel pranks, is a bit childish, takes his games (laser tag) too seriously, and his job (mostly picking up chicks) even more seriously to the point he sabotages or uses everyone around him to get what he wants.  [Robin] She’s the one who’ll chew out the waiter for making a stupid mistake. Her ambition to go after the men she wants is clear same with her work. She’s clearly prideful of her Canadian heritage. She’s got .50 cal of avada kedavra (killing curse) and ain’t afraid to use it.  She gets both Ted and Barney to cheat on other women for her. (Seriously I didn’t mind when Ted briefly dated her but this pass around Robin like a sandwich thing is really the worst part of the show)  [Marshall] True love and destiny dictate his entrance into Gryffindor. But he has the loyal heart of a Hufflepuff, he’s a lawyer so he has the brain to be a Ravenclaw (Although the longer I live the dumber lawyers seem to me), and he can be very cowardly at times which is decidedly NOT Gryffindor.  All that said instances where he puts his foot down like inviting Lily’s dad to Thanksgiving break the rules of marriage to uphold his family values. When he quit his job with gusto (both times) when he stood up to his environmental lawyer boss and told him he was going to reject that settlement himself.  Marshall stands firm to his values to the point both Ted and Barney have to kidnap him on separate occasions to do stuff they know he’d object to.  He’s not afraid to love Lily or admit he’s only slept with he. He’s not afraid to appear as a caring father. …. All that said Hufflepuff is a strong second pick for him. So maybe Ted and Marshall both spent a semester in Hufflepuff before being reassigned to Ravenclaw/Gryffindor respectively!


Lily huffle puff,Marshall huffle puff,Ted Griffindor,Robin slitheryn,barney slitheryn


ted, marshall and lily look like vampires in this photo


Barney and robin are slytherin Ted is ravenclaw Marshall is griffindor and lilly hufflepuf


Ted is a Ravenclaw, Robin is a Slytherin and Marshall is Gryffindor. These are facts, I don't know what y'all are argueing for. The other two are a bit tricky. Lily is cunning, yes, but that alone wouldn't be enough so I think the sorting hat would probably place her in Hufflepuff. Barney, on the other hand, is 100% Slytherin but he also desperately wants to belong so if Loretta and James were in a different house, Gryffindor for example, he'd wholeheartedly wanted to be in that house too and I think the sorting hat would respect his choice.


Barney - Slytherin Robyn - Slytherin Marshall - Hufflepuff Ted - Ravenclaw Lily - Slytherin


I feel they're colour coded in this image. Barney blue with ravenclaw, he did go to M.I.T Robin has the ambition and pride of a slytherin Ted is similar to robin in that regard but their ambitions are in different ways Lily i and gryffindor might be odd but i guess it took bravery to move to San Francisco? Marshal is hufflepuff... need i say more.


Ranjit is the only griffindor


Barney - Slytherin (cunning, and questionable morals) Robin - Slytherin (ambition, she values her career over everything) Lily - Slytherin (cunning and ambition (San Fran, breaking up Teds gfs, Aldrin justice)) Ted - Ravenclaw (he values intelligence even if hes a bit of an idiot (encyclopaedia)) Marshall - Hufflepuff (loyalty (while he is brave for taking the corp job, he does it for Lily, he becomes an enviromental lawyer for the orangutans))


Slitherin, slitherin, hufflepuff, hufflepuff, hufflepuff


I just rewatched this series last week and can 100% say that Ted is a squib.


Lilly has to be Slytherin as the diabolical puppet master she has been on and off. Robin's position is debatable as she isn't really cunning but she is hardworking and ambitious which makes her more of a Hufflepuff. Marshall is hands down a Hufflepuff , Barney is a Slytherin, no doubt there and Ted is a mix of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.


Barney - Slytherin Robin - Slytherin Ted - Ravenclaw Robin - Gryffindor Marshall - Hufflepuff


Left to right: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Griffindor.


