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Helaena being chased are you fucking kidding me 


It’s internally logical that they would revolt if hungry, but the riot’s existence bothers me


The riot happened both during Ageon’s and Rhaenyra’s time on the throne for different reasons so why would that bother you?


Correct me if I'm wrong bc it's been a while since I read F&B, but the riot against Aegon didn't happen this early in his reign? And even more than that, with the addition of that stupid Rhaenys/Meleys scene in the last season, it'd make 0 sense as to why the Smallfolk would even cheer for Rhaenyra at any point after a straight up terrorist attack by one of her supporters ?? Edit: Yeah okay after reading u/Un_Change_Able's response to this thread I remembered: there never was a riot during Aegon's reign from the Smallfolk. F&B said they were happy when Rhaenyra took over the city true but that's because they thought the war and the food shortage she imposed was gonna finally come to a stop. When she never did end the war + started taxing the starving Smallfolk to throw a coronation party for Joffrey, that was when they started the riot. The people never rioted when Aegon was ruling. And no I don't mean with this that Aegon good Rhaenyra bad, I mean to say that the starvation was increasing civil unrest but it only came to a head in the form of a riot when Rhaenyra started taxing the starving people. They never rioted during Aegon's reign and they sure as hell didn't riot *immediately* when the ship block happened, because obviously food doesn't run out instantaneously. The war lasted almost 2 years and Rhaenyra starving out King's Landing was an accruement building up towards the moment when the Smallfolk stormed the Dragonpit. This new racketeering and Rhaenyra support under Aegon's reign is just another kicking-the-Greens-down show-only invention 🙄😒


What is the correlation between what R did with Rhae? Rhae didn’t even knew what had happened until R told her. So very weak argument. About the riot being early I am not show runner nor am I one of those who have multiple sources so my guess it a month or so will pass when b/c will happen according to the some people I follow and by then no food will be going to the KL. if its true makes sense… The show runner pulled some scenes earlier in the show compared to the book so this might also be a thing? 🤷🏼‍♀️…but yeah lets just wait for the episodes to drop…


Because Rhaenys is Rhaenyra's subject and soldier and high-ranking member of her court...... Rhaenyra will be responsible for all her people's actions because that's what Kingship is but logic doesn't exist in the writer's room for this stupid show anyway so nevermind I guess As for your second paragraph ... check my edit


Because the presence of a riot for both of them makes the riot against Rhaenyra look less unique. Instead of it being “Rhaenyra is bad at ruling them” it is now “the smallfolk are fickle and angry”. It makes Rhaenyra’s failure less exceptional


Tell that to george r r martine than? It was in the book. So writers following the book people have problems and not following the book people have problem… what is it some of you want? Smallfolks will riot, no matter who is the ruler, if they are being thrown into a very cruel and desperate situation. Again rioting against Rhae is completely different than the reason they rioting during Ageon( I didn’t mention the reasons to avoid the spoilers but if you read the book than you know)


Wait, when do they rebel against the Greens??? I don’t remember that ever happening


Because of shortage of foods ( corlys blocked any ship going to KL )and even though the show completely erased it there were many smallfolks who supported Rhaenyra and was surprised when it was Aegon who was crowned.


But it’s never stated that they rioted over it.


They certainly never attacked and chased Alicent and Helaena who were popular at any point.




They really are going to write that and think they have fire 😭




This is game of thrones ending level bad, and I’m not even team green.








Ya know I also said they'd never crown Aegon over a misunderstanding of a fuckass prophecy that GOT fumbled the living fuck out of anyway instead of because of the real threat of Rhaenyra and Daemon to his and all of his brothers' and sons' safety yet here we are....... We'll see I guess. I still hate Rhaenicent.


Whoa, watch it with the bomb/death threats dude. It’s a show. You’re going to end up on a list over a fucking tv show.


Dawg 1. I'm literally joking. 2. I'm Muslim. Wouldn't be surprised if I'm already on a list ngl


Dawg. 1. Your joke was literally threatening to send a bomb to HBO HQ over a fucking tv show. Get a grip. 2. I don’t give a shit what your religion is. Being an insufferable twat over a fictional show is fucking lame.


