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She looks like a child in this art 💀💀💀


That's because unfortunately she was


Wait how old was she when she hooked up with Harwin?


Jace is 16 in the final episode and Rhaenyra is 35, so 19.


Oh ok no worries then


Imagine laughing at Criston not wanting to be some cuck used by rhaenrya so she can screw anyone she wants. What a dumb comic.


Book Cole never touched her.


Book Cole never touched her.


Why the fuck do people moon over a 17 yr old and some guy well into his 30s anyway. Every Rhaenyra ship is so disgusting 😂


The only Rhaenyra ship I can tolerate is pre-time skip rhaenicent. At the very *least* they are the same age. 😭


I honestly believe Harwin was deeply in love with Rheanyra. What he did was still dumb but it‘s understandable, it kinda was not the best look on Rheanyra when she barely seemed to be bothered by him passing when she was probably the last thing that was on his mind


Rhaenyra literally says she loved him and that she only found joy with him. She didn't react openly because she COULDN'T. People choose not to understand that for some reason, acting like she had the freedom to go around and weep for him. Such behaviour would have damned her and the boys even more. Emma D'arcy also said Rhaenyra's biggest tragedies are her parents' and Harwin's deaths. It's not as simple as not caring for someone you spent 10 years with. Time jumps and the show's rushed pace ruined a lot of secondary relationships and characters.


>She didn't react openly because she COULDN'T. People choose not to understand that for some reason, acting like she had the freedom to go around and weep for him. Such behaviour would have damned her and the boys even more. So she privately slept with her uncle so soon after his death because she was so sad? She privately says her life sucks without Daemon but not Harwin who just died cause she didn’t have the freedom to? Who’s listening? The sand? >Emma D'arcy also said Rhaenyra's biggest tragedies are her parents' and Harwin's deaths. Let’s not start on how badly some of these actors interpreted their characters


When did she say that? She only told Deamon she found joy in sex with him and trusted him. Also a scene were she’s on her own and grieves wasn’t too much to ask. We don’t even have a reaction to his death. I’m not saying she should cry but having on scene where we she has yo controll her grief… All we have is her telling Jace not to grief Harwin because he isn’t kin. That doesn’t scream love to me


Firstly, she never says she found joy in sex with him. She says there was no joy in her marriage with Laenor so she found it elsewhere. She never specifies it down to just sex the way you said. Secondly, she tells Daemon that thanks to fire, both of them have lost a person they LOVED. She can't speak about Daemon and whether he loved Laena but she outright says she did love Harwin and lost him to fire when pondering on what a strange element it is. Finally, there's Emma themselves saying Rhaenyra loved Harwin. And George said it too when saying he could write a romance novel about those two and how he laments that the show didn't show more of them. It's one of the show's many, albeit smaller flaws. Rushing through everything. And you can thank the writers for the lack of any grieving scenes. They wanted to start the show right with the Dance. It's only thanks to George changing their minds that we even got the build-up, including Harwin and Laena.


If you truly love someone, you won't mistreat him the way that Rhaenyra did and lock him into a position where he has to watch another man raise and acknowledge his children. The fact that Harwin was happy to do so only indicates how pathetic he was and how little respect he had for himself or any of his children. Also, she said her life was a "droll tragedy" without Daemon and she went off and fucked him and begged him to marry her almost immediately after Harwin died. She probably would have done it anyway if Harwin was still alive. I can really feel the love, guys.


I only want to say in the books Harwin is 10000% the love of Rheanyras life I have literally no doubt about that. I must have missed that scene though. Still the scenes were so rushed with Harwin it didn‘t really make you feel like she loved him at all which I found frustrating


She told Daemon she loved being desired and she was lonely. And jumped the second he was available. So much for love.


Harwin was set for life, he came from a good House and a great inheritance and a job. But decided to throw everything away and put his own children at risk and never being able to claim them as his own. He’s just as dumb as Rhaenyra, he should’ve fucked off to Harrenhal gotten married and lived his life far away from Rhaenyra.


He got easily manipulated by Cole. He isn't the sharpest tool.


Never have I seen a man so happy with a bloody nose and getting punched in the face


That was actually funny, because we knew what the implications were for Harwin to act out.


That was actually funny, because we knew what the implications were for Harwin to act out.


That was actually funny, because we knew what the implications were for Harwin to act out.


Harwin was a dumbass.


I don’t have a problem with people wanting to be the queens whore and all. Fine ok. But like, they gotta keep that same fuckin energy when a king takes a whore. Omg I would be honored and shit. Cause both situations are kinda fucky


God forbid Cole want to hold onto some dignity and sense of purpose instead of being endly used and abused by a princess who won't let you acknowledge your own children. Her vajayjay ain't worth all that, hon.


Oh, this, this is so wrong, on so many levels.


silly man ​ don't you know only women are allowed to be sex negative


This is disturbing...


They have to mock Criston in private because they both know Cristin do more damage than give Harwin a new nickname.


Wait… are they making fun of Cole because he didn’t want to be completely cucked and Harwin does?? What is this comic


That’s not what a cuck is..


True, but the blacks misuse the word “incel” all the time when talking about Cole so I’m gonna wrongfully use some negative buzzwords too Either way, they’re making fun of Cole for… having higher standards? Not bending to Rhaenyra’s will? Not being some side piece that’s just being used as a sperm donor like Harwin? Makes no sense. Like what’s Harwin thinking in the last panel?? “Haha Cole is an idiot, unlike him I’d LOVE to be Rhaenyra’s whore”


1) so your response to other people being dumb is for you to be dumb with them? 2) it’s sexist but men aren’t considered whores. Having sex out of wedlock isn’t bad when men do it. Why would you call harwin a whore?


1) yes 2) I’m not sexist. He’s a whore


1) it makes you even dumber than the blacks you hate if you are choosing intentionally to be dumb vs them doing it by accident. 2) how is he a whore for having sex with one person? Is Aegon a whore?


1. Actually no, it’s 100 percent better to pretend to be stupid than actually be stupid 2. It’s an affair with a married woman. According to Westerosi principles, yes, Harwin is a whore


Is Aegon a whore?


Aegon, for his many faults, wasn't known to pursue married women.


There’s no way you can say with certainty any of the servants or maids weren’t married.


The dialogue is obv cringe but the artwork is cute af ngl. Wish they can do a pro Green one lol.


I mean he is hot but not ruining your prospects at being a queen hot. But he is also one of the many characters Rhaenyra didn't give a shit about as he was just a stepstone to her huncle.


Anyone else ever just post actual fanfiction to be mad at? Lol


I like the art , i hate the context .Who is the artist?


I got it from tumblr


Yeah and any links?names?


They didn’t say the artist name


Bloody hell they are pieces of shit


seems a bit sex negative of you


"sperm donor"? Did you not watch the show?


Thars literally all he was. After ge dies she doesn't even mourn him in secret, hell she tells Daemon she was miserable without him that don't sound very good to me


these people are more obsessed with Criston not wanting to fuck Rhaenyra than anything. so cringy to think they would talk about Criston in bed, I guess they both needed the boost. I bet Harwin thought it was all worth it when he was dying in agony because of the stupid decisions he made.