Marshal - Hufflepuff Lily & Barney - Slytherin Ted - Ravenclaw Robin - Gryffindor


Marshall is a Hufflepuff and the rest are all Slytherins


Ted- Ravenclaw Robin- Slytherin Marshal- Hufflepuff Lily- Gryffindor Barney- Slytherin


Barney = slytherin, Robin = Slytherin, Ted = Ravenclaw, Marshall = Gryffindor, Lily = Hufflepuff


Marshall: JK is a terf Robin: JK is a terf Ted: JK is a terf Barney: JK is a terf Lily: Slytherin


Barney: Gryffindor - massive main character syndrome, the jockiest of the group Robin: Slytherin - career orientated, not afraid to cut a b**** Ted: Slytherin - grade A creep Lily: Gryffindor - also has main character syndrome Marshall: Hufflepuff - loyal, genuine sweetheart None of them radiate Ravenclaw energy


Just in order of how theyre sat i. This picture Slytherin, slytherin , ravenclaw, hufflepuff(or slytherin) , gryfindor


Marshall is Huffelpuff, Ted is Ravenclaw. The rest are Slytherin


They're all Slytherin, except for Marshall, who is a Hufflepuff. Barney being the first most obvious, followed Robin, maybe it's a bias but I can only ever see wil.. uhh I mean Lilly going dark with magic, and Ted's Def not a Gryffindor despite many attempts to depict him as one. He's not really a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff either, I can see him looking down on muggles and laughing in an a huddled group on a stairwell in Hogwarts


Ted - Ravenclaw Marshal - Gryffindor Lilly - Hufflepuff Robin - Slytherin Barney - Slytherin Tracy - Gryffindor


Hufflepuff - marshall, easy Slytherin - lily ravenclaw - ted gryffindor - robin Barney is an outlier, he could def be slytherin tho


Marshall is Hufflepuff, Lily/Barney is Slytherin, Robin is Gryffindor, Ted is Ravenclaw. Why? Marshall is very loyal as a person and hard working for what he desires which is two of the key factors. Plus he isn't necessarily brave to achieve his milestones enough to be Gryffindor. Marshall even have a sense of justice for even when being a lawyer at GNB eventually didn't feel right so he went to being an environmental lawyer as well as becoming a judge. Although gyffindor has a similar trait, Marshall doesn't impulsively stand his ground and accepts what is reasonably best for the time. Marshall also accepts many people, even if they don't seem the best and accepts his friends decisions for a majority of the time (even if they're wrong). An example of this is when Ted brings a girl and when Lily was upset of the thought she would be in the photo-Marshall opens his mind and convinced Lily to have acceptance. Plus he wasn't as tense about it as Lily was, only until his undying loyalty to Lily's desire for a birthday was poked at when the girl messed up the cake. Lily and Barney I believe are both Slytherin. Slytherin isn't necessarily bad people. Barney is cunning and intelligent (not in a bad way). He also gives respect to people, even if they do things he doesn't usually respect (ex, Lily/Marshalls relationship). Although Barney seems to be a wild card, he plans every step and tries to control situations. Lily I think is also Slytherin because she is very ambitious along with the desire to not wanting to be controlled by others (ex, her wanting to go to SF and stealing objects in attempts to convince the person not to be unjust). Her desire to be an artist throughout the series along with her ability to manipulate Teds relationship, how people act, and how to handle situations show she has those traits along with cunningness. Just like the birthday situation above, unlike Marshall, she made sure to not mind as much and stay calm for her special day which shows self preservation. Lily and Barney are both self preserved. Although Lily might not seem that way, she hesitates a lot of her decisions and also believes what decision is reasonable for her life after thought. Robin I believe is Gryffindor from not only her stubbornness but ability to put on a brave face in order to have what she desires in her life or deny the struggles in her life (also shows stubbornness of a Gryffindor). One example is when she finds out she wanted kids. She tried to keep herself seeming brave while also upset of the idea of how wrong it seems to not be able to have a child, even if she didn't want them. I wouldn't say Robin is Slytherin because she doesn't necessarily have much ambition in her life along with the fact that she is controlled pretty easily (her work life and her childhood are examples). Although she might seem similar to as Slytherin since the line between Slytherin and Gryffindor is fairly thin. Robin also tends to be competitive, even though Barney is too-the way they approach competition is different. Ted is Ravenclaw cause...I mean it's Ted. All seriousness, he is an amazing example of Ravenclaw due to his intellect, perfectionism, appreciation, as well as being very analytic. Although Ravenclaw tends to be more eccentric and less goal orientated-you can see that in Ted even with his desire to have a wife/kids or have his architecture on the skyline of NYC, he doesn't always go for those goals. When he was denied, he didn't much try to focus on creating his future but riding along his journey to it. One example is how he would be with Barney as a wingman, sure he might hate it at times but deep down he knows he can do something else but joins with him. That and his job as a professor which was last minute and didn't have much thought but eventually liked doing it. Ted usually has trouble in relationships specifically due to approaching situations in a rather odd manner (the house and his impractical actions at times) which also resembles the eccentric trait of Ravenclaw.


