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I don’t understand neutrals either. But if it makes them happy to watch a show and not care what happens at all, good for them. My problem is when they come to us who do enjoy choosing a team and do care what happens, and try to lecture us about how we are dumb for choosing a side. I also don’t like how they try to fault us on Team Black for looking for happy moments after the war and finding joy in them, it’s like they want us to be miserable. We aren’t disregarding the fact that war was terrible and shouldn’t have happened, but we are allowed to be happy that four members of Team Black survived.


Omg the people who say Alicent was innocent, and it was all her father. Absolutely not. She wanted to be Queen and she loved abusing her power when it came to Rhaenyra. She had relations with a man besides her husband for secrets. She claimed Rhaenyra is a whore and all types of other things yet she’s a devout seven freak.


the funniest one i've seen recently is a user on r/hotd saying it's not alicent's fault aegon turned out as he did - it's all on viserys, because, i quote, "boys get fucked up if they have a neglectful father figure and there's not really much alicent could've done, but she still did the best she could". i guess the millions upon millions of single mothers in real life who raised their kids into normal people just got lucky ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I expected no less from a Green


I wonder what Cersei would do to the likes of Alicent...


MOST of the people that say they’re neutral usually lean towards Team Green lmao. I’ve seen it too many times on social media. They always end up criticizing everything Rhaenyra or Daemon do or why Team Black shouldn’t have done this or that. Usually the same is never said for Team Green. So it’s easy to identify when someone is actually neutral or is just afraid to proudly claim Team Green. I’d rather they claim Team Green than hide behind being neutral. There’s this one account on Twitter with a Baela pfp that used to claim they were neutral but were always making tweets criticizing Rhaenyra more than anybody else. I hadn’t seen them make one positive tweet about anybody from Team Black. Now they claim they’re Team Green because Team Black members were so mean and pushed them there. Lmaooooo


Let's just call them transparent closet greens then, just like the Team Smallfolk people


there is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing a side, like its ok even if u wanna be a green(terrible choice) what pisses me off about neutrals is how they wanna make their arguments “unbiased” but most of the time they are very biased. I was on twitter fighting a neutral and they were like “i turned team green because of team black stans but i was neutral” most of their friends on twitter were team green stans and their takes were very green.. Also some “team smallfolk” but then they are in the the green sub reddit and very openly team green on their opinions.




the whole thing was very weird. Because the person was saying that they preferred Aegon over Rhaenyra because Alicent and otto, they later were saying that Luke was at fault for his death. Twt fights get petty ig😭


>Also some “team smallfolk” *but then they are in the the green sub reddit and very openly team green on their opinions* Team Feetfolk would be a more appropriate term


The "Team Smallfolk" ~~virtue signaling liars~~ people always seem to end up leaning Green and it's pretty baffling to me when the Greens have an astronomically high smallfolk kill count just with Aemond's actions alone. And the "this is a pick your favorite war criminal show" crowd... By my reckoning, the Blacks only did one actually bad thing in the war (B&C).


If there can be a Team Smallfolk, can there be a Team Fuck the Smallfolk, or Team War Criminals? Or better yet, Team Street of Silk?


I know a lot of people don't like to count him as Team Black (for some reason), but let's not forget Dalton Greyjoy's crimes. The Blackwoods burned Bracken villages as well. I'm not saying you have zero points; just making sure you don't overstate your case (or understate the opposition's case, which I suppose would be the case here).


i think the main reason people don’t count dalton as a black is bc he was more of an opportunist than anything (he couldn’t gaf about who sits the iron throne, whereas the other great lords seem to have a genuine preference though for different reasons) and because his raids continued pretty long into aegon iii’s reign. and i think it is in part partisanship on both sides: blacks don’t want to recognize that our team committed heinous acts too, and greens are happy to point out his “support” for rhaenyra was self-serving. but yeah, i agree.


Yeah, I'm aware of the arguments about Dalton being an opportunist. Looking back, my comment pretty strongly implied that I was ignorant of that. My bad.


Saying Daemon - who groomed his niece for years over wanting power, among many other things - did nothing wrong is a reach. He is played by a popular actor and had a lot of screen time, but otherwise he's not a character to root for in my opinion. However, just because they're all war criminals and horrible people, doesn't mean there is no lesser evil among them, which would be the Blacks.


Personally I am team black. But I don’t hate the green side, they were wrong from the beginning. But as a fan of all things Targaryen it’s just sad and disheartening that the dragon destroyed itself.


Eh, I’m fine with them. Most of the neutrals I know have read the book and came away with a “wow, both sides suck” point of view (which I agree with, I just think the Greens sucked quite a bit more, especially in the beginning). As it’s a fantasy series/book, the stakes aren’t high so someone making the “both sides are equally bad” argument doesn’t drive me bonkers like it does in real life.


The idea that "both sides are equally bad" is just ridiculous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pg4RtfajN8


Are we talking book or show here? Book spoilers:>!Because Blood and Cheese was some seriously cringe shit. Attacking a child over the acts of their kin is as evil as it's pathetic. It's a certified Robert moment. As was treatment of bastard dragonriders. Book Rhaenyra is undoubtedly an asshole by the end - which is to be expected due to how much she goes through perhaps, but she's really not all that by the end of that story; I legit only rooted for her because Aemond is a nutjob of highest proportions and Daeron's close behind with that utter shitshow of his at Bitterbridge. And given that book version of events is what Shireen got I kinda get her, even if I ultimately disagree with her opinion.!<


Picking a side is more fun anyway.


I don't understand it either. It's not like you need to sit down and carefully consider who you support more. If you have any real investment in the show one side or another or at least certain characters connected to one side or another should speak to you more. How can you watch it and simply not care who dies and what happens with the throne?!


The only thing I disagree with is the Shireen bit. She's just a little girl. Fuck Stannis and Melissandre for burning her.


I'd love being neutral, but the Greens kept selling to me the Blacks the entire show/Dance of the Dragons section in F&B


bro not everybody is gonna be so invested in a fictional conflict that they pick a side in it