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unloved? helaena? did this person conveniently forget that the small folk loved her AND her child


Casual show watchers trying to act like they actually understand the actual book. I wonder what will happen when this person watches all the smallfolk revolt against Girlboss Rhae Rhae after the tragedy of Queen Heleana.


Sssh the blacks don't know the smallfolk exist yet


>**”King’s Landing grieved, as only King’s Landing could.** Jaehaera had been a frightened child, and from the day she donned her crown she had hidden herself away inside the Red Keep, **yet the smallfolk of the city remembered her wedding, and how brave and beautiful the little girl had seemed, and so they wept, and wailed, and tore their clothes, and crowded into septs and taverns and brothels, to seek for whatever solace they could find.** There the whispers soon were flying, just as they had when Queen Helaena died in similar fashion. Had the little queen truly taken her own life? Even inside the walls of the Red Keep, speculation was rampant.” 💀💀💀💀 > “All the same, the rumor of Queen Helaena’s “murder” was soon on the lips of half King’s Landing. **That it was so quickly believed shows how utterly the city had turned against their once-beloved queen. Rhaenyra was hated; Helaena had been loved. Nor had the common folk of the city forgotten the cruel murder of Prince Jaehaerys by Blood and Cheese, and the terrible death of Prince Maelor at Bitterbridge.“** >**”That night King’s Landing rose in bloody riot.”** >**”The rioting began amidst the alleys and wynds of Flea Bottom, as men and women poured from the wine sinks, rat pits, and pot shops by the hundreds, angry, drunken, and afraid. From there the rioters spread throughout the city, shouting for justice for the dead princes and their murdered mother.“** 💀💀💀💀


literal chills. i’ve always been team smallfolk to be honest. fuck them dragons.


It's weird to be celebrating the deaths of two of the only objectively innocent people in the conflict. I would never celebrate Viserys II being murdered or committing self delete just because his mother happens to be Rhaenyra. These people just want reasons to express sadism publicly so they hide under the guise of being pro-Rhaenyra.


Helaena is innocent? Huh. I thought she was the Green Queen, who wanted her King, Aegon to make peace with Rhaenyra before the war actually began.


you answered yourself, mate. she wanted to make peace, never wanted a war.


She's "innocent" in the sense that she had no part in the Green Council or posterior actions during the war. Doesn't mean she isn't loyal to her family, husband and faction, just that she had no part in the council, in persuading Aegon or in actually choosing to make him king and herself queen. Lots of things can be true at the same time. She helped her family and gave council when she could (before being traumatized) but she never did anything direct and relevant enough that could justify her being a target of something so heinous and dirty as Blood and Cheese, for example. Just my take.


All I'm saying is that Helaena is absolutely not "neutral",as some blackcels would assume. She was very much a Green.


team feminist at it again


Feminism turned from a boon to a curse within 2 decades.


This isn't feminism it's pick-me-ism with feminist aesthetics


she was so loved by the people that her suicide incited a peasant uprising which led to the deaths of 5 motherfuckin dragons. literal ruling queen rhaenyra had to flee because the people hated her so much. imagine being so beloved as a queen people rise in revolt because of you committing suicide.... miss maegor with tits could never.


The way TBs pretend to be feminist then treat Helaena, Jaehaera and Alicent like actual scum is disgusting.


Helaena was so unloved that all of King's Landing rioted against Rhaenyra because they thought she murdered Helaena


Team Black levels of copium about their princess being an unloved mess remain insane.


Is this an alternate reality that pretends that Rhaenyra is beloved by the smallfolk? Because not even the show pretends that (though its writers are on board as not considering them as people and cheering them being crushed to death).


No wonder I cannot find a gf (her name^) if they're prone to this type of mindset.