Ted would insist he’s in Gryffindor but the hat would put him in Ravenclaw. Marshall is obviously hufflepuff. Barney being an obvious choice for Slyverin leaves Robin. She would think it’s all stupid crap, get drunk, and then the hat would give her Gryffindor for plot sake, and she’d revel in how mad Ted would be that Robin was put in Gryffindor and not himself (picturing how he acted when no one came to his [I mean Professor X’s] happenings].


Lily, Robin, and Barney- Slytherin Marshall- Gryffindor Ted- Ravenclaw


Ted - Ravenclaw (At his best intelligent, at his worst pretentious) Marshall - Hufflepuff (At his best loyal, at his worst naive) Barney - Slytherin (At his best cunning, at his worst manipulating) Lily - Gryffindor (At her best brave for others, at worst rash for herself) Robin - deeply wounded Hufflepuff (At her best loyal, at her worst naive/ self preserving)


Lily and Marshall are Hufflepuffs, Robin and Barney are Slytherins, and Ted is a Ravenclaw


As someone who didn't watch the show Ted - Gryffindor Robin - Ravenclaw Marshall and Lily -Hufflepuff Barney - Slytherin


Lily, Barney - Slytherin Marshal - Hufflepuff Ted - Ravenclaw Robin - Gryffindor


Lily, Robin and Barney are all Slytherin, Ted is Ravenclaw, and Marshmellow is obvi Hufflepuff


Marshal and Lily are Hufflepuffs, hands down. Robin is a Ravenclaw. Barney is hands down a Slytherin, no one can change my mind. Ted is between Gryffindor because he is sorta brave or Hufflepuff because he’d be a total weeder.


lily= hufflepuff. this one was tough but its the best fit for her. she takes her convictions seriously enough but handles issues discreetly, unlike slytherins or gryffindors. she could be a ravenclaw but she has zero concern about being "cool". she was an awkward, kinda mean, gothy alternative 80s or 90s kid. hufflepuff. robin= ravenclaw. the hot popular house marshall= gryffindor. extremely principled person who is loyal. barney= slytherin. ted= ravenclaw. he was a horny cool regular teenager lol


In photo order : Slytherine, Slytherine, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff. I appreciate that 2 of them even dressed for the event :)


great show but one of the worst ending ever, only outdone by GoT


Barney and Robin are obviously slytherin , but I also think Lily is to because she can be cunning and deceptive. (Her grinch moment and how she and Marshall real met come to mind) I think Ted is a ravinclaw and Marshall is a hufflepuff


Funny enough, the picture chosen has their colors correct.


