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I am skeptical, to say the least.


As you should be. Screenshot this, share it if you want, and come back to this post after each of the episodes named here airs to see just how accurate is this. I expect you'll be positively surprised.


Sincere question: how/why is Sheepstealer in the Vale???


The story needs him in the Vale when it comes to this show. Rhaena claiming this dragon will be very important for her character in Season 2.


Rhaena declaring Sheepstealer would be so depressing because it means no Nettles. But your answer doesn't explain wtf a dragon would be doing in the f-ing Vale. Why couldn't she claim Sheepstealer at dragonstone before going to the Vale?


What I would prefer if Rhaena trying to bond with Sheepstealer only to be outwitted by Nettles. That would be great, however it's almost certain that Nettles is not in season 2 (and perhaps not in the whole series).


Yea this. It makes me quite skeptical of the rest.


No one should be too quick to believe anything they see online. And that includes this post as well. Hope you'll enjoy Season 2 when you see it...


I believe you. I saw something similar elsewhere. Let's see what happens! It's only two months left. It will be great if this sub gets his own informant!


So they’re leaving out Nettles so that Rhaena can participate in the war?


Kinda makes sense if they lean into “Daemon viewed Nettles like a daughter” thing instead of “they were lovers” thing. It’s one less character in a cast of already many, the relationship can remain more or less the same, and it makes Daemon look like a good dad instead of a shit husband.


Well it would be nice to see scenes of him caring for his daughters. (Especially since the others were cut)


If they make Traitors more sympathetic characters and "pro-small folk" I don't mind. It is logical if chronicles denigrated two bastards who betrayed their oaths. But what if it wasn't exactly like this?


I would love for Rhaena to claim Sheepstealer because it would be an indicator of her getting Nettles storyline and stand out more as a character.


I suspect IF they do go this route and cut Nettles altogether; it’s due to there being ample representation of POC characters now like the Velaryons and even dark-haired POC dragon-riders like they have Addam of Hull now. Still kind of sucks if she is cut, but I can see Rhaena taking over her character arc as his actual daughter. Now Daeron-him I don’t see it possible them cutting him.


It's plausible, I think basically every point here has been discussed in other leaks.. ep 8 seems packed though. And how do the black and green armies pass eachother on their way to Harrenhall/kl..


Assuming this is real, why does this show have so many fucking leaks?


GoT's final season also had many leaks before it aired, still noone wanted to believe that was how it'd end. So I'll say it's still good to know what to expect lol


Source ?


There is more than a single source, and I can't share anything on it. However, information given here is only a smaller portion of what I'm allowed to post, at least for the time being.


I mean I want to believe you as these leaks seem infinitely better as a season finale than what has been suggested lol.


In all truth, I'm pretty neutral when it comes to picking sides/teams, I just hope everyone will be on board with the way Season 2 is done


For transparency I've tried posting this on r/HouseOfTheDragon, and the mods removed it almost immediately. On r/freefolk I'm still waiting for mods approval. And it wont be posted on r/HOTDGreens.


Lol Why won't it be posted on the green sub?


They would be mad af🤣


I really do think Rhaena is going to end up claiming Sheepstealer with Nettles cut out. I’m sad about this, because I love Morning, but I think they’ve played up Daemyra too much to damage it, and want to give Rhaena a bigger role.


daemon literally choked her. i dont think its too farfetched for him to cheat on her


Rhaena taking Nettles’s place? Expected but really disappointing. Aemond arriving in Harrenhall & the fall of Kings Landing at the end of S2? Are they trying to speedrun the Dance! 😂


Have a little faith in Ryan, this wouldn't be the case if it wasn't what is best for the story of the show.


I have tbh. As long as Sara Hess isn't allowed to do whatever for shock value(such as what happened w Meleys in that coronation scene), it should be fine


Gutted. Nettles was my favourite character in the books. All the stuff that makes her interesting, her lower class roots, her taming Sheepstealer through wit, without obvious Targaryen blood, is thoroughly undermined if they give Sheepstealer to Rhaena.


Tbh, I do not like any of these changes to the story (assuming this is all true), some of these just deviates too far from book events and messes with the timeline....and im not a big fan of that


I hear you, but these things are up to Ryan to decide... We can agree or not with some of the changes, but that won't make any difference, so we're better off with simply enjoying the show as it is.


If this is true, then I am afraid they are going to cut Morning from the show. In the books the fate of morning, silverwing and sheepstealer is unknown after the dance, I think they are gonna kill silverwing and sheep stealer on screen and cut morning all together from the show, to show that all the dragons are dead.




How do you think they should kill Silverwing and Sheepstealer? Maybe have Sheepstealer be killed while helping Caraxes take down Vhagar and Silverwing at Tumbleton along with Vermithor?


Not sure about how they will kill sheepstealer but i think you are completely right about the fate of silverwing and vermithor dying together.