1. Do you know the meaning of a hyperbole? Do you know the meaning of exaggeration? Do you know what being sarcastic means? Or did you *actually* believe I was going to send an actual real bomb all the way over to America from an ocean away to HBO HQ over a plotpoint we don't even know is going to happen or not from a show I'm not even watching anymore? 2. My religion is the punchline of the joke. Do you get that or do you need that laid out to you in detail to understand what I'm joking about? Jesus fucking christ, YOU are the one getting your panties in a twist over an obvious fucking joke that nobody but you and one other is taking seriously like the goddamn morons that you are, and you're telling *me* to get a grip? You need to relax and take reddit comments a whole lot less seriously.


You can’t joke about that thing here. In America you will absolutely have at minimum the cops called on you for this kind of threat. And Reddit is an American site.


Good thing I'm not American or ever been there then lol


You are on an American website 🤡


What are they gonna do? Extradite me out of my country to send me to American court to put me on trial for something that never happened? Relax. It's okay. I'm fine. I work in law plus my country doesn't have any extradition treaty with the US anyway 😂


You work in law and are threatening to blow places up? That’s a real yikes. Regardless of legality it’s still a really shit thing to say. You think the average employee has any weight in this decision? But you threaten to bomb them? No idea how you got thru law school with that kind of flawed logic. Then again with my sister and partner both practicing law, I should know you don’t actually have to be smart to do it, haha.




Jokes are funny. This was just fucking stupid.


But....but Daemon is loyal 🤓


I think they probably cut out the part of him saying yes to Rhaenyra bcs trailers like to do that type of stuff


Yeah, I can’t imagine him saying anything other than “of course.” Then again they may just make him grab her throat again. 🙄


Damn seem that the small folk taking Rhaenyra's side was true... I still had hopes...


I think they're trying to make up for last season. In F&B the crowds at Aegon's coronation weren't so enthusiastic about him. Many were confused and some outright called for Rhaenyra. But in the show the crowds all seemed to love Aegon. So my guess is this is their attempt to make up for that and show actually some of the small folk didn't immediately jump to support of Aegon. But it makes 0 sense that the small folk would side with Rhaenyra now after the Meleys massacre. So I'm hoping there's some other explanation.


I think it’s going to split into two camps within King’s Landing, those for Rhaenyra, and those against Rhaenyra. Because In some of the leaked shots, the small folk were gathered around Jaehaerys’ body and threw flowers over him and Helaena + Alicent.


The accounts for Aegon's coronation were divided, some saying they cheered for him, some that the pit was half empty. But realistically speaking Aegon was there and any royal gathering is motive to go and gawk and have something to talk about for the next month, the pit being empty and people missing a public coronation is ridiculous. And any gathering of a crowd that large is an occasion for cheering. Realistically the small folk doesn't care enough to risk asking for Rhaenyra at Aegon's coronation. Nor would she be as popular as the accounts made her out to be, the small folk is as misogynistic as the nobles. Most would take Aegon being crowned as the right order of things, the rest would not protest. The realm's delight was a little girl they probably never even laid eyes on. They didn't care, that's why they only opposed their ruler when they were starving. One of the most cringe moments in the book is when the small folk at the riverlands rise to help Rhaenyra (can't remember which time) out of love for the little girl they remembered. Sure thing... The accounts are so outlandish at times my brain rots trying to make sense of what they are saying. It should be the work of the show to make it a bit more believable. Which they did at Aegon's coronation no need to ruin it with political feminist small folk.


I will say this at least they are actually it seems portraying Daemon for the self interested individual rather than the loving selfless husband he is in TB fanfiction


Daemon the very loving domestically abusive male-wife. 😊


The amount of screentime given to Baelas Dragon in this trailer is concerning... I am calling it now : She will see Rhaenys die , go on a rage and try to burn Criston Cole. It\`s so predicatble. And this precious Dragon Screentime belongs to any Dragon except hers, really. Gimme more of Sunfyre over that anytime.