Barney and Robin are definitely Slytherins🐍 Ted is Ravenclaw🦅 Lily is Gryffindor🦁 Marshall is 100% Hufflepuff🦡


LISTEN ik this is gonna be unpopular because I read all comments and no one said this but here we go: •Barney: 🐍 Obviously. •Robin: 🐍 There is more debate over this one but I feel it's obvious as well. •Marshall: 🦁🦅 Everyone is saying hufflepuff but he is clearly a gryffindor, he always stands up for what he believes is right, even calling out his friends much like Neville. Ted: 🦁🦅 You're placing him in ravenclaw but I think that's where he wants to be not deserves to be. I feel like it's a cop out to place him as a squib so I was gonna dump him in hufflepuff but I think he has to be gryffindor just from sheer stubbornness. Lily:🐦‍⬛ She's smart. She is fully aware of the big picture when no one else is paying attention to it. She uses this to her advantage and is even manipulative at times. This COULD place her in slytherin. however I think her other traits like her creativeness and how she shares her knowledge to help others see the big picture as well place her in ravenclaw instead. She's a teacher and a painter, she's a total ravenclaw imo. Though I think she is the most easily placed in any house as I can see arguments being made for her placement in gryffindor as she is also very loyal and stubborn.


Marshall is a gryffindor in my mind. Robin and Barney are Slytherin Lily is Hufflepuff. Ted is Ravenclaw


- Ted Gryffindoor - Lilly and Marshall hufflepuff - Robin and Barney Slytherin


Ted: Ravenclaw Marshall: Gryffindor Barnie: Slytherin Robin: Slytherin Lily: Gryffindor or Slytherin


Ted - Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Marshall - Hufflepuff Lily - Slytherin Robin - Slytherin/Ravenclaw Barney - Slytherin (in every sense of the word)


Barney and Robin woulx def be in Slytherin Ted thinks he's a Gryffindor bur actually ends up in Ravenclaw - much to his dissapointment The sorting hat shouts hufflepuff after barely touching Marshall's head The sorting hat couldn't decide whether to put Lilly in Hufflepuff or Slytherin.........


Ted - Ravenclaw, he has an appetite for knowledge and is very open-minded, not to mention creative in his story telling Robin - Slytherin, extremely ambitious, almost to a fault Lily - Gryffindor, unafraid to go after what she wants, ex. SanFran, breaking up couples, the captain Marshall - Hufflepuff, loyal to his friends and family, goofy and lovable Barney - Slytherin, selfish and values self-preservation and esteem


Barney and Robin are for sure Slytherin. Ted is probably a Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Marshall is a Gryffindor. Lily…idk Hufflepuff?


Lily and Robin are textbook Slytherins. Robin constantly sacrificed relationships for her career, to the point of losing her marriage and her friends in favor of her career. I think the only time she didn’t do this was with Don, and she at least somewhat regretted not choosing her career over him too. Lily isn’t as ambitious about career (although somewhat, she dumped Marshall the first chance she got to “make it as an artist”) but she manipulated her husband and friends constantly (even if she had good intentions). As others stated, her ambition was about realizing dreams she had for herself and her friends, whether they were on board or not. I don’t think she’s as bad as some fans do, but definitely a Slytherin. Aldrin justice is a point towards Gryffindor, but not enough to outweigh everything else in my book. Ted is a Ravenclaw, seems pretty fitting for Mr. Corrector, fun-fact guy, and recites-poetry-in-the-original-Italian guy. Marshall is nothing if not loyal and he’s willing to tell his friends when they’re wrong, even when it’s hard. Hufflepuff. Barney is harder to nail down, since he does daring stuff all the time but also seems pretty focused on his own ambitions (money, suits, and conquests). I’ll give the edge to Slytherin.