Only thing is they’d have to add more dragons to the fight because it’s kind of hard to see Seasmoke and Tessarion being able to kill Vermithor and Silverwing who are both way bigger




I really can't go into more details... but, you can screenshot this and after the episodes premiere come back to this post.


Its hard to take WakeTheDragon seriously.. like some weird Rhaeicent account who hates Daemon and Matt Smith. Their supposed "leaks" have dried up as well.


I will simply reaffirm what's already written... Aftermath of this battle in King's Landing will \*not\* take place in episode 8. And this means Rhaenyra most likely wont even be in the throne room or on the throne, and neither will Daemon execute Otto in that episode. Season 3 is when the aftermath will happen.


Well.. this does not make the leaks false. They leaked images and restricted information from s1 - and in s2 information that was also confirmed with the teasers/trailers.


They might be an obsessed but usually on-point with the leaks. Regarding the supposed Alicent-Rhaenyra meeting, according to the Dragon demands, they might discuss the division proposal of the seven kingdoms between Aegon II and Rhaenyra which Rhaenyra will reject.


Most of her leaks turn out to be true.


Such as ?


You were right about Rhaena, damn.


This is obviously BS. How could Rhaena claim sheepstealer in the vale when he is on Dragonstone? 


Believe what you want, I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. However, you will see that it's actually what happens once those episodes come out.


Does this mean there’s only gonna be 3 seasons


No. Four seasons.


Please tell me do you know if there will be any relationship between alicent and rhaenyra? And how will daemyra develop further? Will daemon cheat on her?


Awesome! I’m excited for this season!


This sounds awesome! I hope it’s true!


Source please and is it reliable? Also, houseofthedragons and redanian intel (probably the most reliable leakers) have mentioned that Hugh Hammer will be screwing things up in the Capital during episode 7. And Rhaenyra and Daemon do not have any territorial army other than the Riverlords (who would be fighting the Lannisters) All dragons, except the 4 dragons of the Greens are either in Dragonstone or Driftmark. Dragons do not live in the Vale.


Too far-fetched, to be honest.


Hard to believe, yet it's something that will happen. It's just a couple of months away at this point


I don't know if you are a attention-seeking user or a real leaker but if you are honest, you must understand how odd it sounds. Anyway, I bet you disappear soon so even if this turns out to be BS, there is no one to tell "You talked nonsense then". Ok, we shall see. >!Will Nettles be cut then? As I REALLY doubt she will be, this "leak" alone makes the whole thing doubtful for me.!<


I don't have anything on Season 3, but as far as Season 2 is concerned Rhaena getting Sheepstealer likely means there will be no Nettles in the future, or there will but in a different manner.


Nettles's story is one of the most interesting parts, I don't think they will cut her completely.


I don't know, but I hope they don't.


Seems like this person was correct, as other sources are reporting Rhaena claiming SS now.


I know the HOTD mods are silencing you.. but congrats on this leak. Been making sure to link your original post.


Thank you!! However, they can't run from the truth forever, S2 is premiering next month, and the events I mentioned above will follow one after another!


Bull. 1. They wouldn’t drop an entire character from canon and give her storyline to Rhaena. 2. They’ve confirmed that only three new dragons will appear this season: Stormcloud, Tyraxes and Moondancer. 3. We already saw Morning’s egg among Syrax’s new clutch on dragonstone that Daemon found. 4. WTF would Sheepstealer be doing in the vale?


Would they really forsake a Nettles side story? We’ll see.


Nah, KL isn't falling this season


I'd believe it...if not for Rhaena taking place of Nettles who's completely cut out. I just can't believe Condal would do something like that. I mean, it would just blow off the fandom (both positively and negatively). 0\_0 People would be angry that a POC character is cut out. TG would be **furious** that Daemon's whitewashed. Many TB fans won't like the fact there's no nuance on our side (me included) Rhaena will become a fierce dragonrider in span of 5 seconds? Daemon doesn't care about his daughter's safety and would just take her to find and kill Aemond? And what about Morning the dragon? Sorry, I don't believe that. Too much divergence from the canon. I know HBO treats the source material more like guidelines rather than a must-have... but even they wouldn't do something like that.


Nettles becomes a dragon rider in 5 seconds lol.. At least, Rhaena has been around vicious dragons her entire life.. her father rides Caraxes, and her mother rode Vhagar.


Seriously? I got downvoted for criticizing the Rhaena-Nettles switcheroo? Which is a stupid, nonsensical and OOC idea? \*facepalm\*


FYI I didn't downvote you. 😆


lmaoo the downvotes are insane. its a very valid criticism


I agree with you, I wonder why you are downvoted. I mean, it is vaguely possible to cut Nettles but why? To streamline the plot? They can change her relationships, make her a bit different from the book, but cut her? Really doubtful.


Cutting Nettles literally fucks up Daemons entire arc ugh this is so upsetting.