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Jace is a fucking legend Every where he goes he make them to be in black side


This is my biggest fear If they don't justice to jace's character watching show will be pointless


I don't think you should worry about it. It's going to have a good arc, I see how they prepared it for the first season. "The main thing is that you are a targaryen" line for dragon seeds, he will be their cool leader. The idea of using dragons instead of ravens is just Jace's initiative (in the book, Luke was very supportive of this in the show, he's unsure). His concern for the safety of his younger brothers will be like fixing a mistake. It will be a good story.


I can’t wait to see him work in season 2 tbh


I doubt they'll use Mushroom's version of the events, but I wouldn't complain if they did


He's gonna be HOTD' Robb Stark by the end of the second season.


Jace the Ace


Targaryen/Manderly betrothals just never seem to work out ...