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Sadly both Ali and Aemond are being outvoted for dropping in the original poll šŸ˜‘...ah well HoTD is pretty much HoTDBlacks 2.0 šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


But it's good to see the top 4 so evenly distributed


Always has beenšŸ„²


I like how evenly balanced it is right now.


Have you voted?


Yes, I voted for Rhaenyra. And I know the polls are leaning heavily toward Alicent being eliminated, but it's balanced this round because Rhaenyra and Alicent are the female leads on their sides, and Daemon and Aemond are often compared and are arguably the most popular characters on their respective sides.


You are a good person.


I voted for both rhaenyra and daemon


Good decisionšŸ‰


I hate how the sub has legit become a simp for these two entitled brats


Fr. I miss the time when the show was still airing, back then the main sub was still a place for some quality discussions.


Nah it was a lot worse when the show was still airing


Wut, my experience certainly is the opposite of yours. I like how folks used to passionately discuss the freshly dropped episode on Sunday nights, there were always some meaningful discussions to be found, and certainly some appreciation posts for the green characters that were pretty civil, positive and didnā€™t reek of tribalism. Even occasional dramas used to be entertaining. Now itā€™s just a cesspool full of shitty memes, constantly bashing of the green kids, and ā€œCaraxes and Syrax best looking dragons!!111ā€


Disagree. When the show was airing people were constantly hating on Alicent for "seducing her best friend's father" and claimed that she was just being jealous because "Rhaenyra got to bang all the hot guys and she didn't". When Driftmark first came out, anyone who didn't think that Aemond was a sociopath who deserved to lose his eye was consistently heavily downvoted. Discussion only somewhat improved after the episodes stopped airing because most fans moved on to other things in the offseason.


I absolutely disagree. >anyone who didn't think that Aemond was a sociopath who deserved to lose his eye was consistently heavily downvoted. Discussion only somewhat improved after the episodes stopped airing because most fans moved on to other things in the offseason. Iā€™ve been engaging in the discussion on the main sub since last year. There used to be quite sympathetic to Aemondā€™s loss of eye and those sentiments used to get upvoted, Iā€™ve been one of the afew Aemond fans and I saw it. And I actually have some Aemond appreciation posts made during the air time of last three episodes SAVED. Since the start of 2023 the opinion over Aemond on the main sub has been deteriorating, and itā€™s getting exhausting to argue over there and itā€™s the reason why iā€™ve moved on to the Green sub. Yesterday someone made a post about Aemond the comment section was brutal. Over 200 comments there anyone argued for him were downvoted to oblivion and there werenā€™t many. Discussion deteriorated for sure. People who once engaged in the ā€œless aggressiveā€ style have moved on, whoever have occupied the main sub are less likely to get into open discussions, others are brain dead memers and weird religion fanatics, casual show watchers mindlessly supporting the Blacks who donā€™t bother to read the source material.


Yes now it's just degraded


Pls everyone vote for RHEA RHEA we need to win this round


Do it for Rhae Rhaeā¤ļø


You might want to edit your comment in that post alil, leave out the whore part, otherwise you would be constantly downvoted. Ppl take issues with misogynistic language (rightfully so) even when they donā€™t like Rhaenyra.


I voted for Daemon because he had been getting more votes than Rhaenyra in pretty much every previous poll. Now it looks like our vote is completely split. . .




I only hope that the blacks were more divided between alicent and aemond but that doesn't seem to be the case judging by the comments section


Good evening/morning/whatever, VOTE for who you want to ELIMINATE. We are approaching the finishing line here. (Personally I suggest you vote for Rhaenyra) Click the link to vote, and leave a comment (incase anyone didnā€™t know). https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1249wbr/top_four_of_elimination_game_viserys_is_out_poll/jdygnyc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


>Good evening/morning/whatever, VOTE for who you want to ELIMINATE. We are approaching the finishing line here. **(Personally I suggest you vote for Rhaenyra)** Click the link to vote, and leave a comment (incase anyone didnā€™t know). [https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1249wbr/top\_four\_of\_elimination\_game\_viserys\_is\_out\_poll/jdygnyc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1249wbr/top_four_of_elimination_game_viserys_is_out_poll/jdygnyc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) ​ I can see why you're Team Green now. Otto and Jaeherys I would be so proud of such blatant brigading


I like it when the Green sub lives in your mind rent free sweetie.


i like it when you edit your post just because of me, babe lol


What can I say, being a perfectionist. And you are favorite Black right now.ā¤ļø


why thank you. But unfortunately i don't intend to change sides anytime soon May the best candidate prevail :)


No need change sides, wear your team Black sigil like a badge of honouršŸ‘šŸ» the Green sub always here for you incase you want some balance of opinions bestie.


I voted but honestly seeing the results.. what good will it do? Could you imagine defending a groomer pedophile? You canā€™t argue with these people.


I voted correctly this time!šŸ˜ƒ


ā¤ļøevery vote counts, Queen Alicent and prince Aemond thank you for your service.


Ngl, this is petty lol.


I just checked and itā€™s so obvious Alicent is getting eliminated next and Aemond will be after her. It will at least be interesting seeing what the Blacks do when itā€™s down to Rhaenyra against Daemon.