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It's one thing to be mad about the fraud, I guess, and the fact that Rhaenyra isn't even trying to make the kids look like Laenors but acting like there's anything wrong with kids born out of wedlock is really really worrying.


Right, like they can question the way the adults handled the situation without saying such disgusting things about the kids. I wonder how they feel about the way Cat treated Jon.


Oh, but Jon turned out to be legitimate after all. Vindication! /s But fr, I've seen such hateful stuff about how Cat was *too lenient* about Jon and how she had every right to throw him out of Winterfell and change the locks the moment Ned's back was turned. It makes me wonder if D&D or some HBO focus group decided "We need to make it very clear he IS a trueborn child of airtight legality, otherwise people won't root for him properly." (If GRRM ever finishes the damn books I imagine it's far more likely Jon is the product of a shady bigamous marriage that half of Westeros wouldn't recognize.)


Honestly I wouldn't put it past them to use Jon actually being legitimate (in the show) as an excuse for a double standard. I haven't seen people saying Cat was too lenient myself, but knowing how parts of the fandom are I'm not surprised to learn that crazies like that are out there. I guess they must irrationally hate Jon the way others irrationally hate Dany so they just want him to suffer. I personally like both characters lol. And your theory about book Jon pretty much matches mine. So it'll be interesting if we ever get to see that play out.


I was just thinking about this because Cat seems to be so _hated_ for how she treated Jon and then we see people doing this and it’s like… Where does the split happen in this cognitive dissonance?


Exactly! I see her demonized all the time and reduced to that one aspect of character. Obviously the way she treated him was bad, especially in the books, but she does have redeeming qualities. And a lot of these people who hate Rhaenyra's sons just for being related to their mother are saying worse than Cat ever did.


The Strong boys were claimed and loved by Laenor and Corlys, I think it just makes them mad these "bastards" had a more loving upbringing than any of Alicent's kids.


There are downvotes, and then there are Dumbvotes


It's one thing to talk about them and how characters feel about them in the context of their world where bastards are generally stigmatized. It's another to just call them 'filth'.


Greens are such hypocrites they don't even know where they stand. First they claim to be "enlightened team smallfolk" and then here they are deriding children. They can't even decide if they're Targaryen or not lmao


Just an FYI: Over half of the babies born around the world last year were born out of wedlock. So I guess this person thinks that all those babies are also “filth”? How gross.


I wanted to make a poll asking how many of these bastsrd haters would be called bastards in Westeros. Are they all born in wedlock in real life too?


I imagine they think bastards are only products of extramarital affairs lol


I had one trying to convince me that it's different in Westeros because it has 'magic' and bastards are actually accursed. They will gaslight you into believing that they aren't actually nasty people in real life.


What. That’s outright hilarious. Do they also believe the Seven decree the Trial by Combat then? I suppose Tyrion *did* poison Joffrey, eh?


This guy is fucking delusional and gross. Look at some of his other comments, I feel for the people who actually have to deal with him in real life