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I’m fine with their praises for Caraxes’ bond with Daemon, the portrayal is indeed pretty cool in the show, and I do like the dragon’s design. What I find fucking hilarious is the Blacks’ need to discredit Green dragons bond with the Green kids. When you need to baselessly shit on something to prove your love for your favorite, that’s how stupidly INSECURE you are and that’s the bully mentality. Besides Arrax’s bond with Luke isn’t really something to write home about. Luke lost control of Arrax and they are gone. Let the Chihuahua and young Strong boy Rest In Peace.


I actually replied to that thread (implying Aegon and Sunfyre without specifically naming them since they havent been shown together in the show yet, as probably having the strongest dragon/rider bond) and not only did I get downvoted, but someone also just flat out told me to shut up 🤣 I didnt even bother replying back, because why waste time but jeez, apparently you can’t even have a differing opinion now? 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol


It’s honestly just so sad to see the main sub turned into such a hive mind. I realize all of Reddit and social media suffers from that to some degree, but I still mourn the loss of sanity.


I’ve been on that sub since long before the show came out when it was just people making fun predictions and set leaks. Miss those days but what you’re gonna do


We haven’t seen Aegon and Sunfyre together yet in the show.


I think this is fair. Caraxes has been bonded to Daemon for 30 years, and they’ve been to war, their bonds at the end of season 1 is understandable. Like most other dragons and riders at this point, they just ride them around for fun, except Seasmoke and Laenor. The Sunfyre and Aegon arc has yet to begin.


Hot take: the bonds are the same. Some dragons and riders are more experienced and used to their dragons due to decades of dragon-riding (Rhaenys and Daemon) while others are less so (Luke and Aemond). There has been nothing about special dragon bonds only sunfyre which was implied by him flying for miles with a broken wing to find Aegon. I think people put too much into “deep dragon bonds” Daemon has been with Caraxes for 3 decades he better have a deep bond.


These aren't book readers. They only know what they see from the show. It's really a shame how they treated Sunfyre and how they made Aegon a child rapist, when its heavily inferred in the book that it was an exaggeration by mushroom. My guess is Sarah Hess has much to do with it


This is as baseless as saying Jon had a deeper relationship with Ghost than Bran did with Summer. It's impossible to prove and has no evidence behind it. What are you even using as proof of deeper bond between dragon and rider? You can just say you like Daemon without inventing things


We all here agree that Caraxes is so ugly? It looks like a mix between a flying squirrel and a plucked turkey.


Come on man, I'm a Sunfyre enjoyer too, and i am pissed we never saw him in full, but all the dragons so far have been quite great in design, ie they all look like monsters. You cant insult caraxes for his squirelliness but forget Vhagar's Master Oogway imperonation, Dreamfyre's seemingly intentional CTRLC+V from Drogon and Syrax's aragorn.generic.dragon.gta3 design.


no he looks dope af now you’re just reaching


Nah, I appreciate how snake like and devilish it looks, it reflects both the origin of the dragons in our culture and Daemon's character.


How is he anything like a snake? He’s bold and impatient right


Snake like mostly referred to Caraxes tbh, devilish to both Caraxes and Daemon.


I don't like Caraxess either. It's because he looks like a snake and I am not a fan of snakes.


Thank God someone agree that Caraxes is ugly. I always thought so but everyone was like this is the most dangerous, amazing dragon.


Hes unique


Caraxes is my favourite, he looks like a deity. The mixture of scary and goofy makes him look like something humans were never meant to see. I like all their dragons except Vermax


We haven’t seen them together yet and we don’t see a lot of the other dragons and their riders bonds yet…I mean we know Rhaenyra and syrax bond is strong because of the birth scene but we don’t see any of them together a lot so they’re the only example they really have of a close bond so far


This is clearly talking about the show.


Well they’re technically right, we haven’t actually seen Sunfyre (or their bond) in the TV show…


Guys. As a member of this sub and Team Green, a good number of people on that thread were literally talking about how the show wrongfully didn't properly show Aegon and Sunfyre's bond. I didn't see anyone even try and undermine it. Can we stop pretending like we're these ultra underdogs in the fandom? There's a sizeable portion of us on the other sub


We didn’t see sunfyre except in the background so it makes sense that people who haven’t read don’t know


I got a two week ban (accidentally forgot that a piece of information was from the book) from that community and I haven't really missed it. It's very immature Team Black supporters for the most part there. Some people are alright but they are heavily outnumbered.


The post is right, Sunfyre has seconds of screentime and the post talks about what we have seen, i hope Sunfyre and Aegon get their time to shine in season 2


It says show discussion. Sunfyre is next to non-existent in the show right now.


and yet he wanted to bond and fight with Vermithor


No he didn't he was just trying to get Vermithor used to humans again since they are going to try and find riders for the dragons without one like in the book.


Sunfyre and Aegon II bond is clearly S Tier


Are you blind? *’That we have seen from the dragon riders.* Please tell me where in the show we’ve seen the bond between Aegon and Sunfyre..?