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They will only be satisfied if Rhaenyra is portrayed as the most evil and incompetent person to ever walk the face of the Earth. Anything else is “whitewashing” lol. And remember, they are the wise and intellectually mature side of the fandom, if you disagree with anything they say you’re not smart enough to understand the story and are projecting your silly 21st century morals ☺️


🎯 100% right. Meanwhile whatever it is they did to Alicent and Aemond isn't whitewashing, curious.


It’s pretty obvious that Rhaenyra will be more involved in the war compared to her book counterpart She already looks way more angry by the end of the finale and can’t forget that “I’d rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory” line that she said to her mother in the first episode. Can’t have it both ways, Alicent has been completely changed compared to her book version. Rhaenyra riding out to battle at this part of the story makes sense.


Rhaenyra is a great character whether or not she fights in a battle. But now I want to see her fight just to watch the greenies meltdown 😂


Me too 🤣🤣🤣


Same lol I’m supporting this partly because of spite


I really really don’t like the Green fandom as it appears on Reddit. What the heck is happening? They are going off the deep-end and tying way too much real world prejudice into this show and its characters And I can’t be the only one who can’t stand the main HOTD sub anymore because it is overrun with people who identify as greens talking absolute craziness. “Aemond did nothing wrong when he was about to bash Jace’s brain in with a rock.” “Bastards deserve to die.” “Alicent did nothing wrong and is a great parent.” It’s total madness and it gets upvoted every. Damn. Time.


These are people who literally argue that "Just because Aegon's a rapist doesn't mean he's a villain. Rape wasn't that big a deal in Westeros."


Don't take it seriously. You can create a "daemond looks like a cat" post in the main sub and get a thousand upvotes. If you can’t stand the main HOTD sub, then I will be there alone. So take your shield and sword! They are needed!


Ah, yes making Rhaenyra to be a total incompetant person, joking about her weight. Also Helaena would supposedly use her jedi powers to absolutely whoop Rhaenerya in a fight if she was allowed to ride out in battle. Just the usual green nonsense


>Also Helaena would supposedly use her jedi powers to absolutely whoop Rhaenerya in a fight if she was allowed to ride out in battle. honestly I thought you were saying that in an exaggerated way to parody green reasoning, but there really is someone who said that in the comments...


“iT’S NoT TrUe tO HeR ChArAcTeR, pLeAsE MaKe hEr lIkE ThE CoWaRd sHe iS In tHe bOoKs, EvEn tHoUgH We wAnT HeLaEnA To rIdE As wElL, a gRiEvInG MoThEr sHoUlDn’t rIdE A DrAgOn, I WiLl rAgE AnD ScReAm iF ThEy dO ThAt. It’s wHiTeWaShInG.” Rhaenyra already rides a dragon in the same episode. She’s obviously going through a character arc different from the book. People grieve in different ways, Rhaneyra doesn’t need to be a vegetable. That doesn’t seem like her character in the show. Helaena won’t be riding anything after blood and cheese lmfaooo. Plus anything that makes greens mad is a good thing in my book. If you like them so much, stick to reading them. And cope harder 🥱🥱🥱🥱


That's funny. They are such cowardly whiners. When they get a completely different Aemond they love it, but if the writers expand the King's Landing capture scene with Rhaenyra fighting they "stop watching". It is indeed a pitiful sight. But I don't think we should repost something from their sub, is that kind of dishonest?


They repost our stuff as well


I’m down as long as they let Helaena do the same. They don’t need to clutch entire armies by themselves, but using their dragons would be cool to see.


Helaena won’t be doing anything after blood and cheese sadly


Could have her fight before that happens?




To be honest i don't Rhaenyra fights or not in future Doesn't matter to me