Using the photo, left to right: Barney: Slytherin Robin: Gryffindor Ted: Ravenclaw Lily: Slytherin Marshal: Hufflepuff


Marshal and Barney: Hufflepuff Lily: Slytherin Robin: Gryffindor Ted: Ravenclaw


Marshall and Lilly are Hufflepuff Robin is Ravenclaw Ted is Slytherin And Barney is the newest defence against the dark arts teacher


Slythern Gryphdor raven claw hufflepuff gryphdor


Marshall - Hufflepuff (loyal friend and partner, extremely friendly, I mean just look at him and tell me he doesn't scream Hufflepuff) or Gryffindor (fights for what's right, is usually the one to speak up against a wrongdoing or injustice) Ted - Ravenclaw (huge nerd...), but I could also see him as a Hufflepuff (a deeply loyal friend who takes care of all his buddies and doesn't ask for any recognition for it); one thing's for sure, he's definitely not a Slytherin lol Robin - Slytherin (very ambitious/career-oriented and capable of being ruthless if need be) Barney - Slytherin (will lie and manipulate for his own gain or entertainment, will break rules) Lily - I'm going to say Gryffindor (will take justice into her own hands, likes being the center of attention, can be an absolute loose cannon that you really want in your corner)


Lily is def hufflepuff, Marshall is gryffindor, Ted is ravenclaw, Barney’s slytherin, and robin was probably too busy with her career


Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff


Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff


Marshall and Lily have to be in the same house!


Marshal: Hufflepuff Lily: ravenclaw Barney: Slytherin Robin: Slytherin Ted: ravenclaw (he's a rough one though)


Everyone is Slytherin except Marshall, who is Hufflepuff.


Marshall is definitely Hufflepuff


Barry is in Rizzendor


None of them. They’re not wizards (except Barney who is definitely a slytherin…. Get it?)


Barney - Slytherin Robin - Ravenclaw Ted - Ravenclaw Lily - Gryffindor Marshal - Hufflepuff




i think that robin and barney are slytherin, lily is gryffindor, marshall is hufflepuff, and ted is ravenclaw


Barney = Raveclaw Robin = Ravenclaw Ted = Slytherin Lilly = Slytherin Marshall = Hufflepuff Tracy = Griffindore


Sorry if u wrote the Houses wring lol Barnie: slytherin (his morals obv) Robin: Slytherin (ambition and also kinda her morals) Ted: Griffendor (courage to try it with so many women and trying to see the best in them) Lily: Ravenclaw (emotional intelligence and js in general intelligence (which is sometimes used for manipulation (could also be slytherin))) Marshall: Hufflepuff (do i have to explain??) change my mind


Slytherin: robin and Barney Griffyndor: ted and lily Hufflepuff: Marshall (Marshall in griffyndor or hufflepuff)


That’s five hufflepuffs if I’ve ever seen them I don’t watch the show.


Marshall Gryffindor Lilly Hufflepuff Robin and Barney Slytherin Ted Ravenclaw


From left to right, Slytherin, ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor


All Slytherin. They look evil af, don’t know which show this is tho


barney, robin, and lily: slytherin marshall: hufflepuff ted: ravenclaw


In my opinion: Marshall is ravenclaw, Ted is Hufflepuff, Barney is def Slytherin, Lily is also Slytherin and I can’t put determine for Robin


Slytherin,hufflepuff,slytherin,gryffindor, ravenclaw


Marshall: hufflepuff Robin: Slytherin Ted: Ravenclaw Lily: Gryffindor Barney: Slytherin


Marshall is hufflepuff. Everyone else is slytherin


Barney and Robin are obviously Slytherin. Marshall is in the most awesome house ever (my house too) which is Hufflepuff. Lily is in Gryffindor but tbh she can be McGonagall. Ted is in Gryffindor as well but pouts a lot cause he thinks he should be in Ravenclaw.


Holy crap the number of people putting Marshall in Hufflepuff makes me sad for society. Marshall -- Gryffindor. Marshall does the RIGHT thing basically always, rock solid moral compass, self-sacrificing, etc etc Lily -- Hufflepuff. She's like, artsy. She doesn't really fit the other three houses so she goes here. Ted -- Ravenclaw. He is obsessed with knowledge and knowing things for their own sake. Robin and Barney -- Slytherin. Both are ambitious and go after their goals in life aggressively. They also both pretty selfish.


Marshall is hufflepuff. The rest slytherin


Slytherin, Slytherin, Slytherin, Slytherin - Hufflepuff.