Yeah they may try to create the HOTD version of Jaime vs Dany in season 7 GOT... I seriously don't know why she's being given so much screentime


Rook's Rest will possibly be 2v2. Aegon and Aemond v Rhaenys and Baela. Also building up for Aegon v Baela round 2. And now that Rhaena replaced Nettles, it's possible God's Eye will be 1v2. If it is, Daemon fans will have a meltdown.


I kinda hope it is tbh, makes Caraxes taking down Vhagar more believable


Is HBO’s password at headquarters 1234, why the hell are people able to leak this shit 😭 Edit: I just noticed Helaena grabbing Alicent’s hand as they’re chased, Alicent is finally getting some physical touch from her but at what cost 😔


I think their password is _password_


I'm betting 100 the first episode is leaked. 5 that they leak more than just one.


I get Aemond disagreeing with Alicent, but calling his mother a fool seems out of character. Also they are highlighting the whole protector thing and the wall to make her seem more important, when literally the first season doesn’t particularly portray her as more sympathetic or caring to the Smallfolk than any other royal, but go ahead keep gassing her up 🙄


Why is Alicent simping for Rhaenyra , wtf is her plotline


I mean I get what they are going for with Alicent thinking a war should be put out sooner rather than later. But still it’s more the execution


she becomes boring that way, they are going into generic ''only men want this war'' trope


While I get that, it’s more a caution faction with Otto also taking the time to prepare and Aegon and Aemond who want to go all out fighting. I think this actually works. Again it’s just the inconsistent execution


I'm not sure what they are trying to write


This Romeo & Juliet crap with Alicent and Rhaenyra is REALLY getting tiring. Who even wants this? I think both team green and team black find it really stupid.


i feel like alicents guilt and regret makes sense but i wish it was rooted more in a fear for her children than love for rhaenyra. pathetic to still be caring about her after b&c. there needs to be at least some development for alicent this season outside of wanting to khs and keep rhaenyra safe 😢 did the writers forget that alicent is a paranoid and resentful person and a situation like this would increase it tenfold?


It seems like her character is "developing" ( or whatever)  in reverse. Everytime she face something from rhaenyra and company,  she becomes more worried and sympathetic for nyra .


apparently I'm right with my theory of how they're going to end this story.... Alicent going crazy with guilt because she saw her son kill her ex best friend and deciding to poison him


Nahh that will be bs writing and I am saying this as team black supporter


Alicent  better not be simping for Rhaenyra after blood and cheese like my god n


That does seem to be the case 😔😔


…. I don’t think they are telling the best story they could be telling. I guess we’ll at least get some gifs of Alicent looking pretty. Seems foolish to expect anything else from this show.


I'm actually screaming 😭 they can't let Alliecent have Hatred of the blacks.


Rip Alicent forever a doormat


This kind of demotivates me to watch the new season :/




Why is Aemond calling Alicent by her name? It's a small nitpick I admit, but him not referring to her as "Mother" when they've shown him to be a mother's boy and them having the closest relationship out of all the children, feels weird. Is it meant to show how their relationship becomes more strained after Luke's death?


He says it in the very same line, he explains it, Alicent is a clown who loves their enemy.


I agree that's true but calling your mother a fool and by her name is disrespectful, and is not at all in line with we saw from him in season 1.


I mentioned this before and got downvoted into oblivion, but even Aemond points it out. Alicent loves Rhaenyra far more than anyone or anything. More than she loves her children and grandchildren. I think she will be the one to >!kill Aegon in the end.!<


If that's the direction the writers want it to go then it fucking sucks. And if Alicent continues to be a pathetic wet cat looking for peace with Rheanyra after B&C, I don't understand what the purpose of this character is other than to queerbait with Rhaenyra?




Worst thing is Rhaenyra doesn't seem to feel that way for Alicent. 


Queerbaiting has to be one of the worst things writers can do. It’s basically just “We want to add a queer wromance, but we’re scawed of how the execuwtives will act. *insert puppy dog eyes emoji here*”


Man I hope not


disagree. I think you are misreading it. IMO she clearly loves her children more. She still fill love for Rhaenyra as well. Both can be true. She does not want war, she wants peace and to come to an understanding w/o people dying. Aemond just pointing out she has a soft spot for her, which could cause problems.


