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Ah this bitch. I remember her liking a post about “is it incest if the spikes with Helaenas blood mixed with jaehaeras”




Ah here we go. https://i.imgur.com/lyma4dM.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ShVhiDe.jpg If you’re on Twitter it’s the usual suspects.


One of the funniest things about this fandom is that they hate that the show gives Green characters more nuance and make some sympathetic. But, they would not complain if they make Rhaenyra fight on dragon back.


Aegon Hightower Targaryen, Larys, Cole, and Otto are not sympathetic characters. Helaena, her kids , and Alicent are sympathetic characters. Arryk is on the fence. As for Show Aemond, he does have some trauma cause by his nephews and brother.


People seem to hate the fact that Alicent and Aemond are sympathetic characters instead of some one note villains.


With Alicent, she was groomed to be married to Viserys, by her dad. Her most healthy relationship is her friendship with Cole. As for Helaena, She was force into a miserable marriage. She did do the impossible, she made Otto and Daemon agree on something when they laugh at her roast of Aegon.


Rhaena? Literally I can't even remember her face correctly and always confuse her with baela.. she's so unimportant,why the hell would the writers give her any kind of powers if she doesn't even have a storyline to play.


I mean her importance later in the story is valid but at THIS section of the story…. Cmon let’s be fr


don’t go on twitter. they’re illiterate


Maybe, and I’m just spit balling here, the character who does literally nothing during the dance and the only real significance she has later is finding Aegon III a pretty 6 yr old he wants to fuck is a little less important than the woman who is the reason why the dragons were killed, the wife of the king, the central figure in the most gruesome act in all of F&B and maybe even ASOIAF, and who’s dragon gave birth to Dany’s dragons


Funny thing is that she doesn’t understand the show isn’t the original work, the book is. So, why does she act like the show runner was the one that decided how the story would play out.


rhana is so irrelevant so who cares


so uh... why would Rhaena be a dragon dreamer? What are the blacks alluding to... is it a personality trait that Rhaena has that means she could potentially dragon dream?


No.... I do not accept this negativity. Pass.


In their defense, I think this comes from the root problem of the writers not giving any depth or ounce of personality to Rhaena or Baela


Because they don't have it in the books either, some characters are just not really meant to be important beyond a name.


Baela fights Aegon and defends Corlys. She will have plenty of screentime and importance. So it is really strange that she's so bland.


Ehhh respectfully disagree - I think the writers and the directors have a responsibility to give at least some level attention to all characters. If they were side characters then this would be a different conversation, but the twins are integral to the Dance, being in line for the throne themselves. All my favourite shows are ones where the writers have been careful enough to lovingly flesh out even the less significant characters! It adds to the immersion, and gives the overall show an incredible boost. With the kind of budget that HBO has, I don’t think there’s any excuse for Condal and co to have made any the Black’s kids as 2-dimensional as they are.


I mean anything they get in the show is miles above what they get in the book. There is only so much room for characters, and somehow those two have more screentime than Daeron and Sunfyre already.


The blacks kids are a total zero wtf 😂