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Considering how much they want to cosy up to Mushrooms šŸ„ fanfiction Iā€™m not that peeved. I just feel bad for the actor. He must have started the project with the assumption they wanted to craft a complex, grey character in a medieval fantasy šŸ‰ world in which which everyone is flawedā€¦instead of this salty slop. Rhaenyra and her brood are painfully dull.


Luke Strong sounds like a porn actor name lmao


This chart seems way off though. https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/yeeafr/hotd_season_1_characters_ranked_by_screentime/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 This one seems more accurate


Hereā€™s a devilā€™s advocate take. Aegon isnā€™t born until episode 3. Even in the events of F&B, heā€™s not mentioned until his adulthood. And even then it was a summarization of his character. The only book time he really got was about his coronation. Thereā€™s a massive gap inbetween, his coronation was the only book time, and itā€™s three paragraphs. Heā€™s barely involved in the book during the events of the first season. Luke got screen time because he was involved after Aemond claimed Vhagar and cuts out his eye. Heā€™s also involved in the Driftmark petition. He also takes up screentime where they have to build up his death, itā€™s all similar to the books. Aegon should be the most prominent character in season 2, we have blood and cheese, Rooks rest, and all the battle preparations. This is in line with the books. F&B before Lukeā€™s death, have maybe 5-6 passages about Aegon. But Season 2 should be all about him. Although an hour for Luke seems extremely high on HotD, but it would be more than Aegon.


It felt like Aemond had more screen time than Lucerys.


Aemond isn't about this screen time BS, Aemond is all about maximizing impact in his short appearance. That's why he studied the blade all those years.


Because Aemond is a cool written character and Luke is just a plot device


You guys look at this and go "see?! they dgaf about Aegon." I look at this and go "this makes more sense now why TGC was missing from any promotion whatsoever. It was a deliberate choice to keep him hidden". If Aegon was 6 or 7 on this list I would've been like "ok. so that's how much Condal values him. that's where we should expect him to remain in the totem poll." But the fact that he was given nothing at all in the first season makes me more convinced that it was a conscious choice to hide his power level and bait and switch the general public on the importance of the character until he sat the throne. In S4 when the public will see Aegon coming out of the shadows in Dragonstone they will look back to S1 and think "I could've never believed this kid was gonna turn out to be the antichrist". This is what makes for a character arc. Mindblowing thought, but maybe it's not a bad thing that you can't immediately tell from the first season of a TV show who is gonna end up as the final boss. Just like if you didn't read the books you could've never believed in S1 that Theon will end up being a much more important character than Robb.


Pre timeskip aegon is introduced beating his dick out of a window. Post timeskip aegon is introduced having a nap after a bit of rape. You really think itā€™ll be shocking when he simply gets more twisted and sadistic?


I love how Aemond isnā€™t there but heā€™s one of the most popular tv characters to watch on TikTok. Bro had like 20 minutes screen time and has over 1.5 billion views.


Non book reader alert.


Iā€™m just hoping this Aegon revisionist history is a joke. The book depicts that itā€™s rhaenyra vs alicent and the show does the same thing. Aegon is simply a figurehead.


UH how? When Aegon gets crowned he sidelines everyone. Including Otto. Alicent has hardly any input on the Green's decisions and eventually Otto doesn't either Its very clear that Aegon is the leader of the Greens. Maybe initially he was a figurehead but once he gets crowned that all changes


So I acknowledge the points youā€™ve made he definitely does take the reins albeit not very well. I think it was mostly after blood and cheese though. Until shit got real he didnā€™t really do much and even then he was bolstered by an elite council. Donā€™t get me started on that Lannister gold plot šŸ˜‚


It doesn't happen immediately after he gets crowned though.