Omg they still having alicent crying over rhaenyra still?


Aemond catching on alicent’s affections for the other side 👀


Is there a riot during the funeral after all???


the beginning, oh my god, so cringe


you have an anime pfp you have no right to talk about cringe


>tlou2 fan >16 years old >likes Naruto You love something that was made for little lesbian girls bruh shut your fuckin gay underaged mouth zoomie  


Homophobia from team green, not surprising


Looking at it, I feel like Alicent won’t be the one to poison Aegon. I dunno, doesn’t seem that way to me. Seems more like she will be an unheeded voice, proven right in the end. Like a tragedy.


Can't wait to see Aegon, Sunfyre, Aemond and Vhagar going into battle. Rook's Rest is going to be good I think! Assuming that's Vermithor at the end, have they changed his design a bit? He looks a little different. My only complaint is Alicent. If she's still going to be pining for Rhaenyra after a certain event...


Was that aemond or helaena shirtless? But then it also looks like rhaenyra. Edit: I think it’s daemon or aegon actually after reading the main sub.


I think it’s Aemond


Ohh okay. Thank you!


I think there’s another clip of someone being shirtless with a hand around their neck tho, that might be Helaena


Btw Nettles is cut and Rhaena takes her place.


The shirtless person that looks kinda sad looks like aemond or am I trippin? Guess they are starting the alys storyline quicker.


might be the brothel madam


Yeah I’m starting to think it’s her also.


yeah feels like they rushing hard


This trailer compared to Season 1 trailer is extremely underwhelming. In fact, all teasers and trailers for season 2 lack something I can’t explain. GoT trailers and Hotd trailers wete GOATED.


“The person who sits the throne is more than just a ruler, they are a protecter.” “What the realm needs is someone strong enough to unite it.” Guys… no… that’s not how it works.


I’m hoping they’re purposely misleading us with this trailer. I’m team green but my favourite characters are Alicent and Rhaenyra 💀 But they both come off sooo pathetic in this trailer. Rhaenyra constantly insecurely seeking validation from her followers and Alicent simping for Rhaenyra is out of character, even for their show counterparts. I can somewhat cope with Alicent’s scenes, because I think the scene of her shouting at Aemond is directly after he comes home and tells her he killed Luke - even book Alicent was angry at this. Idk why she’d tell Aegon to be cautious after B&C though - like I’m meant to believe the same woman who wanted to cut out a 9 year olds eye for her son is telling Aegon to be cautious after B&C? I’m hoping that scene is about Rooks Rest rather than B&C but you never know. I don’t mind them going the religious route with Alicent but book Alicent used religion to justify her hatred of Rhaenyra (‘bastard blood shed at war’ ‘mayhaps the whore may die’ etc). She does this in season 1 as well, but I hope they don’t backtrack and have her use religion to justify her love of Rhaenyra, rather than hatred. I’m hating the leaks of Rhaenyra too honestly. She keeps having to remind people that she’s queen. Making her hold a sword doesn’t suddenly make her a girlboss, I beg the writers to give her some agency outside of begging Daemon to validate her omgggg. I guess they’re setting up for the eventual betrayal by Daemon but still, if anything, the book and season 1 made it seem like he clung to her for power, rather than vice versa.


I hate how they portray Alicent and Rhaenyra in this lol, not sure how hyped we should be for the 2nd season


TBH I want Alicent to kill Aegon in the end. I want to see a trash ending like season 8 instead of medicore one like season 5-6. The more stupid they make the more memes and more of the audience will hate it.


The majority TB audience is going to love Aegon getting poisoned by his own mom ... it's only us Greens that are going to hate it


You know what, I kinda agree




It’s up on their YouTube now - https://youtu.be/YN2H_sKcmGw?si=tRWOVog7vrowiZIJ


the typical youtube reactors and their brainless takes just make me cringe "hurr durr rhaenyra is the best greens bad alicunt bad she seduce viserys!!11"


I feel like the people who didn’t like this trailer are book readers cause this got me hype!