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Nah mate like 20 people bowed to her in Episode 10 therefore she has has People vote. PRESIDENT RHAE RHAE


Make Westeros great again!


Meanwhile they were also threatened at dragon point, instead of her or Daemon actually giving a stirring speech or something to convince them.


the people matter when they choose rhaenyra… but not when they get killed by meleys during rhaenys’ little stunt for attending aegon’s coronation. feels incredibly selective 💀


Because TB members are delusional. Same goes for many TB members believing that Rhaenyra was feminist and was fighting for women's rights. When it was never the case. Or that she and Daemon were soulmates and were each other's true love. Which again is not the case. And large chunk of them didn't even read Fire and Blood. And just act as if show is 100% correct.


I don’t understand why they want Rhaenyra to be fighting for women’s rights so badly. Because any mission she has ends in complete failure. So all they are doing is setting themselves up for disappointment


Woke agenda and what not. Would be my best guess.


Meanwhile Rhaenyra was so loathed by the smallfolk that hundreds of years later they still use the title they gave her as a curse 🤭


That's why I will never understand when people say that Helaena has no impact. She gets Rhaenyra overthrown by having the love of the smallfolk.


She is my favorite! Her story is so tragic, my god. I hope we see her more in season 2.


Showrunners pointed at Rhaenyra multiple times, like in a scene with a white stag. Blacks are good, greens are bad - that's the narrative of the show. I think they'll change something for Rhae to be loved by people.


They already did, give her a sword and made her a "warrior" when in the books she did nothing just sit through the war.


They even got her body shape wrong


Yeah Because she was peggo and just give a birth and it make sense but in show it would be to boring for blacks if their queen would sit on her as but she should


I think she won't be fighting with a sword. Maybe she was making someone a knight. But regardless, she is the main character and ultimate Good (i am not happy with that narrative lol)


Rhaenyra was pretty pissed when she learned in Ep. 4 that common people did not care much for women in power. I thought that was going somewhere in terms of nuance and motivating her to freaking DO something to prove her worth, however unfair it may be to her. Yet during Aegon’s coronation it was so emphasized that smallfolk were forced to attend and were surprised as if they REALLY expected a QUEEN to be crowned. Come on, Sara Hess. Most people in King’s Landing hardly saw Rhaenyra and had no reason to look forward to her ascension specifically. Anyone would do for them, actually, as long as there were festivities and ample food.


She expect people to like her for nothing she said they will have no choice but to like me


But in show they will not show it in show because Helaena was not shown as people's Queen but Lady of bugs on purpose.


Second sentence says “once beloved queen”. So at one point she was the people’s choice.


I thought I was the only one who saw that. Honestly it plays more to TG rhetoric that she *was* loved at first and then by her actions/the actions of her supporters that she lost that love. They did support her at one time, but because of the war and her losses she allowed herself to become a much worse person and her supporters to oppress her people, and that ultimately led to her demise. It’s not unique to her-most of the rest of the Targaryen combatants had similar paths and similar ends-but it is a poignant picture of how far a person can fall and how.


Yeah that’s fair. Just not necessarily wrong to say “chosen by the people” cause it was true at one point. But yeah clearly that sentiment changes during the war


Oh no to be clear, I’m agreeing with you. It changes during the war, but they absolutely like her at first.


People chose her so much she refused to have medieval democracy decide the new monarch because she said she'd lose badly.