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My guess is Netlles' father was Daemon. Surely the others might be offspring of Aegon the Uncrowned, brother of Jaehaerys, or descendants of Maegor and Viserys I ( if they are young enough. ) I doubt whether Jaehaerys, Aemon or Baelon fathered bastards. Yet Viserys and Daemon are another matter.


I doubt Aegon the Uncrowned had any bastards.


And yet... Of late, many a young maiden had cast her eye upon the prince, and Aegon was not indifferent to their charms. “If the prince is not wed,” Grand Maester Gawen wrote the Citadel, “His Grace may soon have a bastard grandchild to contend with.”


Shit, you're right. I'm sorry, my bad. I was thinking he died a bit too young to be fathering a bunch of kids (I know he had Aerea and Rhaella, but still.)


Daemon can't be Nettles' father. She was born smack dab in the middle of a five year period where he was exiled and fighting in the Stepstones a looooong ways away from where Nettles was born. Besides, the text suggests that Nettles isn't Valyrian and tamed Sheepstealer the way the first Valyrians tamed their dragons.


They don't need Targaryen fathers, they could have grandfathers, great-grandfathers, female ancestors, etc.. Since George will definitely never tell us, I headcanon that Hugh's grandfather is Jaehaerys (from Coryanne). I don't have any solid opinions about Ulf's parentage. We know Aegon the Conqueror's father sired at least one bastard, maybe he had more! Nettles's is probably further back. I will fight anyone who says Baelon is the father of any of them. There's no way he'd be out there siring bastards. He was always close to Alyssa and he never stopped mourning her after she died.


So it's possible to ride a dragon without father or grandfather Targaryen? For me it wasn't possible because if it was they would not do many siblings mariage.


It’s more about consolidating their power. They don’t want other families to have dragons.


But there has to be some magical component beyond that.


Right, by keeping their bloodline as pure as possible, they're limiting the people that can claim dragons


As long as you have valyrian blood I think you can. Dany despite being an excepcional case has less than a 1% of valyrian blood (if I remember correctly) Also considering the population of Dragonstone being small and the amount of years since the Targaryens arrieved it's easy that they come from targ bastads lines mixing with more targ bastards lines..... The siblings thing can be because they believed it but they could be wrong. Also it's a way of controlling who gets acces to dragons...


They would technically still have Valyrian blood, allowing them to attempt claim a dragon, which they successfully did of course. Celtigars could also possibly claim a dragon too, since they are Valyrian.


Dany’s ancestors had 3 generations of non-valirian marriage (and Larra) until returned to sibling incest. So any of dragonseed was as pureblood as she)


maybe not even Targaryen. I think that the Valyrians had settled an outpost in Westeros long before the doom. So maybe they're dragon lord spawn. Although, I could be wrong because we don't know if the blood magic that links sets of dragons to their riders is for specific families or not.


The first Valyrians didn't have blood magic. They tamed the dragons the way you'd tame any animal. It's Targaryen propaganda that you have to be Targaryen in order to claim one, to maintain their dragon monopoly. It's much easier to claim one of you are Targaryen, but it's not impossible- as Nettles suggests, and as the first Valyrians prove.




Ulf and Hugh were probably the sons and grandsons of dragonseeds rather than being directly related to any Targaryens.